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  1. Aelin
    Karina wasn't in the mood for her father as he walked back in the room, seeming so confident that he had won. "You don't know my friend. If you think you have won and they bought that, you are wrong." She hoped. She desperately hope that was true. Karina had faith in her friends that they wouldn't just believe they would leave them, especially not after what she had told Beuce back in Olympus. Beuce knew that they were her new family and she trusted them more than anything, she wasn't going to give them up that easily. She could only stand there and look at her father, still holding her injured hand. "Even if they don't come for me, I will get out myself. I refuse to stay here and marry him!" Karina shouted before launching herself at her father, swinging her already bloddy fist. She was trying to at least get whatever this keycard he had was to let herself out of the room. She didn't think she could beat her father in a fight, but he didn't know how strong she had gotten, maybe she could overpower him long enough to make a run for it.

    Post by: Aelin, Apr 10, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Aelin
    "Do you know what dad will do to you if you don't. Cut the crap Karina!" Clearly she had gotten under his skin with the way she was talking. There was almost a sense of satisfaction from Karina seeing Eric snap like that. She would rather be hated by her family then play these weird mind games that they tried to play.

    "I know what he will try to do, but guess what Eric, I am not alone. You aren't the only one that can protect me. For the first time in my life I have real friends, and I know that they are coming for me." Determination radiated off of Karina as she stared her brother down. She wasn't going to give up on believing her friends would come for her. Even if they didn't, she would find a way out, even if it took some time. She wasn't going to let herself be left behind.

    "We have an army, no matter how much you refuse, these friends of yours can never best them. Give up Karina." Eric scolded as he started heading towards the door.

    "Then you underestimate my friends." The door was slamming shut before Karina could do anything else, leaving her with her thoughts and bleeding hand. So it was official she had lost Eric, now she had to be as convicted as she sounded when it came to her friends rescuing her. Eric was right, they had an army, but she had to believe that she wouldn't be left behind. She had to believe in them, even if belief was hard right now.

    Post by: Aelin, Apr 7, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Aelin
    With permission to go, Jaycob followed shortly behind Spectre and Danni as they left the room. He was in charge, but he had little idea exactly how to go about doing any of this. Damn why did they have to make this so difficult, his normal routine usually involved the police doing most of the heavy lifting and then calling him in when they have a concise idea of what they needed done. Either way he had to at least try and be useful. Running his fingers through his hair, Jay looked at the group before him and let out a sigh. "Your not wrong Spectre, we should look into that letter, but it is hard to start. I suppose we could go back to my office and see if I can cross reference the names in the letter with previous acquaintances of Rex . Perhaps that will five us some ideas, and since the cat is out of the bag on my job, it will be easier to do since I can just walk up to my own computer this time." Jaycob suggested just trying to figure out a starting point. "And maybe while I do that, you guys could take a closer look at the areas that can't be read, perhaps some letters or indents in the paper are legible enough we can at least take a guess of what they are supposed to say." He continued hoping that was a satisfactory starting point.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 6, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Aelin
    Karina looked annoyed at her brother before finally asking. "And when do you guys think this wedding will be?" This was by no means her folding to her families wishes, she just wanted to know how much they were planning.

    "June 21st, your 19th birthday." Eric answered seeming rather proud of the date they had chosen. They must have been confident that they were getting her back since that was not but two months away.

    "Well you better cancel it, because it is not going to happen, I don't care what dad says, I will not go home." Karina glared back at her brother. "So why don't you help me out and let me out of here. If you want to stay and be dads puppet that is fine, but I am not going to be."

    Up until that moment, Eric was wearing a rather calm and collected face, but that comment seemed to annoy him greatly. He walked up and grabbed the wrist of her injured hand and held it tight enough that it hurt. "I am not a puppet, I am doing what I need to do for our home, our world. I wanted to make sure that our home survives, and many others do to. It has nothing to do with our father!" He snapped at her.

    "Good luck doing it. A lot of these worlds are in danger from heartless, a regular sword won't effectively stop them, you need a keyblade." Karina tried to explain as she yanked her arm back. "And you don't let woman fight, so you are hopeless without me, not that I would help anyways." Karina tried to get her point across.

    "You are right, woman don't need to fight, but you could support your future husband by giving him the tools he needs, you aren't special." Eric retorted, much to Karina's disdain.

    "Scott will never, never be worthy of the keyblade!"

    Post by: Aelin, Apr 6, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Aelin
    There was a knock at the door and Karina looked up for a moment but hesitated. "Hey Karina, it's me." The voice was familiar, and she couldn't help but smile slightly. There was another few muffled words that she couldn't quite make out before "...I came to see you." There was another moment of silence before the door click and then open. It was a pleasant surprise and gave her some hope, when she saw who was on the other side. "I am glad to see you." She said looking fully at the one standing in the doorway.

    "Glad to have you back, I have worried about you since you left." Eric said stepping into the door and locking it behind him. So he wasn't here to get her out, that disappointed and worried her. Eric and her had always had each others backs, but maybe the vision was true... maybe her father had already bent him to his will. She hoped not, but she didn't know what to do. However the way that her brother dressed said something different. While it was more casual than normal, she could tell he was dressed in a uniform, though he seemed to have abandoned the coat and had in favour of the plain white shirt that was tucked into his trousers. Eric walked over and knelt beside her bed and looked at her face. "He got to you already, didn't he?" He said gently touching her bruised cheek.

    "Yeah, it didn't take long. But he didn't try to kill me, so I guess that is something." Karina said trying to make it sound positive, the best she could given the situation.

    "You were worried about that? Nah you are still his daughter." Eric definitely lost the rebellious nature that he had before.

    "No I was his belonging, there is a difference." Karina stated coldly as Eric tried to take her hand to bandage it. She pulled away from him and stood up, giving her brother the cold shoulder.

    "Either way, not for much longer. Soon you can be away from him. You will be with Scott, Scott will become my right hand man, and together we can lead the country, with my intelligence and his muscles. It will be fine. He is a good soldier." Eric tried to assure her, but Karina rolled her eyes.

    "That doesn't make him a good husband. I won't marry him. Besides since when did you ever have interest in the military. When I left you did whatever you could to avoid it." Karina countered sounding more and more annoyed by the moment.

    "Well things change Karina. We can't live in our little fantasies anymore. Besides I have learned that you don't have to be a fighter to be good for this job, the ability to plan and know what is best is just as good. My intelligence is just as powerful as dads power. I just need someone to help sure up my authority and that is what Scott will do, all that needs to happen now is that you need to stop running away from your responsibility to this family. Besides Mom already made the dress. Dad let her start planning the wedding and she is so excited for it." Silence just echoed around her as she stood there listening to her brother unable to believe what she was hearing. Even her brother had finally completely turned to her fathers side.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 6, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Aelin
    As the recorder seemed to be struggling through trying to function, Karina started pacing again until suddenly. "Hey, this is Hikaruuuuuuuuuu" Then it was silent. The recorder played no more. Karina just stood there for a moment, blinking. That voice was so familiar, but why? "H-hikaru? Who is?" She rushed back towards the recorder and tried to put it back together. "Come on, come on. Hikaru, speak to me. Let me hear that voice again. It tickles the back of my memory but I don't know why. Please speak again." She started to frantically mash the button, but it didn't play anymore. "Come on!" She screamed at the recorder, hoping it would do something, but when it didn't she got frustrated. She was holding back so many emotions and suddenly she just felt herself lose it for a moment as she punched the mirror near her. The glass splintered and got stuck into her hand. Karina cried out for a moment in pain and frustration before sitting back on the bed. "Who is Hikaru?" She yelled out to the air while cradling her now bleeding hand.

    Post by: Aelin, Apr 3, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Aelin
    After a while of staring in resolve, Karina finally say back on the bed and took out her recorder. For a moment she started to listen back to her old recordings, but then they just sounded... pathetic. She didn't like listening to herself when she was weak. Besides they were no longer for Eric, it was nothing she wanted Eric to hear. Turning off the recording, she placed the device on the floor before stepping on it, crushing it beneath her boot. It let out a few more wheezes of her voice before the small box finally died. It was an anchor in the past that she didn't need anymore. For a long time it felt like it was all she had, but she knew that wasn't true anymore, she didn't want the excuse to hold onto anything from that time.

    Post by: Aelin, Apr 3, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Aelin
    Pacing through the room, Karina was feeling like a caged animal. She couldn't stand sitting still, couldn't stand the thoughts in her mind. After a few minutes she paced back to her drink that she had left sitting beside her bed, quickly smashing that back. It tasted disgusting, but it dulled her senses a little bit. It wasn't to the point of completely inhibiting her, but it took the edge off, enough to understand why her mom apparently did it. She stared at her reflection in the mirror, slowly grabbing her hair and lifting it into an up-do like most woman on her world wore. It was now a little short for it, but she couldn't bring herself to care. Staring at her reflection she found herself looking pathetic. All this strength and she still couldn't do anything against her father. She didn't bow immediately to him, but she was still locked in this room, unable to summon her keyblade, and utterly alone. Could she ever be what her father wanted her to be? How could this end?

    While all these thoughts clouded Karina's head, she spotted the glint of her necklace in the mirror. Dropping her hair she held her necklace instead. Beuce had given that to her, whens he had been so lost, he found her and gave her the necklace. While she felt alone, she wasn't, not anymore. He was smart, if her father told him she was dead, he would know that there was something wrong with that. She didn't care how awkwardly that conversation back in Olympus has been, it wouldn't be enough to stop him from coming for her, or any of the others. Kel, Stratos, Kaida, Luna, they all had such good hearts. She had seen many times how they wouldn't let anyone just go. Him... She couldn't quite remember who he was, but she knew that he had given her the ring that she wore. Even when she always thought herself apart from the rest, the boy that gave her the ring saw it differently. She hated that she couldn't remember his face, but she had faces that she could remember. People who would come for her, because even with all the strength in the world, there was no fighting her father. But she didn't have to fight her father, she just needed faith in her friend. The people who were too kind for their own good and welcomed her back with open arms. Slowly a spark in her heart lit and instead of pacing the room with almost a hopelessness, Karina stood tall. When they came she would be ready to do whatever it took to get out with them, and keep them safe. This was a setback, not a defeat, she just had to remember that.

    Post by: Aelin, Apr 1, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Aelin
    Well that wasn't all that useful of information. There was no guarantee that he had anything that could help with information. As long as he covered his tracks though, no one would care, so he would be careful with that. He then raised an eyebrow to another comment. "So he won't listen to A-7 Elite enforcers, but you think he will to a cop, a street girl, a barista and a government experiment. You seem to have lofty ideals." Don't get him wrong, he would still do it, but it did seem a little silly. He didn't even care that he outed himself as a cop, Nicholas did that when he announced him as the leader of the group. Spectre would just have to live with it, after all, he didn't arrest her. It should be clear now that he wasn't here to get her for some reason, but just to do a job. If they all understood it, then it should be fine. "So should I take this as you are dismissing us?" He asked looking to the locked door wondering if it would be opening for them soon.
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 31, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Aelin
    Karina cringed as she tried a sip of whiskey. It was terrible. Still she found herself taking another sip of it. It was at least something else to focus on, the burning sensation as it trickled down her throat. With the tray of food empty, Karina found herself getting up to start pacing the room. First she walked towards the door and began to examine the door, seeing if she could find a way out. Of course it didn't surprise her that there wasn't, but she couldn't not check. She then paced towards the window looking out. There was no hope in escaping that way. "Damn it!" Karina shouted as she punched the wall. Finally the tears she was holding back started to flow. She hated herself for crying, hated that she let herself get into this situation. She hated that she couldn't summon her keyblade. It was gone, again. After everything she went through to get it back, after becoming a master, she still was hopeless. If Beuce believed her father, if he managed to convince him that she was dead, there would be no one coming for her. If that were to happen, perhaps it was better to actually fulfill her fathers lie. Why did she have to sit in a room that reminded her so much of home. How did he manage to find a jail that was worse than actually being in jail? "I won't be his possession. I won't. I swear." She kept repeating it to herself to try and keep herself from breaking completely. She was near that point and she didn't want to be.​
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 29, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Aelin

    Jaycob listened closely to all that was said. At least everyone eventually agreed to join in this endeviour, so it wasn't a complete waste of time. Then he continued to shut them all in the room. Jaycob couldn't help but laugh a little bit to himself. If he could touch any mechanism that connected to the main controls, he could get himself out of here. Whatever he was trying to do, it wouldn't be enough to stop someone with the right set of abilities, his set of abilities. Either way, he could at least admire his attempt at making the secure, and it would be from most people, including all the normies that seemed to work here and were judging him when he came through the first time.

    The mission was then laid out before them and Jaycob found himself leaning against the wall listening to the conversation. "So you want us to catch this Rex guy for you? Sending freaks against freaks to deal with the situation. I suppose I can manage that." Meanwhile Danni was asking more questions. It wasn't wrong of her to do so, but Jaycob found it easier to learn as he went and work on a need to know basis. After all working for the Police they only told him what he absolutely needed to know to get the job done. "So what sort of resources do we have for this? Police records? City cameras? Do I have to hack into the legal system for this crap still, or do we get access to anything we need. Also immunity from the law. Most of my helpful abilities aren't considered particularly legal." Nor would most people, but he regularly invaded peoples privacy, and he would need to continue doing it just to get the right information. He refused to come out of this a criminal.
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 28, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Aelin
    The doorknob to her room opens a crack, as a man peers inside. He widens it further as he steps inside. "Good, you're up." He walks casually towards the dresser and begins to poor a glass of whiskey with his back to her. "Your mother had breakfast made for you. I told her not to bother as it would go to waste." He turned to her as dropped ice cubes in his glass. "Was I right?"

    Karina looked over to the food and then back towards the man that had just walked in. Fear gripped her heart even as she just stared at his back. This was not home, that much she knew. She knew every room of her childhood house in and out and this was not it, but whatever this was, it wasn't good. Slowly Karina walked over to the bed and sat down picking at the food. She had nothing against her mother and doubted her father would put this much effort into poisoning her. "Where am I and how did you find me?" Was all Karina asked as she brought a mouth full of food up and started to eat as she looked at her fathers back, knowing if she couldn't do this, she could never truly stand up to him.

    Alexander looked over to the sealed window and pushed a button next to to the sealed window, as the aluminum blinds lifted in a mechanical motion. The outside of the room was nothing but empty space. "You're on the Sanctuary. A vessel meant to colonize those that have lost those worlds... As to how we found you- well... you're endeavours haven't exactly been quiet. As usual, you've been making a loud mess of things." He took a swig from his glass. "But I'm not here to discipline you." He leaned against the dresser. "I'm here to talk. Do you understand?"

    Karina rolled her eyes. To talk, her father never just wanted to talk. This could only end well. "If you mean helping people, then yes I made a loud mess." Karina sighed before standing up, taking a croissant with her as she stood next to her father, trying her best not to feel so small under him. Standing helped a bit, but not enough. "What do you want to talk about?"

    "You're slouching." he commented, taking another drink. "What was the point of educating you if you can't even stand properly." His eyes narrowed down on her. "I'm here to discuss your future. Last we spoke, you ran from your duty to this family. A course you will NOT repeat a second time." He stood properly as if demonstrating not to slouch. "That so called 'help' you've been handing out is a violation of world order law. Worlds are not meant to be meddled in. You're lucky I convinced the council that you were merely a victim of circumstance. Half your friends are already being detained. Be grateful you aren't among them."

    She was hating this already. She had not been speaking to her father for more then five minutes and he was already getting on her nerves. She listened as he lectured her before glaring over at her father. "If you want to talk about violating world order, maybe they should be looking at the groups that are kidnapping people and bringing monsters into the world. We were just there to clean things up." She knew explaining would be useless and while she worried about her friends, she more worried for what else her father had to say. "So what about my future. What do you think you have planned?"

    Her father's eyes remained listless as he barely acknowledged looking at her. "You realize of course one of your friends has been leaking information to said terrorist group, yes?" He cracked his neck loudly. "I doubt it though... You were always a slow learner. As for what I have planned for you it doesn't really matter. You see I failed you as a father by telling you your future. I gave you a gilmpse, and therefore; a choice as to what your destiny was. That was my mistake. I told your brother what to do and he acknowledged. He fell in line. You on the other hand still insist on this tiresome rebellious phase of yours."

    "Yes I know." Karina snapped immediately. "We don't know who so I don't want to sow discord through the group, but we know enough." Karina continued as she looked back outside. "And what exactly do you think you will tell me to do? You still haven't answered that at least." She wouldn't acknowledge it being a rebellious phase, since it wasn't a rebellious phase. Trying to explain that would not go well.

    He turned his eyes to match her. "I despise the way you look at me. You look at me as if I killed your dog. But we both know that you owning a dog would have merely distracted you, among other things." He finished one last drink before putting the glass on the coaster. "You're going to be re-educated in the ways of etiquette. Like a proper lady. Then, once you are fully suitable to be worthy of a husband, Scott Stomond will ask for your hand in marriage. You will accept, mother his children and I will finally be able to align myself with the Stomond family's military force. That, you stupid girl, is what you will diligently obey."

    Karina had to take a deep breath. The man he wanted her to marry was a sadist. He was the kind to kill the dog because he had a bad day. Telling her father no again however would mean more pain for her, so she had to figure something else out. "It is too late for that, I am already engaged." Karina blurted out the words before she had time to think about what she was saying. Being married was the only way for her father to not have control over her life in her world, so it was said out of desperation. She just hoped it would get her father to lay off.

    Alexander asked, looking away from her. "And who is this new fiancee of yours?"

    Oh Beuce would certainly murder her for this, but it was better than dealing with her father. Karina stood up straight and lifted her head high as she looked her father dead in his eyes. "His name is Beucefilous Alexander. I met him through this.. how did you put it... loud mess? And unlike Scott, he isn't a sadist." She stated with all the fake confidence that she could muster.

    "I see." He took out a small screen and entered the name in. "Looks like he's been cleared from the medical bay." He examined the picture of him taken in his medical bed. "Handsome sure, but doesn't seem to have much value to him..." He looked back down to Karina. "Now instead of taking the ugly, predictable route of killing him, I feel it best that I simply tell him you've had the unfortunate circumstance of passing away. Your false death will be hard on him, I'm sure. But he will find another harlot to occupy himself soon enough. That way you are free to marry Scott." He put his pad away and began to walk off. "I'll go tell the young man in person."

    Karina found herself almost ready to cry, something that she didn't do often, but she didn't know how to deal with the emotions around her father anymore. "No! I will not just sit here as you lie about my death. I will not just go home and marry who you want me to. I am my own person. I left and I refuse to be under your control any more." She wasn't going to sit here and let her father tear down her life. She wasn't going to put herself in a spot someone else had to die for her because she was weak. She tried to summon her keyblade to prove how serious she was, but when it didn't come she had to resign to just staring her father down in a rather defensive stance.

    Her father turned as she began mouthing off and sighed before walking back to her. "I know you hate me for making your life choices. I know that you will forever scorn and despise me for the future I chose for you." He stood directly and front of her with an almost empathetic expression. "But I felt it best you should know..."

    Her father slapped her face with his left hand, keeping the same expression. "It was never yours to begin with."
    He turned again, leaving her burning face behind him. "Your victories were shared, your journey was reckless, and the very keyblade you tried to use against me was practically handed to you. But please.... keep telling me I'm wrong." He turned the doorknob and opened the door a crack. "I have to return to my duties now. But before I leave, I'll allow you the courtesy of allowing you to yell any gripes you still have against me. Unless of course you plan to surprise me for once. It would certainly be a nice change of pace for you."

    For a moment her father almost sounded understanding, until the sharp sting of his hand against her cheek left her breathless for a moment. Of course he never changed. Of course he didn't acknowledge her life as her own. She was just a belonging to him and one that he only kept alive because he needed this alliance. If the Stomond's had a daughter she was sure he would throw her away and marry off Eric instead.

    "I will never be your belonging again" It was all Karina had to say. There was no use yelling and screaming at him. He wouldn't listen anyways.

    "You disappoint me..." He looked to the small camera censor at the corner of the room. "This room is under tight surveillance, so do try to keep yourself occupied. Have a drink if it helps. Helped your mother adjust whenever she was out of line. You remind me so much of her in that regard," His expression turned more serious. "Do try to grow out of that." He locked the door behind him.

    With that she was locked in her room again and Karina paced back to her bed to eat. As she did she glanced over towards the whiskey her father told her to drink. She hated it, but she was tempted. She didn't ever drink, but she didn't know how to deal with it, so she started to pace towards the ottoman and pour a drink. She then through the now empty glass of her fathers against the wall before finally sitting down to eat, trying to figure out what to do now.
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 28, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Aelin
    As Karina started to come to, she found herself in a rather comfortable bed. Karina wanted to say that she couldn't remember the last time she slept in such a comfortable bed, but she did, and didn't want to think about it. Slowly opening her eyes she found that she was in a rather lavish suite. Beside her bed was a nice meal, but Karina didn't trust it. She didn't know where she was, or what was going on, so she didn't want to eat the food. Instead she rose from the bed and started trying to get a clue where she was, and more over and idea how she had gotten there.​
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 27, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Aelin
    Jaycob stood there with his arms crossed listening to Nick. For the most part it was better than his day job, so he had nor reason to say no, even if they couldn't seem to come up with a reasonable offer for him. It didn't matter as long as it kept him somewhat occupied with something other than paperwork. Danni on the other hand, didn't seem as convinced however as she spoke of her concerns. "Don't you worry your little mind about any of that. You see, I can handle most things, but you know a gun only gets me so far, I could use backup while I did my real work. I trust you enough not to electrocute us if something dangerous comes around and that is all that matters. You can learn as you go, it is easy really. Besides, if your use comes to just being talking in a way that keeps Zeke here calm, then I say that is a win for us. Besides, are you really going to turn down a chance to work with this hansom face?" Jaycob gave Danni a smoldering look to try to convince her to join. It was clear that he was on board already, it was just a matter of the others, and he was doing everything he could to not have to work so closely with the stuffy A-7 guys and instead have a couple of couple, albeit, young girls with him. The other boy wasn't half bad either, but he needed choices, like come on.
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 26, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Aelin
    It was weird standing there as they were being praised by a god. Karina felt so little compared to him and it disturbed her. She felt weak all the sudden, but she tried to stand tall none the less as he spoke. Karina didn't feel much need to speak back however as there was not much else to say. Kel handled the keyhole for the time being and they had gathered like they were supposed to. Now it was just time for them to get out of there again and onto the next thing, whatever that was going to be. She wasn't entirely sure what to do now, as Shiro didn't really tell her past this. It left her feeling a bit weird as they stood there and she looked around trying to figure it out.
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 26, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Aelin
    Oh goodness, this wasn't going to be easy. He had tried to be careful with his wording, but she was still freaking out and Danni was asking about the Spades. With a sigh, Jaycob ran his fingers through his hair, slightly stressed. "First off, the Spades are a gang, usually spending their time exploiting people through various means, rarely violence, not unless necessary. As for pay, they better be. They are pulling both of us off normal work time to do this, so if they don't pay us then I am not doing it. That being said they refused to give me details until everyone was here." He stated as he reached into the back seat and found a bag with his laptop in it. He flipped it open and set it on the middle consul as he began to hack into the police stations network, but just to get on his own computer that was inside. "I am not a cop and I am not part of the gang anymore. I am just working on my own for now. You aren't going to jail, we are here because it is infinitely easier to hack into systems when you are within wifi range." It was a lie, but he doubted that she knew that much about his life. The part about hacking was true though, not that he needed to hack in. "I just want to run some facial recognition scans to see if I can find the location of this Zeke guy..... and done. Got it." His laptop screen started to flash before it gave him the location with the last seen match. "I need you two ladies to keep an eye out for the kid in the picture, I will drive to the area that security camera's last picked him up in." It would be up to them to actually find Zeke. Hopefully he was still out in the open.
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 24, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Aelin
    Well that was easier than expected, well except the fact that Danni was still freaking out a bit, but at least they could get out of here now. "WcDonalds all around it is then, on me. That goes for both of you." Jaycob gave Danni a pointed apologetic look as he started to head back towards the car, keeping well away from the street that the fight and the weird power had come from. "As long as you don't go too overboard, feel free to order whatever you like. Just try and keep it to two meals. We have one more person to pick up also, so I hope that drive-threw works for everyone." He continued to talk, seeming pretty cool about everything, but was feeling a bit off kilter. When they were in the car and getting their food, Jaycob glanced back. "If you have any questions then ask them now, because soon we are going to be stopping near the police station and I need to not be disturbed when I am hacking into their systems. It is the only way I can think of to find this kid." He stated tossing Zeke's folder back to Spectre to look at if she wanted.
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 24, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Aelin
    Karina combos 3 times
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 24, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Aelin
    Jaycob knelt down next to Danni to help her calm down, offering her a hand up as he went to explain. "She will be down soon. Come on, you are fine." He assured her before Spectre appeared behind them and he stood to face her once more, as she said something he would have rather her not said. "That wasn't the only thing I couldn't keep in my pants. I hope you know I let you take my wallet." He said with a bit of a wink before becoming serious again, thinking about what she said about the blood money, and how much he should say about the situation. Perhaps he should keep the cop part out of it for now at least. "Not my money, A-7. They are assembling a team of us super humans to do their dirty work for them. Understaffed, or so they claim. It is a load of bull if you ask me, but at least it would be cash, enough for a few proper meals." He tried to avoid the comments about his previous gang and just hoped that Danni wouldn't know what The Spades were and wouldn't question it.
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 24, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Aelin
    "I am hoping this will at least help us find one. If she falls for it of course. Which she might not, but it was better than just wandering the streets looking for a literal shadow. It would be difficult to use other methods to find her, given things like facial recognition would be difficult when she didn't particularly have a proper face at times. At least Danni asked a different question too so he could change the subject before she asked about a different plan of action, because frankly, he didn't have another idea yet. "I suppose that you could call what I do, technomancy. Mainly hacking an manipulating technology around me." Jaycob explained before he heard some sort of scuffle. Before he even had time to react, he was suddenly being pulled backwards as a voice whispered to him. He was confused as they were brought into an ally.

    As they got their movement back, the shadow suddenly started to form into a person. "Well that was not what I had planned, but it works." Jaycob mumbled as he turned to talk to Spectre only to see her starting to climb away from him. "Stay here, stay quiet, I will be right back." Jay quickly instructed Danni before he started to climb up after Spectre, not being as agile as her, but making it. At least that was until he had to jump to the next roof, that was where he stopped and finally called out for her, pulling down his hood as he did so. "Spectre, stop. I have a job offer for you. That is why I am here." He quickly explained, hoping the offer of money would be enough to get her to stop and listen.

    As he called to her there was a sudden presence that made Jaycob stop for a moment as he looked at Spectre to see if she seemed to feel it too. There was no mistaking it, the sensation that came across him, there was someone with a strong power nearby. He needed to get back to the other girl. "If you are interested, come down and talk to me. I am going to check on the other girl." He said as he started to head down back to where Danni was. "You okay kid?" He asked as he reached into the inside of his sweater just in case.
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 24, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena