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  1. Meilin Lee
    View attachment 47753
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Sep 24, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Meilin Lee
    The next day...

    "Re: Mario's High School Days" Current Day is now: Thursday, November 7, 2013 (a.k.a. The Conclusion to The Crystal Order Arc)




    It was a dark and gloomy day in Tokyo. The sky was pitch black, covered with storm clouds, and rain falling across the entire city, accompanied by thunder and lightning. As the sound of thunder roared across the city, Xehanort arrived at the cemetery where a funeral service was being held for Yen Sid, Gaston, and Trixie. Upon reaching a tree on a hill overlooking the funeral service while carrying the group photo Gaston and Trixie gave him as a present the previous day, Xehanort began to hear Al Mualim's voice in his mind, as if the principal was trying to communicate with him...


    "You do know, don't you?" the voice of Al Mualim said in Xehanort's mind, "If our enemies destroy me, the Crystal Order will fail in achieving its goal, and Gaston and Trixie will have died for nothing."

    Shaking his head after hearing Al Mualim's voice, Xehanort noticed the funeral service for the three victims from Nintendo High taking place not too far from where he was, attended by many staff and students from Nintendo High, including three of Xehanort's friends (Vanitas, Hiccup, and Sunset Shimmer)...


    Xehanort watched as Yang Fang Leiden of Tokyo Cathedral was praying for the souls of the deceased near their coffins, while those who came to pay their respects had a sorrow look on their faces, wearing formal attire that was mainly black, and many holding umbrellas to protect themselves from the rain. As for Xehanort, he pondered whether it was right for him to join the others, considering himself to be the one responsible for the deaths of the three whose funeral service was taking place. And as Xehanort continued watching the funeral service from afar, he saw something that instantly broke his heart. The parents of both Trixie and Gaston walked over to their children's coffins, weeping and wailing over their loss. Upon seeing that, Xehanort shifted his attention to the group photo of himself, Vanitas, Sunset Shimmer, Gaston, and Trixie that he was carrying around. As he stared at the photo, remembering the good times he shared with Gaston and Trixie, Xehanort couldn't hold back his feelings any longer. Falling to his knees, Xehanort began to cry, saddened that he will never see Gaston or Trixie again. 'Why did they have to die, why?!' Xehanort thought to himself as he continued weeping, 'They're dead... and for what?!' However, a thought had just struck Xehanort at that moment. 'If the Crystal Order's mission fails... then they truly did die for nothing. But that means...' Xehanort thought to himself, as he began to have second thoughts about what he did by revealing to Sgt. Calhoun the truth about the Crystal Order's leader, 'What if... Al Mualim was right?' As he wiped the tears off his face, Xehanort looked at his group photo one last time before placing it near the tree he was standing next to, and summoned a Corridor of Darkness, walking through it before it disappeared.


    ~Outside Nintendo High School~


    "Al Mualim? Seriously?" Elise wondered out loud after she, Spy Fox, and Bon Bon were informed by Sgt. Calhoun that Al Mualim, the principal of Nintendo High School, was the leader of the Crystal Order they have been looking for this whole time. "Yeah... if what my informant told me is true," Calhoun replied as she and the others approached the entrance to Nintendo High. "And who's this informant?" Spy Fox questioned. "For now, classified," Calhoun responded. Upon reaching the gate, the group noticed it was open, despite schools being ordered to be closed today. "It's open... and so are the doors," Bon Bon commented as she noticed the building's front doors slightly open. "It's almost as though he's expecting us..." Elise added. "Well, only one way to find out," Sgt. Calhoun replied, "Time to end this war once and for all." The group then entered Nintendo High, expecting to find Al Mualim somewhere inside.


    ~Darien's Dream~


    Darien found himself escorting the princess throughout Daybreak Town, waving hello to citizens who passed by, who then would greet Darien back, many of them referring to Darien as "Your Highness." 'Alright, so if I'm understanding this correctly... I'm some kind of royalty... apparently... and the big building in this town is my castle,' Darien thought to himself while still trying to understand this dream, 'But... capital of Earth... that I still don't get.' Darien then noticed himself kneeling down, picking a dandelion to give the princess. "For you my love... a dandelion," Darien heard himself say as he found himself handing the princess the dandelion, "A symbol of beauty and hope in my kingdom. Just watch as the wind carries the seeds of the dandelion far, far away. It is something truly beautiful to watch." Just then, Darien noticed two individuals with strange masks approaching him and the princess...


    "Your Highness," the individual known as Ira greeted Darien as he and Aced both bowed to him. "Ira, Aced," Darien heard himself replying, guessing that the two were named Ira and Aced, "What is it?" "There'll be an urgent meeting tonight to discuss what's been happening," Aced answered, "Each one of us will be attending. And we were wondering if you'll attend as well." "Of course," Darien heard himself answer, "Tell Invi and the others that I'll be there." "Thank you, your highness," Ira thanked Darien as he and Aced bowed once more, "We hope your wisdom will be able to guide us during these troubled times." As Ira and Aced walked away, Darien started to ponder once again, thinking, 'Who did that guy mean by us? And... troubled times? What could he have meant by that?' Darien then found himself turning to face the princess, sighing as he said, "They must have more news about Queen Beryl. The more we hear about her, the more dangerous she is turning out to be. Queen Beryl's relentless, and she'll destroy absolutely everything that's in her way to get exactly what she wants. And what's scary is that she might be after Kingdom Hearts. If that's the case... then it certainly means she will set her sights on conquering the Moon Kingdom in her evil quest. To protect the light, as well as the entire universe... we have to be ready for Beryl's eventual arrival." 'Queen Beryl? Who's that? Kingdom Hearts? What is that? And Moon Kingdom? Isn't that supposed to be from a children's fairy tale?' Darien thought to himself after being confused even more by what he heard himself say. "Hey, your highness!" a teenage boy greeted Darien as he approached him and the princess...


    "Ephemer, you know you don't have to refer to me that way," Darien heard himself replying to the boy known as Ephemer, "We're on a first name basis." 'So... I'm guessing this kid... Epehemer... is a friend,' Darien pondered to himself. "Yeah, I know. Still, it doesn't feel right," Ephemer said with a youthful smile on his face, "So... when are you gonna give me that rematch that you promised?" "Heh, don't worry, Ephemer. I haven't forgotten," Darien heard himself reply.


    ~Tsukino Household~


    Slowly opening her eyes as she was waking up, Rini yawned and stretched her arms, saying, "Morning, Serena. Morning, Luna." Just then, she noticed Darien groaning, moving his head as he appeared to be waking up as well. Gasping, Rini told Serena, "Serena, wake up! Darien's about to get up!" Excited to see her friend conscious again, Rini rushed to Darien's side, patiently waiting for him to wake up. "Ira... Aced... Invi... Ephe-... Ephemer..." Darien said out loud as he finally opened his eyes. "Huh?" Rini wondered out loud, confused by the names Darien just mentioned. "W-Where am I?" Darien asked as he tried to get up, only to feel intense pain in his shoulder as he did so. "Don't. You're hurt!" Rini told Darien, trying to get him to relax, "You still need to rest." "Rini?" Darien questioned the girl as he sat in an upright position, noticing Serena and Luna as well, "Am I... in your home?" "Yeah... it's a long story," Rini replied.


    ~MI6 Jet~


    As M and Eugene were heading to Tokyo on a MI6 jet to retrieve the body of fellow MI6 agent, Geoffrey, M was speaking to the man whose family Geoffrey was serving as a butler while undercover in Japan, Philip Banks. "Yes... very well then... thank you. And... my condolences... Farewell," M said as she hung up after the call ended. "How are they?" Eugene asked M. "Still in shock. And still grieving as well," M responded, "Apparently, Geoffrey made a huge impact on their lives." Sighing, Eugene began to remember how the Banks family treated him for supper when he was in Japan, feeling sorry for what they had to go through right now.


    ~J.I.A. Quinjet in the Air~


    As Alan and John Garret were on a J.I.A. Quinjet flying towards the J.I.A. prison facility known as the Fridge, Alan began to reminisce of the day he first met John Garret, the day his journey with the Crystal Order began...

    ~Flashback (5 Years Ago): Juvenile Detention Center - Plymouth, Massachussetts, U.S.A.~


    As an officer dragged the teenage Alan (whose hands were handcuffed) and his Charmander (whose mouth was covered with a muzzle) to the detention center's visitation room, Alan was greeted by a man waiting for him...


    "Alan?" John Garret greeted Alan as the officer who escorted Alan and his Pokemon left them with Garret and walked away, "My name's John Garret. The quartermaster at your military school's an old buddy of mine. He told me about a pissed-off young cadet with off-the-chart eye-hand coordination who went AWOL, stole a car, drove over a thousand miles home only to try and burn the place down with his Charmander. I must say, I find a young man like that intriguing." Pointing to a nearby table with chairs, Garret signaled to Alan to have a seat. As Alan took a seat with his Charmander accompanying him, he watched John Garret take a seat in front of him, saying, "I'm curious. Did you know your brother was in the house when your Pokemon set it on fire?" "No, sir, I did not," Alan responded. "I was a pyro as a kid, too," Garret commented, "Ended up making a pretty good living at it. I'm here to make you a one-time offer, so listen up. Your family's lawyer's gonna be here in about 20 minutes. Not only are your folks pressing charges against you for arson and attempted murder, but your older brother's petitioning the court to have you tried as an adult. Now, you can spend the next few years locked up in a cage, blaming Mommy and Daddy and mean older brother for your problems, while your Pokemon gets euthanized. Or you can let me get you out of here and teach you how to be a man. I work for a secret organization that's always looking to recruit young men like you." "And why should I trust you?" Alan questioned John. "You shouldn't," Garret replied, "Don't trust anybody, ever, especially me. Let me be clear... going with me will be the hardest thing you've ever done. But on the other hand, no one will ever screw with you again." As Alan began to ponder Garret's offer, Garret continued, "Say yes. It'll be hard but fun." Alan remained silent, still not sure whether to take the offer or not. Looking at his watch after still not getting a response from Alan, Garret said, "10 seconds, and I walk out that door. Say yes." "Yes," Alan immediately said. And just as Alan gave his answer, armed J.I.A. agents stormed the visitation room as the alarm was blaring, pointing their rifles at everyone in the room except for Garret, Alan, and Alan's Charmander, yelling, "Everybody down! On the ground! Nobody move!" As Alan and his Charmander were shocked by what they just saw, John Garret grinned as he told Alan, "I told you it was gonna be fun."

    "Hey, get ready," Garret ordered Alan, who snapped out of his flashback, "We're here." "Yes, sir," Alan responded, nodding.


    ~Castelia City, Unova, U.S.A. - Harbor~


    Olaf and Hans leaned against the handrail on Prince Demande's ship, watching as the ship neared the city, getting ready to dock. However, there was a look of distraught on both of their faces, resulting from the terrible news they heard upon waking up about what happened in Tokyo, including the death of Harriet Jones. "So, you two heard?" Demande asked Olaf and Hans as he, Saphir, and King Candy approached the two...


    "You mean what happened in Tokyo? Yeah, we sure did," Hans replied. "It's just awful..." Olaf added. "Indeed," Demende commented, "I suppose this means Japan won't be taking part in the U.N. summit." "Can't blame them," Hans responded, "Still, I think Saxon will be a good leader and take care of the situation there." "Olaf," Demande said as he directed his attention to the snowman, "Once we leave the ship, there'll be a limo waiting for you to take you to the Yankee stadium. But... I know you're a bit troubled by the news from Tokyo. Would like to cancel the trip to the stadium?" After thinking about it for a bit, Olaf replied, "No. I still wanna go. Maybe seeing the game will cheer me up." "As you wish, Olaf," Demande told the snowman. "Speaking of which, where are Elsa and Anna?" Saphir questioned. "They should join us any second," Hans replied.


    The following segments were written on @NutheadBros 's behalf:


    ~Outside Abandoned Mansion~

    "Huh, so this... is where Naminé lives..." Kai said to herself as she arrived to the mansion while wearing a rain poncho, where, according to Kairi, Naminé lives, "The place could really use a makeover. Eh, whatever." Approaching the mansion's front gate, Kai yelled out, "Yo, Naminé! It's Kai! Come on out, I wanna talk!"


    ~Sora's and Roxas's Home~


    "Coming!" Sora said after hearing the doorbell, heading to the door. Upon opening it, Sora was surprised to see Kairi standing there while wearing a rain poncho. "Kairi! Morning," Sora greeted Kairi, "Well this is a surprise..." "Mind if I come in?" Kairi asked. "Y-yeah, sure," Sora replied, "You can join us for breakfast. Roxas is making pancakes." "Mmm, delicious," Kairi commented as she entered.


    ~Jumpman Family Restaurant~

    "Thank you, come again," Jumpman told a customer after serving them for free. Moved by the Jumpman family's generosity after what happened the previous night, the customer donated a couple of yen on a plastic cup labelled:

    Donations for Victims of Nintendo High School

    "Thank you for agreeing to do this, Dad," Mario told his father as joined him, wanting to help in serving customers. "Anything for my boys' school," Jumpman replied, "Remind me again, but were you close with any of those who died?" "No... but I did go to a party at Gaston's place about two months ago," Mario answered, "The guy was a jerk, sure. But... he didn't deserve to die." "I know son, I know," Jumpman said as he patted his son on the back.


    ~Outside the Vector Building~

    "Alright girls... here it is... Vector..." C.C. announced to members of the Rising Tide as they stood outside the Vector building while it rained over them, "Kai's brother is in there. So here's the plan. We go in and get Aoi Kazue out. Pretty simple enough, right? Any questions?" "I have one," Dawn questioned as she raised her hand, "If we're getting Kai's brother out of there, why isn't Kai herself joining us?" "Because this would get too personal for her," C.C. replied, "And when things get too personal, the mission could be easily jeopardized. Any other questions?" As the others all shook their head, C.C. said, "Good. Now let's kick some butt." "Yeah!" the other members of the Rising Tide replied as they charged towards the Vector Building.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Sep 24, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Meilin Lee
    It's actually his Second Form outfit from KH3. It's a Drive Form that changes his outfit to the one from KH2 (much like Limit Form and the KH1 outfit)
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Sep 21, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Meilin Lee
    Kingdom Hearts merchandise from Monogram International that was sold exclusively during San Diego Comic Con has been confirmed to be available for purchase in two weeks from now at New York Comic Con in Booth #226:
    Just as with SDCC, the merchandise will be in limited quantities, so make sure to purchase them as soon as you can if you are planning to go to New York Comic Con.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Sep 20, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Meilin Lee
    About three weeks ago, Instagram user @funkofinderz discovered that a new KH-related Funko item is coming soon to GameStop, simply listed as "Kingdom Hearts Kit"

    It's currently unknown what is in this kit exactly. It could probably be a blind box or new KH Funko figures.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Sep 14, 2017, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Meilin Lee
    I actually became the top scorer in my party? Sweet! And it only took me about a year and a half! Now to go back to trying to figure out a way to beat Mean Maiden ;~;

    So... when do I get a pin?
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Sep 12, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  7. Meilin Lee
    Well, I am hanging in there (I'm expecting to feel the effects of Irma tomorrow), but thanks for keeping me in your thoughts.

    Anyway, gonna do character sheets for recently reserved characters of mine:

    Name: Atsuko "Akko" Kagari
    Description: An student of Nintendo High School with the ability to use magic despite coming from a family of non-magic users. Due to her great determination, Akko is always up for a challenge, even if it seems too difficult for her.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Little Witch Academia

    Name: Sucy Manbavaran
    Description: A friend and roommate of Akko Kagari who, like Akko, can use magic. Sucy has a high interest in collecting different kinds of mushrooms and potion-making (and considers Akko as her "guinea pig" to test her potions on).
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Little Witch Academia

    Name: Chariot du Nord
    Description: A witch who used to perform spectacular magic shows worldwide under the stage name "Shiny Chariot". Despite being popular, Chariot mysteriously vanished about a decade ago, with her current whereabouts still unknown to this day.
    Occupation: ???
    Series Character is from: Little Witch Academia

    Name: Amanda O'Neill
    Description: A tomboyish and athletic girl with the ability to use magic who attends Nintendo High School. Considering herself to be a "rebel" of sorts, Amanda has little respect for authority and is primarily motivated by hedonism, often getting herself into trouble.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Little Witch Academia

    Name: Diana Cavendish
    Description: A girl descended from a prestigious line of witches and wizards in the United Kingdom, and one of the best students of Nintendo High School. Despite being proud of her witch heritage, Diana considers certain wizard communities that try to cut themselves off from the rest of the world (like those in the U.K.) as being outdated and painting a bad image for witches and wizards.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Little Witch Academia

    Name: Croix Meridies
    Description: ???
    Occupation: ???
    Series Character is from: Little Witch Academia

    Name: Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank-Albrechtsberger
    Description: A techie and witch who attends Nintendo High School, and is roommates and friends with Amanda O'Neill. Constanze doesn't talk, but she appears to be friendly and communicates through her own actions and through writing.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Little Witch Academia

    Name: Jasminka Antonenko
    Description: A witch with great strength who attends Nintendo High School, and is friends and roommates with Amanda O'Neill and Constanze. Jasminka is known for her tendency to constantly be eating sweets and snacks, even during class, which usually gets her into trouble along with Amanda and Constanze.
    Occupation: Student

    Name: Lotte Yanson
    Description: A calm and timid girl with the ability to use magic who attends Nintendo High School, and is friends and roommates with Akko Kagari and Sucy Manbavaran. Lotte cares a lot for her friend Akko, often getting concerned over her well-being due to Kagari's determination causing her to go too far sometimes.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Little Witch Academia

    Name: Sean Spicer
    Description: ???
    Occupation: ???
    Series Character is from: Real Life / Saturday Night Live

    Name: R2-D2
    Description: A cute and adorable droid belonging to Benjamin Clawhauser, helping his owner with his duties in the Annapolis police department. R2-D2 has a strong sense of loyalty to Clawhauser, as well as anyone he accompanies.
    Occupation: None
    Series Character is from: Star Wars
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Sep 9, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Meilin Lee
    Man, 2010 was such a weird year
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Sep 8, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Meilin Lee
    Hey, at least you don't actually live in Florida and have to worry about this hurricane non-stop (like I am...)

    Anyway, wanna make a few additional reserves:

    Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank-Albrechtsberger [Little Witch Academia]
    Jasminka Antonenko [Little Witch Academia]
    Lotte Yanson [Little Witch Academia]
    Sean Spicer [Real Life / Saturday Night Live]
    R2-D2 [Star Wars]
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Sep 6, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Meilin Lee
    A plushie based on Sora's Halloween Town form (which you can check out above) is now available exclusively at Hot Topic stores just in time for Halloween next month. The plushie is currently being sold for $16.90.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Sep 3, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Meilin Lee
    After the announcement that Sora and Riku would be added to the Japanese version of the Disney mobile game, LINE: Disney Tsum Tsum, months ago, the two have now been confirmed for the international version of the game!

    However, it appears that Sora and Riku will only be available for a limited time (from Sept. 14-17 and Sept. 25-28) through the game's Premium Box. Be sure to get them as soon as they're available if you don't want to miss out.

    Source: KHInsider
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Aug 29, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. Meilin Lee
    Last choice because effin' Power Rangers!
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Aug 26, 2017 in forum: 2017
  13. Meilin Lee
    ^ So yeah, what he said. Any questions, comments, concerns can be sent to me until Nuthead returns.

    Anyway, since it's been a really long time since I reserved characters, reserving:

    Atsuko "Akko" Kagari [Little Witch Academia]
    Sucy Manbavaran [Little Witch Academia]
    Chariot du Nord [Little Witch Academia]
    Amanda O'Neill [Little Witch Academia]
    Diana Cavendish [Little Witch Academia]
    Croix Meridies [Little Witch Academia]


    Oh, and some character sheets that are way overdue:

    Name: King Regis
    Description: The wise and fair king of the Kingdom of Lucis who is trying to resolve the crisis between the countries of Tenebrae and Niflheim. Though he loves his son, Noctis, more than anything in the world, he wishes that he would be more serious about his role as future king.
    Occupation: King of Lucis
    Series Character is from: Final Fantasy XV

    Name: Jyn Erso
    Description: A farmer who lives in South Africa with her father, Galen Erso, a renowned yet retired biologist in the country. While having a rebellious attitude, Jyn has a clear sense of right and wrong, something she picked up from her parents.
    Occupation: Farmer
    Series Character is from: Star Wars

    Name: Cassian Andor
    Description: A Mexican citizen who spent his whole life fighting the drug cartels rampant in his part of the country. Having fought the drug cartels for years has changed Cassian, making him resort to more harsher tactics to achieve a goal in a battle.
    Occupation: None
    Series Character is from: Star Wars

    Name: Orson Krennic
    Description: The defense minister of South Africa and a usual acquaintance of the Erso family. Krennic is aware of a dark secret regarding Galen Erso's knowledge of S-types and how to strengthen them to very destructive levels.
    Occupation: South Africa Defense Minister
    Series Character is from: Star Wars

    Name: Saw Gerrera
    Description: A friend of the Erso family who has known them for years. Saw's body is full of cybernetic enhancements due to a battle he had some time ago with the one known as Shinnok, trying to save his friend Galen Erso from the fake god.
    Occupation: None
    Series Character is from: Star Wars

    Name: Bodhi Rook
    Description: ???
    Occupation: ???
    Series Character is from: Star Wars

    Name: Hekapoo
    Description: One of the followers of Palkia who maintain balance across the universe's dimensions. Hekapoo's main objective is to watch over the Dimension Keys, and keep track of where they all are for Palkia.
    Occupation: ???
    Series Character is from: Star vs. the Forces of Evil

    Name: Nebby
    Description: A Pokemon cared for by Hekapoo and intensely hates bags. Not much is known about Nebby other than the fact he came from a dangerous dimension.
    Occupation: Pokemon

    Name: Ignis Scientia
    Description: An adviser to Prince Noctis of Lucis, as well as a close friend of the prince. Ignis is also known for his cooking skills, something he takes great pride in.
    Occupation: Royal Adviser to Prince Noctis
    Series Character is from: Final Fantasy XV

    Name: Master of Masters
    Description: ???
    Occupation: ???
    Series Character is from: Kingdom Hearts

    Name: Luxu
    Description: ???
    Occupation: ???
    Series Character is from: Kingdom Hearts

    Name: Skuld
    Description: ???
    Occupation: ???
    Series Character is from: Kingdom Hearts
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Aug 26, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Meilin Lee
    Anime protagonists have to have spiky hair?
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Aug 26, 2017 in forum: 2017
  15. Meilin Lee
    Voting for this anime heroine:

    Post by: Meilin Lee, Aug 26, 2017 in forum: 2017
  16. Meilin Lee
    Heart, you're gonna make me cry ;_;

    In all seriousness though, I am proud to be your partner in news reporting and having guided you when you first started.

    You're the Daniel LaRusso to my Mr. Miyagi, the Akko to my Professor Ursula, the Rey to my Luke (maybe)

    So yeah, we make a pretty great bromance :)
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Aug 26, 2017 in forum: 2017
  17. Meilin Lee
    Voted for Astral simply for that puppy kicking/candy stealing description listed for it

    And not because I'm biased towards anything High School Days related
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Aug 26, 2017 in forum: 2017
  18. Meilin Lee
    ~Outside the Imperial Palace~


    As Celestia led her sister, Luna, to an escort that would take them home, they noticed Kuzco approaching them...


    "Celestia," Kuzco greeted Celestia. "Oh, Kuzco..." Celestia replied back to Kuzco, remembering how she originally intended to ask for Kuzco's help after concert ended, "Luna, get in the car. I'll be with you shortly." Nodding, Luna did as she was instructed, entering the vehicle while Clestia intended to speak with Kuzco. "So, uh... really wish we'd be speaking in better circumstances..." Kuzco commented. "Agreed," Celestia sadly concurred. "You mentioned something about a favor before the concert started. What do you need from me?" Kuzco asked. "Actually, Kuzco... perhaps it can wait till tomorrow. There's just too much happening right now," Celestia replied. "Fair enough," Kuzco said, "Just hope we could all get a good night's sleep after what happened." Silently nodding, Celestia entered the vehicle where Luna was, while Kuzco waved goodbye as he watched the vehicle Celestia and her sister were in drive away.


    ~M's Home - London, U.K.~


    Rushing to her phone after the ringing woke her up, M noticed that Eugene was calling her. "What is it, GS?" the head of the MI6 answered her phone...


    "M... I've got some terrible news..." Eugene replied, "Geoffrey's dead. And so is Prime Minister Harriet Jones of Japan. Harold Saxon is the new prime minister of Japan now." "W-What?!" M questioned, stunned by what Eugene just told her. "Check the news," Eugene replied. Doing as Eugene requested, M opened her tablet to check the news, reading about the events of the Imperial Palace, the battle, and the deaths associated with it. "Oh my God..." M commented, distraught by the news she had just learned. "M... we need to get Geoffrey's body. He must rest peacefully home, in the country he swore to protect," Eugene replied. "Very well..." M said, trying to hold back tears, "We'll leave for Tokyo first thing in the morning." As she hung up, M covered her face, trying to come to terms with what just happened.


    ~Outside Bar~


    "Alright, alright... look, we'll discuss it tomorrow, okay? Goodnight," Sergeant Calhoun said as she was speaking with someone on her phone before hanging up, "Man, what a messed up day it's been today." "Psst... over here," a voice in the alleyway called out to Calhoun. Looking at the dark alleyway where the voice came from, Tamora kept her hand near her pistol as she approached the source of the voice in case it was a mugger. However, upon reaching the alleyway, she noticed a silver haired teenager leaning up against the side of a building with his arms crossed...


    "Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun of the J.I.A., I presume?" Xehanort questioned Calhoun. "How do you know me?" Calhoun asked, surprised that Xehanort knew her despite the two never meeting each other before. "That doesn't matter," Xehanort replied, "All that matters is I have important information regarding the Crystal Order that you'll find very useful." "And I should trust you... why?" Calhoun questioned, wondering what Xehanort was up to. "Because..." Xehanort replied as he approached her while removing the glove on his right hand, "I am Crystal Order member wishing to right my wrongs." As Xehanort showed Calhoun the emblem of the Crystal Order imprinted in the palm of his right hand, Calhoun gasped as she quickly grabbed her pistol, pointing it at Xehanort. Sighing as he rolled his eyes, Xehanort said, "You can put that away. I have absolutely no interest in fighting you." "And I'm supposed to believe that?" Calhoun questioned. "Believe what you want," Xehanort replied, "Just know that if you kill me... so does the valuable information on the Crystal Order I intend to give you." As she continued staring at Xehanort while still pointing her pistol at him, Calhoun eventually, though reluctantly, lowered her weapon, saying, "Alright then... talk." "I wish to divulge the identity of the Crystal Order's leader," Xehanort replied. "Give me a break," Calhoun scoffed, "I already know how all you Crystal Order thugs have that emblem on you, and how it's an incurable curse that'll kill you if you try to reveal your boss's name to someone." "True... I cannot directly reveal his identity to you," Xehanort replied as he put his right glove back on, "However... I can tell you the person that the leader of the Crystal Order is most closest to. Then you'll be able to guess who it is you are looking for from that information."

    Surprised by what Xehanort just told her, Calhoun finally became really interested in what he had to say, saying, "I'm listening..." "Think of our new prime minister... and the one person he is most closest to," Xehanort hinted. "Saxon?!" Calhoun questioned, shocked by what Xehanort told her, "You expect me to believe that Harold Saxon is involved with the Crystal Order?!" "Yes," Xehanort answered, "What happened in the Imperial Palace was a plot by the Crystal Order to get him into power much sooner so that the brotherhood can fulfill its goal tomorrow. And if you're still having doubts on what I'm saying, consider this... why would I risk my life to come to you with such important information?" "Y-you're right..." Calhoun responded as she finally started to believe Xehanort, "Okay, okay, so the person most closest to Saxon... wait, you don't mean the principal at that one school? What's his name again... Al Mualim?" Xehanort didn't reply, but the look on his face indicated to Calhoun that she guessed correctly. "My God... Japan's leader is a Crystal Order puppet, and the group's leader was none other than a high school principal we never suspected... but now our worst fears have been realized... they're basically in control of Japan now," Calhoun commented as she was trying to come to terms with what she had just learned, "I've gotta move quickly if Japan, and the world, are going to survive." As Calhoun started to walk away, Xehanort followed her, stating, "Calhoun, the leader of the Crystal Order is very powerful. You'll need my help if you're going to arrest him." "For your own good, stay out of this affair," Calhoun responded. "But I must go," Xehanort insisted. "No," Calhoun declined, "Look, kid... you got a name?" "Xehanort," Xehanort answered Calhoun. "Xehanort... listen to me," Calhoun told Xehanort as she placed her hand on Xehanort's shoulder, "I'll take care of this. And if what you've told me is true, then you will have gained my trust. Hopefully when all of this is over... we can find a way in which you don't get into much trouble for being with those guys... maybe even no trouble at all. But for now, go home. Okay?" Sighing, Xehanort silently nodded as Calhoun smiled at him and left. Once Calhoun was out of his sight, Xehanort slowly started walking across the sidewalk, wanting to return to his dorm after a very long day. Eventually, a cab driving by stopped, with the driver asking Xehanort, "Hey kid, need a ride?" Looking at the cab and its driver, Xehanort replied, "Sure." As Xehanort got in, sitting next to the driver, the driver asked him, "So, where to?" "Nintendo High School," Xehanort replied, "The dorms, specifically." "Got it," the driver replied as he was driving the cab, "So... you heard 'bout what happened in the Imperial Palace? Crazy stuff, I tell ya. This country seems to just know how to go from bad to worse." "Yeah..." Xehanort replied, staring out the window.


    ~Outside the Imperial Palace (again)~


    "It's okay, Rei," Grandpa Hino replied to his granddaughter as he and Chad sniffled and wiped the tears off their faces, "All that matters... is that you're safe." "Piplup, piplup," Chad concurred as he nodded. "Let's just go home, okay?" Grandpa added.


    ~Tsukino Household~


    "Okay," Rini replied to Serena as she sat next to her, with the two of them watching Darien, "You know... it's strange. I don't know why... but when I thought Darien was going to die... it reminded me a lot of when my father died. I can't explain it... but it felt like it was happening all over again. I'm just... really glad that Darien will be okay." Yawning, the exhausted Rini leaned on Serena, instantly falling asleep. But while leaning on Serena while sleeping, Rini couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity. The feeling she had leaning on Serena reminded her a lot of how she used to do it with her mother. So as Rini slept, she began to dream about her mother, and the times they spent together. "Mommy..." Rini said in her sleep as her right eye shed a tear that trickled down her cheek.


    ~Darien's Dream~


    "Don't worry," Darien told the princess as he held her hand, trying to comfort her as he noticed a troubled look on her face, "No matter what happens, I'll always protect you. And that's a promise." Looking at the portal, Darien led the princess through it, and what happened next completely shocked Darien...


    Darien now found himself walking through a forest, still holding the princess's hand. There were two differences however. First, Darien noticed his clothes have changed. He was now wearing what appeared to be a regal black armor. The other difference Darien felt was that, before going through the portal, he still was able to control his body and what he said. Now though, he didn't feel any control over his body. If he wanted to stop, he couldn't. If he wanted to speak, he couldn't. All he could do was watch what he was doing and saying. It all seemed so strange to Darien, it almost felt like what he was witnessing was not a dream, but rather, a memory. 'But... it can't possibly be my memory,' Darien pondered to himself as he tried to figure out what was going on. But before he could think of another thought, he felt himself stop and turn to the princess, saying, "Everything on Earth, everything you see, from the East to the West, belongs to my kingdom. And over there, you will find my castle..." Seeing himself point to a location in the distance, Darien noticed a rather peaceful town not too far from where he and the princess were...

    "This, my love... is Daybreak Town... the capital of the planet Earth. And that big building over there is my castle," Darien heard himself explain to the princess. 'Daybreak Town... Earth Kingdom... my love... what is going on here??' Darien pondered to himself.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Aug 26, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Meilin Lee
    @Onlyheretemporarily clearly has the best username, and anyone who says otherwise is wrong
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Aug 26, 2017 in forum: 2017
  20. Meilin Lee