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  1. cstar
    I wanna shove scan and fixer into each other
    and i wanna shove scan and defender into each other
    Post by: cstar, Jul 27, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  2. cstar
    It's okay. I'm still excite. I'd rather it be delayed and good quality rather than rushed and not polished enough.

    *coughs at kh3*
    Post by: cstar, Jul 26, 2018 in forum: Community News & Projects
  3. cstar
    I'll be buying Poisonous Bombs

    I'm putting 4 points into defense, 3 into attack, 1 into mana, and 1 into accuracy

    I'm tired i don't care anymore
    Post by: cstar, Jul 26, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  4. cstar
    Jaz listened to everyone's weird justifications for sparing the golem. She took extra time to process what the others were saying just to make sure there wasn't a point she heard and would regret neglecting later. Eventually, the white haired girl felt confident in her choices and took a step towards the golem and looked down at it and immediately struck it without saying a word. The glitching stopped as the golem burst. Dust floated around her a brief moment as she looked down at the golem a bit before she fixed her hair and spoke straight out, "It was already down. If the creator has a vendetta, it'd come after us anyway. Perhaps it'd make us a priority, but if it means it'll surface... so be it." Jaz rubbed her hands a bit and turned towards the group, "We don't even know if the creator is actually still around. There's already been enough apparent malfunctions going on so I feel no inclination to not think this wasn't just some video game glitch where they think we have a warrant or something. But if any of you don't like it, and if the creator decides to come for us, I'll take full responsibility for ya." Jaz took a deep breath and placed her hands together in almost a praying motion as she closed her eyes a minute. Then she took another deep breath and folded her hands in front of her, "I don't know about you all, but I'm gonna find a way out of here to try and find those memory crystals. Because at this rate, that's what I'm interested in. Which is a damn shame, an open world game in a full virtual reality experience and my main reward is figuring out how to fix my amnesia." she crossed her arms and began walking away from the rest of the group, "Maybe find an AI that can actually help in this situation."
    Post by: cstar, Jul 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. cstar
    Iridia was a little concerned about her response and sat there for a minute watching her work before saying, "Hey, it's not all bad. There's still time for fun." she looked over at Hedgrit and smirked a bit. A thought came to her mind as she moved slightly closer towards the girl and whispered, "Do you like pranks? We could pull a prank on the dwarf." Iridia looked at Hedgrit to make sure his head didn't turn, but when he did the faerie looked away quickly and began to kick her legs casually as if nothing was going on at all.
    Post by: cstar, Jul 25, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. cstar
    3 ap boost, 1 hp boost, and some MP Drain pl0x
    Post by: cstar, Jul 24, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  7. cstar


    Xy was not okay with this interruption to her fighting, especially by a programmed android trying to act high and mighty and some sort of moral high ground. She looked at Ace and spat in his face and pulled out of his grip and backed up, "Ah yes, my bad. Let's all join hands and start a friendship circle then? Get to sit together and cooperate with one another to make ourselves feel better? We're in prison. And I'm not interested in negotiating with a tin can and sla'vn." The alien shifted to leave the area but turned around quickly to try and get a punch in the face of the android, but the android moved fairly quickly from her punch and she ended up swinging her trajectory into punching the face of a twin that had just walked over to try and keep his brother out of joining something stupid.

    Jim hit the ground fairly quickly, pretty sure he had just seen stars for a minute and looked up towards the chaos as the Rami stood up straighter and rubbed her wrist and aimed to punch the android again, but instead Jim quickly jumped up off the ground and clocked her in the face instead. This hurt the alien way more that they expected it to and the alien gave a death glare at him and he let out a nervous giggle and hid behind Jay and whispered. "I meeessed up"

    "You little fucking k'stal I'll separate your head from your body and feed you to dla'sts. Zas fel a d'oan. E'is az faan oot!" And she ran to grab the hiding twin.
    Post by: cstar, Jul 17, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. cstar

    Take held up his shield in defense with gritted teeth as he watched Tinarah and Chrono take quite a bit of damage and have... something cast on them. He had no idea what though, but he knew he couldn't really wait any longer for it. Take pointed his keyblade at Kefka and cast blizzara at him, then ran in for a charge as she threw his keyblade back, which made his body sway more towards the side. Using that off balance motion for just a second, Takehiko took the shield and pushed it with all his energy at the clown and smashed it into him. The glowing shield shattered on impact loudly as it burst into a thousand shards of light.

    HP: 40/120
    AP: 0/44 + 40 + 12 + 15 + 20
    MP: 5/30
    DP: 0/3
    Post by: cstar, Jul 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. cstar
    Pretty impressed with the results of the way vine grab went, she wanted to see if she would be able to attack this Golem in particular and make this go faster. She threw a spore bomb this time in the thing's direction and prepared to strike the Golem again, not sure if it would be quite as effective this time but willing to at least test the waters.

    Jaz used spore bombs on Golem C and went to strike again
    Post by: cstar, Jul 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. cstar


    Xy's smile slowly curve into a straight face and she looked a little more relaxed before placing a hand on Lydia's shoulder. For a moment it seemed like a friendly gesture for a moment as she eyed the android and paid him no real mind. Then she grabbed Lydia's head and slammed it back into the table as hard as she could and hissed out,"The little sla'vn likes to talk big talk about mushrooms around a Rami. Are we really how little your scum of a species feels? I hope you enjoy shoving blood down your mouth with every mushroom you like to stuff your filthy fucking face with." Xy then tried to turn her back to shove her face into the ground.

    "You've got a point but I'm not entirely certain how we could..." his attention was immediately distracted by the sudden fight that looked like it was about to get worse. He focused towards it and said, "Starting a fight this early? Don't this seem a little-"
    Post by: cstar, Jul 16, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. cstar

    Take felt a lot more calm when he realized that Tinarah and Chrono were still up and doing alright, though based on Kefka's taunts he wasn't too sure how far they'd gotten into hurting this clown. Feeling a surge of power as if he was fully recharged, he knew there was one thing he could do that could keep the other's safe and possibly end this faster. The boy started glowing a white aura as he activated paladin form and a shield formed on his hand. He put most of his AP into a large attack to grab Kefka's attention before grinning a bit, "We're not the one's dying today."

    HP: 59/120
    AP: 14/44
    MP: 5/30
    DP: 3/3
    Post by: cstar, Jul 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. cstar
    Post by: cstar, Jul 15, 2018 in forum: KH-Vids User Awards
  13. cstar
    [whispers] just say that red xiii was a human and watch aelin burst into monologue and tell me her passion for FFVII isn't scary
    Post by: cstar, Jul 15, 2018 in forum: KH-Vids User Awards
  14. cstar


    Jim went through processing pretty much just letting his brother run his mouth on his behalf, but he was probably just because he was more inwardly annoyed about being manhandled. He was almost certain he should have gotten out of there faster, but the way they managed to block the two from their escape made it less than ideal unless they wanted to be dead. And the boy definitely saw more value in keeping himself and his brother alive. He heard his brother's comment about saving himself for him and simply rolled his eyes. And once all of their processing was done, he followed not long after his brother who was in the middle of asking a question as he interrupted, "-to get out of the muzzles? No. Haven't had experience with these, it's not tech they usually distribute outside of these prison planets for that reason. Well, there's one way." Jim pulled his neck back and made a knife slicing motion across his neck before smiling and shrugging, "It's fiiine, we're fiiine. Well. We're gonna rot away in prison apparently, despite this being a major violation of Trianguli law's right to a trial. But we'll be fine." He placed a hand on his brother's shoulder and shifted his face a bit and smirked, "It looks cute on us, maybe we can marry some cute girls from Vastelli V that got in here for... ya know. Business operations outside the legal establishments." He winked quickly at his brother and walked over towards a table and sat down leaning his elbows back and crossing his legs, "Ya might need to. If they're separating by threat level, we might not be together. And I know you can't live without me... aha..." Jim looked away from his brother nervously like he hoped that would not be the case.


