Search Results

  1. . : tale_wind
    Someone asked this on Reddit today, so I figured I'd bring the conversation here, too--and expand it a little. So, who do you hope to fight in KHIII, be they Disney (*including Pixar, Marvel, and Lucasfilm), Square Enix, or Kingdom Hearts-specific characters?

    My hopes:


    • The Firebird (Fantasia 2000) - I've been hoping for this since Symphony of Sorcery was announced for DDD. KHIII's grander scale in both story and environments (just look at the Rock Titan fight!) would make it a great fit.
    • Madam Mim (The Sword in the Stone) - Merlin's homeworld is overdue an appearance, and with it, why not a crazy shapeshifting witch boss fight?
    • Dr. Facilier (The Princess and the Frog) - Five words: Friends on the Other Side.
    • Darth Vader (Star Wars) - Secret boss? Secret boss.
    • Yzma and Kronk (The Emperor's New Groove) - I was trying to think of bosses I've never seen suggested and came up with this. A dual boss fight with these two could be pretty fun, with Yzma chucking vials and knives around from afar, with Kronk simultaneously charging in for the melee attacks.
    Square Enix
    • Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy) - How has he not already shown up? World-hopping, seeking powerful swords, c'mon, Nomura.
    • Sho Minamimoto (The World Ends With You) - I confess, I haven't played TWEWY. YET. But this guy has always seemed fun from what I know of the game, and I'm itching for more of Neku and co. after DDD.
    Kingdom Hearts
    • Aqua - We know Riku's going to be helping to round up the BbS trio, right? Consider: Aqua has had it beaten into her head by her master that darkness is unquestionably and inherently evil and dangerous. She saw her best friends fall to darkness, and learned that her master, too, fell to darkness. And now she's been trapped in the Realm of Darkness for over a decade. How do you think she'll react when a Keyblade wielder who openly uses darkness shows up looking for her? Yeah, I know, 0.2 may have thrown a wrench in my pet idea. But also consider that Aqua never got very close to Riku, that it's been two or three years since 0.2, and that I really like this idea. ...Even if it does depend on having Riku as a playable character.
    • Isa - It's been on the side of the story, but we have been building up SO MUCH to a Lea/Isa showdown. My evil take on the idea is that said showdown a cutscene. And when it looks like Lea finally breaks through to him...BAM, the Nortification process completes, and Isanort gets a second wind to KO Lea. THAT'S when we get to jump in as Sora/Riku/Kairi/whoever's playable here. Though personally I'm hoping for Kairi, since she and Lea are gonna be spending time together training, and I'm looking forward to seeing how that relationship plays out.
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, Aug 19, 2017, 8 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. . : tale_wind

    Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

    In fifth place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 929,906 Lux! The top scorer was @Day~Dream with 723,950 Lux—about 78% of the party's earnings. @61 followed with 140,594 Lux, and @Explode with 64,427 Lux.

    In fourth place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 3,189,473 Lux! The top scorer was @tamale with 3,186,726 Lux—about 99% of the party's earnings. @O.KnightofTwilight followed with 2,747 Lux.

    In third place this week is KHV_Vulpeus with a total of 6,269,474 Lux! The top scorer was @Eric Luna with 4,546,339 Lux—about 73% of the party's earnings. @Plums followed with 1,507,375 Lux, and @Xephos with 133,035 Lux.

    In second place this week is KHV_Leopardos with a total of 6,355,649 Lux! The top scorer was @KSoleAngel with 6,324,830 Lux—about 99% of the party's earnings. @Noizless followed with 23,026 Lux, and @Scarred Nobody with 5,580 Lux.

    In first place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 55,382,204 Lux! The top scorer was @GarrettFinch with 33,428,955 Lux—about 60% of the party's earnings. @Swordsman_John followed with 11,226,527 Lux, and @KHGrl15 with 6,725,493 Lux.
    1. KHV_Unicornis
    2. KHV_Leopardos
    3. KHV_Vulpeus
    4. KHV_Ursus
    5. KHV_Anguis
    Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Unicornis! Master Ira would be thrilled with all your work! Maintain your position for two more weeks to earn the Party Don't Stop pin!

    Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—Day~Dream, tamale, Eric Luna, KSoleAngel, and GarrettFinch! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

    If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

    NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

    See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, Aug 14, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  3. . : tale_wind

    Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

    In fifth place this week is KHV_Leopardos with a total of 1,047,777 Lux! The top scorer was @KSoleAngel with 1,029,927 Lux—about 98% of the party's earnings. @Haseo followed with 11,636 Lux, and @Noizless with 8,214 Lux.

    In fourth place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 1,061,803 Lux! The top scorer was @tamale with 1,059,888 Lux—about 99% of the party's earnings. @O.KnightofTwilight followed with 1,915 Lux.

    In third place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 7,198,312 Lux! The top scorer was @Explode with 6,016,604 Lux—about 84% of the party's earnings. @Day~Dream followed with 1,174,577 Lux, and @61 with 7,131 Lux.

    In second place this week is KHV_Vulpeus with a total of 19,252,623 Lux! The top scorer was @Plums with 9,419,111 Lux—about 49% of the party's earnings. @Randy kelly followed with 8,449,116 Lux, and @Eric Luna with 1,067,471 Lux.

    In first place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 61,550,015 Lux! The top scorer was @GarrettFinch with 43,557,452 Lux—about 71% of the party's earnings. @Swordsman_John followed with 15,079,519 Lux, and @KHGrl15 with 2,904,501 Lux.
    1. KHV_Unicornis
    2. KHV_Vulpeus
    3. KHV_Anguis
    4. KHV_Ursus
    5. KHV_Leopardos
    Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Unicornis! Master Ira would be thrilled with all your work! You've also re-earned the Party Don't Stop pin this week--any members of your party who don't already have it will now receive it! Congrats on the win!

    Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—KSoleAngel, tamale, Explode, Plums, and GarrettFinch! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

    This week marks one year since we started posting these leaderboards here on KHV! We had few setbacks getting them up and running, but once we finally got it off the ground, we haven't missed a single week since! Here's to the past year of friendly competition—and here's to one year more!

    If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

    NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

    See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, Aug 7, 2017, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  4. . : tale_wind

    Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

    In fifth place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 150,693 Lux! The top scorer was @tamale with 150,693 Lux—100% of the party's earnings.

    In fourth place this week is KHV_Leopardos with a total of 700,418 Lux! The top scorer was @KSoleAngel with 359,284 Lux—about 51% of the party's earnings. @Noizless followed with 325,232 Lux, and @Haseo with 14,993 Lux.

    In third place this week is KHV_Vulpeus with a total of 5,155,857 Lux! The top scorer was @Randy kelly with 3,837,375 Lux—about 74% of the party's earnings. @Plums followed with 903,003 Lux, and @Xephos with 214,436 Lux.

    In second place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 18,378,963 Lux! The top scorer was @Explode with 17,515,007 Lux—about 95% of the party's earnings. @Day~Dream followed with 856,252 Lux, and @Mixt with 5,055 Lux.

    In first place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 46,789,365 Lux! The top scorer was @GarrettFinch with 32,680,965 Lux—about 70% of the party's earnings. @Swordsman_John followed with 9,657,170 Lux, and @KHGrl15 with 4,443,415 Lux.
    1. KHV_Unicornis
    2. KHV_Anguis
    3. KHV_Vulpeus
    4. KHV_Leopardus
    5. KHV_Ursus
    Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Unicornis! Master Ira would be thrilled with all your work! Maintain your position for one more week to earn the Party Don't Stop pin!

    Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—tamale, KSoleAngel, Randy kelly, Explode, and GarrettFinch! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

    If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

    NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

    See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, Jul 31, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  5. . : tale_wind

    Welcome back to Daybreak Town! I'm taking back over the leaderboard posting again; thanks to Fearless for helping out in my absence! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

    In fifth place this week is KHV_Leopardus with a total of 2,209,575 Lux! The top scorer was @Noizless with 1,720,790 Lux—about 78% of the party's earnings. @KSoleAngel followed with 447,424 Lux, and @Scarred Nobody with 28,887 Lux.

    In fourth place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 7,927,406 Lux! The top scorer was @tamale with 7,926,784 Lux—about 99% of the party's earnings. @O.KnightofTwilight followed with 622 Lux.

    In third place this week is KHV_Vulpeus with a total of 46,134,022 Lux! The top scorer was @Xephos with 39,172,648 Lux—about 85% of the party's earnings. @Fearless followed with 4,354,828 Lux, and @Randy kelly with 2,457,716 Lux.

    In second place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 68,010,573 Lux! The top scorer was @Explode with 66,658,112 Lux—about 98% of the party's earnings. @Day~Dream followed with 1,349,074 Lux, and @61 with 2,953 Lux.

    In first place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 164,497,977 Lux! The top scorer was @GarrettFinch with 109,868,630 Lux—about 67% of the party's earnings. @Swordsman_John followed with 52,360,126 Lux, and @KHGrl15 with 2,267,287 Lux.
    1. KHV_Unicornis
    2. KHV_Anguis
    3. KHV_Vulpeus
    4. KHV_Ursus
    5. KHV_Leopardus
    Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Unicornis! Master Ira would be thrilled with all your work! Maintain your top position for two more weeks to earn the Party Don't Stop pin!

    Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—Noizless, tamale, Xephos, Explode, and GarrettFinch! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

    If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

    NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

    See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, Jul 24, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  6. . : tale_wind
    I'm working on creating a bard for whenever I finally get around to actually playing a game of D&D, so ask me questions about him so I can better get to know his character.
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, Jul 17, 2017, 14 replies, in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  7. . : tale_wind

    Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

    In fifth place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 2,237,022 Lux! The top scorer was @O.KnightofTwilight with 1,093,805 Lux—about 49% of the party's earnings. @tamale followed with 852,742 Lux, and @Krowley with 289,858 Lux.

    In fourth place this week is KHV_Vulpeus with a total of 6,117,409 Lux! The top scorer was @Fearless with 1,762,010 Lux—about 29% of the party's earnings. @Xephos followed with 1,455,925 Lux, and @Calxiyn with 1,315,855 Lux.

    In third place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 26,277,206 Lux! The top scorer was @Explode with 25,734,899 Lux—about 98% of the party's earnings. @Day~Dream followed with 296,377 Lux, and @61 with 234,612 Lux.

    In second place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 54,577,114 Lux! The top scorer was @GarrettFinch with 33,288,794 Lux—about 61% of the party's earnings. @Aelin FireHeart followed with 21,288,320 Lux.

    In first place this week is KHV_Leopardos with a total of 55,175,115 Lux! The top scorer was @Swordsman_John with 31,765,422 Lux—about 58% of the party's earnings. @KSoleAngel followed with 24,644,264 Lux, and @HeartlessOfLight with 657,195 Lux.
    1. KHV_Leopardos
    2. KHV_Unicornis
    3. KHV_Anguis
    4. KHV_Vulpeus
    5. KHV_Ursus
    Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Leopardos! Master Gula would be thrilled with all your work!

    Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—O.KnightofTwilight, Fearless, Explode, GarrettFinch, and Swordsman_John! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

    If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

    NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

    See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, Jun 12, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  8. . : tale_wind

    E3 2017

    View attachment 47403

    Okay, people, here we go! E3 kicks off this month, giving us all kinds of gaming news from all over the industry!


    Conference Times
    • EA: June 10, 12:00 PM PT
    • Microsoft: June 11, 2:00 PM PT
    • Bethesda: June 11, 7:00 PM PT
    • Ubisoft: June 12, 1:00 PM PT
    • Sony: June 12, 6:00 PM PT
    • Nintendo: June 13, 9:00 AM PT
    View attachment 47407
    (credit for the time table goes to libregkd)
    Places to View
    General Streams:
    E3 Recap

    Company Live Streams:

    New this year is the E3 Coliseum, a two-day long event hosted by Geoff Keighley of The Game Awards. Through the various panels on June 13 and 14, beginning at 7:00 AM PT each day, fans will be able to get first-look game experiences and interviews with various figures from the gaming industry. It can be viewed on Facebook Live, Twitch, YouTube, and Mixer.

    Floor Plans

    You can check out the full exhibitor listings at your leisure here. Otherwise, here are some screenshots:

    The post below is reserved for listing all the news and announcements from the major events. I'm no libre, but I'll do my best to keep up! We're pretty down to the wire here, but feel free to post all of your speculation, hopes, predictions, and other discussion below!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, Jun 9, 2017, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  9. . : tale_wind

    Announced in today's Pokémon Direct, Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon will tell a new story set in the Alola region. The games will feature new forms of Solgaleo and Lunala, seemingly related to Necrozma.

    The games will launch worldwide on November 17, 2017.
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, Jun 6, 2017, 54 replies, in forum: Gaming
  10. . : tale_wind

    Announced today, a special eight-minute long Pokémon Direct will air tomorrow at 10am ET. The Direct will be viewable on Nintendo's YouTube and Twitch channels, as well as their official website.

    What do you think Pokémon will be showing off in this Direct a week before E3? Post your thoughts below!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, Jun 5, 2017, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  11. . : tale_wind

    Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

    In fifth place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 3,170,441 Lux! The top scorer was @tamale with 3,122,283 Lux—about 98% of the party's earnings. @Krowley followed with 41,969 Lux, and @O.KnightofTwilight with 4,445 Lux.

    In fourth place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 20,662,673 Lux! The top scorer was @Aelin FireHeart with 20,662,673 Lux—100% of the party's earnings.

    In third place this week is KHV_Leopardos with a total of 23,368,902 Lux! The top scorer was @KSoleAngel with 18,252,212 Lux—about 78% of the party's earnings. @Haseo followed with 3,010,017 Lux, and @Scarred Nobody with 2,086,604 Lux.

    In second place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 25,666,712 Lux! The top scorer was @Explode with 25,569,072 Lux—about 99% of the party's earnings. @Day~Dream followed with 76,299 Lux, and @61 with 6,346 Lux.

    In first place this week is KHV_Vulpeus with a total of 78,465,691 Lux! The top scorer was @Swordsman_John with 37,785,409 Lux—about 48% of the party's earnings. @GarrettFinch followed with 35,111,084 Lux, and @Xephos with 4,519,115 Lux.
    1. KHV_Vulpeus
    2. KHV_Anguis
    3. KHV_Leopardos
    4. KHV_Unicornis
    5. KHV_Ursus
    Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Vulpeus! Master Ava would be thrilled with all your work! With this week, you've managed to keep the top position on the leaderboard for three consecutive weeks, meaning you've earned the Party Don't Stop pin for every member of your party! Congratulations!

    Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—tamale, Aelin FireHeart, KSoleAngel, Explode, and Swordsman_John! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

    If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

    NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

    See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, Jun 5, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  12. . : tale_wind

    Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

    In fifth place this week is KHV_Leopardos with a total of 2,086,755 Lux! The top scorer was @KSoleAngel with 1,348,818 Lux—about 65% of the party's earnings. @Scarred Nobody followed with 668,091 Lux, and @Haseo with 45,889 Lux.

    In fourth place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 25,749,168 Lux! The top scorer was @Aelin FireHeart with 25,737,959 Lux—about 99% of the party's earnings. @Shuhbooty followed with 11,209 Lux.

    In third place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 28,324,257 Lux! The top scorer was @Explode with 28,202,604 Lux—about 99% of the party's earnings. @Day~Dream followed with 88,722 Lux.

    In second place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 30,893,563 Lux! The top scorer was @tamale with 29,384,305 Lux—about 95% of the party's earnings. @Krowley followed with 1,043,744 Lux, and @O.KnightofTwilight with 424,626 Lux.

    In first place this week is KHV_Vulpeus with a total of 213,463,023 Lux! The top scorer was @GarrettFinch with 91,422,327 Lux—about 43% of the party's earnings. @Xephos followed with 51,730,521 Lux, and @Swordsman_John with 48,831,920 Lux.
    1. KHV_Vulpeus
    2. KHV_Ursus
    3. KHV_Anguis
    4. KHV_Unicornis
    5. KHV_Leopardos
    Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Vulpeus! Master Ava would be thrilled with all your work! Hang onto the top position for one more week to earn the Party Don't Stop pin!

    Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—KSoleAngel, Aelin FireHeart, Explode, tamale, and GarrettFinch! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

    If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

    NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

    See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, May 29, 2017, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  13. . : tale_wind

    Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

    In fifth place this week is KHV_Leopardos with a total of 9,683,801 Lux! The top scorer was @KSoleAngel with 8,606,872 Lux—about 89% of the party's earnings. @Noizless followed with 1,027,875 Lux, and @Scarred Nobody with 28,712 Lux.

    In fourth place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 20,419,016 Lux! The top scorer was @Explode with 20,348,626 Lux—about 99% of the party's earnings. @Day~Dream followed with 52,458 Lux, and @61 with 15,874 Lux.

    In third place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 27,492,164 Lux! The top scorer was @Swordsman_John with 15,486,203 Lux—about 56% of the party's earnings. @tamale followed with 10,603,066 Lux, and @Krowley with 1,336,004 Lux.

    In second place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 67,850,037 Lux! The top scorer was @KHGrl15 with 36,007,777 Lux—about 53% of the party's earnings. @Aelin FireHeart followed with 31,842,260 Lux.

    In first place this week is KHV_Vulpeus with a total of 243,665,529 Lux! The top scorer was @Captain Arch with 203,444,242 Lux—about 83% of the party's earnings. @GarrettFinch followed with 38,934,601 Lux, and @Roxam with 723,996 Lux.
    1. KHV_Vulpeus
    2. KHV_Unicornis
    3. KHV_Ursus
    4. KHV_Anguis
    5. KHV_Leopardos
    Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Vulpeus! Master Ava would be thrilled with all your work!

    Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—KSoleAngel, Explode, Swordsman_John, KHGrl15, and Captain Arch! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet receiv—wh—another letter? What on earth...

    If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

    NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

    See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, May 22, 2017, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  14. . : tale_wind

    Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

    In fifth place this week is KHV_Vulpeus with a total of 19,993,469 Lux! The top scorer was @Xephos with 16,222,280 Lux—about 81% of the party's earnings. @Eric Luna followed with 1,185,448 Lux, and @Roxam with 1,121,803 Lux.

    In fourth place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 31,631,616 Lux! The top scorer was @KHGrl15 with 16,749,813 Lux—about 53% of the party's earnings. @Explode followed with 13,961,959 Lux, and @Day~Dream with 723,859 Lux.

    In third place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 51,390,612 Lux! The top scorer was @⋆cstar⋆ with 26,254,189 Lux—about 51% of the party's earnings. @Aelin FireHeart followed with 25,136,423 Lux.

    In second place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 85,875,081 Lux! The top scorer was @GarrettFinch with 62,050,263 Lux—about 72% of the party's earnings. @tamale followed with 14,655,104 Lux, and @Swordsman_John with 8,788,848 Lux.

    In first place this week is KHV_Leopardos with a total of 138,389,509 Lux! The top scorer was @Captain Arch with 126,475,705 Lux—about 91% of the party's earnings. @KSoleAngel followed with 10,514,785 Lux, and @Noizless with 1,085,724 Lux.
    1. KHV_Leopardos
    2. KHV_Ursus
    3. KHV_Unicornis
    4. KHV_Anguis
    5. KHV_Vulpeus
    Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Leopardos! Master Gula would be thrilled with all your work! Stay at the top for two more weeks to receive the Party Don't Stop pin!

    Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—Xephos, KHGrl15, ⋆cstar⋆, GarrettFinch, and Captain Arch! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received o—wha, hold on, what's this paper...?

    If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

    NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

    See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, May 15, 2017, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  15. . : tale_wind

    Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

    In fifth place this week is KHV_Leopardos with a total of 4,437,041 Lux! The top scorer was @KSoleAngel with 3,997,666 Lux—about 90% of the party's earnings. @Haseo followed with 400,012 Lux, and @Scarred Nobody with 23,897 Lux.

    In fourth place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 15,598,228 Lux! The top scorer was @Explode with 14,923,601 Lux—about 96% of the party's earnings. @Aurum followed with 578,533 Lux, and @Day~Dream with 92,382 Lux.

    In third place this week is KHV_Vulpeus with a total of 39,972,761 Lux! The top scorer was @KHGrl15 with 28,941,815 Lux—about 72% of the party's earnings. @Xephos followed with 4,103,398 Lux, and @Calxiyn with 2,779,549 Lux.

    In second place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 82,536,536 Lux! The top scorer was @Aelin FireHeart with 49,414,666 Lux—about 60% of the party's earnings. @⋆cstar⋆ followed with 33,104,084 Lux, and @Shuhbooty with 17,786 Lux.

    In first place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 195,384,405 Lux! The top scorer was @Captain Arch with 174,794,642 Lux—about 89% of the party's earnings. @GarrettFinch followed with 8,571,833 Lux, and @tamale with 5,036,705 Lux.
    1. KHV_Ursus
    2. KHV_Unicornis
    3. KHV_Vulpeus
    4. KHV_Anguis
    5. KHV_Leopardos
    Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Ursus! Master Aced would be thrilled with all your work! Hold your position at the top for two more weeks and you'll earn the Party Don't Stop pin!

    Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—KSoleAngel, Explode, KHGrl15, Aelin FireHeart, and Captain Arch! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

    If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

    NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

    See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, May 8, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  16. . : tale_wind

    Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

    In fifth place this week is KHV_Leopardos with a total of 2,517,911 Lux! The top scorer was @KSoleAngel with 2,472,516 Lux—about 98% of the party's earnings. @Scarred Nobody followed with 22,516 Lux.

    In fourth place this week is KHV_Vulpeus with a total of 102,767,073 Lux! The top scorer was @Xephos with 53,304,263 Lux—about 52% of the party's earnings. @Calxiyn followed with 29,560,326 Lux, and @Randy kelly with 8,164,293 Lux.

    In third place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 235,762,138 Lux! The top scorer was @Aelin FireHeart with 127,062,037 Lux—about 54% of the party's earnings. @⋆cstar⋆ followed with 108,685,224 Lux, and @Shuhbooty with 14,878 Lux.

    In second place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 296,963,989 Lux! The top scorer was @tamale with 114,723,345 Lux—about 39% of the party's earnings. @GarrettFinch followed with 100,250,953 Lux, and @KHGrl15 with 49,469,402 Lux.

    In first place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 821,367,417 Lux! The top scorer was @Captain Arch with 800,763,674 Lux—about 97% of the party's earnings. @Explode followed with 20,069,224 Lux, and @Day~Dream with 472,369 Lux.
    1. KHV_Anguis
    2. KHV_Ursus
    3. KHV_Unicornis
    4. KHV_Vulpeus
    5. KHV_Leopardos
    Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Anguis! Master Invi would be thrilled with all your work! Stay at the top for two more weeks to earn your special pin!

    Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—KSoleAngel, Xephos, Aelin FireHeart, tamale, and Captain Arch! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

    If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

    NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

    See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, May 1, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  17. . : tale_wind

    Last night, Nintendo announced the latest addition to their 3DS hardware lineup, the New Nintendo 2DS XL. The system eschews the original 2DS's slate-like design for the traditional folding design of the rest of the 3DS family, and adds the various functionalities of the New Nintendo 3DS--a built-in amiibo reader, additional shoulder buttons, a second analog stick, and greater processing power. The system will also have the same screen size as the New Nintendo 3DS XL, while being lighter than the New Nintendo 3DS XL. And the New 2DS XL still leaves out the stereoscopic 3D effect.

    The system will be available only in the turquoise and black color option in North America, while the rest of the world will also have an orange and white color option.

    The New Nintendo 2DS XL will launch this summer--June 15 in Australia and New Zealand, July 13 in Japan, and the rest of the world on July 28. The system's MSRP will be $149.99 USD/$199.99 CAD/$199.95 AUD/¥14,980.
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, Apr 28, 2017, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  18. . : tale_wind

    Welcome back to Daybreak Town! With the advent of Union χ, I finally remembered that these leaderboards are due a name change! What do you think? Anyway, everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

    In fifth place this week is KHV_Vulpeus with a total of 843,199 Lux! The top scorer was @PurplePanic with 352,556 Lux—about 42% of the party's earnings. @R3DRAW followed with 161,505 Lux, and @Eric Luna with 104,357 Lux.

    In fourth place this week is KHV_Leopardos with a total of 4,753,670 Lux! The top scorer was @KSoleAngel with 4,639,576 Lux—about 98% of the party's earnings. @Scarred Nobody followed with 88,744 Lux, and @Haseo with 17,111 Lux.

    In third place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 9,338,682 Lux! The top scorer was @GarrettFinch with 4,496,485 Lux—about 48% of the party's earnings. @Explode followed with 3,859,161 Lux, and @Day~Dream with 369,998 Lux.

    In second place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 29,604,358 Lux! The top scorer was @KHGrl15 with 18,797,282 Lux—about 63% of the party's earnings. @tamale followed with 10,171,783 Lux, and @Stapes with 574,194 Lux.

    And in first place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 174,701,268 Lux! The top scorer was @Captain Arch with 159,082,767 Lux—about 91% of the party's earnings. @Bruce Willis followed with 9,695,674 Lux, and @Aelin FireHeart with 5,913,816 Lux.
    1. KHV_Unicornis
    2. KHV_Ursus
    3. KHV_Anguis
    4. KHV_Leopardos
    5. KHV_Vulpeus
    Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Unicornis! Master Ira would be thrilled with all your work! This being your third consecutive week at the top, you've qualified for the Party Don't Stop pin! Since your party has earned this pin before, everyone who wasn't in the party the last time will now receive it! Great job, everyone!

    Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—PurplePanic, KSoleAngel, GarrettFinch, KHGrl15, and Captain Arch! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

    If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

    NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

    See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, Apr 24, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  19. . : tale_wind

    Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

    In fifth place this week is KHV_Leopardos with a total of 5,706,118 Lux! The top scorer was @KSoleAngel with 3,000,722 Lux—about 53% of the party's earnings. @Scarred Nobody followed with 2,525,072 Lux, and @Cat~ with 100,590 Lux.

    In fourth place this week is KHV_Vulpeus with a total of 10,852,996 Lux! The top scorer was @Xephos with 5,111,372 Lux—about 47% of the party's earnings. @Calxiyn followed with 3,992,006 Lux, and @PurplePanic with 1,019,581 Lux.

    In third place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 22,319,140 Lux! The top scorer was @GarrettFinch with 13,748,477 Lux—about 62% of the party's earnings. @Explode followed with 5,874,919 Lux, and @Mixt with 1,869,252 Lux.

    In second place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 118,915,437 Lux! The top scorer was @KHGrl15 with 108,902,718 Lux—about 92% of the party's earnings. @tamale followed with 7,869,268 Lux, and @Stapes with 1,712,866 Lux.

    In first place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 127,847,084 Lux! The top scorer was @Captain Arch with 94,523,215 Lux—about 74% of the party's earnings. @Aelin FireHeart followed with 28,994,353 Lux, and @Bruce Willis with 4,083,643 Lux.
    1. KHV_Unicornis
    2. KHV_Ursus
    3. KHV_Anguis
    4. KHV_Vulpeus
    5. KHV_Leopardos
    Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Unicornis! Master Ira would be thrilled with all your work! Stay at the top for one more week to earn the Party Don't Stop pin!

    Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—KSoleAngel, Xephos, GarrettFinch, KHGrl15, and Captain Arch! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

    If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

    NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

    See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
    Thread by: . : tale_wind, Apr 17, 2017, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  20. . : tale_wind
    Nintendo announced today that they will be holding a Nintendo Direct this Wednesday, April 12, at 3pm PT. While this Direct will feature games for both the 3DS and the Switch, it will primarily focus on the upcoming Switch games Splatoon 2 and ARMS.

    You'll be able to watch the Direct on Nintendo's website, YouTube, and Twitch, as per usual.

    Thread by: . : tale_wind, Apr 10, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming