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  1. Beucefilous
    Beuce gave a whistle. The castle was certainly an impressive building, in stark contrast from the small shops and village like qualities of the rest of the city. Ignis commented about the extravagance of the whole thing. "Well, when you have a lot of money you need to spend it on something right? Why not a bigger house? Besides, this castle looks pretty old. I doubt it was the current generation that built it so much as they inherited it."
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Beucefilous
    Beuce seemed content with their discussion for now. That seemed like all the planning they were going to get done. "So to refresh, One of us gets friendly with Anna, One with Elsa, and one of us keeps an eye on the Duke. AJ seems to think he's up to no good, so it can't hurt to be prepared in case of something. We shouldn't be too close together, but we should stay close enough we can keep in contact if something changes." With that, Beuce began to walk along the streets toward the castle.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Beucefilous
    Beuce nodded. Splitting up was likely the best option for them. "Yeah. There are also two princesses. That means one of us should be with each of the princesses separately, and another should be there for backup in case something goes wrong. It's a little hard to say who should be with which princess since we know nothing about their personalities. So, we'll decide on that once we get there."
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Beucefilous
    Once they'd found a sufficiently secluded area, Beuce let out a breath. "We're not here to take them away, but more to make sure no one else does. Obviously we can't just whisk them away against their will. We just need to be close enough to keep an eye on them. Elsa and Anna were both names on the lists of princesses of heart. We need to protect them at all costs." Beuce said, giving a general summary of the situation. "Honestly it might not be a bad idea to just get friendly with them. That way we can be close without drawing too much attention to ourselves. I think our best bet to get close to them would be at the dance. We can't just walk in and march straight up to the princesses to shoot the breeze, but I imagine they'll be dancing." Beuce paused, giving thought to the situation "It's a coronation, right? So one of the two of them is becoming Queen.That hairdresser thought I was here to marry one of the princesses. If both of them were apparently an option, that means there isn't a king right now to take up their attention. So that means they'll probably be dancing among the masses with no one in particular, which means we're pretty likely to get some time to talk to them. Just have to make them like us enough to have us hang around afterwards. Easy."
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Beucefilous
    Beuce stood up from his seat, getting the gist of what his companions were trying to say. They needed to discuss the plan for what they were going to do at the coronation in private so they could get to the heart of the matter. Beuce turned one last time to the hairdresser and gave her a smile. "Thanks for your help." The woman returned his expression and stood up to give him a pat on the shoulder. "Don't mention it. I hope things work out between you and the princess, and for anything you do in the future." The keyblade master nodded, before pulling out the munny he'd taken from his pouch earlier. "No no, The haircuts were on the house. I like you kids." Well, he wasn't going to force the munny at her, so he turned to leave the shop. "Good luck." She called out one last time before they left.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Beucefilous
    Beuce chuckled as AJ finally complied to learning to Dance. He stopped the movement with Ignis. He felt comfortable that he'd gotten the hang of it enough to not look horribly out of place. Walking out of the center of the room, he gestured for the blonde boy to take his place. "Your lady awaits." He joked. Afterwards, he took a seat and crossed one leg over the other. The hairdresser next to him smiled as she watched the group of friends. "I've gotta apologize." She said to Beuce, who looked at her puzzled. "I must've gotten something wrong. It looks to me like you already have a place you belong." Beuce was surprised at this, but understood her meaning.

    He was silent for a moment, and looked down at the silver ring on the finger of his right hand.
    "Yeah...Yeah I do." His expression darkened as he remembered the events they'd just escaped from. Who had given him the ring, and how they weren't around anymore. This didn't go unnoticed, as the woman tapped his arm to break him out of thought, making a muffled 'clink'. "I don't know what all y'all have been through. It seems like it was pretty dark. Especially from what you said, but you can't let it keep you down. Ya gotta keep your chin up and march forward, no matter what comes your way. You're a strong man, I can see it in your eyes. I know it don't mean much comin' from someone you just met...But I think you can pull through it. You've got friends like them to keep you goin'." Beuce was surprised at this sudden pep talk, but was glad for it.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Beucefilous
    Beuce did his best to keep up with Ignis. He was picking it up quickly, but still moved clumsily. The two were, however, growing in their synchronization. Less and less did he have to worry about stepping on the woman's foot. "Well AJ, this might be a good opportunity to learn something. You won't have to dance at the coronation, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to keep up appearances." The grey haired man commented to his companion.

    AJ: 13
    Beuce: 12
    Ignis: 13
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Beucefilous
    The hairdresser shrugged and walked over to AJ, getting out her equipment. "What kinda style ya lookin' for?" She asked, ready to go to work on the boy's hair. Beuce, meanwhile, took Ignis' hand as she offered to assist in his learning to dance. "Well, I guess it is a good idea to see what level we're on with the whole dancing thing." The man took up the position that the hairdresser had showed him, and the dance began.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Beucefilous
    Beuce put his hand on the woman's waist, as instructed. The woman took hold of it and adjusted it to the proper position. After which she began to take a few steps. Beuce did his best to follow, but inevitably stepped on her foot. She winced momentarily, but simply took up the position with him again and repeated the process. After a few times, Beuce appeared to be getting the hang of it and began to mess it up far less. "You're a quick learner." She complimented. Fairly soon, Beuce heard a voice at the window and looked over to see Ignis. "Friend of yours?" asked the hairdresser.

    "Yeah. Hold on a sec. Do you mind if I let her in?" The hairdresser nodded and Beuce walked over to open the door for her. "Well, she offered to give me dance lessons before the coronation and I figured it certainly couldn't hurt."

    AJ: 10
    Beuce: 10
    Ignis: 11​
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Beucefilous
    The Thugs were being made short work of by the group, with one dead, one unconscious from the whip strike, and one seemingly dazed by some sort of magic. Yet, the two remaining ones who could were brave. They both ran up in an attempt to strike down the elf who had killed one of them. Yet, their courage got them little in the way of progress, as Kieran nearly effortlessly deflected both of their strikes.

    Thug 4 attacks Kieran and misses (1d20+3 = 2+3 = 5)
    Thug 5 Attacks Kieran and misses (1d20+3 = 13+3 = 16)

    Active Combat Log
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 12, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Beucefilous
    The keyblade master and the woman fixing up his hair both were startled by the sudden appearance of the blonde boy. "Sweet jesus boy, where in the hell did you come from?!" The woman put her hand over her chest, trying to calm her heartbeat. "You scared me half to death!" Beuce looked over to the boy who seemed to come out of thin air as he asked him his question about if he had anyone special back home. He didn't exactly know how to say "everyone I ever knew or loved is dead." without sounding angsty. Not to mention, he could exactly give out all the details. Though he supposed he couldn't really get out of the question.

    "Nah. I don't have anyone back home. My uh...'kingdom' was destroyed. There was a neighboring kingdom who invaded. We were completely wiped out. As far as I know, i'm the only survivor." The hair dresser held her hand over her mouth in shock. She put away her hairdressing tools, having finished her work. Beuce stood up and put on the rest of his suit he'd taken off, before looking into the mirror. He nodded, satisfied with the way he looked. He turned to leave, but the woman who had done his hair stopped him.

    "Now where do ya think you're goin'? That story just about broke my heart, and I understand why you didn't want anyone to know where you're from now. It must be hard to talk about. You came here to marry one of the princesses so that you'd have a place to call home, didn't ya?" Beuce stammered out an "uhhh" before she shook her head. "Come here." The woman turned the 'open' sign on the shop to the other end, indicating it was closed. She began pulling chairs out of the way so that the center of the room would be open and stood in the center. Motioning for him to come closer, he did as he was instructed, albeit very confused.

    "I'm gonna teach you to dance so you don't embarrass yourself in front of the princesses."

    AJ: 9
    Beuce: 9
    Ignis: 10
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Beucefilous
    i regret everything
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 9, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Beucefilous
    As the hairdresser finished with their other customer, the man stood up and looked in the mirror, rubbing his hand along his face. He turned and paid the rather shapely woman a bit of munny and thanked for a good job as always. The brown haired woman then turned to Beuce, having dealt with her only other customer. "What can I do for you?" She called out in a southern bell accent. Beuce stood up and walked over to speak to her more directly.

    "I'm headed to the coronation today." He replied simply.

    "Well I can see that." She said with a laugh. "Ya need your hair done, right? It's a mess." Beuce gave an agreeing chuckle and nod. "Well take off your jacket and sit in the chair, I'll fix you right up." The keyblade wielder did as he was instructed and sat down in the chair. She quickly wet his hair and began to rub shampoo in it, attempting to get out the dirt. "Boy what have you been doing? Rolling around in the dirt all day?"

    "Something like that." He said, trying to dodge the question. She looked at him a little oddly, but pressed the issue no further and simply continued to wash his hair.

    "You ain't from around here are ya?" She said, apparently clearly able to identify him as an outsider. Beuce, knowing there wasn't any point in hiding that he wasn't from around here, decided to just leave out the details.

    "Do i stick out that badly?" He asked.

    "The glass arm ain't exactly something that wouldn't get around quick." Beuce looked down and realized his right arm was uncovered since he'd taken off part of his suit to get his hair treated. "Don't worry, I dunno why it's such a big deal but I can tell ya don't want people finding out where you're from. I won't pry if it's personal business." Beuce gave a brief sigh of relief.

    "Thanks, I appreciate it."

    "But you do gotta tell me what you're doing at the ball. Did ya come to ask for one of the princesses hands in marriage? That would explain why you've got such a peacock-y suit." Beuce looked incredibly surprised. He hadn't even considered that was the message he gave off to people. She rinsed out his hair, and began to style it for him. "So tell me mister..."


    "Beuce? That's an uncommon name. Tell me Beuce, can ya dance?"

    AJ: 8
    Beuce: 8
    Ignis: 8
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 9, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Beucefilous
    Beuce nodded in agreement as Ignis suggested they get food. "There'll probably be food at the coronation, but we should probably eat before just in case. None of us have eaten much since the boat ride." He said, looking for restaurants. That didn't appear to be particularly uncommon, but it was really just a matter of what they wanted to eat. He looked to Ignis, whose stomach was growling. The man subtracted 1000 munny from his pouch and tossed her the rest. "My treat. Think of it as payment for the bad jokes. I'm going to go get my hair washed, so take your time eating. I'll catch up." With that, he walked off to find somewhere to get something done with his hair. It would definitely look kind of odd if he was dressed well but his hair was filthy with dirt. He found a quiet shop and entered. There was only one other customer, who seemed to be getting a shave, so he simply sat down and waited for the hair dresser to finish their work.

    AJ: 8
    Beuce: 7
    Ignis: 8
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Beucefilous
    Hello, my name is Beucefilous

    You might recognize me from various sections such as; the role-playing arena and the role-playing arena again but maybe in a different thread.

    With the recent site addition of munny, people now have a currency to keep me from freeloading on banner requests. However, I'll show them what true freeloading is.

    I'm poor and have no munny, but will be needing a lot of banners in a short amount of time. I've recently purchased a banner through likes, which is 100 likes for a single banner. Please save me from the fate of ten thousand likes. Your kindness would be ever so appreciated.
    Thread by: Beucefilous, Jun 8, 2018, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Beucefilous
    Username: Beucefilous
    Images (Please send original source) or describe what you're looking for: here
    Character sheet (or description of character if it does not exist yet): Here
    Banner size: 500x300
    Side, Horizonal, or L shaped: TBD
    Text (put N/A) if none: Beucefilous
    Colors: Reds and Blues and whatnot
    Details: Make him look like he doesn't hate his life.
    Addons: None
    Discord/Skype (put N/A if you don't want to be contacted): Rienzel13
    Method of Payment (Transfer/Likes): Suffering
    Would you like to see the process? (yes/no): Yes
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 8, 2018 in forum: Art Shop
  17. Beucefilous
    Beuce was silent for a moment, making a face of deep thought. Then, with the straightest face he could muster, looked to Ignis. "Nah, it's not my color." He said, turning down the offer of wearing that dress. "Oh, oh! But we could go shoe shopping, and get a makeover and..and...Oh! Manicuuuures~!" After that last one he couldn't help himself from starting to laugh. "Nah but seriously though I have some sand in my hair from the Island and haven't gotten a chance to wash it. I don't know if we can get a bath easily, and if i'm going to have someone else wash it, may as well get it done while I'm there. Come on lets get going."

    AJ: 7
    Beuce: 6
    Ignis: 7
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Beucefilous
    "Hey hey, he deserved it. He was being a prick" Beuce said in a mock defensive tone. She was right, they had a bit of time before the event actually went underway as most people would arrive early. "Well, I know AJ was joking about the royal inspector thing, but getting our hair done might actually not be a bad idea. If we're going to do it, might as well go all out with looking the part. Though you're more or less taken care of in the hair department. We should also talk over our plan beyond 'show up'. It doesn't hurt to be prepared." He'd mostly been thinking of ways to stay undetected, but that was mainly to get into the event. They'd need to discuss how to get closer to the two girls.

    AJ: 6
    Beuce: 5
    Ignis: 6
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Beucefilous
    Beuce narrowed his eyes at the shopkeeper as he mocked him him. So he wanted to play like that did he? Fine. Beuce's expression hardened and he looked at the man with contempt, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a sheet of paper and a pen. "Oh, Elsa won't be pleased to hear about this..." He said to himself, but loud enough that the shopkeep would hear. He scoffed, and looked at Beuce with skepticism. "YOU know princess Elsa? Really now? And just how are you so acquainted with her majesty?" Beuce glared at the man. "It's none of your concern who I know. Now, let's see. Rude to customers, unwilling to compromise, recommendation of dangerous activities..." He looked to the dress the man recommended. "Shoddy wares. Tsk tsk tsk. That's a failing grade if ever there were one. Come on AJ, lets go grade the next shop." He said, turning around and beginning to walk away.

    "Wait wait wait! Are...Are you some kind of royal inspector? I beg your pardon sir, I had no idea! Please, i'm sure we can match you up with quite a fine deal! I'll knock half price off any suit you like!" Beuce marked down another unintelligible scribble on the previously blank page
    "Attempting to bribe public officials...My you are in a bit of trouble. I don't know if you'll be able to stay in business through all these fines." The store owner was now visibly sweating bullets. "Please...It...It's free! You're going to the coronation right? You still need a suit right? What do you say you uh...You just couldn't make it to my shop and it's free! Any suit you want, for both of you! On the house! Just forget all this...Grading business?" Beuce narrowed his eyes and pretended to think about it. "I don't know...Alright, but only this once. If i come back and you haven't cleaned up your act, you'll be bankrupt before you can say 'no please'." The shopkeeper nodded and thanked Beuce as though he were his eternal savior. The keyblade wielder approached the good section of the shop and picked out two of his most expensive suits. One for him and one for AJ, handing the latter to its new owner with a coy wink, out of the shop owner's view. He walked into the back and changed into the suit, putting his old clothes in his extradimensional pocket. "Lets get going then." With that, he walked outside to find Ignis. He gave her a wave, and headed over. "Well damn. I gotta say, you might not like wearing dresses, but you certainly wear them well."

    AJ: 5
    Beuce: 4
    Ignis: 5
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Beucefilous
    Beuce nodded in acknowledgement as Ignis tapped his arm and went to help the old lady. It probably wasn't a good time to get separated in the crowd, but he didn't really see any harm in it. It likely wouldn't take long, and they were just going to be exploring in this area anyway. All these shops were way overpriced. Who actually had the cash to drop on this kind of crap? "Hm?" He responded to AJ's question. "Oh, probably some dancing, maybe some food. I've never actually been to a ceremony like this, so i can't say for sure. Though, the important thing is that the princesses are there so we can keep an eye on them and make sure nothing goes wrong." Beuce looked into a shop window. It had a suit for 2,000 munny. So far, that was the cheapest they'd seen by far, but it was still on the pricey side.

    "Come on, lets try this one out." He motioned for AJ to follow him into the shop. The shopkeep was a middle aged man in a white shirt and black buttoned vest. "Excuse me sir! I was looking to purchase one of your suits for me and my friend here!" He called out. The man turned to see the two enter, still clearly dressed as outsiders. "We're on a bit of a budget, so I was wondering if the price might be negotiable." The man looked thoroughly unamused.

    AJ: 4
    Beuce: 3
    Ignis: 3
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena