I told you so... o___o; Like it? The noises are kind of funky. :I
Meh, why did I pick pink...? Dx
AKA: How old are you? Since I’ve seen a lot of whippersnappers around here I just wanted to get an average for the heck of it.
I haven’t heard all of them, but the original seems a lot better. Remixes are usually a nice refresher, but I felt after the first few repeats I was sick of them. Crawling the worst. < Faint the best. What do you think?
What are you suppose to be doing right now? =D Art/American government home work for me. D;
I think I'm getting better....? ._____.;; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx-LUgkjEH4
Watch it please? I've never made a moving AMV before (and I know KH isn't an anime xD). So this is my first, and It might be crappy- but I still want you guys to see it!- If that makes any sense... Dx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_MRpooy--Y I made it on windows movie maker. P:
Not much editing… ^^; And I feel a page stretch coming on...? Original image: Profile picture: Made from those icons- umm, somewhere on this site. >3>
On DA: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/59099958/ Speedy drawing (I didn’t try that hard… sorry) >3> Me thinks he looks better with his hair down… So I drew this a while ago, but it’s kingdom hearts related so Yuss! Gah! I didn’t color his hair with enough gray. Woops. xD
Okay, so I have been re-listening to the same cycle of songs for a while now. Replaying them so much that they feel all~ Strung out over worked hooker-ish. So suggest to me some good bands or just songs you luv/find entertaining please? My ears crave something new Dâ€: A few of the songs I’ve over played that you may or may not enjoy hearing…?: 1.) Lily Allen: http://www.radioblogclub.com/open/145396/alfie/Lily Allen- Alfie 2.) Mika: http://www.radioblogclub.com/open/142038/mika_ring_ring/Mika - Ring ring 3.) (Japanese) M-flo: http://www.radioblogclub.com/open/110185/tripod/M-flo -Tripod baby 4.) (Techno) Daft punk: http://www.radioblogclub.com/open/1.../Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger 5.) Muse: http://www.radioblogclub.com/open/142665/muse_starlight/Muse - Starlight 6.) Placebo: http://www.radioblogclub.com/open/139463/placebo_i_do/Placebo - Nancy Boy 7.) (It’s pretty funny :3) From a Tony hawk game or something: http://www.radioblogclub.com/open/72526/busdriver_imaginary_places/Busdriver - Imaginary Places ^Is this considered advertising? Because others have posted links to you tube… so I think this is ok eh? (tell me if the links even work xD) I gave you songs now give me song titles yes no? :D (you don’t have to post a link to it, just the title is fine~)
I'm new here~ :3 Yeah, ok- I cheated and posted in a few things before getting around to this~ But hey, I’m here now :3 I’ve read the rules (such a good student I am! xD) And… I… Don’t know what-to-say. Oh! I’m sun burnt right now! Gah It’s terrible; The beach is not y’friend love. Ah, but it’s not that bad a burn so I’ll live. (I know you missed me already- not) x3 So about me: I Role play, draw, and enjoy mostly the kid-ish games! I like: Katamari, DDR, Dirge of Cerberus, Kingdom hearts (of course) and some other FF game my friend barrowed it’s been so long I can’t even remember which one it was- Craaap. And that’s it!