is that good
write in. i dont vote for ****.
gundam reconguista
yeah its getting late here and i got other things to do and spent too long on that already. ill go back and cut stuff/edit tomorrow
gonna pretend like this is in response to me so i have an excuse to type out a long-winded naruto post edit: lol reason is because after reading naruto weekly for so long and not going back through i wasnt sure if there was sufficient buildup to it. basically since naruto ended i have been saying that sasuke /sakura and naruto/hinata getting together feels like pure fan pandering. however i recently started reading through naruto again and its much more character-driven than i remember and there is some very clear but subtle hinting towards a sasuke sakura relationship early on. and knowing what i know about kishimoto from reading interviews, ie he admits he tends to downplay romantic elements bc he doesnt think he's good at it, its understandable that it feels as tacked on at the end it does. not excusable but understandable. im coming around on the sakura/sasuke thing as of book 11 (it gets more complicated later in the series when he's a madman but we'll see what i think when i get there this readthrough) but there is no ****ing way i will ever be okay with the naruto and hinata pairing, if only because is only able to exist due to dream sequence.
from pixar
sora's incomprehensible adventure
this aint no mafia game dont lie its you isnt it
hey **** you buddy
Im re-reading naruto and seven volumes in i think ive almost totally come around on the sasuke and sakura pairing at the end. as of this point in the series i do buy that it would happen. and i just read that one of kishi's earliest inspirations as a young kid was gundam so thats kinda awesome
i just brought lilithmon who straight stomps everything regardless of type and sakuyamon to take away their buffs and tons of items. its not a hard fight just gotta know how to not get 1-shot once one of the three die and pass off a boost. i dont know if im good at this game or if its just super easy, but the one time i got a game over in this game was that fight
yeah. challenge 7 in cyber sleuth. but its cool i beat it now.
i think i hate transcendent sword more than anything in existence
congratulations! boy, its a.. wonder.. thats all i got
ill have you know i dont like the ramones that much
it v much is and i choose to ignore those
i tried that already but then finals hit and i stopped and now i dont feel like it
i kinda want to try that show again.