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  1. Fearless
    I disagree. I feel that the darkness of the character graphic balances out the lightness of the rest of the piece, and makes it more interesting to look at. I might be more inclined to agree had the color change been more sudden, but there's enough of a gradient to the background that I feel that it works fine.

    I agree about the negative space, though~ A very nice piece overall <3
    Post by: Fearless, Sep 26, 2016 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Fearless

    Fall 2016

    I legit bought a gallon of pumpkin spice coffee at Walmart today.
    Post by: Fearless, Sep 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Fearless
    'Gather Round Children' is the only post in recent memory that has made me fall out of my chair from how hard I was laughing.
    Post by: Fearless, Sep 20, 2016 in forum: 2016
  4. Fearless
    That copyright logo right there is probably the reason.
    Post by: Fearless, Sep 20, 2016 in forum: 2016
  5. Fearless
    Hit that 300 post mark.

    You can do it, I believe in you~
    Post by: Fearless, Sep 20, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Fearless
    @Midnight Star is probably the nicest person on the planet tbh.
    Post by: Fearless, Sep 20, 2016 in forum: 2016
  7. Fearless
    I'm insulted that Plumsy and I aren't up here.
    Post by: Fearless, Sep 20, 2016 in forum: 2016
  8. Fearless
    Oddly enough, my favorite books and movies are reversed. When it comes to the books, I prefer the earlier ones (especially Sorcerer's Stone), as I adore the fluffy lightheartedness the plots give off while drawing you into the worlds and giving the exposition.

    However, when it comes to the movies, I tend to favor the later ones. If I was younger, I might've said Sorcerer's Stone was my favorite movie as well, however since I started taking film classes I tend to notice details more in films, and Sorcerer's Stone, much as I love it, has... not particularly aged well. When compared to the later films, a lot of the CGI doesn't hold up, and the differences in directors and style is astounding to me. Not to say it's not a good film, but the newer ones have better acting, better budget, better directing, and so forth. Not to mention, I adore the sort of not-really-steampunk aesthetic of the newer films.
    Post by: Fearless, Sep 20, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Fearless
    I'd imagine that the point of it is the same as any other sport; there isn't any, but it's entertaining to watch/play.

    Tummer explained it quite well, though.
    Post by: Fearless, Sep 20, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Fearless
    We're still putting together the team itself, so no ones position is in stone yet, but it's very likely I'll be Chaser or Seeker.
    Post by: Fearless, Sep 19, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Fearless
    IT ME


    Thread by: Fearless, Sep 19, 2016, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Fearless

    Best Poet

    That quote is my favorite.
    Post by: Fearless, Sep 19, 2016 in forum: 2016
  13. Fearless
  14. Fearless
    I remember you, bby <3
    Post by: Fearless, Sep 16, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Fearless

    Fiiiiiiinally pulled a Roxas medal after however many weeks, so that's rad.
    Xemnas and Wisdom Sora are also helpful.
    I didn't have a Hag or a regular Hercules, so... that's cool I guess.
    Everything else is shit I already had.

    Overall, pretty decent pull.
    Post by: Fearless, Sep 16, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  16. Fearless
    Profile Post Comment

    Go for it gurl! <3

    Go for it gurl! <3
    Profile Post Comment by Fearless, Sep 16, 2016
  17. Fearless
    November 2015 - August 2016

    Boat Ride


    Buff Fish Lady Is Fearless's Favorite Character


    Spider Dance


    Six Hundered Years of Bad Luck




    Get Out of My House


    Clack bbys


    Post by: Fearless, Sep 15, 2016 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. Fearless

    I don't know why you say you don't like the first one, it's probably my favorite. It's got a good level of intensity to it. <3

    I only just switched over to Manga Studio after my 5 year long love affair with Paint Tool SAI, and after only three weeks of using it I have no idea how I ever used anything else.
    My first tablet was a Wacom Bamboo, and it only just recently started to go after about 5 years of use. (Also keep in mind, I treated that thing pretty rough when I was an animation major, so it's entirely possible for them to last longer).

    Wacoms in general seem to be the go-to brand for tablets, and Bamboo is pretty good for a first tablet.
    Post by: Fearless, Sep 15, 2016 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. Fearless
    Oh, I know for a fact I'm not an adult yet.

    Also, won't be living alone. Getting a house with some friends next summer.
    I'm alone in my apartment right at the moment, but that's for school.
    Post by: Fearless, Sep 15, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Fearless
    I'd have to respectfully disagree with you there. But you're right, the issue is over and there's no point in continuing to harp on it, so let's all be friends <3
    Post by: Fearless, Sep 15, 2016 in forum: 2016