Impressions of Hayabusa?
just what I wanted for christmas
Click for Countdown Timer There are approximately 29 hours remaining.[DOUBLEPOST=1483119663][/DOUBLEPOST]PSA: An idled ability cannot be redirected.[DOUBLEPOST=1483119857][/DOUBLEPOST]@61 @C @Ghost @Heart ❤ @Korosu @Marushi @Midnight Star @Zelda[DOUBLEPOST=1483128385][/DOUBLEPOST]PSA: If a redirector targets someone who uses multiple abilities, every action must be specified for it to work.
Impressions? What is your weakness? What is your strength? Why do you come back to this place?
Living Aliases Alyssa Casey Williams Cass Reyes Doctor Strange Fred Raud Galloway Newt Scamander Tuuri Living Players @61 @C @Ghost @Heart ❤ @Korosu @Marushi @Midnight Star @Zelda
... further calculation proves Karuta has died.
Living Aliases Alyssa Casey Williams Cass Reyes Doctor Strange Fred Raud Galloway Newt Scamander Proletarian Tuuri Living Players @61 @C @Ghost @Heart ❤ @Karuta @Korosu @Marushi @Midnight Star @Zelda
Nova has died. Cat~ has died. Flapjak has died. Mish has died. [DOUBLEPOST=1482990559][/DOUBLEPOST]Night 2 has begun. It will end in approximately 47 hours at 12:00 AM, Sunday, January 1st EST/EDT.
NIGHT 1 IS OVER Actions are being processed.
There are a little under five hours remaining.[DOUBLEPOST=1482980606][/DOUBLEPOST]Two hours to go. Two people have not submitted their shots yet.
those are the nudes
Have you seen your signature?
(I didn't.)
I believe you.
IPs match? IPs match.
Same account? Same account.
Someone heard the cry, and his name is eloa.
There are approximately thirteen and a half hours until phase end. 12 out of 13 have not submitted actions. You have until deadline to submit your actions.
PSA: You will not be informed who targeted you or what was done to you (except for death and BPV status) unless otherwise mentioned.