    Xy listened to Lydia's answer and tried to contain a yawn. Gunfire didn't particularly seem like a reason to be stuck forever on a prison planet. The alien crossed her arms and looked over at Lydia and grinned a toothy grin that showed some pretty scary and slightly sharpened teeth,"I aided a terrorist organization. Helping to overthrow some of the humans that took over my planet and implemented the galaxian system. Now tell me, h'min. How many mushrooms do ya eat? I'm just curious..."
    Post by: cstar, Jul 15, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. cstar


    The Rami in the line was strangely cooperative. Well, for the strangers in the room it probably did not look so strange because they knew nothing of her character. But she was being slow and observant for reasons mostly related to trying to see if she could figure out how this place worked as best as she could. She moved her hands a bit as she began to notice a small annoying noise made with the handcuffs and she did that much to the chagrin of the guards who eventually treated her to even tighter handcuffs. Once they began going through processing she glared at the faces of every single guard involved, hoping to remember their faces later. Once she was able to use her wrists while the collar was on, she walked in and rubbed her wrists as she walked up towards an empty table and sat straight on it. Not even bothering with the seat since the seats were built far too low for her use. She crossed her arms and waited for someone to sit nearby as she scanned the area already trying to plan an escape. Once someone was near her she looked to them and said,"So. What are you in for?"
    Post by: cstar, Jul 14, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. cstar
    Kaida listened to the music and swayed a little at the melody. It was peaceful, and almost amazingly timed with the way nature seemed to just go along with it. Or maybe she was just a bit too into the music. She really had no idea, but she was a little glad her request somehow ended up with this song. As she listened towards the conversation she learned about how the other guy was a tourist and was a little surprised Lilo seemed to know him so well. Maybe she didn't, after all they only just met today and were already on an adventure with her. It was possible they knew each other from him frequently visiting, but before she could ask she was distracted by Jumba and Pleakley. Kaida listened to the other's respond but she knew Lilo was gonna end up going over for a picture so she decided to walk towards the aliens. She looked them up and down and say, "Good day sir..." she looked over at Pleakley and said, "'am? Enjoying the beach?"
    Post by: cstar, Jul 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. cstar

    After fire literally rained down from the sky, Take tried to look around through the smoke to find Chrono and Tinarah and make sure they were alright. Fortunately for him, they seemed to still be standing and he let out a sigh as he reached towards Tinarah and activated MP gift and then quickly charged forward to try and hit Kefka again, though he was getting a bit nervous at this point about the odds. He didn't care, he had to defeat this thing and if he didn't, at least he didn't go down quietly.

    HP: 48/120
    AP: 14/44
    MP: 0/30
    DP: 3/3
    Post by: cstar, Jul 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. cstar
    Jasmine liked the idea of trying out vine grab and went to go and activate that. She was a bit surprised as she felt the sudden sprouting of vines come from out of her body and she quickly directed her attention towards Golem C and she reached out to wrap the vines around it and pull it towards her. Then she got herself a nice clean punch in. She shook her hand a bit afterwards surprised by the pain but went back at the ready.

    Jasmine used Vine Grab on Golem C and Striked.
    Post by: cstar, Jul 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. cstar

    Melus looked towards Alex after his comment, a bit amused by his statement and simply responded coldly,
    "I don't have any particular feelings towards any of them because I don't feel anything. Fronts are essential for keeping up morale. In a group where everyone is sooo serious and so determined, they needed someone a bit smiley and I was willing to do that. But I don't feel any emotion towards them. So if I'm handling it better, it's a matter of nature more than a matter of begin able to handle myself well. If you didn't have a heart, I'm sure you'd feel the same way." Melus jumped up on top of the roof and ran a little bit more and got to the edge of it and saw the wall with it painted and she yelled, "I found the last one. This was pretty easy all things considered."
    Post by: cstar, Jul 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. cstar

    Take let out a yell as the shards of ice hit him in the shoulder, in the gut, and then in the head when he failed to duck in time. It hurt like crazy, but the boy was almost a bit excited he was still standing after that. He quickly looked at the clown and placed both hands on his keyblade as it transformed into a great axe. Filled with a burning rage, and really wanting to take it out on this clown, he ran straight at it with blitz+ and got a nice slashing attack straight into his chest. He then flipped and turned around to get him right in the back straight across. He landed on the ground and braced himself as he thought about having to take another hit. His thoughts kind of bringing him back to Mr Incredible and how after a few hits Take had not been doing well. He wanted that kind of strength to take down this clown right now, and decided to activate his dimension link with Team Incredible upon thinking about it as he said, "Don't call me half pint, that implies I'm beneath you. You're not anywhere near my level."

    Take used D-Link with Team Incredible
    HP: 31/120
    AP: 22/44 + 30 (from blitz+)
    MP: 10/30
    DP: 2/3
    Post by: cstar, Jul 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena