Okay so I thought it would be fun to get others to make my d&d character for me and I will have to play it. I will do the rolls but you guys can assign the numbers to stats. I will go with popular vote, one section at a time. So to start race: Dwarf Elf Halfling Human Dragonborn Gnome Half-elf Half-orc Tiefling
In the spirit of bring more life back to the RPA I wanted to know who would be interested in Roleplay Idol coming back. For those of you who don't know, Roleplay Idol is a series of challenges to do around roleplaying and how you would write your original character into certain scenarios. These will then be judged. Depending on how many people sign up will depend on the number of challenges and how scoring will work. Originally people were voted off each round, but if there is less people signing up then we could also make it work by a scoreboard instead. If there is interest for Roleplay Idol coming back, then we will make a community meeting to decide how we want it to run and get everyone's input. If you have any further questions about it, feel free to ask. Thank you. ~Aelin Fireheart
Here you will find all the resources and and tutorials needed to participate and thrive in the Role Play Arena. If there is any tutorials that are not included and someone wants, or wants to make, you can contact one of the RPA moderators and we will do our best to assist. Table of Contents Basics of Roleplaying How to Create a Roleplay How to Create a Post Layout
The purpose of the Help with Life section is to assist one another with our daily strife, with negative things that may happen, with situations in which you need guidance, or just to give you a place to vent. Hopefully, we can help one another, and in the end to take on a new day with better meaning and motivation. We are not psychiatrists, so the help we can offer may be limited, but we are here for you and will do as much as we can. The Help with Life section follows the same rules as the rest of the discussion forum as well as the rest of the site. We request you take a look at the particular guidelines below for this section before posting. Guidelines This forum is PG-13. Keeping this in mind, members need to post within these parameters, as well as under the same restrictions of the KH-Vids Rules. This is not an area to post the following: Suicide Threats: Unfortunately, there is not always much we can do for you if you are going to commit suicide. It's one thing if you are depressed, but it's another to make a suicide letter where members feel desperate to do something, but don't know if they can or not. Suggestion: If you feel that you are very depressed and troubled, this section was made so that we can assist with coming up with solutions other than suicide. Please post what the problems you have are so that we can help you address them, instead of posting "I'm depressed and contemplating suicide." This will put you in a better mental frame and help us with thinking of solutions. Threads that condone violence: Basically, no threads pertaining to beating the snot out of someone, crippling someone, or worse. Also, do not make suggestions that encourage someone to do an act that would get anyone sent to a detention home or prison. Suggestion: Encourage those dealing with aggressive people or situations to seek out assistance, stand up for themselves, deal with things using words instead of fists, etc. Threads about medical issues: if you feel ill or may have some physical problem you need help with, you can post about it. However, keep in mind that this is a forum geared towards children and that recommendations are not actual accurate diagnosis akin to the ones of a professional. Make sure you talk to a person of trust (preferably an adult; parent or guardian) in real life before trying anything. Suggestion: If the answers you receive are not satisfactory or seem like something you don't wish to employ or dangerous, it is best adviced that you go to a doctor. We are not certified proffesionals and don't know what can actually be beneficial for you. Graphic, sexual threads: If something traumatic has happened to you, you can post about it, but watch how graphic you go and do not get explicit with things. This is still a PG-13 forum. Suggestion: If you wish to talk to someone, ask in a thread if someone who is an adult will talk with you over PM in regards to your situation. Perhaps legally and mentally they can offer more support and it keeps the site rating where it is. Basically, in the end, this area is a place where all of us can vent, talk important issues out, and help others to come up with solutions that are the most positive decisions we can muster. If something is very serious, we simply may not be able to help you and you may require professional help or assistance from parents, a school counselor, or some other trusted person in your life; if we feel that is the case, we will urge you to seek those people out. We all do our best and everyone so far has taken this section seriously. If you have any questions regarding what is appropriate or not, feel free to PM a member of staff and we will be glad to aid you. That being said, any sort of mocking or berating in this section will absolutely not be tolerated. People here are asking for help, and may be in a vulnerable state, so we ask those of you looking to help to do so seriously and maturely. Their problems may not be as serious as ones you have faced yourself, but they are problems nonetheless, and that person deserves to have them fixed. ~The KH-Vids.Net Staff
Welcome to the current events sub-section. The current events forum is a place to discuss what is happening in the real world on a day to day basis. It is where you can post and have intelligent discussion about big events that effect anything from a small area to the country, or the world. This section still follows the general rules of the Discussion Section but also include some other guidelines. About the current events Please don’t post anything about your personal life events here. This section is for world news and just general worldwide events. Posting a chunk of news and gaining post count through it is frowned upon, and if we see this repeatedly, you will be talked to about it. Remember to add your opinion on the matter. It is prefered that you write out the matter yourself and link to articles for reference, rather than just copying and pasting the article. ~The KH-Vids.Net Staff
Welcome to the Debate corner. This is the section in which you post discussions you want to hear different views and express your opinion even if it is contrary to popular opinion. The made Discussion Section Rules still apply in this subsection, with some additional guidelines. Guidelines The Debate corner is a place where people debate things, as such, it can get somewhat heated. But we ask that friction be kept to a minimum and that discussions are carried out without putting down your neighbor. Opinions and views differ. So don't go on self-righteous parades just because you're right, or think you're right. The main idea of debates is to see different views or find a flaw in an idea, not to belittle a person or boast some form of victory. Open yourself to possibilities, listening to all sides and presenting yours is a great way to conduct discussion. If you enter a discussion and stubbornly remain with a point without reason to, you'll be harming the debate. Remember that this isn't about winning or losing. Be prepared to defend your idea, that's what the debate corner is for. You’ll have to listen to others express why what you present may be wrong. And sometimes it may get a bit heated. If you feel that it’s gotten out of hand and it devolves into insults, please feel free to contact a member of staff to assess the situation. Maintaining control is essential for a good debate, going out of your way to act arrogant or merely point out some mistake (like misspelling or anything unrelated to the subject; ad hominem), to enrage the other person isn't being a team player. If a thread devolves into an argument or there's too much friction, staff may intervene and even close the thread. Lastly, remember, if you are to debate, do it with respect. You are not entitled to act like a prickly porcupine and just attack everyone or leave witty remarks to make yourself feel smarter. If your argument is good enough, then presenting it well should be enough, no need to go as far as to make others feel miserable at your leisure. Examples of how to post If the topic is, say, Women's Roles in Children's Books Proper reply: I think that the way women have been portrayed in children’s books so far is acceptable based the times they were written. However as the culture is currently making dramatic leaps and bounds in the direction of how society views women and how women view themselves, going forward books should get away from the standard princess needing saving and give woman a more headstrong role instead. The proper reply gives your thoughts on the subject, as well as enough detail that others could respond and make conversation over it. Short Reply: I am not a fan of it, but don’t hate it either. This reply, while on subject, doesn’t actually provide much commentary on your thoughts, it is short and doesn’t contribute to the conversation in a way that others can respond. Posts like these could be considered spam, even though on topic. Spammy Reply: That is stupid! Who thinks that! This contributes nothing to the conversation and does not really say anything about your thoughts on the subject. Borderline Reply: I grew up just fine even with how women are portrayed in books. This response is borderline because while it contributes to the conversation in some aspects, since most people likely won’t know your life it is a judgment call in which one cannot properly make and reply to. ~The KH-Vids.Net Staff
Welcome to the discussion section. This area of the forum is dedicated to intelligent and more serious discussion, as such, we have a few guidelines and stipulations to follow. Remember that the general rules still apply. Conduct in Discussion Respect people and their ideas, just because they differ from yours, does not mean you are entitled to witty or sarcastic remarks. Do not belittle others or try to outsmart them as if this were some battle. Leave arrogance aside, especially in this section. Do not push people into leaving a discussion by being forceful or verbose just because you can be. Not everyone has the time to listen to unnecessarily large essays and not everyone understands them. Speak to be understood, not to pride yourself in your vocabulary. Place some thought into your post. Spam is not permitted here. If you do post something that is considered spam, it will either be moved to the spamzone, or deleted altogether. Furthermore, posts consisting of under ten words are also not allowed. This area is for people to discuss maturely and give some form of input on possibly important matters. As such, we expect that you at least have one sentence with some thought behind it. How to post Staying on Topic is a must. We realize discussion creates more questions and different paths, but if it deviates the original discussion, then a new thread should be started with that new topic in mind. If you feel that you may deviate, then create a new discussion instead. Searching and Necro-Bumping are your allies. Please use the search function to see if there's a similar thread to the one you'll be creating. Moreover, when you're about to create a thread, it shows you similar thread titles, so check those out to see if it's the same subject you were going to post. To help you understand what is and is not allowed, here are some examples of posts for a topic of discussion on dogs, and your thoughts of them. Proper Reply: “I think dogs are a very peculiar animal because, first, they can be trained. And of course, they're so cute and there are so many different kinds to choose from. Even if you don't like a certain type of dog, you may like another.” This sort of reply contributes to the discussion and is generally considered a good post, because not only is it made to follow the rules, it also adds information to the subject. Spammy Reply: “dogzzs rulllzzz!!111111!” These kinds of posts add nothing whatsoever. It’s only stating a very short opinion and contributes nothing to the discussion. Short Reply: “I like dogs. My favorites kinds are Labradors.” This post not only does not follow the ten words per post rule, but it's also borderline in content. It practically adds nothing to the discussion and can be considered just as lacking as the spammy reply. Borderline reply: “Hmm…I like golden retrievers. They're good pets. I have one. They are great.” What’s wrong with this reply? It follows the rules. But only slightly. The rules are there to prevent certain kinds of posts, but some can overcome that just barely. This is one of such posts. And while there’s nothing against it in the rules, and we'll most likely overlook it. If you're found constantly making such posts in the discussions, we will delete the post in question and talk to you about it. We realize that you may not want to write essays, and sometimes these replies will happen, but don't go overboard with them. What goes Where? We have some sub-sections here, so if you’re unsure what goes where, check here. It's not against the rules to misplace a thread by mistake, but please be conscious of the correct location. Main Discussion forum: In here, everyone gives intelligent input and if you want general thoughts on a subject in society or anything else, here is the place to post. Debate Corner: In here people go to debate. That is the main difference between the main discussion section and the debate corner. If you want to present your point, and have others offer differing views and opinions, then this is the place. Current Events: In here goes everything from world news, to events happening somewhere and you wish others to share their opinions on. Help with Life: Have issues in your daily life? Need advice or just someone to listen? Well, here’s the place. Everyone is welcome and understood. ~The KH-Vids.Net Staff
Welcome to the Hall of Fame. What is the Hall of Fame exactly? Well the Hall of Fame is a place to celebrate and reward role plays that have made it to the end and successfully come to a close. As most have noticed it can be difficult for a role play to get off it’s feet. If it came to a close that is something spectacular and worth celebrating. The Hall of Fame is a place that we not only celebrate your accomplishment, but also reward it. If your role play meets the requirements and is moved to the Hall of Fame, you will be rewarded not only with being moved to the section but also with post count. Upon being moved, all posts made, not just the ones that meet the character requirement will count towards your post count. All this being said while finishing a role play is an accomplishment itself, there are some requirements that you must meet in order to be accepted into the Hall of Fame. Requirements ♔ Your roleplay must contain 500 or more posts ♔The roleplay must have three or more participants in it at all times. ♔ You must have a creative take on your story. It doesn’t have to be original but make it your own. ♔ Your story must come to a clean, proper ending. The ending has to make sense and not be abr- ♔ The roleplay should in general either consist of quality posts, or show growth throughout the roleplay. The Review Once you finish your rp, it is time for review. Through the review process we will be looking into a few specific things. ♔On average your posts must contribute to the overall story ♔Teamwork and collaboration within the story is a must. ♔Semi-consistent and fluid posting is a must. ♔Dedication and interest shown throughout the thread One liner or joke posts will be removed during the reviewing process. Since you get post count for the move of your thread, it should be filled with quality posts that contribute to the overall story. When the review has been completed you will be pm’d with information on why you did or did not make it into the hall of fame, as well as ways that everyone could improve as to have a better chance next time. Conclusion Now that you have read the requirements, if you believe your roleplay fits into these, feel free to contact the RPA moderators with a link to the thread. We will do our best to review your thread in a timely matter, but please be patient, we all have a life to attend to, but we will keep you updated through the process and get back to you as soon as possible. If there is any questions feel free to contact Aelin and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Yay new amv project. I am really trying hard to get back into editing more so I made another amv for viewing pleasure. Again I chose a slower song and didn't focus too much on the effects and mainly just the content. So feel free to CnC. ^^
OOC "In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a fierce-looking king, a master of intrigue, will arise. He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy those who are mighty, the holy people. He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes....." (Daniel 8:23-25) "Five years and you poor creatures still haven't learned. I am sorry doll, but magic is not coming back, no amount of research in those ridiculous books of yours is going to change that." Fingers tapping on the arm of the stone throne in which he sat, the Demon Prince Tharados, now ruler of Eden studied the sobbing fairy woman before him. Apparently not defiant to the end like her brother had been when he had been brought in a couple hours before. While the body had been removed, the girl still knelt in his blood. There was no time to clean up between the two, nor did he care to. The coppery smell of blood was a delight to his nose, the screams of the fairy when she saw the blood, music to his ears. There were no demon guards holding the girl in place, it was hardly necessary, when just his gaze could freeze her in fear. With one long fluid movement, Tharados stood up and stepped from the dais, closing the gap between him and the woman. He hand was soft, delicate at first as he ran it across her cheek and down towards her chin. He gently lifted her chin to look her in the eyes. "You know I could grant you mercy." He started in a soft tone before his grip suddenly changed and she was gasping for air. "But where is the fun on that?" His hand had moved from her chin to her neck, slowly cutting off the air from getting to her lungs. This was not how she was going to die though, no that wasn't fun at all. Throwing her to the ground Tharados smiled at his prey as he stepped over her. "Such pretty wings you have here, they will make great decorations in my bedroom." He mused as he gripped the wings at the base and started to pull, getting ready to tear them from her body, not even allowing her the luxury of a knife cutting them off. One tug and the girl was howling and puking on the floor. Scoffing Tharados dropped her to the ground, wings still attached to her body. "Pathetic, utterly pathetic. You are going to break too easily, too quick. Nothing like your brother, now he was a fun one to play with. How long did you spend just going along with what he had to say? Clearly he was the fighter, and the thinker. If you were smart you would not have followed along with him like the lost puppy you are." Tharados circled her like a vulture circled a dead animal. Finally he stopped smirking once more. "I think I have a friend that I want you to meet. I think you and he would have so much fun together." A chuckle escaped from his mouth as he started to walk away from the throne room, passing Lyphos on the way out. "Have fun with her. Think of it as a gift. You need to get some stress out, you are going to go mad trying to find those kids... or at least more mad than you already are." He stated placing a hand on his seconds shoulder before exiting the throne room, leaving Lyphos to his fun. It had been five years. Five years since she last stepped foot in Dondra, the kingdom of dreams. Dreams that no longer existed. Dreams that vanished with the death of her parents, and the takeover of her throne. A throne that at sixteen she didn't even want. Now five years later, it wasn't that she wanted her throne, but she had to put an end to this. She was tired of running and hiding. Tired of scrapping for money and food to support not only herself, but her younger siblings, one of which was stuck in the form of a hawk. She supposed it was better that way, safer for him. If anything happened, at least he would be able to fly away safe, and hide among the trees. It was near impossible to pick him out as different from other Hawks besides his behavour and the way he always stayed close to Reyan. After so long of hiding them, keeping them safe, Aeradel was bringing her little brother and sister into the heart of danger once more. Not only back to civilization, but also into a position where they were going to stand against Tharados. It was the going to be more dangerous than all of the past five years, but if she didn't at least try, they would never be safe. Stepping into the capital of Ocressa, it hadn't seemed to change all that much, except the castle was no longer lit up. The streets were still filled with music and dancing like they used to. People seemed to be having fun and living life that they used to before the fall of magic. The difference was, there was not the same light hearted nature that used to exist. Now instead of being light hearted and having fun, there was a tense undertone, almost like it was all an act. Being fifteen, Rayen hated when Aeradel held her hand, but as they shuffled through the busy streets of Ocressa, with hoods up to conceal their faces, Aeradel held her tighter than normal, clearly tense. No one seemed to even be looking their way, but that didn't stop Aeradel from taking the extra precautions. If the demons found out they were still alive, well it wouldn't be pretty for them. From the rumours Aeradel was able to catch, most of the world assumed she and her siblings were dead. That was good, until she could actually make a stance, let the world think she was dead, and keep the demons off her back for a little while longer. Strolling into one of the many bars along the main avenue, a woman lead Aeradel down to a small room under it. For a week now she had been sneaking around when her brother and sister were asleep and sending out letters and arranging meetings. Now was the day in which she would see what all came together. She only sent the letters to people that she knew that she could trust. And from there trusted them to get word out and information about the meeting. Aeradel didn't know who would show up, if anyone, but it was worth hoping, because hope was all she had. In this small base of operations, in the basement of a bar, she was about to start a revolution. Even if no one stood at her side, it was time to take a stand and offer one last prayer to the Angels that had forsaken them. A prayer for Eden.
Main Thread The realm of Eden, named after the once perfect Garden of Eden. Created by the angel Zadkiel, Eden was created as a way of worshiping God. He had seen how much God had loved the world he created, even though it had been tainted by the fallen angel Lucifer. He wished to please God with a realm that was untainted and perfect that he had created. Since the world was to be perfect, Zadkiel decided to do what God had not, and put different aspects of the angels into each of the creatures that he created. None of the creatures had every aspect of an angel. One creature was given a natural affiliation with nature. One had the ability to change forms. Others yet had powers over elements or the creatures of the realm. They were all unique, special, and powerful in their own ways. Zadkiel then created four kingdoms for them to live. Hality, the kingdom of nature. Purra, the kingdom of trade. Dondra, the kingdom of arts and dreams. And Alcart, the kingdom of order. The realm did not please God however because it was not of his own creation. Soon Zadkiel abandoned the realm, but it was still maintained by God’s good graces since the people of it had not done him wrong. With or without God or the Angels watching over them, the creatures of Eden flourished over the years, even as the influence of other realms started to seep in, and Alcart was forced to become the a kingdom of not only order, but war and protection as well. All and they were doing well for themselves, even with the occasional battle against demons and creatures from other dimensions that intended to harm them. Everyone seemed happy and even though there were different kingdoms, all the kingdoms worked together and lived in peace with one another. This all changed however when a dark swirling portal appeared in the sky, releasing hordes of demons into the realm. At this same time a wave of energy burst forth through the realm and with it magic disappeared in its wake. With the people of the realm panicked and without magic, a man stepped forward to command the army of demons and over time slaughtered the royal families of all four kingdoms, taking them over ruling as a tyrant, with an iron fist and cruelty. The realm was forced to bow to him. Even those of Alcart did not stand a chance against their new ruler as for their tactics relied so heavily on their magic, without it, they were helpless. Four towers had been built over four sacred spots, each casting lights that helped controlled the demons. These towers were closely guarded by the demons and a mystery to those of the realm. Life without magic was not an easy one. The loss of magic didn’t just hurt the warriors of the realm, but it affected many. Farming became more difficult without the magic enhancing the rate of growth and keeping the harvest healthy and plentiful. The shape changers got caught in whatever form they were in when magic disappeared. Those with immortality had lost it and began aging like normal once more. Those who had tamed creatures lost the connection with the creatures and over time the creatures began to turn on them, turning from companionship to natural instinct once more. Those who could fly were suddenly grounded as well. Magic had played such a vital role in their lives before, no one had thought about all it did for them until it was gone. It has been five years since the demons invaded and the realm was taken. A small group of people lead by the children of the previous leaders of Dondra, decided that they had enough. A rebellion was formed with one goal in mind, to free magic. With magic free perhaps Eden would have a chance at regaining the peace it had once had and take back their kingdom. They sent out messages through all the kingdoms, trying to recruited help for their cause. If they were to be successful, they would need help from all of the kingdoms, and if they could restore Eden to its former glory, then they would also return the kingdoms to their rightful rulers. It would be the ultimate test of Eden, but if they made it through it would make them stronger as a realm and as a people. Perhaps even earn the praise of the angel Zadkiel once more. Kingdoms Important People Hality is the kingdom of nature. Its capital is known as Emrelda. It is the smallest of the capitals in the realm of Eden. This is considered the most peaceful of places. Most buildings are made out of wood and other natural resources. There are no buildings that tower high into the sky, instead all single floor cottages. The people in Emrelda tend to be close and work together to accomplish most things. Hality is known for its nature, meaning not only was it covered in lush green hills and beautiful lakes and forests, but also had great farm land and hunting ground to provide food and resources for all the four kingdoms. Purra is the kingdom of trade. Most things in the kingdom were not found it the kingdom originally, but brought over and possibly crafted there so it could be sold to the other kingdoms. The capital of Purra is Runna. Runna is the city of crystal and glass. Its tall towers always shine in the bright lights of the sun, casting shards of light and rainbow in every corner of the city. It is always full of life and fun and is a common meeting place for the kingdoms. Dondra is the kingdom of arts and dreams. In this kingdom night is the preferred time. Come night is when dreams come true. Art comes to life at night in the form of music, dance, paintings, poetry, and any medium in between. Ocressa is the main hub for entertaining. As the capital city of Dondra it brings the night to life with lights and music. The castle that sits on the hill at the edge of the city is always alive with lights. Here it is encouraged to share your talents with the city and have fun while doing it. People will often travel from the other kingdoms to enjoy the festive fun brought by Dondra. Alcart is the kingdom of order and war. Its capital Marash is a city of stone and steel, created to house soldiers and create weapons. Those who live in Alcart have a strong sense of justice and law. Routine is a big part of their lives, but so is a sense of adventure. Most enjoy the euphoric rush that comes with entering battle. It isn’t just a center for order but also one for those with a sense of adventure. Tharados- Now the ruler of the four kingdoms. Tharados appeared in the realm of Eden a year before it had been taken over. Since Eden was such a wide spread place, everyone had thought that he simply came from another kingdom and didn't question it, not until after the takeover. He is a cruel ruler, with a lust for power. He also has the ability to control the demons that enter the realm. The Saville Family- The surname of the former royal family of Hality. The Saville family was a family of fairies that were highly talented with magic involving the growth and manipulation of plant life. They were a kind gentle family in which both the king and queen ruled with equal power. The entire family was slaughtered in the take over. The family consisted of Queen Lestia, King Theodore, and Princess Damitria. The Blackburn Family- The Blackburns ruled over Dondra, the city of dreams. Female members of the family generally took up the head of role of running the kingdom, while the king took dealt with the political issues on a more private level. In essence the Queen was face of the kingdom. During the take over of the kingdom King Alistair and Queen Rachelle were slaughtered. Their children, Aeradel, Rayen, and Andrus, disappeared. The family didn't appear to be any certain race, instead all inheriting their own unique magical abilities. The Christenson Family- The Christenson Family was a family of tamers who ruled over the lands of Purra. Overall the Christenson family was the least liked out of the royal families. Their obsession of money lead them to be more closed off and protective. While the city was able to run smoothly, it was only thanks to the help of the advisers. King Chrisopher and Queen Alice had not had kids before they were murdered in their own home by demons. The Millington Family- The Millington family ruled over the kingdom of Alcart. Like the region, this family was a hard strict family. The king was more like an army commander than a king. All the boys that were born into the family were trained to be warriors from a young age. The queen of this kingdom died giving birth to King Tobias's only son, Micheal. While it was by far the hardest family to take down, both father and son died, but on the front lines of battle instead of hiding in their fortress. It is their fortress that Tharados now occupies. Yes you are allowed to make a bad guy, however they work for Tharados and will act more like npc's often taking a back seat when not needed. These characters are not from this realm and have more demonic like powers The characters that live in Eden powers are of angelic origin. Think of powers the angels have, as in no necromancy type things. You are allowed to have one power set. Your character could have power over plants, or healing, or transformation, but not all three. You can however have simple powers like flying or immortality along with one of those powers. There is no set races or power sets you can have, so be as creative as you want as long as you expand on your idea enough so that others understand it as well. Magic is locked for the first half of the rp, this mean no using it in any way shape or form until a later time. The only things that have any form of power that could be considered magic like are the demons. Please only have up to four characters but no more. I would prefer you have less characters and post more, opposed to more characters with shorter posts. Just take on what you can handle. You are allowed to make characters related to the former royal families, but mention it in you up character sheet. They cannot be the king, queen, or their children, but it could be the kings brother or his kids. No Godmodding, Metagaming, Powerplaying, ect Do not kill off other characters without the players permission. Keep it around pg-13 Please follow general khv and rpa rules. If you have any major idea's for the plot, I would be happy to discuss them and try and include them if you talk to me about it first so that I can find a way to make it work smoothly in the roleplay. I do not have everything perfectly mapped out, so if there is information I didn't include you can ask me about it, but many things you are allowed to take creative lenience with. I will add and edit rules as well as other information as needed Preferred Username: (What is the username that most people would know you as?) Name: Age: (Try not to have too many children running around on their own) Race: (Describe the race, what they look like. They can be humanoid if you want, or not. It is up to you) Appearance: Powers: (What magical abilities did they have when magic was still around) Pet/Familiar: (If applicable for your character) Alignment: (Are they part of the resistance, aligned with the demons, or neutral) Personality: (doesn't have to be exact) History: (A short bio about their life or at least how they have handled the last few years since the take over) Other: (Do you have anything else to add?) Resistance/Neutral Aeradel Rayen & Andrus Veilen Reva Arios Battousai Yukyo Preferred Username: Aelin Fireheart Name: Aeradel Blackburn Age: 21 Race: Aeradel is a humanoid type race that bares the wings of an angel that can fold up neatly on her back to stay mostly hidden when wanted. Her race has a natural affiliation with healing powers. Besides the wings there is nothing remarkable about her race, nothing that would set them aside as different. Appearance: Here Powers: Aeradel had the ability of flight along with healing type abilities. Depending on how hard she concentrated and how much magic she used, she could heal anything from small scratches, to a broken arm. Past that she could only hope to ease the pain or stop the bleeding. She is unable to heal illnesses. She can provide bursts of energy to a person as well or help calm nerves. Pet/Familiar: N/A Alignment: Resistance, leader Personality: Aeradel had been known as kind and gentle. She was a bit of a wild card like her mother. She had gotten her wings from her mother and like her mother loved to fly and explore. As of recent years however, that freedom and free caring nature has diminished to a fierce need to take care of her siblings and fight for her kingdom. While fear made some people weak, it made her strong. History: The oldest daughter of the Blackburn family. Aeradel was a survivor of the masacre on all the royal families of Eden. She and her siblings had gone missing in the chaos and assumed dead, however that was not the case. The three children of the Dondra kingdom found their way into hiding and stayed hidden for the next five years in lands that while belonging to Purra, were not often used or explored. Being the oldest of the kids Aeradel was forced to mature fast in order to take care of her siblings. After five years of hiding, Aeradel got sick of it. She was the rightful ruler of Dondra after her parents died and didn't want to hide any longs. Emerging from hiding she went back to her home town of Ocressa to plot a rebellion against the new ruler of Eden. Take back the world for those who owned it and return magic to them. The magic that sung in her veins waiting to be released once more. Other: Aeradel is the heir to the Dondra throne as well as leader of the rebellion. It is only rumoured that she is still alive, but no one has seen that come to light yet, nor will they until the first meeting of the resistance. Preferred Username: Aelin Fireheart Name: Rayen and Andrus Blackburn Age: 15 (They are twins) Race: Rayen and Andrus shape shifters. They can take whatever form they like but normally appear in a normal humanoid appearance. Appearance: Rayen and Andrus Powers: They are able to shift into any form that they want as long as they know what it looks like. Their memory guides the transformation. Pet/Familiar: N/A Alignment: Resistance members Personality: Rayen is the softer of the two. She is the calm and collected personality who more cares about how other people are feeling than anything else. She will do anything to defend those who can't defend themselves. Meanwhile Andrus is the trouble maker. He is wild and reckless and likes to pick on people thinking it is fun. Andrus is also more sensitive than most and it takes his twin sister to calm him down. History: The youngest children of the Blackburn family. The twins were only ten when the attack on Eden happened. Andrus was planning to sneak out for the night and had taken up the form of a hawk to take flight, when a sudden burst of energy filled the air and he found himself unable to change back. Moments later their older sister came running into the room speaking something about demons. She seemed unfazed by her brothers current state, instead taking Rayen's hand and running. They could hear the screams of their parents as they ran out of the castle, using a servants exit. They did not return to their home after that night, and were forced to adjust to a life of scavenging and looking out for themselves. Andrus was stuck in the form of a hawk, unable to change back and found himself riding on Rayen's shoulder most of the time for comfort. Neither of the twins were too sure about heading home, but followed their sister regardless, not having anyone else to take care of them. Other: Andrus never goes too far without Rayen. Where one is the other is sure to be close behind. Preferred Username: Moksha Name: Veilen Age: 19 Race: Human Appearance: Oro Powers: Blade Rune Enchant - By infusing his blade with various different runes, it can be empowered with various different effects including strengthening, weakening and elemental Pet/Familiar: N/A Alignment: Resistance Personality:Over the years Veilen has grown into a both a loyal and determined swordsman. He’s not as carefree as he used to be due to the current state of the world, but there are times where his old habits resurface. History: Most of Veilen's life early on was spent traveling with his his teacher and it wasn't because parents were or any reason along those lines. The actual reasons was that his teacher saw the potential his swordsmanship had and offered to take him as an apprentice. It didn't take much convincing for Veilen to take him up on his offer of apprenticeship. Over the years under his tutorship, both his swordsmanship grew as well as he learned how to apply magic to his weapon and apply it to his fighting style. The latter of which wouldn't provide to be of use to him anymore once magic had been sealed away. Other:This is his sword Preferred Username: cstar Name: Reva Silsizaan Age: 20 Race: Human Appearance: Boop Powers: Tamer, she tames dragons. Well, did. Now she has no connection with them whatsoever. She used to be able to understand their thoughts and communicate with them, but now that ability is gone. Pet/Familiar: No pets or familiars, her inability to connect to dragons anymore made her distance herself from them. Alignment: Neutral, attempted recruiting, has not accepted it. Personality: Reva keeps to herself, she doesn't speak unless she has to. She has a bit of a sense of humor but because of her closed off nature, she can seem grumpy/constantly afraid or sad. History: Reva lived in a village of tamers, specifically gaining an exceptional focus and deep connection with dragons. Since she wasn't very social, she connected the most with dragons. When she was 15 and the magic was taken away, the dragons could not connect with her, she could not understand them, and she was left heartbroken. She stopped really caring about her health or anything anymore, but she tried her best to help support the village since she was gifted with talented swordsmanship skills. But she had nothing to fight for, and ultimately she doesn't believe the rebellion will have a chancce. Other: Dragons did not reject her, but because she couldn't feel the connection anymore and speak with them, in some way she rejected them. Preferred Username: Moksha Name: Arios Age: 20 Race: Human Appearance: Ore Powers: Union - A unique ability that allows Arios's familiar to merge with his arm, changing its shape for more close range and offensive capabilities. Pet/Familiar:Fang Alignment: Resistance, but generally does things on his own Personality: While his heart may still be in the right place, Arios still hasn't quite opened up to the idea of working with others, even less since his familiar became a permanent part of his arm. He's more likely to push others away and do things along rather than work with others. This mindset has caused him to butt heads with other when they try to give him orders. He bares a hatred towards demons and all things demon like due to what's happened to his arm. History: Arios is from a tribe of warriors, each with their own personal familiar that becomes their bonded companion. Arios was gifted with a wolf like familiar that fought along side him as well as merged with his arm for close range combat. The loss of magic has occurred while his familiar was still merged with his arm resulting in his familiar becoming a permanent part of his arm. Now he seeks to regain magic and get hsi familiar back. Other: Preferred Username: Glen Name: Battousai the manslayer Age: 25 Race: Elven Appearance: Here Powers: Battousai has the power to change the size of his body at will...or at least he had the power to change the size of his body at will. Additionally, he had the power of flight. Pet/Familiar: A pet squirrel named Ralph. In the years since he has been without magic, Battousai made a tiny saddle for Ralph so that he can hitch a ride. Alignment: Resistance Personality: When he's sober, Battousai is a very serious person who just wants to complete the task at hand and move on. However, while he has even a little alcohol in his body he becomes a very jolly person who wants to explore any and every aspect of life. History: When he had magic, Battousai was a scholar, studying the laws of magic and taking full advantage of his powers to often hide from those he saw as distractions. The only distraction he allowed himself was his pet squirrel, named after his father due to them both being "furry *******s", according to Battousai. He and his squirrel could often be found at a library, or a bookstore, always looking for that little bit of lost knowledge that eluded the master. When magic vanished, so too did Battousai's studying habits. He'd spent a large number of years studying magic, only for it to vanish...so what was the point? It was enough to drive a man to alcoholism, which is exactly what happened. He became a drunkard, almost never being sober, but he found that he thoroughly enjoyed it. Instead of studying using books, he would learn through alcohol about all there was to enjoy in life, and then probably hate himself a few hours after stopping drinking. He reasoned that he could drink even more if he were his normal size again, and so he joined up with the resistance. Other: Is stuck the size of a human thumb. Preferred Username: KHGrl15 Name: Yukyo Alvaric Age:21 Race: He is a cat humanoid Appearance: Tada! (Minus the hat) Powers:Yukyo had the ability to make his ears and tail disappear at will. He also had the ability to hide away his ears and tail. Pet/Familiar:Cat Sprite Alignment:Neutral Personality:Much like an alley cat, Yukyo can be mischievous and while still remaining a little stoic. He likes to tease others whenever he feels like it. Yukyo can be sweet and kind on rare occasions. He can be very protective sometimes. He's very perceptive and makes sure it doesn't show on his face. History: Since Yukyo was 10, he and his little sister, now of 16 years old, have always been on their own, ever since their parents disappeared one cold night. Learning combat from a mercenary guild, he has been doing his best to keep his sister under a warm roof and put food on their table while protecting her from harm. When the takeover occurred, he did his best to protect his sister, by the end of it, he and his sister were separated, not knowing if the other is alive and well. Since then, he's been traveling, looking for his sister, and continuing his work as a mercenary. Other: hi! Demons Tharados Lyphos Yana Preferred Username: Aelin Fireheart Name: Tharados Age: 1546 Race: Demon Prince Appearance: Here Powers: Tharados has power to summon and control lesser demons. If the demons don't please him he can also destroy them at a snap of his fingers. He can summon objects and powerful items from other realms. He also has telekinetic powers. He can cast glamours and masks on himself to appear more human and less demon. Pet/Familiar: N/A Alignment: Demon Personality: Tharados loves to torture people and cause them pain. He likes to see anguish and to him it is fun. That being said he likes having someone at his side to enjoy it with him. He has a calculating mind and is patient enough to make a plan that stretches over years if that is what is needed. History: He arrived, spent several years setting things up while appearing as a normal citizen, then took over and slaughtered people, ascending to his throne. From there he ruled with a iron fist. The rest you will find out later. Other: Leader of the demons. Preferred Username: cstar Name: Lyphos Age: Around 500 Years, though their appearance is clearly closer to someone in their 20's Race: Demon, more humanoid in appearance. Under more of a vampiric/succubus type of demon. Appearance: Aye Powers: The power to absorb someone's life force and adapt their powers based on the traits of the life force absorbed to do the power that person is most adapted to, while also making themselves highly resistant to that said power for a temporary amount of time. He must have physical contact with the person to absorb the lifeforce, and can only use the power of the life force most recently absorbed. Has a minor power involved seduction, that lures any gender since he isn't biased when he wants something. And the power to locate/track a person who's life force he previously absorbed for up to one kilometer away. However, this power stops working once they have gotten that distance away. Pet/Familiar: N/A Alignment: Demons Personality: Lyphos is an overly confident demon with his own abilities and charms. He enjoys the hunt and gaining power over lesser beings, though he isn't stupid and never steps beyond the boundaries set by a leader. He is also a bit of a sore loser, but likes a challenge when given. In fact, his favorite thing to do is avoid using his powers in attempts at seduction or hunt, and only will use his powers if it is a major mission since he is afraid of the punishments coming with failure. History: Lyphos is a demon with no real personal agenda, he just does what he is told. However, the disappearance of the Blackburn Children was a huge misstep on his part, and whenever he is free he tries to locate them in order to kill them, since he knows they are out there. Other: Lyphos was one of the leaders of the Dondra invasion, he personally saw to the end of the King and Queen Preferred Username: Battousai the manslayer, or I suppose Glen could work Name: Yana Aegrum Age: 326 Race: Humanoid demon ***** Appearance: This Powers: Low-tier necromancy, enough that she can summon and communicate with the recently departed but not outright control them. Also powerful fire magic. Pet/Familiar: N/A Alignment: Demons Personality: Very sadistic, will take unnecessary risks if it means she gets to inflict pain on someone, whether they be friend or foe. Can be very strategic, often trying to exploit her opponents' weaknesses, and is not usually willing to make the first move in a battle. History: The demonic invasion was the best thing ever for Yana Aegrum. Finally, she had free reign to express all her sadistic desires and spread absolute chaos, and damn if she didn't cause a lot of problems for the non-demon folk. When the magic vanished, Yana's powers dwindled slightly but her desire for pain did not, and due to this she often found herself visiting the demon prince Tharados, whether he knew or not. Sometimes she'd outright go to visit him, other times she'd do her best to sneak in and simply watch. It was all she could do to pass the time until the prince sent her on another deathly spree, and damn was she eager for that time to come. Other: (Do you have anything else to add?)
Warning. This contains spoilers, if you have not finished the game. Anyways I was kinda winging it the entire time for this. Didn't have many ideas and took it as I went. It is a slower editing style than I normally do, but all in all I don't think it is too bad.
Wait what? There is actually a new post in this, and it is an amv? No one makes amvs anymore. But I have done something with help of the lovely @cstar We have collaborated on an amv to the song Dead Flowers by Demon Hunter. I would love to hear your comments on it, I am hoping to work on more video projects in the future as well and Make the production studio great again.
OOC | SkypeIt is currently the equivalent to October 26th, if there was a proper way to keep track of time in space. By not revolving around anything, there was no proper way of telling time. That being said even after over 500 years, they have kept the calendar and time system that was native to their home planet, making things easier to keep track of until such time as they found a new place to settle. Things aboard the Resilient are pretty quiet this day. The previous day they had tried another attempt at making a peaceful deal with another planet to allow them to settle, and yet again they were chased off through less than friendly means. Thankfully this time no one was too seriously injured or killed. However that still left them without a home, and not much for a backup plan yet. Dania Carrillo sat in her office sorting through paper work while absentmindedly twirling a strand of hair between her finger tips. After yet another failure, her mind was preoccupied trying to come up with an idea of what they were to do next instead of focusing on the work in front of her. It was important work that needed done, but at the same time it was dull. Most of it was peace treaties and promises to do around their trading partners. There were always extra stipulations when it came to trading since the human were not well liked. However in the end Dania couldn't complain all that much, at least they could get something to aid in their survival if not a new home. The hair slipped from her hand as it moved to touch the bandage on her left arm. It was nothing major, thanks to Commander Cartwright's quick thinking. Still the wound stung a little and was certain to leave a scar. Just another reminder of her failure to secure them a home to live, her along with every other admiral who had come before her. Dania liked to believe that one ship had found a home to settle on and out there, somewhere in the cosmos the humans were thriving, but it was all just a dream. Finally getting annoyed at the lack of work that she was accomplishing, Dania got up from her desk. First pacing to the window, she stared out at the vastness of space beyond it before decided to go for a walk around deck. She should have been setting a course and finishing her paperwork so that they could go and actually trade and get the supplies that they needed before they could even make another attempt at finding a home. For the time being however she just needed a walk to relax at least slightly.
The year is 3526. The earth has become uninhabitable, the humans were forced to flee. Scientists kept saying that they were going to be able to fix the world. They claimed that they had a solution around the corner, and just one more year. They kept claiming that until it was too late. They didn't have one more year anymore. While scientists were worried about pollution and the ozone, no one paid attention as the earth slowly moved off it's orbit. It was too late to change the fate of the race, the humans were on their way to extinction and quick. Most humans died during this time, most never made it off of earth before it became uninhabitable and eventually destroyed. The few that made it off of earth sought refuge on other planets with other races, yet were denied at every turn. The human race had so severely damaged the earth that no other race in the universe were willing to take in the toxic race. 567 years, that was how long the remaining humans were forced to travel the cosmos, pleading the care to rulers of various planets and area's only to be turned away each time. Slowly the human race depleted close to extinction. Now only just over a hundred remained, one lonely ship full of bitter, desperate humans. Humans that were willing to do anything to get a home for their race. Whether by diplomatic means, or through the extinction of another race, they were going to get a new home. One last trip on one last ship, The Resilient. Basics: You are a member on the ship Resilient. Everyone has a job, whether it is helping cook, piloting the ship, or cleaning the rooms, you all help out. Not everyone has to be on the landing team, but they are considered the most important members, for they will be the one to find a new home for the remaining human race. While yes you are all slightly bitter, that doesn't equal a emo angry character. Everyone still has their own personality, some have more hope than others. Keep their past in mind while making your character and how it would affect them, but try to make everyone different from each other There are limited supplies. You live on a ship and there are few people willing to trade with you, but some. Be creative with how you make money too, everything is shared but doesn't mean I will guild you through all of this. Be creative. In terms of weapons, you can be creative with your weapons, but no death lasers. Also be practical, think of the time of this. Don't bring a mace when everyone else would be using plasma guns. You all have spent a lot of time together, so plot with each other, talk. Make romances or enemies, but you all must be able to live with each other. Have fun and if you have any idea's of plot, let me know I would love to hear it. Ranks: Ranks are in order from highest to lowest. The numbers beside are how many of each rank there are. I will edit in the characters names as the spots are taken. Admiral x1 (Dania) Captain x1 (Cadmus) Commander x1 (Garrett) Lieutenant Commander x2 (Simon, Emma) Lieutenant x4 (Jael, Allec, April) Ensign ∞ (Kathi) Rules Follow the general khv and rpa rules No Godmodding Use respect Use common sense If there are any problems or suggestions talk to me Post once a week please, or talk to me if you can't. I reserve the right to add rules. For now I am keeping them basic because I trust you all to respect each other and use common sense to fill in what I didn't say and isn't covered in the khv rules Character Sheets ֎ Name: (What is your characters name?) ֎ Age: (Preferably 18+) ֎Appearance: (Picture is preferred but description is fine) ֎Rank: (Seen above) ֎Job: (Think of their situation and make one up ֎Weapon: (Be creative but practical) ֎Personality: (Just a general idea, I know it will evolve through the roleplay) ֎ Bio: (At least one paragraph please) ֎Relations: (Who you know and what your relation is with them)
So a while back I made a guide to make post layouts. Just idea's and how to's on it. (Link here) Would anyone like any more of these type things? Perhaps ones for making OOC threads, or what to put in an application form? Anything along those lines? I can do my best to compose something that could be useful to people if they would like something like that. Just let me know what you want to see or if you want anything else done.
"Welcome to the DWMA. I am Doctor Stein and I will be your teacher for the year along with Lord Deaths personal Death Scythe, Spirit. We will teach you both fighting technique and history of the kishin souls that you are to hunt. We are also here to answer any questions that you might have at any time." A pale faced man stood in front of a class of new students to the DWMA. His voice was dull, almost bored sounding as he went over the basic introduction to the classes and such and covering the things Lord Death probably missed during his personal welcome. "Now I trust you all looked at the pairings posted on the outside of the door. If you have not made yourself acquainted with your partner yet, I would suggest you do that soon for you will be working with each other for the remainder of your time at the DWMA. As you all know Meisters are responsible for training weapons to become a death scythe. This requires skill and effort from both weapon and meister. You need to learn to work together with your partner if you ever want to be successful and have your wave lengths sync. You do not have to worry about that yet however, for now just try to get along and we will talk about the rest on a later date." "Classes are not to be attended every day, rather every few days. While they are important, we find field skill more important and constructive when it comes to learning. In order to graduate the academy you will need to collect 99 kishin soul, and 1 witch soul. If you mess up on the witch soul, you will have to restart collecting. Missions will only be posted for what you should be able to handle, nothing more. Before you go on a mission make sure Lord Death, Spirit, or I know so if anything happens we can come and help you out. More so-" "I'm here! Sorry I'm late!" A red haired male rushed into the room, interrupting Stein as he spoke. "Oh, yes... um..." He mumbled for a moment as he straightened his tie and fixed his coat. "I am Spirit, the most awesome death scythe you will meet. I am sure Doctor Stein already told you that though. I will be teaching you how not to get killed out there. Don't be afraid to come to me with any questions." He said attempting to sound as professional as he possibly could. This didn't last long before his eyes went wide and he seemed to go off into a dream world. "You will all be master Meisters and Weapons just like my Maka. Have you heard of her? She is so great and she is my little girl. She did so well." The sound of someone clearing their throat brought Spirit out of his dreamy state as Stein stepped forward once more. "Thank you Spirit. You can stop scaring the students now. Class is dismissed. I suggest that you look at the mission board and start considering what missions you might want to go on, as well as getting to know your partner better. Nothing worse than getting in an argument in the middle of battle, it is the quickest way to get yourself killed, isn't that right Spirit." Stein glared at Spirit slightly before turning his attention back to the class. "Feel free to approach us if you have any questions. You may go." He finally finished turning around and sitting in his chair backwards so he leaned his chest against the back of the chair and crossed his arms over the top, chewing on his toothpick while observing the class. The RP is now open. Have fun OOC
Death Academy that is. Yes you heard that right I Lord death am welcoming you to the DWMA. You must be the new class. For those of you that don’t already know, DWMA stands for Death Weapon Meister Academy. So basically we train up our students and get them ready for forge a death scythe. How do they do this you might ask? Well that is simple; by collecting 99 kishin souls and one witch soul, your weapon can be transformed into my own personal death scythe. This isn’t as easy as one might thing, for meister and weapon to get along is difficult in itself. A Kishin soul is a soul that has become corrupt, general through committing major crimes. Once a soul turns Kishin it is our job to deal with it and protect the people of the world. I can’t do this on my own, that is why I created the DWMA. During your time here you won’t only collect Kishin souls to further your goal of creating a death scythe, but also for the sake of protecting humanity. Now that we have the basics covered, what do you say we get into the details of your time at this school. In the main hall you will find a board with missions listed on it. You are allowed to take any mission you like as long as your partner agrees on it. The Meister isn’t greater than the weapon, and the weapon isn’t greater than it’s meister. You are both equal and partners in this, and thus you get equal say. Some missions are harder than others and might involve more than one Meister Weapon pair to complete, make sure you sign up with someone that you can work with. More than one pair is allowed to take on a task; it will just be a race to see who completes it first. That being said you may not sabotage the others chances. These tasks are to improve your skills as weapons and meisters, the race will only prove to challenge you more. You do not live on campus, but you and your partner are more than welcome to rent yourselves a place in the city below. Any free time can be spent at the school or in the town, it is up to you. Now then, shall I go over the school rules for you all? 1. You must respect the other meisters and weapons. If you find you aren’t getting along with them you can talk to me 2. I will assign your partner. I know going around with your best friend sounds fun and all, but sometime you just aren’t a compatible match. That is why you leave the match making to the expert 3. Romance is allowed at this school, but I suggest you don’t take it too far, you might make the others uncomfortable 4. I know you are busy with your normal classes on top of your missions, but please try and work on your mission at least once a week. (Post at least once a week) 5. If you plan to be absent from school for more than a week you must talk to me or else I might have to send some of my best Meisters out looking for you to make sure you aren’t hurt 6. Since this school is in a town as well, follow the rules of the town. Just because you are a student here doesn’t exempt you from the rest of reality (Follow khv general rules) 7. If you wish to take on a mission please tell me. I like to keep track of my students. (Post your mission selection in the ooc and then I will get it started for you) 8. I know you are anxious to do your best, but remember you are still new. Soul Resonance will come in time but you won’t master it in your first day. It takes a lot of work and trust to accomplish tasks such as that 9. I know it is tempting to just cruse through your school year without much effort, but where is the fun in that? Try and make things interesting. (Try to make decent length posts) 10. Seeing I created this academy, I will make rules as I see fit Main thread
I know that a similar thread was made, but I just want to go back to the basic and see what sort of roleplays that people would like to see made. It is sad how slow the rpa has gotten and I would like to see the rpa active again. I was starting to think maybe if there was more rps to look at a choose from it might attract more people to the rpa. If there were more options, styles and level of skill involved perhaps just that could help things a little. That being said I want to know what kind and level of rps do you want to see. Would you like fandom based rps? Original Advanced? Survival? School life? Romance? I can't promise I will make everything well, but I can try and if someone wants to show me up, go right ahead. This is just a random idea to help make things better.
♥ Creator/Owner: Aelin Fireheart ♥Literacy: Semi-Literate (2+ Paragraphs) ♥ Status: Accepting ♥Links: OOC, Skype All go to the same place. All came from the dust and all return to the dust -Ecclesiastes 3:20 Religious or not it seems all that share this wing of the hospital are familiar with this verse of the bible. It reminds them all of the fate that they all share. From dust they came, and it is to dust that they will return when the illness that they have been battling has finally won the war. While ages, races and beliefs may vary there is one thing that these people share. They are all dying and there is nothing the doctors can do to help them. They are trapped in a little white cell that is called a hospital room and they are waiting to die. This is the reality of those who live in the eastern wing of Glenmore Regional Hospital.