What day is it in 34101 days?
The answer is January 10th.
Any indication of Aqua's episode's length from the trophies? I would look, but I don't want any spoilers.
What day is it tomorrow?
M-maybe next place I live. I tried to hang up a picture here and broke the wall, because it's pretty much all drywall. Enjoy yourself man, whatever you decide to draw you should post it here.
The post limit was gone before the last thread ended.
I really like all your art, Rat. Like some of this I think is good enough that I'd put it on my wall. Can't complain about azns either.
Man, that intro was really good. It was Deathspank who made it, right? That man seemed to know how to create a brand.
The thread ends at 5k. So this one should be there sometime this century.
I will win!
Did I just hijack a thread titled @Kelly?
Why did I pick someone who was destined to die?
You made the right choice, it was your biggest chance at success together. Thanks for hosting, Akaz. I enjoyed it a lot.
I can't believe you guys betrayed me like that
Who could have predicted such a tragedy?
Save the frames, not the animals. Greetings from Germany.
Oh sorry, still not notification so it took me a while to find out about this.
You should tag me next. You can't, ya big palooka.