Boreas sitting on his bed humming softly and keeping watch heard the racket in the hallway, he got up, the covers still hanging over his shoulders from the sound of it it wasn't anything alarming and Boreas only poked his head out of his door to see Torrin, Take, Qamar and Illiana have a rather loud discussion in the middle of the hallway in front of Aria's door by the sound of it. Boreas just sighed and sat back down on his bed. It didn't take too long for things to quiet down in the hallway and Boreas remained awake in the low light. He heard two people leaving, and shortly after he heard soft speech outside and looked out of his window to see Torrin and Aria sitting outside, he watched for a moment. Before hearing Qamar's words in the back of his head. They were getting along quite well, Boreas just sat back down on his bed and rested against the headrest of his bed his legs huddled close, keeping the covers around him to stay warm. He didn't remember falling asleep but the noise of the doors being opened and closed he looked out his window to see Torrin and Aria were gone again, listening closely to the footsteps going down the hallway Boreas didn't check to see if it was Torrin, he trusted it had been him. He rubbed his eyes, the sleep hadn't been entirely dreamless it was just really strange and Boreas wondered if he had eaten something wrong. In the dream he was on that beach he had found Torrin and he had been sitting there fishing, behind him had been a house that appeared to be made out of fish. Flying through the sky were donut shaped heartless that flocked together and seemed to dance across the sky as if they were performing a large choreographed dance recital. As he glanced over to his left at what looked like a vegetable patch Nora uprooted what seemed to be turnips but as soon as they were uprooted he saw they were knee-high purple sheep that had six legs, that ran in circles around her. As he turned his attention back to the rod he saw that he had caught something and hauled in a fish whose scales just changed colours constantly. It all just made no sense. Boreas spent the next few hours keeping watch, thinking a little about the strange dream he had and more focussed on the sounds of the house to hear if there were strange things going on. He had turned on the light to help him stay awake and at first light he did a few exercises of his routine to help get the blood pumping through his veins again and be ready for an attack, if they came again it would be now. The little sleep he had didn't do much to combat the weariness he still felt but it was a sacrifice he had to make for no one else would, it was his duty. He splashed some water in his face and looked at the bags beneath his eyes and yawned. As he heard others getting out of their rooms Boreas too got out. He found Torrin, Take, Tinarah, Qamar, Edna and two heroes already out and about. He glanced over at Torrin, looking him in the eyes for a moment, before breaking off eye contact. There seemed to be a debate going on their place in the plan to rescue Mr Incredible. Tinarah already said they weren't heroes and Take and Qamar pointed out they were only here to help. "Listen here, you can't just complain about being outnumbered and then refusing the reinforcements offered to you, do you perhaps feel too good to allow us to help? Sure we may not be hero material in your eyes, but we can fight, with all of us supporting you to even the odds it will at the very least shift the balance more into your favour and really if odds are all you are concerned about then why are you looking at the direct confrontation? Split them up, piece meal them, take them out one by one. This whole situation seems like something where you can't exactly deny our help, you said it yourself you're in a bit of a bind here but here we are ready to jump in and help you and all you have to do is agree or are you afraid we will steal all your glory?" Boreas said, he knew he was pushing buttons, now he just hoped he pushed the right ones with this guy, but he figured that the pride angle would rouse him. If he had known that the night would be quiet and that he had to deal with something like this he would have slept but there was no going back now and he'd have to make do with what he could.
Boreas gave Torrin a look that said suuuure when he claimed that he only needed something to drink and it was the magitec affecting him. Aria then returned with a mug of this hot chocolate stuff everyone seemed to be so excited about and Boreas thanked her before glancing to Chrono sitting across from him. "Well let's see what all this is about..." He muttered more to himself than anyone else and took a sip. The rich creamy flavour was rather nice, he had to admit it was very nice. He quietly contemplated the whole situation they were in. They had been attacked here while Torrin, Take, Adalric and himself had walked into a trap and with the device still in place they were being set up with a situation once again and Boreas clenched his fist silently as he once again thought that their opponents was playing with them. If they had attacked here once already they knew they were here, it wouldn't be the end of it. With the machine in place they were forced to rest here which provided a very easy opportunity to attack them again. It would be the easy thing to do, attack in the night or the early morning. Aria and Take walked back into the kitchen, Boreas glanced over when Take mentioned the Magitek was affecting him too. Boreas didn't want to admit it too much but he too was affected by it feeling a little weary and he could use some rest himself. He silently sipped hot chocolate, as Aria set about cleaning the cups and talking to Chrono. Edna told them all to go to bed and rest, bu Boreas had no intentions of sleeping, with no centralised decision to organise a system for keeping watch Boreas took it on himself to simply keep watch. "Good night, you sleep well too." Was all Boreas said as Aria left. Boreas finished up his hot chocolate, cleaned up his own mug and went to find a room. He summoned his keyblade and sat down on the bed closing the curtains but keeping a nightlight on. He sat against the headrest of the bed, wrapping the covers around him and resting his keyblade against his shoulder, he held his legs close. He was going to stay awake for the night, it had been a while he had held watch and he didn't have to do it on his own in this days. He wouldn't be surprised if they attacked in the night or at dawn to deny proper rest, he wasn't going to let that happen and softly started to hum the tunes to a few songs he had picked up in the army. He was in for a very long night on his own.
Conrad listened carefully and took Samuel's words in consideration. They didn't know the exact source and what exactly lead to the water being contaminated, if it were a simple disease it could have been as simple as an animal dying in one of the streams leading into the river contaminating it, sonething that far out wasn't too uncommon. But this wasn't some simple disease, or the herbal remedies would have helped. He watched as Samuel worked the principle of the test being simple. He watched in anticipation as Samuel added the indicators to the water samples. There was no disease, no pollution, but magic and poison. "I think we should inform the Chief of our findings, make sure the situation doesn't get worse now that we know where it comes from." Conrad said, before cracking a smile at Samuel's joke and adding. "That river isn't going anywhere, we can just leave early in the morning and see what's going on. This magic poison or whatever it is exactly must be rather potent if people get this sick, either that or they built up a high dose. Either way this explains some of the oddities." Conrad would have hated it if there was nothing he could do to help, it frustrated him to no end, but now they were making progress and hopefully they could solve it all so that Renza could be a bit more carefree again and everything would just go back to normal for the village.
Boreas got the directions from Thallasa as Take and Torrin discussed some things about Heartless he was too focused on getting the proper directions. After he was done and memorised them he gave Torrin the benefit of the doubt that he was able to keep up and Boreas showed them the way. Arriving at the place itself it didn't look like they had fared much better here than they had. Being on edge fearing further ambushes Torrin summoned his keyblade, Boreas following suit and they forced their way in in classic Torrin fashion by defeating Torrin's nemesis the false-mimic. After a rather irritated home owner got out of their hair and everything was settled Aria suggested hot chocolate, there was that beverage again. "I must say... I'm intrigued I can't say I have had it before and seeing everyone here seems to like it if you don't mind I'd like a cup too..." Boreas took Aria up on the invitation to watch the hot chocolate being made, even if he wasn't entirely sure if it was extended to him as well. He felt a bit better when Chrono joined them as well. He had to laugh when Aria said it was a toss up whether it kept her awake or not. "I wouldn't bank on it to keep you awake then if it ain't a surefire way to do it it probably is going to inconvenience you at best." Boreas said "Best way to stay awake is to stay active, keep yourself busy, makes the time go faster too." Aria explained what exactly had caused her to scream out that morning. They sounded rather unpleasant sure he had his nightmares here and there like everyone did, but nothing like that. Even the Master of Masters was at a loss. "I'd advise against sleeping little given the situation we're in. Especially in your case Torrin, you should get some sleep tonight after how much you strained yourself but that's all I am going to say on the subject." He wasn't gonna hound them on it. Aria explained in more detail what the nightmares were about. And he had caught a glimpse of the bruises that morning before being sent off it was strange what happened in nightmares stayed there and couldn't affect the waking world atleast that is what he had always believed, it had turned out he was wrong. She also explained why it hadn't been brought up before. "Well not talking about it isn't magicly going to make it disappear and it affects you which in the grand scheme of things needs to be considered. Sure we got a lot on our plate but we're spread thin we need everyone at their fighting best." Boreas said before Aria handed out the two prepared mugs. Boreas insisted that Torrin and Chrono take them first that he could wait on the others to be served.
Conrad couldn't help but smile as Renza grabbed both his and Everette's wrist. He cast a glance to Everette with that same smile. When they arrived at the small house that Renza called home, despite all that happened it didn't seem to be in too terrible condition, the grass was a bit long but he could hardly fault that in these circumstances as it didn't matter. As Renza went inside to grab the bread Conrad settled down at the picnic table, watching as Samuel set up. Samuel gave them some additional information and Conrad started to think. It didn't make sense that no matter how much healing energy was put in the people remained sick. "Could it be that it isn't exactly a disease but rather something polluting the water? Something that doesn't leave the body by itself?" Conrad theorised. "If the compound remains in the system then perhaps that might explain why they don't get better even when not being anywhere near the source of this mysterious illness." It was just a theory but they weren't dealing with an outbreak of an ordinairy disease here.
Conrad smiled when Samuel thanked the two of them. "Anytime after all we're all in this together." Conrad said. "Which also means we look after each other." Samuel had agreed with the plan to save the river for later and Renza sorted the problem of where they were supposed to go. His heart went out to the little girl, caught in the middle of this disaster all alone. He looked to Samuel when he asked whether they had other plans, he had been the one to suggest to ask Renza for a hand and he shook his head. "No, Renza's place sounds perfect" He said before turning to the girl already being thanked by Everette and smiled. "We'd be happy to go along with you." Conrad added, before following the others to Renza's house. Everette told Samuel that he'd need to give them some directions where they should be to help and Conrad nodded in agreement. If there wasn't an aweful lot he himself could do, he'd play with Renza so she would at least get some more happiness in these dark times.
Take seemed to accept his reason and started leading the way again, should he wear out, Boreas would take over to light the way. Torrin admitted to being rather tired, had he not slept well during the last night or was something else going on? He assured them he wasn't going to drop on them, Boreas would have to see that for himself. He fell in line with the others leaving the tunnel guarding the rear and keeping his eyes peeled for any other traps. They got out of the tunnels without further trouble and Torrin muttered something about setbacks. Boreas was glad to be out in the open again, if only to not worry about another collapse and getting trapped gain. Boreas had to laugh when Torrin commented on Take's moves, yes he was definitely good back there. Take took the comment well, politely declining the position. "You'll get used to it really, the first couple of times I saw one of those Darksides I was afraid, but compared to the hordes, they're not scary." Boreas said. "I imagine that compared to those dragons, from your homeworld a single Darkside isn't so bad either, sure it looks a bit nasty and packs a punch but you really get used to them." Boreas added with a grin only to realise that it was hidden beneath his helmet. "Well I doubt we got time to keep going still so we ought to fall back, rest up." Boreas said before touching the communications device. "Master Thallasa, this is Boreas, we're out of the tunnels, they proved nothing more than a trap, everyone is alright all things considered. We're falling back now, where do we need to go?"
Boreas was straining to keep the portal open for Torrin, it took a lot of effort to keep the portal open, especially when unbeknownst to him Torrin stopped at the other side and it all relied on him to get his friend out, he gritted his teeth from the exertion. When Torrin came through he didn't look to be in a very good condition, heaving and hunching over. He went over to his friend, placing a hand on his shoulder giving him a questioning look as Take told Torrin to take a moment to breathe. "You alright there? You've been acting a little out of it since that machine became active." Boreas asked his friend in a low voice, not to put his friend on the spot in front of their two companions too much. Torrin told them to get moving and Boreas remained by his friends side keeping his eyes peeled for another trap, they weren't out of these tunnels yet. "I'd rather not take that breather here, we're one collapse away from ending up where we just were, I like to suggest we find a bit better place to take that rest, atleast two exits. We gotta keep moving, find a good spot to take that breather, we gotta hold out till then" If they were already in such a jam after this one ambush, they had quite the big problem already as they weren't a single step closer to finding that blasted machine. They had played right into their opponents hands and it irritated him, especially since it seemed like such an obvious trick, he was better than this. Despite their injuries and the weariness they'd have to suck it up and soldier through it. The voice announcing the activation of the machine had mentioned wanting to see how much fight was left in them when their blades ran out of juice, he started to suspect that he had looked at it wrong and they were going to get through a battle of attrition, if only he hadn't been so tough on everyone with his run, they might have felt in a little better position to take on this fight.
Picking Blizzard and upgrading it into Blizzara. 2 Upgrades into AP 1 Into HP Nabbing Blitz+ along the way
The Darkside was easily destroyed after Torrin joined them but not before retaliating against them, knocking all of them into the wall. Boreas scrambled back to his feet, but the Darkside was already gone. "Yeah, I've had worse..." Boreas said, it was dark now and while he could see that Take and Adalric were still with them, their lack of glowing eyes was something he'd have to get used to but still, Take took Torrin's place in lighting the room before them and then commented on their eyes and shrugged he didn't know any better than everyone having the yellow eyes in the dark. When Take brought up portals Torrin figured it was worth a try Boreas figured the same but the Portal didn't seem to be very stable. "Torrin, if I go through I can try stabilising it from the other side, make sure you can get through too. Alternatively I can try my hand at one of my own from the other side so you can get through. I'll try stabilising it first though." Boreas said, he knew he was wasting rather precious time here. He made a swift gesture for towards the portal for Take and Adalric telling them to get going too, lest they strained his friend unnecessarily so. Boreas was the first to get through the portal, once on the other side he held out his keyblade, trying to help Torrin stabilise the portal from the opposite side.
Torrin seemed to disapprove of their laughing at a pun, Boreas didn't care too much as a good laugh never hurt anyone. However they were soon interrupted by that voice again. He was definitely toying with them challenging them to a race, they were trapped now as the tunnel collapsed behind them. Boreas cursed at having walked into this trap he had been looking behind them and thought about the possibility of an attack and he had been right as a Darkside decided to show it's face. Boreas wasn't too worried about it, he had faced this enemy before many times. He'd have some more room to maneuver in those cases but he was confident that they could do this without much trouble. After Take rushed in Boreas strode forward his free hand utilizing the activator again and his helmet formed around him. Now fully armoured Boreas increased his pace and attacked the Darkside putting his hatred for the heartless in each swing as he savagely attacked the beast, putting all of his strength in the final blitz attack. HP: 54/80 AP: 0/38 MP: 11/30 DP: 3
Boreas didn't say anything regarding Torrin's little visit to the Realm of Darkness upon whose shores they met once more, before they had fished Gero and Tinarah out of the water. When Torrin touched his hand to his forehead and closed his eyes for a moment. Boreas shot his friend a questioning glance asking him if he was alright. He listened to what Torrin explained that the attempt at a war of attrition was a big mistake. All out war was their best shot at the start, something Boreas had theorised would have solved this before they got to this point. Then again he had all the information of the current situation when he had come up with it, still decisive action was always the best option. He heard the sound of cranking gears. When Boreas heard the ticking and the laughter he followed Torrin's lead and stopped beside his friend looking at the rather bizare scene ahead of them, the ticking however still continued. "I don't like this..." Boreas said remaining wary, even summoning his keyblade expecting an attack. They'd be fighting with their backs to the wall if they showed up here. "Take, careful..." Boreas warned as the boy cautiously approached the bear. As the bear exploded, Boreas hit the deck only to realise it was entirely unnecessary to do so. He got back to his feet brushing the cotton off of him only to see Take laughing Boreas walked over to him, still wary and looked at the note that he was holding, Boreas chuckled at the pun. He could appreciate a pun, what annoyed him however was the fact that his opponent was toying with them and seemingly not taking this seriously at all. "Take, you alright?" He asked him as he seemed to laugh an aweful lot at the pun. Everyone else seemed to be unharmed from the fluffy explosion. "So now we know that they are going to try and annoy us to death, just great... this is going to be a very long day, I can already feel it." Boreas said, he knew getting annoyed at this would only play into his opponents hands but he couldn't help it. If this was a taste of what they were going to run into down here then he really wanted to get this over with fast. Boreas chuckled at Take's pun even if it was absolutely terrible.
Boreas listened to everyone doing their say. "I hate to point it out but I think we'd have bigger problems if we start setting off mines down here..." Boreas said, not elaborating further on what those problems might be, he didn't think it was necessary. He listened to the conversation about the secrets and one's opinion on roundabout ways to get this done. Boreas agreed, but more so because he was a soldier, he liked his orders clear and direct. Obviously there were secrets too and Boreas didn't always know the full story of the fight he was getting into, but his orders would still be clear, unclear instructions lead to grey areas, he didn't like grey areas, they left doubt and doubt lead to casualties. Boreas listened to the strategy as Adalric explained it. "You do realise that trying to play the waiting game is going to end up with you losing right? It gives the Light Chaser free reign to do as he pleases, all he has to do is let those students of his train and become more powerful, if they get on powerful enough there is no way you are going to stop them. It is only a delaying tactic and only useful when you intend to buy time for something else. And while the Council pointed out that we'd most likely be giving away the likely position of a potential target for them. It can be circumvented by splitting up as Take here suggested, but that leaves us vulnerable, we're already outgunned as it is no need to make it easier for them to pick us off, should we find a princess we'd have no way to defend them effectively if they come looking, atleast not on the world we found them. We simply number too few or lack the force necessary to utilise these strategies necessary. And even if we split to go for several worlds at once, the Light Chaser could do so too, I don't know what his students are like but I imagine they are rather capable, they could simply split enough to hit us across the board or simply pick us off group by group. Honestly I'd say we muster more people to our banner, get as many on our side as we can and fight it out, win by sheer weight of numbers, it ain't elegant but it gets the job done..." Take had a point Torrin wasn't exactly an open book either and he had his reasons just like the council had their reasons for it and everyone always thought their own reasons were more justified than those of others. Torrin felt he was in the right in keeping them in the dark, while the council also thought that and was questioning the other for doing so. Boreas figured that some of the secrecy had to do with the presence of two individuals from the Realm of Darkness, best not reveal everything that's going on right now. Boreas had been rather open as to who he was and why he was here but he hadn't exactly been waging a war against the Light Chaser for a year and he didn't exactly give rather detailed accounts of all his goings on anyways and there would be subjects he didn't discuss, but none had turned up yet. Boreas remained silent thinking it wouldn't be worth starting an argument on who was right and who was wrong, while they had a mission on their hands.
Boreas listened to Take's theory, the first part made a certain amount of sense but if the new railway system made these underground tunnels obselete then it was not that difficult to imagine it was abandoned, he didn't think the explosions themselves were that common an occurance, if they were, he imagined the city would look rather different, first of all fewer high buildings. It would indeed be rather obvious to hide it here and as Torrin mentioned with a piece like this there was hardly a move they could make that wouldn't lead to a trap, they obviously wanted to play which was also rather obvious from their challenge in wanting to see what happened when their keyblades ran out of juice. Boreas took up a position behind Torrin watching their surroundings as he opened the door. "Torrin's right, they're testing us. Their challenge was rather obvious, so now we show them they bit off more than they can chew." Boreas said following Torrin. "Yeah they do, although it's significantly less crowded here, nice to have some breathing space you know." He looked around the tunnels under the light of Torrin's keyblade, they didn't seem to be in too terrific condition. "Well Take there you have your answer as to why they abandoned these tunnels." Boreas joked, before turning back to Torrin. "We don't know how extensive these tunnels are and while we could split up to cover ground more quickly it also leaves us vulnerable. We need to stick together, keep our eyes peeled." Boreas chuckled at Take's remark about the machine on the ceiling with mines around it. "We'll have to assess the situation when we find it, but for now what direction were those guys last seen in regards to where we are now? They may have set it up way in advance, but we gotta start somewhere and it's better than wandering at random. Either way that is my two cents on it and I don't certify as sadistic clown so I wouldn't be able to tell you how they think." Boreas said, he pictured the situation that Take had painted in his mind and simply smiled at the amusing picture.
Boreas took one of the star shaped devices looking at them for a moment. One of the masters had been working on these? He listened to the instructions that were given on the matter. They seemed rather convenient little devices. "Thank you, we'll let you know when we find anything." Boreas said. It wasn't just himself Take and Torrin anymore but Adalric had joined them too and Boreas listened to what mister Incredible had to say, it made sense though, if the tunnels had been abandoned then it would be a good place to hide something like that machine. Qamar seemed to almost swear her keyblade to Torrin by making sure that Aria was going to be safe. Again the mention of this hot chocolate that was supposedly really good. Boreas would have to wait and see. Boreas attached the star shaped device to his armour and followed Torrin, walking beside his friend as the headed for the tunnels.
Thallasa seemed to agree with the splitting of forces. Take, Torrin and himself were to scout out the machine see if they could find the machine they had until an hour after nightfall. "Understood." Boreas said, he knew he wasn't going to be the one in charge of their group but he'd remind Torrin "Is there any way we can easily contact you quickly while we are in the field, without having to return to wherever it is yourself and the others are staying?" Boreas asked Master Thallasa. A quick way of communication would be handy and perhaps it'd be good to see where this other group was headed first so they knew where to return to. "Perhaps it is a good idea that before we set out to do our part that we see where the others would be resting up so we know where to return to." Boreas said before turning to Mr Incredible. "Unless you have directions or a map of sorts for us. We could save some time and it would be very helpful if you did." He heard Aria saying she'd stay back this time, she didn't seem happy about it but he understood how she felt. Duty could be a heavy burden. They were told to be careful which given this was a scouting mission. If they could locate the device and contact Thallasa quickly to inform her and proceed with taking it out. He grinned a little when Take said he couldn't speak for Torrin and himself. He'd be careful too but he wasn't going to be overly cautious, he also had no idea what this beverage was they were talking about but it sounded rather intriguing. Perhaps this little mission would give him an opportunity to talk to Torrin since they hadn't really had much of a chance since they met and maybe he'd get to know some more about his fellow soldier Take as well.
Everette seemed to agree with his conclusion and listening to what Samuel described made Conrad feel a little bit sick to his stomach himself as the picture in his head was painted by the description that was given wasn't exactly pretty and he reallywished they could help them out. Altough the situation with the animals didn't seem very promising it was good to hear that regardless of it Samuel had been able to bring people back from death's door and it filled him with confidence that they could do this, they had clues they could follow still. Having seen the animals that had fallen sick in combination with the description that Samuel had given made him understand Samuel's position on the matter. "So we'll look into these samples in another place? Perhaps Renza can show us a place where you can work on them." Conrad said gesturing to the girl that was doodling in the dirt carefree. "Either that or if you need fresh air perhaps we can go find that river. I know I said it'd probably be better to get those samples taken care off but we need you in good shape here." Conrad said while Samuel's work was necessary he understood the need for a breather, but they could always combine it with something useful so they could keep making progress and do what was necessary.
Chrono handled the last few icy cubes clearing the remaining enemies, Boreas gave him a nod of appreciation for the teamwork. As they regrouped a pair of rather oddly dressed individuals showed up and battled the fire raging in the tower. When the two had the fires under control they greeted them, the mask comment made Boreas smile a little bit, he could have hidden his face within his helmet should he have wanted to. As for the costumes remark he cared very little, his armour did what it needed to do in protecting him. It was then that there was laughter to be heard, Boreas smiled at the challenge apparantly this person thought they could only fight with their keyblades in hand, he'd be sorely mistaken in Boreas' case while his keyblade marked him out as a special soldier he still wielded normal weaponry in battle, having a personal preference for glaives. Torrin seemed to be rather concerned with Aria's well-being, he felt it too the use of his magic made him feel weary that in of itself wasn't unusual, but Illiana seemed negatively affected, Torrin seemed to feel strange and if this voice was right the weariness wouldn't go away. Boreas however wasn't too bothered by this, but he could understand why the others were. Take and Aria mentioned they wanted to find this machine first and since it was a threat to their fighting capacity he agreed with them. "I agree, we ought to try and find this machine first." Boreas stated, then shooting a look at Illiana, who seemed to completely disagree and even asked whether they had their wills written out, as a matter of fact he had, but that wasn't the point. Sure they had returned from his short run that wasn't so short only to be thrown into an emergency afterwards followed by a fight and while Boreas did definitely feel it, he knew he could push himself forward farther beyond this point. "With all due respect, resting up may not be the best idea, we do not know the extent to which this machine affects us, it might get worse in time, not to mention the point Tinarah raised. Perhaps we should split up then, those who need rest rest. Those that are in good enough shape to find this machine find clues, see if we can figure something out. That decision is one for master Thallasa to make." Boreas said turning to the master as he mentioned her name, the master had remained quiet so far, but as far as he was concerned she was the one in command and while he didn't owe his full allegiance or loyalty to her, he kept in his mind to try and help paint a better picture of himself and Torrin, they were here voluntarily to help combat a threat that concerned them as much as it did the Realm of Light, but Gero hadn't seemed to be a big fan of them.
AP for Boreas
Boreas shivered beneath his armour from the icy cold, the spells hurt but not too badly, he had been through a lot worse. Boreas however still wasn't done cutting down the rhapsodies and with their enemies numbers having dwindled there was nothing stopping Boreas from finishing what he started. He relentlessly chased down the Blue Rhapsodies that remained and struck them down with an aggression that really wasn't necessary for such weak enemies, but Boreas cared little as to what the others might think, he couldn't always fight back against the Heartless back home and whenever an opportunity to exact revenge on the Heartless he would not pass it up. The Blue Rhapsodies could do nothing but fall to the onslaught as Boreas cut them down without mercy, slamming them into one another and into the ground, knowing full well that his strikes were more than enough to take care of them this easily. One of the blue rhapsodies crashed hard into the ground in front of Torrins feet from Boreas' strike. Finishing the scattered remnants off would be a trivial matter now, especially with their numbers, easily matching the weaker heartless. HP: 54/80 AP: 24/36 MP: 11/30 DP: 3 Enemies defeated: 5 Blue Rhapsodies Enemies remaining: 14 Icy cubes