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  1. GarrettFinch

    He could not believe what happened next as Ananta said, 'Sorry, he's not good at talking to people clearly. No manners.' He could believe it but there was nothing to do on it now as she just told them there names. He did not like the fact that Ananta basically said that he was lying when he said they were the SOS which he was not. It waved it off and ignored it for now. That was when Ananta said, 'Yeah uh, that treasure thing....what's it like?' "Well we can almost say that this treasure is not what Hook made it out to be. I still can not get him not wanting to go for this treasure. It is most centrally a trick or trap. Hook not going for this treasure just seem off to me. Smee did say that the crocodile that took his hand lives there. That could be the only reason but I just feel like that it is more then that." He knew that more then likely that they would have to go to this treasure to find out all the answers. After all of that was said he began to look around to where Pan had took them.


    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 13, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. GarrettFinch

    He watched and as Faust said, 'yeah, an ya better not be thinking of lying to us or what we did to will just be tha opening act of whats coming to ya' Faust pressed as he turned back at this captain as he re summoned his keybalde into his hand. He did not think that threatening the captain was the best idea. He was not sure what Faust was up to. 'Captain James Hook to you little one! And should you wish to leave my ship in one piece, you will address me as such!' Hook barked. 'As for not going after the treasure, I simply... don't have the time!' yea that was not all that believable. Smee whispered to the children in hopes of being more reasonable. 'You see, Capn doesn't want to go to skull rock because the crocodile that took his hand lives there.' He could understand that but things still did not make much sense. Before he could say anything to anyone from out of no where, the sound of Hook's voice was heard, but not from Hook himself. As Hook was distracted by Hook, a few small figures in shrouded animal skins, hinted at the keyblade wielders to follow them off the boat and onto a floating rowboat. Captain Hook's vocal impersonator revealed himself as a young red haired boy with pointed ears, and lime green clothes. He floated in the air as if by magic and stood in front of hook.

    The rowboat with the hooded children and keyblade wielders at this point was already to shore as Peter Pan; the flying boy, quickly joined them. "Where are you taking us?" 'Name's Peter Pan! Leader of the lost boys! That's Slightly,' Cubby, and Zidane!!' He really did not know what to say at first so much was going on. 'Well you know about us now, what about you?' "We are the SOS" he said simply. "What can you telll as about this treasure that everyone seems to be interested in?" He just looked on waiting for an answer.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 8, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. GarrettFinch

    With not much going on other then standing around he just let his thought wonder. He did not really trust this captain with a hook but he could not let on that he did not trust him. That was when Ananta asked, 'And just who are you and how do you know about the keyblade?' He did not really think it mattered how this person with a hook knew of the keyblade. They came across many people from the hellfires to other that just wanted them dead. They were more then likely known by a lot at this point. He wondered what the price on the sos groups head was if there was one to begin with. He knew that munny did not need to be involved but it did not mean it did or did not. He turned to Ananta and said, "Word is bound to get a round about the keyblade", he said offhandedly. He really did not know what else to say to her and just shrugged. Keeping who they where at this point was out the window considering this person with a hook knew who they were just not by name and he wanted to keep it that way until they needed to. No one else seemed to be asking other questions so why not try his hand. "Why not go for the treasure yourself? Instead of telling us about it?" There was apart of him that wondered why this captain would tell them about this treasure in the first place unless they wanted it them self or it was a trap. It could be both but he was not about to say anything on that. He was not all that interested in treasure so he just got lost in thought. He was sure that this captain was up to something.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 6, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. GarrettFinch

    After shooting out Thundaga at the pirate and hoping to do something. He noticed that said pirate was having a hard time standing. Fortunately Faust sent the last pirate tumbling over the railing of the ship in the sea below. With the few pirates off the ship and into the water he knew it was over for the time being. He looked around and noticed that the rest of the pirates on the ship were knocked out so they would not be a issue. A large gunshot was fired from the ship's Captain as he berated his crew. As he looked from where the shot came from he noticed a man with a sharp hook as a hand and had on a red coat. He was not particularly surprised another pirate was here. Looking at the hook that could be used as a weapon. This person could be dangerous but on the other hand a pirate who lost there hand was probably not the best fighter. Soon a small, elderly stout man with a striped shirt and red cap began floundering about the deck in his sandals. The captain refereed to him as Mr. Smee. The captain then said, 'Oh wonderful, more of Pan's brats! What do you bilge rats want from me this time?' He paused for a minute at the sight of their keyblades. 'Oh?... Keyblades.... but then that must make you...These are the brats that are giving everyone such trouble?! And here I thought you'd be older..' This captain seemed to know who they were which was problly not a good thing. This also met that this captain was more then likely working with the other who had tried to kill them. 'The Curse of Neverland... I heard the mermaids say of how a curse has befallen the land. It curses those who arrive to turn into mere children...' He grinned for a moment until he heard a ticking sound. From over the ship, the crocodile was grinning as it splashed playfully in the water. Well he knew that this captain did not like crocodiles. The captain continued with 'Yes... well.... I'm afraid if you wish to return to your former selves you'll have to find the treasure hidden in skull rock. But I'd hurry if I were you, I understand Peter Pan wants the treasure for himself... and that spritely crow isn't known for sharing his keep..' Why they would trust this captain was beyond him but he kept these thoughts to himself. He did not say anything for the time being and waited for the others so say something or to say the would agree to get get out of here.

    Post by: GarrettFinch, May 2, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. GarrettFinch

    The battle was in full force at this point. Ananta had joined the battle and used the same thing as him. Thundaga was going off everywhere one from him and now one from Ananta. The pirates at this point were dropping being knocked out left and right at this point. The pirates had decided to attack them all a sudden. He was not really happy about this but as most were knocked out at this point they had made the mistake. Looking around he noticed that everyone had there keyblade out. Soon Kaida ran out a bit and charged at two of the pirates. He liked how much easier it was to move between the pirates. They began to run around trying to get at one of them. The pirates were so much taller that it was just so easy to move out of the way. The pirates were so much slower then all of them that it was just funny to watch. A pirate ship was probably not the beat place for the pirates to fight. There was so much for them to use in the battle that it was no contest. The pirates were not thinking or maybe they were but they were just not that smart. The pirates were just using their swords where they could and would use anything. At this point Kaida jumped up a ladder and then jumped off of one of the pirates' heads. In his mind the pirates were just trying to kill them and not really thinking about much else.

    Faust had moved a pirate towards a bucket. The end result was that the priates' leg ended up hitting mop bucket that had been on the deck long before their in Prompt to landing on it. He watched as the soap and water contents of the bucket went everywhere. He watched as a few pirates had in there way to get Faust slip and slide quite far. The pirates that were still standing and not knocked out were not that many at this point which was good thing. It would not be long until they could figure out what to do next. Looking at the water that Faust had help still and the few pirates that started running towards him. As they ran towards him he ran towards them and at the last moment slide under them. "I think that you can do better then that." The pirates turned around and started running towards him as they reached him he jumped kicked a nearby wall and went over there head. As he stared to land he kicked out at the pirates and the went flying towards the water that was on the pirate ship. The end result was the pirates kept on going until they reached the water and then kept on going and the pirates ended up falling of the ship. There was stiill some pirates at this point. He looked at one who was rubbing there head and decided to go for them. He shot out Thundaga at the pirate hoping to do something to said pirate.

    Pirates: 1/20
    Pirate Hurt: 2/50 left
    Words: 518
    Exp: 100
    Total Exp: 200
    Total Munny: 60
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 22, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. GarrettFinch

    For the most part the others did not seem to follow in what he was saying. He was trying to blend in her with saying they were playing a game but that did not seem to be working out. 'Lost boys on board the Jolly Roger!' A pirate yelled out. At the mention of this a few things came to mind one was that the jolly roger was the name of the ship. The other thing that came to mind was a person name but that seemed less likely. 'Don't you brats know whose ship this is!' He did not really care whos' ship it was. It was rather clear that the pirates did not want them on the ship. The pirates drew out their swords as they prepared to fight. 'Let's make the lot of them walked the plank!' Yea he did not want to end back into the water. At this point he looked over to Stratos was looked confused. Well with the idea of a game out the window he was not sure what to do. "Does it..." he started to ask but the pirates moved in. He then looked to Stratos who just said, 'U-um, can't we talk this out? Um...' The pirates did not seem like they were in a talking mood. At this point they were surrounded and in the center of the ship. The one thing that came to mind in the incoming battle was that because they were now younger would they be less skilled or more or less the same. He did not really want to find out.

    At this point he watched as Stratos summoned out his keyblade. Well fighting must not be as hard as he first thought it might be with two people already with keyblades out. Stratoes then formed a larger fire ball which glowed and was shot out towards the pirates. The attack its self seem to anger pirates even more. This was not good not good at all. The pirates just keept on letting out shouts, as they charged forward. Welp he thought to himself how they had managed to get themselves in another situation was beyond him. It really did not matter who they got on the ship the question was once this battle was over how were they going to get out of this world? The mostly likly thing would be to just take the ship that they were on now. But the problem with that was taking this large of a ship anywhere. With two the the pirates knocked out it was time to do something. With his smaller frame he was easier to move in and out of the pirates' attacks. Thinking about how to best deal with the pirates the first thing that came to mind was to shock them. Shooting lighting out he hit two pirates knocking them out on the spot. As a pirate came running in he kicked a pirate in the head which seem to leave said pirate in pain.

    pirate hurt: 36 health left
    Words: 504
    Exp: 100
    Total Exp: 100
    Total Munny: 30
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 15, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. GarrettFinch

    After he said no and the whale slowly opened it's mouth as the four ships flew out of the mouth onto the vast ocean. Geppetto's ship with Kairi, Sora, Riku and Pinocchio landed no problem. Something a little more unorthodox happened with the other vessels however. Small rifts had opened up and there were thrown out to vastly different areas. As the rift opened up the ship entered it.

    The next thing he knew after the rift was the rowboat was falling from the sky and onto a pirate ship in the middle of the ocean. This was just perfect. The rowboat fell with a loud crash as it broke on impact, watching as all five of them rolled onto the deck. He was face down so had not seen the others yet as he pushed himself up a little, he noticed that we was wearing different clothes. Then he herd a voice that sounded off. 'Woah woah it isn't what you think we ju-' That was when he looked up and spotted several colorful pirate which circled the groups with swords in their hands. Looking at Kaida who was as noticeably younger, about 8 or 9, and definitely a lot shorter. Well this was new. At this point looking at himself would be helpful. Unfortunately he did not have anything to do so and getting to the water did not seem important.

    He then turned his attention to Faust who just came out from bottom of a pile of wood scraps. Soon Faust summoned forth his keyblade and said, 'If any of y'all think that you can take us then you are going ta be in for a shocking revelation in how wrong ya are!' At this point he stood up and was thankful his clothes had changed in this new form because his other outfit would not fit. He had on a grayish shirt and blue pants.

    Stratos then said, 'Wait, why am I so small?' Stratos was adorned in a white hoodie. Stratos then said, 'we're uh...we're not here to fight...' Seeing the event unfold he had to think of something quick. Walking up to one of the pirates and pushed the sword away a little. "Are you here to play to?" Turning to the others in the group he gave them a quick wink to say play along. "Although these swords look real." He then shrugged like it did not matter. He then turned to Stratos and gave him a light tap on the sholder and said, "Did you forget the game?" He then turned to the others and said, "I think our game is over", he said to the others. He sounded like he was disappointed but he was not really. "The old boat was bound to drift out to sea at some point." Hopefully was he said to the pirate would work. The biggest thing going for them right now was if they acted like they were playing a game before they ended up here. The one thing children had was imagination and they looked so young so why not got for it? Hopefully they did not have to fight but that was not to say it would not happen.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 9, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. GarrettFinch

    Soon after the mice showed up Kaida said, 'If I recall correctly Olympus was mentioned? I don't remember if it was the coliseum or if they meant actual Olympus either way Olympus was mentioned.' "Olympus..." The name sounded interesting then it hit him. "Are you sure it is was Olympus?" Kel had asked how to get there but something was off about the name. He watched as Karina handed Kaida some pins. Soon the concept of princesses being captureed came up. Keeping the princesses from being captured is important. Ignis then said, 'We should at least do out best to save all the others and the ones already taken. Though I guess that's pretty obvious.' This was well and good but they had no clue how to find the princess of heart. The entirety of the whale shook violently for five seconds, causing everything and everyone to shake. Soon the group moved toward the mouth after exiting the whale's throat, the mouth began to shake more violently. Geppetto and Aux had just finished arranging the boats. The Destiny Islands trio quickly hopped onto the old man's boat with Pinocchio and Jiminy in tow. As soon as they entered the whale's mouth the tongue seemed to move every which way. He summoned his keyblade as started hitting the tongue it did not seem to do much other then tickle the whale. The whale's tongue shoved everyone forward onto different vessels. He could not do anything about it.

    Kaida flew onto a new rowboat that was built by Geppetto. He flew in front of her directly after as Faust and Stratos were flown in as well. Ananta was the last to be pushed onto the boat, landing on the soft bodies of the other keyblade wielders. He pushed Ananta off of himself as the whale slowly opened it's mouth as the four ships flew out of the mouth onto the vast ocean. "No..."
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 7, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. GarrettFinch

    As he waited for Luna to say something he turned his attention to Aux as he said, 'You could've beaten that thing without darkness,' to Karina. There seemed to be an argument that was about to happen. He could not help but raise a eyebrow. As Aux talked about darkness he made it sound like it was simple but if what has happened on his adventure taught him anything it was that nothing was as simple as it seemed. Kaida and Beuce did not respond to him which was fine. Everyone knew each other so well he was not sure where he fit in. The puzzle of everyone just fit in so perfectly everyone but him. That was when Kaida said, 'So it seems we have a lot more people than I thought... although Aislinn doesn't seem to be anywhere.' "She is probably just on another world" he said as believable as possible. He was not sure what happened to Aislinn but others disappeared and the only other place was in the realm of darkness. 'Before anything happens that splits us up again, we should try to convene and share notes?' "We are not going to spilt up again. Not if we can help it" He was not going to just let that happen. Luna then said, 'It was merely a sort of booster. Which reminds me, I have to find him and thank him. Anyway, as for the origins of the crown....well, it's a bit of a long story but it's a surprisingly a wonderful booster to my magic.' "I do not think that we are going to be going anywhere anytime soon. I know that at some point we have to find a way out of here because i do not want to spend the rest of my left in a whale." A crown that boosted magic was interesting.

    Soon an Australian accent blared out of no where. 'I couldn't agree more bucko!' Jake the mouse jumped out from behind the flower in Ananta's hair. Soon all of the mice were out and about. 'Now, as self appointed leader of this mission, I propose we find a reunion point in case we all get seperated again! We should start with-' Ok then... not sure what to say about all of this.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Mar 28, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. GarrettFinch

    The cage popped open and Pinocchio came flying out. which soon Aux went over to save. Soon Sora, Riku and Kairi were together once more. The top priority right now was to find a way out of here and a safe place for Kairi, Sora and Riku. The only problem was that they could be thousands of feet under water. They also did not have a boat. Everyone was together and he wondered how long that would last. He knew that it could not last forever that said he want this group to stay together. Sora, Riku and Kairi were soon talking about Kairi having a keyblade. That would just make her more of a target he thought to himself. At this moment he let his keyblade disappear as he looked out to the others. Riku then said, 'I'll always be stronger. But I'll never rely on darkness as much as I would on my friends. I mean... look what happened to that girl,' he motioned to Karina. 'That kinda stuff will never happen as long as you two are around.' Darkness was strange and how Riku seemed to know how it worked was interesting. He looked over to Kaida who just said, 'I'm so glad you are all okay...' "It is cool that you know everyone so well", he said offhandedly. It was at this moment that he realized that he did not know most of the people here all that well. Sadness came onto him. Everyone seemed to know each other so well as they should because he had no idea how long everyone knew each other before he came along. For all he knew it could have been years. Turning to Luna the person he talked to once sense he joined this group and noticed the crown on her head. Now that he thought about it it seemed odd that he never really went to the same world as her. "Neat crown. Seems interesting. I know Beuce gave it to you. Where did you get it?" As he waited for an anser he looked around the group and just watched how Sora, Riku and Kairi could just mess around.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Mar 15, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. GarrettFinch

    With nothing going on other then the battle he could feel the power of the light aura. He stared running at the Parasite Cage and hit it with his keyblade.

    AJ used combo
    Baymax used Rocket Fist
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Mar 4, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. GarrettFinch

    As soon as the Poison hos his keyblade bust out with light. Well that was certainly new. He knew that he had to do something. Let the light sine he thought to himself. Soon he began to glow with light. Looking over to his companions he could tell they were in trouble. Soon he used baymax and the battle looked like it was beginning.

    Companion keyblade was used Poison was removed
    AJ used light aura.
    AJ summoned Baymax
    Baymax healed AJ
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Feb 27, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. GarrettFinch

    He stood there and watched as the two Parasite Cages froze in place. It was almost like they were not breathing. "Nicely done Steel." Steel then asked if they were hurting Pinocchio. "I do not think so. It probably wants to keep whoever it has inside its cage unharmed as long as possible so that it can use them." It was what made the most sense to him. From the look of thing it looked like Pinocchio was protected by the most part. It was then when he noticed that lighting seemed to be going off everywhere. Trying not to think about it to much he pointed his keyblade towards the head of the Parasite Cage and lighting came out hitting it dead on.

    AJ used Thundaga
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Feb 21, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. GarrettFinch

    There was talk about using a heart a a weapon from Sora. He soon watched as Sora and Riku ran into the tunnel once again. No one really said anything to him and he was not surprised. With nothing to do but follow Sora and Riku he went into the tunnel without saying much. As they arrived in the stomach, the area was filled with a harsh acid, as in front of the battle ready Riku, was two paraiste heartless, heartless ghost that the group had seen in the whale's chambers. Riku changed in to attack for it not to go so well. Sora called out, as he reached into his pocket to take out a potion, he ran forward before tripping over his large shoes and watched as the potion stumbled out of his hand and onto the ghost heartless. The heartless let out a wicked cry of pain, as the entire area shook. He was not really surprised at this point at the randomness of a heartless getting hurt by a potion. It was new but is was something that they would never try anyways.

    Soon Steel went on about some sort of noodle incident. and talked about things that were... he was not actually sure how to put it so he let the thought hang. Seeing it was time to fight he summoned a keyblade but as he looked in his hands the Companion keyblade was there. For some reason it must have wanted to be used. As he looked onto the battle he noticed that the Parasite Cage was dripping water. It was time for some fun. As he pointed the end of the keyblade towards the Parasite Cage a powerful electric current burst out of the keyblade and towards the Parasite Cage. Then something odd happened as the Companion keyblade was replaced with a familiar keyblade. He was not sure what to do now but attacked again with Blizzaga.

    AJ used Fox Taser and Blizzaga
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Feb 19, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. GarrettFinch
    Spending 700 Munny for Barrier Surge, 1,500 Munny for Aerial Slam, Powerline for 1000 munny, 400 Break Time, Hyperjump for 1,200 Munny Fox Taser for 1,250 Munny, Howling Winds for 1,250 Munny


    using 180 crowns
    + 3 defense
    +3 speed
    + 3 magic
    + 3 resistance

    using job ticket to bypass red mage requirement

    Unlocking red mage, and blue mage

    Equipping Red mage
    Equipping Companion keyblade with redmage (speed +4, mp +1, strength +4)

    After everything

    Speed 21
    Defense 23
    Magic 60 (+5)
    Resistance 30

    Crowns left 132
    Munny left 3000
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Feb 14, 2019 in forum: OOC Lounge
  16. GarrettFinch

    He watched as Fluffkins ignored the treats offered to her and pushed her way past the gate and towards the nearest patch of mud. He let out a sigh and he knew that Fluffkins was enjoying herself. Why she did what she did was beyond him. That was when Zephyr said, 'You've got to be kidding me.' "Hay you can not be clean if you are not dirty first." He stood there watching Fluffkins prance around in the mud.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Feb 8, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. GarrettFinch

    It was time to walk until they found something. Marx then said, 'Sorry, just thinking to myself... You shouldn’t worry about me really...' "I can not help it I see someone that needs help and I jump in." As the party arrived at the dead end, the same heartless that took Kairi earlier, was dangling from the top of the chamber as it held Kairi inside. The ground opened up from beneath the group as everyone fell in. As he fell from the hole he noticed that they were back at the beginning of the whale. Standing up and looking around everyone seemed to be there. "We need to save Kairi." When Riku said, 'If she was with you, you were supposed to protect her! How could you let that happen!' "There was nothing that could be done." 'No you aren't. You'll jest get in the way.' Riku summoned his keyblade, and climbed a pile of rubble to get to the higher ledge. 'Your heart just isn't strong enough...' So Riku had a keyblade and from the sound of things Riku thought that you needed a strong heart to have a keyblade or do anything for that manner. He did not think that was true. When Beuce said, 'Sometimes there just isn't anything you can do about it, no matter how hard you try. All you can do is keep trying. We'll make sure to get 'Kairi' back for you, and then you can make sure it doesn't happen again.' He could not help but agree. "Beuce is right sometimes things just happen Sora." Then he watched as Faust handed over his keyblade to Sora. He then watched the events unfold betweeen Karina and Faust. She was right in a way but wrong in others sure the keyblade would bring danger but it was a little late for that now. The second Kairi, Riku and Sora left there homeword they were put into danger. Kairi being a princess of heart just would continue to put the group in danger.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Feb 8, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. GarrettFinch

    After standing around for a bit and deciding what to do it was time to move on. At this point he noticed that Marx looked like he was feeling a little down. He walked close to him and guided him into the next rooms. As they walked he decided to say something to Marx. He did not know what was bothering him but maybe something he said would do something. "I do not know what is bothering you but you can not let that get to you. If you do then what ever is bothering you will win and you are stronger then that. If you do not like something then making the effort to change it is the first step." He continued to walk until they reached a room where something odd happened. A ghost's face appeared momentarily before vanishing as the party raced through. "It looked like some sort of ghost maybe it means something?" He did not know what that could be but the ghost was gone so he was not sure what could be done about it.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Feb 4, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. GarrettFinch

    Sora seemed to have stopped his attack which was a good thing. Then he decided that it would be nest to stick together for the time being and followed everyone onto the right path. They soon entured a chamber that more or less looked the same as the others. Then Sora said, 'Man... Why does Riku always have to go off an be so cool all the time." Sora found a nearby wall and kicked it hard.' As he did, the chamber started to shake. How a kick did that was beyond him. Two gelatinous heartless fell from above, being held up by their stretchy arms. Their stomachs being giant cages, they descended from above, and each heartless swallowed a prisoner. The left taking Kairi, and the right taking Pinocchio. At this point he was not surprised. Soon they were taken pack by water and there was only two paths to take. "We have to Save Kairi." A princess of heart was taken which was not a good thing. Ignis then said, 'Well, long story short, I and some others got sent to some world underground, stopped a crazy mercenary, were given some weird flying ship thing, and swallowed by this whale. Nothing more or less than any other thing we've experienced on this little trip of ours. Oh, and I supposed there was Ananta with us, and 2 other guys who joined up with us. One was Faust, who we found in a world filled with ice, and another named Arctus that joined in the previous world.' "Arctus is here?" The only reason he knew that name was because Karina had said it. "We will find Kairi and the others.", he told Sora.
    He then headed straight
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Feb 3, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. GarrettFinch

    When Sora asked if they were from another world he did not know what to say. "Well I do not really like being in a whale." Kaida more or less said that they were from another world. All that was left was to follow Kaida onto the left path. Sora then went on about training as he pulled out a wooden sword. A wooden sword was not the best weapon in his opinion. Sora asked if they could fight. Kaida said she could fight. "Yes, but not everything needs to be a fight." As they entered the next chamber the others entered too. Standing there was Ignis, Kel, Marx, and Pinocchio. Then a fight was about to happen. "What is going on?" he asked the others that were in the room. It looked like Ignis had ended up here too. Maybe the others were here too.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Feb 1, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena