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  1. Krowley
    "Tonight was my fault... I pushed her, so I have to be the one to go after her. " As she began trudging the snow, she continued to call out for her sister, while everyone else huddled inside, speculating what could happen.
    "Elsa it's Anna, your sister! The sister who didn't mean to make you freeze the summer... I'm sorry, it's all my f-f-fault!" She yelled, shivering. "Of course this wouldn't have happened if you just told me your secret," she huffed under her breath. She put her hands under her arms as she continued, being shivering in the cold. Looking up at the mountain, she saw that have of it was already blanketed in snow by the blizzard. "She's going up the mountain? But why?... And how am I supposed to get up there?"


    "As the lady says," he confirmed. Looking up from his hammock, the boy thought to himself of what he enjoyed playing. "Oh, there is one thing that's been in my head lately.. Doesn't have a title or anything, but I like playing it whenever I feel at peace." He put down his Sitar and picked up a ukulele that he had placed against the tree under him. He began to play the instrument lightly as he rocked back and forth in his hammock.

    While he played the song, the sun shimmered cross the ocean near the island. While Ananta played with Stitch, Stitch had started building his own sandcastle, before knocking it down and laughing maniacally. Aux looked down and felt calm from the sound. Feeling the fledgling of memories from his past in Central Haven with his friends. He could see why it was an enjoyable tune to play.

    As he finished playing, the boy shrugged. "Not done yet, but I'll work on later... probably... or not. I don't like deadlines. More of a go with the flow kinda guy." He rose up from his hammock and was now in a sitting position. Lilo approached the boy on the hammock. "Aloha Emyd!" she said.
    "Hey Lilo. Just getting to know your knew friends." He looked up to the group. "And it's okay, if Lilo took you here, I know who you guys must be."
    "Oh you do, do you..." Aux prepared to summon his keyblade and silence the boy.

    "Tourists, right? You guys picked an amazing vacation spot. All day you just get to sit around and do nothing. It's paradise," he sighed happily. Aux lowered his attack instinct once more.
    "Doesn't that get kinda boring? Nani's looking for a job, maybe you should to?"
    "Now that's just plain rude! I come here to relax, and you tell me to find work? For shame, Lilo. I'm a tourist. I visit for pleasure, not work!" Emyd looked behind the group, a little confused at the sight. ""Uhh, speaking of tourists, I think those guys must be lost."

    Jumba and Pleakley were trying to look as inconspicuous as possible, dressed in sunglasses, hats and Hawaiian shirts.
    Lilo looked at the largeness of Jumba, gasping. "My new muse! I hafta take a picture!" Lilo left to go into her bag for her camera.
    Post by: Krowley, Jul 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Krowley

    Finlay slumped back in his seat. "All I do is sit here and push my flat little troops forward in the same jumpy timing. Then I hafta watch my opponent here do the same jumpy motion with his flat little troops until one of us reaches the other side to get more powerful flat troops. With either side having no advantage aside from their own heads. I swear, it's like being stuck between a rock and a..." Finlay paused all of a sudden as his eyes widened. "Tha's it..."
    "You cannot flip the table to destroy the game," the old man predicted in his demonic voice
    "Oh-ho, the only thing tha's gonna be destroyed is yer own pride ye ol' git!" Sitting upright in his chair again,
    Each player moved their pieces forward as the old man's expression grew sceptic.
    "Oh yer in for in now ol' timer. Yer gonna fall right into me trap!"
    "Unlikely. You've barely claimed any of my pieces."
    "And you've claimed barely any of mine!"
    "I'm afraid you don't understand the rules..."
    "Oh I understand plenty yah demon-eyed, pruney, possessed bench sitter! This is exactly like the battle at Dragorok valley! Two opposing forces with equal stature and strength contained in a single boxed area! Neither could push the other, and both defenses were impregnable!"
    "Your point?"
    "Mah point is that I don't gotta beat yah! I just gotta outlast yah!" On his next turn, Finlay slammed his checker piece hard against the board. "We won the battle at Dragorok valley because our group was unwilling to waver even in the slightest. We won that battle because had hearts of stone and will of iron! WE WON THAT BATTLE BECAUSE WE PUSHED THE ENEMY SO HARD THAT THEY COULD NO LONGER MOVE! HAHA!"
    The old man looked to the table to see that he was out of moves. Both he and Finlay had pushed their pieces as far as they could without sacrificing much. Looking at each piece, the oldman was unable to move. Every available move he could do was blocked by a corner, or another piece.
    "You've just been beaten by the Loganoch blockade!" Finlay, said, leaning back and smiling.
    Scowling the old man faded from his seat. "I yield," he said before fully vanishing.
    Finaly stood up from his chair in triumph, with his fists extended high. "FINLAY WINS! FINLAY ALWAYS WINS! GAZE AT MAH SMARTINESS!"
    He slapped Koa hardily on the back as he basked in glory. "Well done Cobra!"

    Time Remaining: 00:39:02
    Post by: Krowley, Jul 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Krowley
    As both sisters watched the after party of the coronation, they stood side by side, Anna looking happily over the crowd.
    This is so nice. I wish it could be like this all the time..."
    "Me too...." Elsa added sincerely. Trying not to be to attached to the idea, she began to look away in sadness. "But it can't."
    "Why not?.. If-"
    "It just... CAN'T," Elsa emphasized. Her sister didn't know of her secret powers, and the rest of the kingdom wouldn't understand. Part of her wanted to tell her sister everything, but sadly their relationship had been very distant in recent years. Rubbing her gloves, she began to panic and made a decision.
    "The party is over. Close the gates," she ordered a nearby guard.
    "What? Elsa, no. No, wait!"
    Before Elsa could leave, Anna grabbed Elsa's hand, pulling off Elsa's glove. Elsa gasped and spun around, reaching for the glove in panic. In an attempt to make her sister listen, Anna held the glove away from Elsa.
    "Elsa, please. Please. I can't live like this anymore!" Anna desperately pleaded.
    Fighting back tears, Elsa looked to her sister. "...Then leave."
    Seeing her sister's reaction and being unable to deal with this new dilemma, Elsa turned to rush out of the room, clasping her ungloved hand.

