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  1. Iskandar
    Ignis watched as AJ use his keyblade to close the keyhole on the RG side, and then for some reason, a second later they seemed to have become real in the RG world, because Baymax noticed the four of them. Ignis was going to tell Hiro what was going on, but before that could happen, Kaida came up with one of the most ridiculous lies that Ignis had ever heard. It didn't help that Glen supported her either, which just made it seem even more silly. Of course, Baymax was able to tell they were lying, and Ignis could tell that Hiro really didn't believe them either, which kind of made Ignis amused a little. No one was going to believe such a lie, so it was almost sad, in a funny way, how they even tried. She stepped up at this point to try and clear things up a little.

    "Yeah, don't listen to these two over here. They've just been hyped up on adrenaline, so they're brains are working on overtime right now. We just came into town a little while ago, but stayed a little ways away from the rest of our group that you were with. We had to find someone, and couldn't do it being out in the open. I'm not sure why you didn't see us in the middle of the fight a minute ago, but maybe it was because you were so busy fighting all those microbots? Actually, come to think of it, I think Baymax noticed us when we were all near that police station, didn't he?" She put her hand and pointed to the others from the UG group. "Anyways, the one who lied about the belts are Kaida and Glen, and the other one over there is Hikaru. And I'm Ignis, nice to meet you."
    Post by: Iskandar, May 18, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Iskandar
    Ignis continued being depressed about her unnoticed work when she noticed a bright light shining up above them. Apparently they had finally finished what they were supposed to in this world, because from what it looked like, a keyhole had opened up for them. Ignis hadn't closed a keyhole herself yet, and since everyone else seemed busy, she figured she might as well take this one. Raising her keyblade, she pointed it to the keyhole, letting her keyblade shoot off a stream of bright light. The light hit the keyhole and then the light shone even brighter, and then the keyhole disappeared.

    Ignis put her keyblade down and went back to her sulking. "Hey guys, since we found that keyhole, are we able to go now? This place is starting to make me depressed."
    Post by: Iskandar, May 17, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Iskandar
    My new favorite song for a while

    Post by: Iskandar, May 16, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  4. Iskandar
    Yeah, here's hoping I won't be wearing the stinking robe when I get my degree. I've gone so far without having to wear one, I wouldn't really like to go forever without it.

    On another note, I wonder how much your degree is like my Digital Media degree at University of Houston
    Post by: Iskandar, May 13, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Iskandar
    Yeah, I've given up on even trying them on standard mode myself. I was trying to face axel and I was lv99 with gear to reduce fire damage, and I had some elixers and stuff too, and I still only got him down to half health or so. And I've been told he's one of the easy ones.

    Just remember those items, and those keyblades. I know for sure many people say that Vexen is easy if you have maxed final form and firaga, so once you break his shield you go final and them spam him with fire magic. If it's anything like how it made his first fight, it'll help.
    Post by: Iskandar, May 13, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Iskandar
    Ignis sighed after the fight was finally over, and watched as events unfolded in the RG side. Baymax and Hiro disappeared inside of the portal and came back with some sort of container, which apparently had Callaghan's daughter inside. Baymax managed to break the headband that was controlling all the microbots, and ended up getting caught in the end. Hiro seemed thankful for everyone's help, but it was too bad that the UG people had to go without any notice at all.

    "Well, I guess this was just another thankless job in my book. You know, it doesn't hurt to be thanked a little now and then." Ignis sighed and slumped over depressed.

    She knew of course that they were bound to do jobs that were going to go unnoticed, but they beat the stinking heartless that was creating the microbots. A little notice wouldn't have hurt, would it? After all, if it wasn't for the UG group, the RG ones would still be fighting right now.

    "Let's just get this over with and continue on, shall we?" She waved her hand, motioning for things to move along.
    Post by: Iskandar, May 12, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Iskandar
    Wish I could say I'm surprised, but I was betting on us getting it around next year. Though if it's going to go all the way into the end of the year, that's going to be painful
    Post by: Iskandar, May 11, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. Iskandar
    Ignis used Vorpal Blitz
    Post by: Iskandar, May 10, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Iskandar
    Ignis used Cross-Slash
    Post by: Iskandar, May 10, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Iskandar
    Ignis used air combo
    Post by: Iskandar, May 9, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Iskandar
    Ignis used an air combo if she wasn't KO'ed, but instead she sleeps, pushing up daisies
    Post by: Iskandar, May 8, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Iskandar
    Ignis used Air Combo
    Post by: Iskandar, May 7, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Iskandar
    Ignis used Vorpal Blitz on Assault Dragon.
    Post by: Iskandar, May 6, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Iskandar
    I'm pretty sure if it has anything related to Asylum, it's not a joke about Star Wars, just more horrible movie title names
    Post by: Iskandar, May 6, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Iskandar
    I'm surprised no one's made a "The fourth awakens" joke yet, or something like that.
    Post by: Iskandar, May 5, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Iskandar
    Ignis attacked with another combo.
    Post by: Iskandar, May 5, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Iskandar
    Ignis looked to Kaida as she cast her cure spell.
    "Well, it's a start," as she used her combo against the enemy.

    Post by: Iskandar, May 4, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Iskandar


    In that case, you might as well name it "Hyuge". Then you'll be passing down the account in more ways than one....and you might also scar the child for life
    Post by: Iskandar, May 3, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Iskandar
    Ignis followed up Kaida's cure with another attack on the heartless, using crossh-slash to damage it even more.

    Post by: Iskandar, May 3, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Iskandar
    Ignis came crashing down from being launched at the dragon and figured it was as good a place as any to attack, so she used Vorpal Blitz then ran back toward Kaida and got close to her ear.

    "I'm all fine with helping out a teammate, but next time, HOW ABOUT A LITTLE WARNING, OKAY!!?" She backed off after that, ready for the next attack.

    Post by: Iskandar, May 2, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena