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  1. cstar
    Kairi... there was something extremely familiar about that name that she couldn't quite put her finger on. It didn't seem too important to think too hard on it. She scratched the back of her head while she listened to Marx and mumbled, "I mean, we don't know if the others are here anyway. I'd rather just help find Pinocchio and Kairi's friends... which um." the blonde turned back over towards the young girl and asked curiously, "Do your friends have names? It'd probably help if we can give their names a little shout too. Like um..." she cleared her throat to project her voice and cupped her hands to yell, "Pinocchio!" she heard the echo and hurt her own ears with how loud she was and she said, "Ooof um, sorry that was a bit much wasn't it."

    Post by: cstar, Dec 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. cstar
    I hadn't wanted to call anyone out but i guess that'll work...
    @LadyAzura @tamale @Day~Dream
    Post by: cstar, Dec 29, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  3. cstar
    -clears throat- um, I'm really behind in this i'm sorry. I still haven't gotten everyone's entries and this is my final warning on it. Please have them in by the 31st!
    Post by: cstar, Dec 29, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  4. cstar

    Take listened to her response a little aggravated at the assumptions she seemed to be making. He knew not being able to read was a problem. And he wasn't about to sulk or anything like that, if anything he was actually going to go and do something productive. With reading even possibly being on that list. He pushed her hand off his shoulder but he didn't walk away, he just turned around and said, "I have been trying to learn. But this just is something I don't even really have the fundamentals to understand. This is something you're supposed to be taught when you're little. I'm not saying I don't want to learn... but it's one of the hardest things for me." he didn't like admitting that, and he also didn't like the fact he wasn't able to hold back how irritated he sounded. He rubbed his head and mumbled, "And half the time I feel sick trying to learn how to read. Like, dizzy. Everyone else here already knows how to anyway, is it not just easier for me to let everyone else handle that?"
    Post by: cstar, Dec 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. cstar
    Kaida nodded at Kel's suggestion, thinking it was a good idea as she started to carve it. He wasn't necessarily going to answer Marx's question about Luna since he'd rather her just meet her himself. But she stopped everything and put it in her bag the second she saw the shadow and the rocking happened. When she saw the mouth swallowing them in she started to panic until all she saw was black.

    Kaida heard the voice before she really processed anything. She took only a moment to process before she shot up quickly in a panic and looked around to see the other's that had been with her still with her and that made her sigh in so much relief. Kaida took Marx's help up and she rubbed her head and heard Marx basically speak on their behalf. She looked at him and said, "I mean, if I had to guess. We are inside that whale." she looked around to try and see where the old man's voice came from as she asked, "How did you get in here though?"

    Post by: cstar, Dec 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. cstar

    Take sighed in relief when the darksides disappeared. When he saw the master in the room he listened to what she had to say before he replied, "I... meant to go for the one that had only one darkside... but... I can't exactly... read. So I selected the wrong one and just kind of went with it for as long as I could." he rubbed her back of his neck embarrassed and said, "I know I'm not the strongest here despite being able to take a hit. But I was hoping I'd do better than that... but it turned out I was a lot worse than I thought. I don't think even if I found one of them I would have made it." he clearly sounded pretty discouraged as he turned to leave the training room and said, "I'm gonna go do literally anything else."
    Post by: cstar, Dec 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. cstar
    When the boat actually started moving she started curling up a little more again. It wasn't that she was afraid of the water itself, it was just that she was afraid she'd fall in and sink straight down. The blonde continued whittling away at her current project before she stopped a while and looked around the boat a minute before having her eyes get set on Kel as she asked, "Hey Kel... you're close to Luna right? Well, at least closer than I am. If I were to pick an animal that seemed to just... fit her, what do you think it would be? I keep thinking about a swan but... I just wanted to know if you had any better ideas." she didn't really think to ask AJ cause she had no idea whether or not he knew Luna very well, but she had enough evidence to think Kel probably did.

    Post by: cstar, Dec 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. cstar
    hey all things considered brazilian steak houses are REALLY good and if that was all I got for christmas I'd have no complaints.
    Post by: cstar, Dec 25, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. cstar
    This year was an interesting one for me since everyone was working this year so it wasn't like... only my dad and I buying presents. It was like every person in the house bought present. So I got a lot more this year than I usually do which was... admittedly odd since I was so used to it being a little more toned down but I ain't complaining.

    What I got (highlights, not EVERYTHING is here):

    • I got a bunch of Kingdom Hearts figurines... I've never heard of this particular brand before but I basically have Sora, Mickey, and... Lea? I don't think it's Axel. But the faces are really odd (if you wanna see a pic lemme know)
    • Three t-shirts, one was a KH shirt, one was a Soul Eater shirt (i don't know why) and one was like... a Brock Lesnar shirt? I really don't know about that one.
    • A TV! (I didn't have one for my room so it was nice to have my own dedicated TV
    • Headset (I needed a new one)
    • A winter coat (yaaas)
    • I got a crystal thing that was had a picture of my mom and I in it. I liked it I just wasn't sure how to react to it.
    • Perfumes and colognes (they didn't know which one I preferred... I liked both)
    • A paint by numbers thingy
    • A $50 steam card
    • SOCKS and a sports bra i haven't had one of these in years
    • A mini assorted chocolates thing and a chocolate orange. The classics~
    • Malibu rum c:
    • I also was given cash in random assorted amounts.
    • And someone gifted me FFXV on Steam c:
    Thread by: cstar, Dec 25, 2018, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. cstar
    Kaida dusted a bit of the shavings off of the spot she had already carved and she continued her carving ass she answered, "The world I was born on was mostly forest with a couple of very large buttes. Oh also it was always night time." she stopped her carving a moment to ponder what she wanted to make exactly. She grabbed a pencil out of her bag and started marking different parts of the wood while her position changed more cross legged, "Politics wise it was pretty peaceful I suppose. I didn't like it. They wanted me to be something I was good at rather than something I wanted to be." the blonde looked towards AJ and smiled, "So I left it. Though I guess if I think about it, it was a beautiful world. But after 14 years of living in only nighttime the daytime just kind of ends up more exciting."

    Post by: cstar, Dec 24, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. cstar

    Take was starting to feel really weak at this rate even in his form. It got to the point where he wasn't convinced even if he kept going he was gonna get anywhere. Reluctantly the boy first threw his time bomb of a shield at the darkside he had done the most damage to and he stopped glowing before he shouted,"I give up! I quit! I don't know how to stop this but I can't do this just stop it!" he kept his keyblade up to guard just in case that didn't work.

    Take withdrew.
    Post by: cstar, Dec 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. cstar
    Kaida stared at the water as she heard the others mention leaving, but she remained unresponsive for quite a bit, then she suddenly stood up, "I guess so..." she rubbed the back of her neck and made her way over towards the raft and found herself a spot closer towards the middle rather than the edges. She still looked very uncertain but there was no turning back now. She hugged her knees and after a moment pulled out another block of wood from her bag and started whittling again.

    Post by: cstar, Dec 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. cstar
    Kaida had been listening to Marx's explanation on what a twilight master was. Curious herself. But it seemed to just be what he called the more balanced wielders. On Central Haven you had more people focused on balance, but it also discouraged people tapping into the darkness. There were exceptions, even in The Order some people were known for both, but it was very rare. When she heard AJ ask her a question she blinked and turned towards him and admitted, "Never really thought about learning to be completely honest. We didn't have any oceans or lakes or... really any bodies of water on my homeworld. So I didn't learn to swim. On Central Haven they don't really have it either. I just don't know if it's worth my time." she rubbed the back of her neck and looked out to the ocean, "I've just been very unlucky with the worlds I've been to for there to be so much... ocean I suppose."

    Post by: cstar, Dec 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. cstar

    Take challenged them to a staring contest as he stabbed them.

    HP: 122/230
    MP: 29/30
    FOC: 32/32
    FLUX: 1/4
    Post by: cstar, Dec 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. cstar
  16. cstar

    After being thrown across the room, Take hit the floor and gasped out as he landed on a part of his back to make that reactionary. He quickly stood up and grumbled to himself, "Alright, we're not doing this anymore." he placed his hand to his chest a minute as he began to glow. He raised his hand out as a glowing shield formed on his hand and he charged back in towards the weaker one and gave one really good hit.

    Take entered Paladin Form and attacked

    HP: 128/230
    MP: 23/30
    FOC: 32/32
    FLUX: 1/4
    Post by: cstar, Dec 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. cstar
    Kaida nodded a bit at AJ's response, "Yeah, I feel the same way. It's why I left my homeworld. Now my homeworld is Central Haven and that is fine by me." she saw Marx throw some fruit at them and she caught her's and gave it a once over to make sure there wasn't anything about it before she started trying to break open the pomegranate to get the seeds out and eat a few. She looked over towards Marx to say, "Thank y-" but she paused when she noticed his shakiness, "Alright, my turn to ask if you're doing okay."
    Post by: cstar, Dec 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. cstar
    Aiight well we got 9 people who signed up but that is just fine.

    Please send me your songs based on the theme by... we'll say this friday to this coming monday. I'd prefer them sooner so we could get voting done c:
    Post by: cstar, Dec 18, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  19. cstar

    This has all the songs from Lilo and Stitch in it c:

    Aloha O'e-- 1 Crown, 200 Munny (+1 for Counterpoint)
    Burning Love- 2 Crowns, 300 Munny (+1 for Counterpoint)
    Suspicious Minds- 2 Crowns, 300 Munny (+1 for Counterpoint)
    (You're The) Devil in Disguise- 2 Crowns, 300 Munny (+1 for Counterpoint)

    Total comes to 11 crowns, 1100 munny

    Overall Total: 79 crowns, 2090 munny
    Post by: cstar, Dec 18, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  20. cstar
    Kaida tapped her fingers against her knees as she listened to AJ's response and she let out a sigh and refuted, "I'm afraid it's not that simple if everything is said and done. I am a member of The Order after all and in order to... maintain order... I've said that word too much... you're supposed to disrupt the status quo as little as possible. And I imagine when all of this is said and done they aren't going to be fond of people sight-seeing." she hugged her knees and continued, "Plus... I don't really know where here is to get back to it." She waited a minute for any responses before she turned towards Kel and said, "Gliders would work well... I um... had a long conversation about how they work earlier that I don't wanna say again since it's unnecessarily convoluted. We could glide over the water if we wanted to, but it'd just be safer to be on a boat for long distances."

    Post by: cstar, Dec 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena