gaiz stawp theres too much activity in here we can't implement all of these its just a prank bruh
perfect. Make it happen Blaine
To something more relevant. Ideas my minions
As long as you promise not to get any cavities ;>
You're in for a ride, kiddo. Better buckle up I didn't say boss, I said dad. That's like a boss, but I'm funnier ehheh *dabs* trust your heart, you know it to be true my daughter. Boys, how quickly you have grown \;A;/ If I get to be one of the main characters, I'll agree to these terms. Don't tear down any democracies whilst your gone. dONT MAKE ME HUG THIS OUT YOU LITTLE SCRUFF Where did the pokemon "go"? Hehee oldest joke in the book.
How was it shut to begin with
You're just like your mother
Mary Jane never hurt any mans heart
I've adopted all of you I am now your father. No internet for you. Go to your profile and think about what you've done.
How did you know my ring size?
gotta hand it to ya, Mrs. Bueno has a nice ring to it you tried
thanks dad
nah dawg ill let your college pals give you your initiation
Gather 'round my children and let us recite our Saviour's prayer Our Admin who art in CP, hallowed be thy username. Thy Kingdom Hearts Videos come, Thy likes be done, on forums, as it is in staff section. Give us this day our daily alerts, and forgive us of our spamzone, as we forgive those that post whore against us. And lead us not into grey usernames, but deliver us from Deathspank. Amen
happeh birfdei amerika u olde u should retire
wow that was like the last time I ever did pins
wasn't that like a mass code thread that you deleted and it shot him down? lol Idk why shed be mad she was trying to catch up to him for the...