    "What did I ever do to you?!| Anna yelled out, attracting the attention of the other guests.
    "Enough, Anna," Elsa insisted.
    "No. Why? Why do you shut me out?! Why do you shut the world out?! What are you so afraid of?!
    " I said, enough!" Turning to make her sister back off, Elsa shoots ice from her hands as gllacial spikes cover the floor. Guests began to cry out in shock, before backing away.
    Huddling behind his men, the Duke of Weselton spoke. "Sorcery... I knew there was something dubious going on here.
    Unsure of what to make of it, Elsa looked at her sister. "Elsa?..."
    With fear in her eyes, Elsa rushed out of the room. "Stay away from me!" she yelled back as she left the castle walls.
    Anna quickly running after her carrying the glove, called her name as she gave chase. "Elsa! Wait, please! Stop!
    As the guards tried to keep everyone calm, the Duke looked out the window for signs of them. "Look! It's snowing! It's snowing! The Queen has cursed this land! She must be stopped!"


    Kocoum looked at the strange visitors. Thinking of Luna's request. he looked back to her. "Even if what you say is true... you must speak to our chief. Only HE can permit you to work with the tribe..."
    As his soldiers nudged the group onwards, the native warrior took all three of them back to their main village.

    The distance wasn't far, but the group made it back to the village.
    The village was humble, being surrounded by wilderness, fur skins, huts and other simple living conditions. The people of this world lived off the land.
    The Chief smiled as he greeted Kocoum.

    My brother... Thank heavens you have returned. We must know more about these visitors. What do you see?
    Kocoum scowled as he began to describe them. "These are not men like us... but strange beasts with bodies that shine like the sun... and weapons that spout fire and thunder. They have hair on their faces, like dogs! And they prowl the Earth like ravenous wolves consuming everything in their path." He looked to their great leader as he continued. "Great Powhatan, I will lead our warriors to the river and attack. We will destroy these invaders the way we destroyed the Massawomecks."
    "Kocoum, in that battle we knew how to fight our enemy. But these pale visitors are strange to us."
    Chief Powhatan examined the three visitors that Kocoum returned with. "These do not appear to be wolves, nor ravenous Kocoum..."
    "They may not be like the others, but I still don't trust them," he scowled.
    "Seeing as how they aren't armed, we will not harm them for the time being. There are more pressing matters at hand. Have you found my daughter?"
    Kocoum shook his head. "We have searched the shorelines. Wherever she is, she is not among the white men."
    "So why have you brought these with you?"
    "They claim that they wish to help in our search."
    The Chief looked at the newcomers. A village elder began to spread small grains around them before nodding to the Chief, as if confirming something.
    "It seems your spirits are true... While we still know little about you, you are free to roam our lands. Please do keep an eye out for my daughter. I don't know what I'd do if I lost her like I lost her mother... I trust you will keep her safe and return her to the village once you find her."
    "You can't be serious!" He pointed to Kel. "What could this pale boy possibly now about the suffering under the white man!" Kocoum burst out.
    "Enough Kocoum... Take some men to the river to observe them. Let us hope these strangers do not intend to stay."
    Kocoum looked back to the newcomers and glared. "I'll be keeping my eye on you... outsiders..." With that, the native warrior, quietly fled with his men.



    "Yeah, it doesn't have a lot, but it's home..." she said. "I wouldn't be freaking out bout this job thing if it wasn't for Lilo. It's just me and her right now. I have a social worker breathing down my back about providing enough income. Her new pet has made things... difficult. I just don't wanna lose her, y'know?"

    As the walking and talking continued, they eventually made their way to the beach.

    The boathouse seemed to be busy, so Lilo turned to her sister as she got down to her level. "Lilo? Baby, this is really important. I need you to stay here for a few minutes. I'm going to be right back." As Nani walked into the beach shack, Stitch and Lilo began to play in the sand, as Lilo tried to keep her pet out of trouble. While this was happening, a melodious sound could be heard from a hammock nearby.
    A kid around Kaida's age, sporting a dirty blond mullhawk was playing a sitar, and wearing a pair of shades while he played. "Aloha! Any requests?" he asked as he took off his sunglasses to inspect them.
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Krowley
    Name: Luci "Lingo" Vega
    Crew Position: Interpreter
    Age: 30
    Race: Human
    Birthplace: Nobos
    Personality: Restless, eccentric, and always paranoid. He speaks quickly and often goes on tangents. His bark is bigger than his bite as he's able to hype things up without many of the skills to back them up. Rarely sleeps and likes to drink.Rarely sleeps and likes to party.
    Bounty: 5,000 Units
    Crime: Petty theft, drunken misconduct, property damage

    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Brown
    Skin Color: Tan
    Height: 5'6"
    Distinguishing features: Long scraggily black hair, goatee, tattoos covering his arms in many different languges

    Weapon Proficiency
    : Explosives
    Special Skills: Speaks over 3 dozen languages, expertise in demolition and picking locks
    Spoken Languages: Too many to count


    Name: Grogg
    Crew Position: Cabin Dwarf
    Age: 12 (Human years)
    Race: Triloth
    Birthplace: Orkha
    Personality: Quiet and gruff, Krogg speaks in small sentences. He's often kind and doesn't like using weapons. rarely gets mad unless something really bugs him.
    Bounty: 100,000 Units
    Crime: Property damage causing several casualties

    Hair: Green
    Eyes: change depending on his mood.
    Skin Color: Grey
    Height: 7'6"
    Distinguishing features: Stone-like skin,

    Weapon Proficiency
    : Fists
    Special Skills: Very strong and durable, Increased sense of smell. Excellent climber
    Spoken Languages: Orkhan, English,
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 26, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  5. Krowley
    Guild Hall Update 3.02

    - Invigorate now grants 25 CG instead of 20
    - Focus offers 5 hits at 50% instead of 1 hit at 50%
    - Combo Plus+ offers 4 hits adding 80% STR instead of 2 hits at 60% STR
    Black Mage
    - Status Plus adds more damage for Paralyze and Burn status.
    Dark Knight
    - Dark elements do 50% less damage to you instead of just heartless
    - "Wish Ability" now changed to
    - "Protector" ability changed to guard against both physical AND Magical damage.
    Paopu Knight
    Turbo-Hit goes from 8 hits to 6 hits at 30% STR

    - Chicken Little removed as a summon

    - Faith now adds 40% CG instead of 20%
    - Powerline now has a 4 turn cooldown instead of 3

    - Gravity spells now only affect enemies for 1 cycle.
    - Aero spells will now stay active for 2 cycles less.
    - Stop spells now PREVENT any actions from the enemy for x amount of turns in the turn order.

    - PARALYZE, WET, and FROZEN status ailments only last 1 cycle.
    - Burn status now lasts 3 turns. Deals 0.01% of the target's overall HP each turn.
    - Poison Status now lasts 3 cycles. Deals 0.01% of the target's overall HP each turn.
    - Poison Status adds +0.01% Damage each cycle.
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 25, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  6. Krowley
    With everyone gathered in the main hall to be seated, Princesses Elsa and Anna were stationed at the front of the hall. Two young sisters, standing beautiful and radiant. While Anna was overjoyed with the ocassion, her sister seemed a little less enthusiastic. Almost as if she was being bothered by something.
    As everyone was taking their places, Elsa excused herself for a moment as she went to the back room to compose herself.

    As she was seemingly alone in the back room, Elsa took a deep breath.
    She took off her gloves as she looked at her bare hands. "Conceal it... don't feel it."
    From the corner of the room, came Shadow Mortimer, dripping with ink as he came clearly into view. "Well ha-cha-cha, ain't you a tall glass of water."
    Taken aback in shock, Elsa stepped back "Who are you?... what are you?... How did you get in here?!"

    "I'm just like you snowball. Someone whose seen like a monster because of his abilities." While Mortimer normally used the royal 'we,' his bond ith the shadow blot was growing much stronger that they were beginning to become a single entity.
    Elsa looked at him, disgusted. "I am NOTHING like you!"
    Shadow Mortimer chuckled. "Sure you are princess... or it is queen now. Quite the honor ain't it?"
    "Leave immediately or I'll- I'll..."
    "You'll what? Call the royal guard? Have me taken away to prison to rot the rest of my days? Oh boo hoo!" Mortimer phased his arm through a nearby vase as if he was invisible. "No prison can hold me queeny. Besides, with powers like yours, you could stop me no problem."
    Elsa looked at her hands.
    "But you won't do that will yah? Too afraid what they'll do to you if they find out." Mortimer sighed, as he attempted to show empathy. "You know, I used to be quite the looker. Handsome, charming, always good with the ladies. But that all changed when those brats with the keyblades showed up! I changed my appearance to survive and free myself from my prison."
    Elsa looked up at Shadow Mortimer with a little more confidence.
    "What do you want?..."

    "I wanna help you of course. Us freaks of nature gotta stick together after all."
    "I'm... not a freak."
    Shadow Mortimer clicked his tongue. "That's not what they'll see." He pointed to the tall mountains outside the castle bay window.
    "And when they do, I'll be waiting for you on top of that mountain. Accepting you for who you truly are. And who knows? Maybe even help you control it."
    "You can help me control it?" Elsa said, with hope in her voice.
    "I know a little something or other. Of course, you can't tell anyone. Your poor sister's life could be in danger after all if you're not careful..."

    Elsa looked down and nodded.

    "Maybe I'm wrong of course. Maybe they won't be scared..." Mortimer walked towards the door as he phased through, chuckling under his breath.

    A moment later, Elsa returned to the main hall as the Coronation began.


    As Aux was left to deal with Lilo, she found herself tilting her head at the tall man as she looked back and forth between him and the party.
    "What?" he asked, annoyed.

    "Why is one of your friends covered in a hood?" She looked around to see if anyone as listening. "Is he a vampire that let the sun touch him?..."
    Aux turned around slightly as he saw his friends plan things out. "No. But he does have a wolf head."

    "Cool!" Lilo said amused. As this went on, Stitch finally approached Lilo and looked up to Aux sniffing him. To Aux, the little creature seemed more offputting up close. Being able to smell the scents of Jumba off him, Stitch let out a growl. Before things could escalate further, her older sister Nani came into the picture and squirted Sttich with a water bottle. Stitch rubbed his head along the ground to get the water off his head.
    "Lilo, I told you to make the dog wait outside."
    "But Stitch needs to learn romance. See, were were gonna use the old lady to-"
    "I don't wanna hear it," Nani said, rubbing her head from stress. Looking back to Aux, she sighed. "I am so sorry, he's still not very trained."

    "Yeah it's uhh.. not like other dogs."
    "BARK BARK!" Stitch said as he glared at Aux. Glaring right back, he looked to Nani. If there was any time to get her to go to the beach, it was now.
    "You know, I hear they are hiring at the beach... person." Aux didn't have beaches on his home world.

    "Like a lifeguard?" Lilo asked.
    "Yeah, that. And we were going to the beach to do beach things."
    "Like surfing?"
    "Probably, yeah."

    "Well I don't see why I shouldn't try. This place is a bust anyways." Nani smiled. "Did you and your friends know where the beach is?|
    "Uhh.. Friends. Yes. I have those. And they are behind me."
    "The guy in the hood is a wolfman!" Lilo said enthusiastically.
    "Uhh, great then. I can guide you to the beach then. Least I can do for the job tip. I'm Nani by the way. And I see you've already met Lilo and her new pet."

    "Aux. That's everyone else. Introduce yourselves as you see fit."
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 24, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Krowley
    Kocoum examined the strangers, unconvinced. "You don't seem armed, but I'm not taking any chances. You look just like them! The white devils who came to our land and invaded our shores!" He looked to one of his fellow men and whispered something in their native tongue. Turning back to the three of them, he looked in disgust. "Half of us will take them back to Chief Powhatan. The rest of you, be on the look out for his daughter. Pocahontas is still missing, and these strange invaders are still among us." Half of their group did as commanded and raced off to do their own patrolling.

    "Were their any other men with you? The ones with the weapons that spout fire and thunder?"
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Krowley
    OC Accepted
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 21, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  9. Krowley
    1K Bonus achieved!
    Congratulations players of Kingdom Hearts SOS! You have reached another 1,000 replies.
    All players have been awarded 1,000 Munny for their hard work!

    1,000 Posts - Anora - Nottingham - July 27 2012
    2,000 Posts - Steel - Castle of Dreams - February 25 2013
    3,000 Posts - Etrius - Kingdom of the Sun - September 14 2013
    4,000 Posts - Beuce - Camelot - April 17 2014
    5,000 Posts - Raisor - Central Haven - September 11 2014
    6,000 Posts - Base - Wasteland - January 7 2016
    7,000 Posts - Gwendolyn - San Fransokyo - February 25 2017
    8,000 Posts - Aux - Shibuya - February 28 2018

    9,000 Posts - Kaida - Ohana Island - June 21 2018
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Krowley
    As the group edged on the waterfall, John Smith kept a vigilant eye on his surroundings, making sure to watch for any weary eyes on them.
    John managed to see a silhouette of a woman with raven hair, preparing his gun to fire. As he took aim the silhouette behind the waterfall ran off, causing John to give chase. He clanked past the rest of the group in his armored chest plate as he continued to chase her, heading into the mist of the waterfall and out of sight.

    Before anyone could go after him, several tanned men from the bushes came out with bows and arrows pointed at the three of them.
    Shirtless and lean, they stared down the group with serious intent in their eyes. More than a dozen native warriors holding them at a close distance.
    What seemed to be the leader of that tribe, came from beyond the bushels, calmly as he marched towards them headstrong and level headed.


    "My name is Kocoum. Why have you people come here?!"
    His people answered his claim, by having their arrows pulled back, ready to fire.
    "If you wish to live, you will answer me!"
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Krowley
    Aux glared down at her as he looked back at Stitch. Stitch as this time was ripping apart the couch cushions of the hotel furniture, laughing as he did it. "Yeah, I'm working on it..."
    "Stitch is working on it too!" she mentioned, pulling out a small book. She flipped to a page where it showed a crude drawing of Stitch and a red line that reached aboves his eyes that colored in more than half his body. "This is Stitch's badness level. It's unusually high for someone his size... We're trying to fix that." She looked back to Stitch, who was in the process of eating the stuffing from the couch. The way he did it made it look like he was attacking a small snowy village. "I'm also cutting back on his caffeine intake...."
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Krowley
    Aux's eye twinged as his neck slowly creaked towards Ananta. "Don't calm me that. Please." he said as calmly as he could.
    As the little girl looked at the group, she couldn't help but shrug at Ananta's statement. "Why would it have to be a secret? You guys are just tourists looking for a job, right?"
    She looked over to her sister that was trying to fill out forms. "That's my sister Nani, she's been trying to find a job." My name's Lilo! Aloha! Welcome to the island tourists!" she said, waving her hand.
    "What did you call me?" Aux glared.
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Krowley
    "Well if we're gonna meddle, might as well go the distance," Aux said pushing the doors open. The doors remained open so the rest of his part could witness as well.

    Aux watched the older sister talking to the concierge as he was overhearing them.
    "Concierge-er-ing is my life. I just love to answer phones..." she said smiling. The man at reception didn't seem amused, but he looked in his files for an application anyways.
    "We might have something available."
    "Thank you so much!" the woman said. "I really need this job!"

    Aux folded his arms. "She's looking for a job?" he thought outloud.

    From below him, a young girl's voice caused him to be startled. "You're supposed to wear a shirt in he hotel," she bluntly stated.

    Aux looked down at the girl, unsure what he was supposed to reply. "What?"

    She pointed to the sign that said NO SHIRT, NO SHOES, NO SERVICE.
    "Uhh thanks..." He reached into his back pocket and threw on his shirt again.

    "You and your friends seem to be following us around a lot," she said tilting her head at the six foot man.
    Aux continued to remain silent, not knowing if this was a good or bad thing.
    "You don't have to pretend. I know who you all are and why you're following us." the little girl in the red dress said.
    Aux's glare grew serious as he was prepared to summon his keyblade. "Oh you do, do you?..."
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Krowley
    Alex nodded. "You know, you seem pretty calm about all this. Didn't take you much for a hardcore chick, but you're dealing with all this better than I did at the beginning. He continued to walk "These guys we roll with are really on edge. They don't really care what you want or what your morals are. They just want stuff done y'know?...."


    As Vanitas exited the arcade, he began fiddling with a blue thumb drive he had in his hand. The symbol for "Pi" was angraved on the side, making him wonder just how important this was to get. "You better be worth the trip you piece of plastic.. Had to enter this stupid game just to get you..." He continued to talk to himself as he rounded the corner to return to Echo. "Can't say the trip is a total waste though. At least I found that loser again," he said in referral to Ventus. "Kid looks as empty and broken as the day he was traded off though. Like he's under some kinda mind trick. Either way, once I'm dne here, he'll be mine to deal with. Can't fuse with the runt if he's not at my level- ACK!!!" He held his heart as his face shifted from that of Ventus, to that of the dark haired Sora. "Stupid potion... Full heart? Please... a couple more days like this and I'll be back to controlling unversed at half my possible power..." He scoffed. "Ventus is my only shot at my maximum potential now..."


    Shiro returned with Lynn, Karina, and Arctus in tow.
    At the Shibuya gate was a small young teenager with platinum blonde hair, wearing a short sleeve dress shirt and jeans.
    The boy shrugged. "Not exactly. But I definately work here. What is it that you need?"
    The boy looked to Karina and grinned. "Is that so? Well I don't see why not."
    "My name is Joshua. I'm the current game composer after the... 'difficulties' we had with our last one. She can go, but I'm afraid the silver haired one is ineligible. Can always throw him into the other game. Something tell's me it's about to have a vacancy soon..."
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Krowley
    Aux arched an eyebrow as he looked down at his own attire. "What's wrong with the ones I wear now?"
    Looking back at Stratos' query, he began to think about what the four eyed scientist said. "Well he has super strength, indestructibility, and an appetite for destruction. So far it hasn't done anything destructive."
    The little alien dog continued to play the instrument happily as he began to use his sharp talons to intentionally make a higher and higher pitch. The loud pitch eventually cracked all the windows and glasses of anything withing a few dozen meters. "Until now. It's none nothing destructive... Until now."
    Finishing his little song, the little alien laughed and proudly looked around as he laughed.

    Embarrassed by this, the older woman that the little girl was with, dragged her by the arm, causing the dog to follow.

    The group would follow quickly as she would head to the hotel, only a few streets away.
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Krowley

    So this is a bit late, but I thought I'd begin with the first season of the Roleplay Arena Workshop. (RAW)
    Plenty of room for worldbuilding and plot, this roleplay will begin on a prison planet...​

    Crew Position: (Pilot, Gunner, Navigator, Surgeon, Cook, Shipwright, Cabin Boy, etc)
    Age: (How old are you?)
    Race: (Human? Alien? Android? Robot?)
    Birthplace: (Home planet or city)
    Bounty: (How many units are you wanted for?)
    Crime: (What were you initially arrested for?)

    Skin Color:
    Distinguishing features: (Tattoos? Piercings? Scars? Facial Hair?)

    Weapon Proficiency:
    Special Skills:
    Spoken Languages: (Existing or Fictional)

    Crew Member Positions

    Rank 1 (Administrative) - Captain, First Mate,
    Rank 2 (Main Deck) - Navigator, Pilot, Scanner, Techie, Interpreter, Gunner
    Rank 3 (Below Deck) - Shipwright, Surgeon, Weapons Expert, Cook, Cabin Dwarfs
    Rank 4 (Away Team) - Cruiser Pilots, Scouts, Sabers

    Cabin Dwarf - An all around supportive tea member responsible for helping other higher ranks with their position. Often the youngest, Cabin Dwarves serve as the main source of clean up and maintenance on the ship. While their jobs are small, they are still vital to keep things ship shape.

    Captain - An often respected member of the ship. Someone to lead the rest of the crew the decision making and tactic. Courageous and skilled, the Captain commands their vessel with pride and vigor.

    Cook - Responsible for the sustenance and nourishment of the crew. Adept at cooking for large groups of people.

    Cruiser Pilot -
    Someone capable of piloting and meneuvering lesser ships. Often small attack ships for defensive countermeasures.

    First Mate -
    Responsible for all duties on the ship as well as to reinforce the captain's orders. The number one of the ship, the First Mate always keeps the ship in pristine condition with their ability to keep everyone in check.

    - Gunners are excellent marksman with proficient accuracy and knowledge of firearms. Gunners control the offense matrix of the ship, accounting for all offensive capabilities.

    Interpreter - Also known as a "Polyglot" or "Glotter" this crew member is an excellent communications expert. Speaking at least a dozen fluent languages or more, they can help with translation and personal relations with traders. Often in charge of communications

    Navigator - Navigators chart both the known and unknown edges of space. Very intelligent, these star finders are highly educated and well versed in the galactic planets and other wayfinders.

    Pilot - Responsible for steering the ship and keeping at the helm. The pilot is responsible for keeping the ship's defenses online as well through the command matrix. Shielding, power, and skilled driving are what the Pilot controls, making them highly responsible for the safety of the crew.

    Saber - A skilled, swashbuckling swordsman. Well known for their swordplay and melee abiltiies, Sabers often wear Chute suits while combating in space to fight and jetpack themselves to different areas.

    Scanner - Along with assisting in charting calculations and charting courses, Scanners are responsible for reading heat signatures, identifying nearby ships, bases, objects and potential hazards via long range scanner.

    Scout - A scavenger with a keen eye for detail. Scouts have the best eyesight on the ship and often go out on patrol via cruiser to scout out nearby terrains.

    Shipwright - The mechanic of the ship. Shipwrights are responsible for maintaining,and keeping the ship's mechanisms in check. While the Pilot is responsible for all things external, the Shipwright keeps all the internal affairs in order.

    Surgeon - The ship's resident medic. The surgeon is also responsible for helping to replace any lost appendages with cyborg and other mechanized implants. Well versed in science and technology.

    Technician - Also known as "Techie," this crew member that serves their expertise to the more scientific and technical aspects of the ship. Looking more at software than hardware, they are responsible for keeping most ship functions online at all times.

    Weapons Expert - The crew member who is most knowledgeable of the crews weapons. Often distributes, cleans, and ensures all weapons are in prestine condition. More often then not, these are well trained combatants.

    Basic Terminology
    Aster - A feeling of success or pride
    Bang - The Urban term for explosives, firearms, gamma, and other deadly items
    Bossa Nova - A term of wonderment and excellence.
    Chrome - The Urban term for payment/currency
    Chute Suits - An armored suit that allows you to breath and move about in space.
    Cluster - A demeaning term that implies someone is a waste of space
    Gamma - The most popular form of firepower. A fusion of lasers and energy
    GEOs - Galactic Enforcement Officers. Basically a term that warns for the popo
    Milgax - The highest insult to give someone. Basically meaning they are the lowest scum
    Phased - Meaning someone is Drunk
    Pixel - Implying someone is a goody goody and is afraid of breaking the law
    Plank - Another way of jettising someone from a vessel
    Red Spot - An obvious weakness
    Ringo - Implying Cowardice
    Solar Surfer - Surfboards that can be used to jettison yourself through space
    Savvy? - Do you understand?
    Stardog - An old pirate or scoundrel
    Starwater - Very potent alcohol
    Terran - Some one who's never set foot off their homeplanet
    Units - The universal currency of the future
    Zero-G - A term to describe something as simple or easy

    The Crew

      Name: A.C. #001-E (Artificial Captain) "Ace"
      Crew Position: Captain
      Age: Unknown. He was constructed to appear as a humanoid male in his late 20s.
      Race: Android
      Birthplace: [Redacted] Constructed by Kestrel Robotics
      Personality: Blunt, logical, seemingly incapable of anger, and he always has an answer for everything, even when he doesn't. Though he presents himself as unfeeling and cold that could not be further from the truth.
      Bounty: 200,000 Units
      Crime: Destroyed the unmanned flagship he was designated to captain to test his abilities. He survived by jettisoning himself out an airlock where he was apprehended minutes later.

      Hair: White
      Eyes: Blue
      Skin Color: Brown
      Height: 6'4"
      Distinguishing features: Blue electrical pulses can sometimes faintly be seen underneath his skin. (ignore the appearance inconsistency)
      Picture: Here (ignore the cracks)

      Weapon Proficiency
      : None. Programmed to be incapable of using a weapon against an organic being. Ace is capable of disarming and taking down targets in hand to hand combat.
      Special Skills: Enhanced strength, some piloting skill, superior tactical analysis capabilities, enhanced optics, and he is capable of learning any language given enough time.
      Spoken Languages: Many

    • Name: Simon Plover
      Crew Position: first mate
      Age: 26
      Race: Human/alien hybrid
      Birthplace: Eden
      Personality: follows the rules for the most part except when it goes against what he believes in. He tells things how it is, but can be caring at times.
      Bounty: 30,000 u
      Crime: He left his post in the military to save his best friend, when he was ordered to stay where he was. (Desertion) In a way he cased murder of Hundreds of people. The unit Simon was working with took his friend and said was was working of the enemy.

      Hair: golden brown
      Eyes: gold
      Skin Color: tan
      Height: 5'10
      Distinguishing features: his golden eyes

      Weapon Proficiency
      : guns, knives, hand to hand, anything that would be used in the military.
      Special Skills: He is highly trained to disarm threats and knock them out. He is also trained to breach doors so he can unlock doors.
      Spoken Languages: English, Space Swahili, Morse Code, Some alien languages because he is a hybrid.

      Name: Jason (Jim) Apehr
      Crew Position: Pilot
      Age: 23
      Race: Human
      Birthplace: 8676 Trianguli Prime
      Personality: Silly and slightly insane. He's wildly experimental and has a slight bit of a god complex, trying to make things he probably out to not. He lets his brother think he needs protecting cause since he knows his brother is better at it anyway. But he's always up for a joke or two even as he's working.
      Bounty: 200,000u
      Crime: Disfiguring the face of the current President of Trianguli Prime's face in the midst of showing a new creation, assault, and then resisting arrest.

      Hair: Silver
      Eyes: Purple
      Skin Color: White
      Height: 6'0"
      Picture: The one on the right
      Distinguishing features: No real distinguishing features, but the color of his and his brothers eyes are a unique trait not seen very often, made them stick out

      Weapon Proficiency
      : Dual Laser Daggers & Dirty Trick Maneuvers
      Special Skills: Can create makeshift weapons pretty fast. Better at flying a ship and maneuvering through extreme environments. Using up most of his energy, he can (usually about once per day) zone out extra details and sounds in order to focus in on his tasks.
      Spoken Languages: English, Space Swahili, and sign in both, often preferring to sign.

      Name: Lydia Whitley
      Crew Position: Navigator
      Age: 19
      Race: Human
      Birthplace: Ruslora
      Personality: Fiery, sassy, often day-dreaming and staring up at the stars (or a map). Seems to have the no-nonsense way about her from time to time when it comes to getting things done, but also pulls out an adventurous side when she feels like it's going to be something new and exciting to do.
      Bounty: 25,000
      Crime: For shootin' an apple off of the govnr's head and scaring the livin' daylights outta him. She signed up for a shooting contest and disguised herself as a man, made it to the final round, completed it, and it then it was revealed she was a girl aaaaaand everyone lost their minds since ladies aren't suppose to be gunslingers on her home planet. She caused some minor mischief before, but this was crossing the line. ("Falsely" charged with Disorderly conduct, Harassment, Disturbing the Peace, Provocation, False Impersonation, and Attempted Murder)

      Hair: Orange
      Eyes: Blue
      Skin Color: Tan, like she's been in the sun an awful lot
      Height: 5'7"
      Distinguishing features: Has an x shaped scar on her right shoulders as a mark of a criminal on her home planet.

      Weapon Proficiency
      : Pistols, Golden Laser Cutlass, and smoke and small explosive bombs.
      Special Skills: Has a great sense of direction, almost photographic memory with only a few details escaping the mind, map making, drawing
      Spoken Languages: Western Drawl, English, Space Swahili, Hand Signals

    • Name: Jace Terry (JT)
      Crew Position: techie (gussing similar to shipwreck)
      Age: (How old are you?) Appears to be in his 20s in human years
      Race: Human/Alien (is alien but appears human)
      Birthplace: (Home planet or city) tecnio
      Personality: can be caring, likes inventing, and can be reserved. Sometimes he like keeping knowledge to himself.
      Bounty: 20,000 U
      Crime: (What were you initially arrested for?) Making a new invention when he was to be somewhere else, blamed for power grid going down because he wasn't there to fix it.

      Hair: Black
      Eyes: green
      Skin Color: tan
      Height: 5'9"
      Distinguishing features: (Tattoos? Piercings? Scars? Facial Hair?)
      Always has home made goggles on his head (see below)
      Weapon Proficiency
      : guns, bombs, chemical or electronical/machine things.
      Special Skills:
      Lockpick/hacking: can open any door/lock physical or electronical/can hack into computer systems or things that appear electrical/machine in nature.
      Can remake his googles.
      Can make almost anything out of very few or strange items.
      Goggles: let him see inferred, ultraviolet, in night vision, and see farther distances. (Swich between visions, Googles only work on him because he put a safety figure it it)
      Spoken Languages: (Existing or Fictional)
      English, binary( read and understand, it be weird to talk in 0 and 1's, although he can just chooses not to) Morse code, and varry few alien languages.

    • Name: Luci "Lingo" Vega
      Crew Position: Interpreter
      Age: 30
      Race: Human
      Birthplace: Nobos
      Personality: Restless, eccentric, and always paranoid. He speaks quickly and often goes on tangents. His bark is bigger than his bite as he's able to hype things up without many of the skills to back them up. Rarely sleeps and likes to drink.
      Bounty: 5,000 Units
      Crime: Petty theft, drunken misconduct, property damage

      Hair: Black
      Eyes: Brown
      Skin Color: Tan
      Height: 5'6"
      Distinguishing features: Long scraggily black hair, goatee, tattoos covering his arms in many different languges

      Weapon Proficiency
      : Explosives
      Special Skills: Speaks over 3 dozen languages, expertise in demolition and picking locks
      Spoken Languages: Too many to count

      Name: Silver
      Crew Position: Shipwright
      Age: 24
      Race: Genetically Modified Human
      Birthplace: Gulthworn
      Personality: Seemingly lazy and unmotivated. Despite having an easy time picking things up and manipulating machinery, he'd much rather laze around if given the option.
      Bounty: 320,000
      Crime: Hacking into a cities mainframe and using their robots to cause mayhem.

      Hair: Light Blue
      Eyes: Red
      Skin Color: White
      Height: 6"1
      Distinguishing features: Not really

      Weapon Proficiency: Anything electronic
      Special Skills: Can hack into anything electronic and use it either as a weapon or to benefit himself in some way.
      Spoken Languages: English, Dragonic, Space Swahili. Morse Code (He can understand it at least)

      Name: Karen "Double Edge" Masterson
      Crew Position: Surgeon
      Age: 32
      Race: Android
      Birthplace: Unknown
      Personality: Karen is very proper in the way that she holds herself. To her, everyone else is just a future operation. She can be cold and will often berate you with her silver tongue. Despite her seeming to dislike when anyone disturbs her research, she always takes care of any patient that needs her help. It's an unspoken promise that when Karen Masterson is your doctor, that you can rest easy knowing she'll do whatever it takes to get you better.
      Bounty: 35,000u
      Crime: Breaking into, and out of, a government space station.
      Defense: "I didn't break anything. Honestly, you should be thanking me for pointing out the severe flaws in your security measures." - Karen

      Hair: Sky Blue - Long/Midback
      Eyes: Lavender
      Skin Color: Pale
      Height: 5'10"
      Distinguishing features: Markings on her body where she's made "upgrades" to herself.

      Weapon Proficiency
      : Pistols
      Special Skills: Karen can revive almost any living creature with a special ability dubbed 'Hands of Life'. In times where she requires more effort from her body, she can use a skill dubbed 'Exertion' to increase her speed and processing capabilities by ten times. Exertion takes a hefty toll on her body and she has to repair before using it again. When she doesn't need as much power she can use a skill dubbed 'Limit Break' which increases her capabilities by two times. Limit Break doesn't take as much of a toll so it can be used longer than Exertion.
      Spoken Languages: Literally any modern language.

      Name: Xyxin'xor "Xy"
      Crew Position: Weapons Expert
      Age: 222 (In human years this would be late-20s)
      Race: Alien
      Birthplace: Ki'ram
      Personality: Cold and distant, she tends to focus more on her weapons and constantly sleeping with one eye open to really try and connect with anyone.
      Bounty: 10,000u (significantly lowered from original bounty)
      Crime: Providing weapons for a terrorist cell on her home planet. Illegal use of biological weapons.

      Hair: Purple
      Eyes: Gold
      Skin Color: Blue
      Height: 6'1''
      Distinguishing features: The only thing noticeably different from her species is that she has more freckles
      Picture: bloop

      Weapon Proficiency: Most weapons, but heavy focus in explosives and blasters
      Special Skills: Is able to make herself glow which produces a charge to her weapons, especially useful when she's in a crutch and needs to recharge a battery. Has a lot of natural race abilities which include being able to breathe under water, survive for up to 30 minutes in a vacuum, and most importantly her ability to adapt her eyesight to see at different wavelengths and frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum.
      Spoken Languages: Ki'rami, English

      Name: Aero
      Crew Position: Gunner
      Age: 26
      Race: Cyborg Terminan
      Birthplace: Termina (Planet has been destroyed)
      Personality: For your first few interactions with this...interesting fellow, it would be hard to pin down the general range of his personality. But once you realize that his mood fluctuates with his physical health, such as how drowsy, hungry, restless he is, it becomes easy to tell how Aero will be. In the early hours of the morning, when you'll find him struggling to keep awake, he'll come off as rather grumpy and unpleasant, but throughout the day as he regains his energy, he quickly becomes noticeably more pleasant, chill, and optimistic about life, even carrying a sense of humor from time to time. Near-opposites seem to rule this strange fellow's personality.
      Bounty: 150,000
      Crime: Caused the destruction of a small planet; main purpose was the production of robot slaves.

      Hair: Black
      Eyes: Silver, but they turn red when he's ready for battle.
      Skin Color: An almost pale-white color, like damn, someone get this boy some sunlight.
      Height: 5'10"
      Distinguishing features: You'll usually find him wearing a mask that covers his whole face (thanks to nanotechnology, it can turn into a helmet that covers his whole head) and the mechanical plating on his abdomen makes his cyborg nature obvious.
      He mostly looks like this cool dude:

      Weapon Proficiency
      : Two one-handed blasters with multiple settings(rapid-fire, high intensity burst, etc) and his one knife that he carries by his side.
      Special Skills: His mechanically upgraded eyes give him extremely sharp vision, but coupled with the technological abilities of his mask and partially-cyberized limbs, he's able to "lock" onto a maximum of six targets within his view and shoot them all in less than a second. This drains his systems, so he sparsely uses this technique.
      Also, because of his helmet, it can act as a diving helmet, supplying him with oxygen for up to a half-hour.
      Spoken Languages: English, most codes used by slaves, Morse Code, and binary (How does one even speak the last two?).

      Name: James (Jay) Apehr
      Crew Position: Saber
      Age: 23
      Race: Human
      Birthplace: 8676 Trianguli Prime
      Personality: A bit cocky and playful, James likes to make the best out of every situation, usually by playing jokes. He is protective of his brother, but only his brother, everyone else he could take or leave.
      Bounty: 50,000
      Crime: Beating up the guards that attempted to arrest his brother for a mistake that he made. (Assumed accomplice to his brothers crime)

      Hair: Silver
      Eyes: Purple
      Skin Color: White
      Height: 6'0"
      Picture: The one on the left
      Distinguishing features: No real distinguishing features, but the color of his and her brothers eyes are a unique trait not seen very often, made them stick out in

      Weapon Proficiency
      : Various types of swords including Long swords, Short Swords, Laser Swords and Scimitars
      Special Skills: He is great with dual wielding swords, he can talk his way out of a lot of things and is rather stealthy when he wants to be.
      Spoken Languages: English, and Space Swahili

      Name: Gratien "Grav" Vespertine
      Crew Position: Scout
      Age: 20
      Race: Carnelian
      Birthplace: Carngaurdia
      Personality: Not particularly fond of others, Grav prefers reading his books or perhaps the animals of the wilds to that of people. He is, however, willing to extend trust to others in the proper circumstances and tends to think the best of individuals.
      Bounty: 2,000
      Crime: Grav was framed for the theft of a rather valuable artifact from his home planet. Not much is known to him about the actual thief.

      Hair: Teal
      Eyes: Red
      Skin Color: White
      Height: 5'7"
      Distinguishing features: Fractal-like Iris's as common for his humanoid species. It causes them to resemble gemstones.

      Weapon Proficiency
      : Has trained in fencing styles and mostly sticks to a rapier, be it made from any material from steel to laser. Also has a basic grasp on how to use various types of handguns.
      Special Skills: Has a degree of empathy, but is mostly trained to use it with wildlife. Gets only vague feelings when used on more intelligent races, but doesn't usually bother using it on them, since there isn't quite as large a communication wall.
      Spoken Languages: English, Draconic, Al Bhed

      Name: Simmer "Hot Knife" Grant
      Crew Position: Cook
      Age: 24
      Race: Human/Faunus - Cat Ears
      Birthplace: Obraxis III
      Personality: Generally disinterested in most things. Once he gets fired up though there's no turning back. Loyal to a fault, he'd follow his crew to their doom and fight to drag them back out again. He's got a real bad habit of flirting in the worst of times. He takes pride in his work and always makes sure his crew doesn't go hungry.
      Bounty: 20,000u
      Crime: For flirting with an important Baron of Obraxis III. Also for kicking that Baron's teeth down his throat when he called Simmer a Milgax.
      Defense: "Tsk. He deserved it!" - Simmer

      Hair: Autumn Red - Short/Shoulder
      Eyes: Spring Green
      Skin Color: Summer Tan
      Height: 6'2"
      Distinguishing features: Simmer wears a star pendant around his neck, two studs in his right ear, and has strange tattoo -that looks like a really messed up bar code- on the upper part of his right arm that he doesn't remember getting.

      Weapon Proficiency
      : Daggers for close range and Rifles for distance.
      Special Skills: Simmer uses an ability dubbed 'Chow Time' to create lavish meals out of next to no food. He can also use a skill dubbed 'Sense' to locate nearby life forms. These were mainly used for his survival on Obraxis III.
      Spoken Languages: Ancient Fae, Obraxian, English

      Name: Tsubasa Tsurugi
      Crew Position: Cabin Girl
      Age: 17
      Race: Cat-Hybrid
      Birthplace: The Town of Celebic on the planet Arusica
      Personality: A bit oblivious, cheerful, kind, patient, open-minded, doesn't like unneeded violence, honest, hard-working
      Bounty: 15,000 Units
      Crime: Framed for the kidnapping and attempted murder of the Chancellor's son

      Height: 5' 5"
      Distinguishing features: N/A
      Weapon Proficiency: Pistols, Shurikens, Throwing Knives, Bow and Arrow
      Special Skills: Nothing really. She can play the flute though.
      Spoken Languages: English, Spanish, Japanese, Asbica

      Name: Grogg
      Crew Position: Cabin Dwarf
      Age: 512 (roughly a preteen in his race)
      Race: Triloth
      Birthplace: Orkha
      Personality: Quiet and gruff, Krogg speaks in small sentences. He's often kind and doesn't like using weapons. rarely gets mad unless something really bugs him.
      Bounty: 100,000 Units
      Crime: Property damage causing several casualties

      Hair: Green
      Eyes: changes depending on mood.
      Skin Color: Grey
      Height: 7'6"
      Distinguishing features: Stone-like skin

      Weapon Proficiency
      : Fists
      Special Skills: Very strong and durable, Increased sense of smell. Excellent climber
      Spoken Languages: Orkhan, English

    Thread by: Krowley, Jun 14, 2018, 16 replies, in forum: OOC Lounge
  17. Krowley
    Apologies, we'll try and fix this as soon as we can.
    In the meantime, you can download the full archive for the 1.5 cutscenes for re:Chain of Memories.
    Floor 11 should be included.

    Post by: Krowley, Jun 14, 2018 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  18. Krowley
    Aux took the board from Steel and planted it into a small mound of dirt. "Not yet. But I might need to hit the little guy later." He realized that probably made him sound a little violent and corrected himself. "If he gets dangerous I mean..."

    Upon Ananta's comment on her name, Aux contemplated just how many times over the name must've been passed. "Must've had that name passed from many generations then." With all this talk about past lives and current families, Aux thought about his own. Aux left his family to go with his grandfather when he was barely a teenager. He hadn't contacted them in years and for all they know, he was doing viliant and heroic things. UEt in his mind, all he could think about were the people in each world that he hurt or turned to darkness. The deer, the hunter, the beast... all of their lives ruined because of him. He didn't want to think about what they would think if they saw him now. "Getting off the family subject is probably for the best..."
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Krowley
    "Right... Stratos." If Aux was going to be part of this team, he needed to at least try to learn everyone's names and be a better team player. From his earlier encounter in the realm of darkness, the hooded wolf man was Steel. Then there was the green haired girl from Pridelands. The parrot girl that spent most of that time roosting atop his head. He looked back to Steel wondering how he was doing with the blistering heat and such a covert sweater. "Isn't it hot under there?" he asked.
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Krowley
    Aux glared at Ananta once it was mentioned he could eat the floor ice cream. Turning back to look at the small dog. he was thinking to himself just what they could do in this situation. "Well if we can't capture it without arousing suspicion, and we can't approach them without getting suspected, how are we supposed to do this?"

    Upon being called big guy by Stratos, he glared at the black haired boy as well. "My name is Aux. Not big guy..." He was about to pronounce his name, but realize he didn't actually learn it. "Ummm... what was your name again?"
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena