Search Results

  1. Ghost
    That kind of confused me a little but I think i get it, maybe. Anyway, I think I might end up voting for either Midnight or Cal seeing at those are the two I suspect the most. One of them might be mafia and the other isn't, I wasn't sure how to decide one over the other. After reading Marushi's post I think I might be leaning more towards Cal at the moment.

    Post by: Ghost, Jul 9, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  2. Ghost
    Okay, going back through the thread I don't think both Midnight and Cal are mafia, I'm not sure if anyone has said this already so don't get mad at me. To me it looks like the two of them have voiced suspicion of each other too many times for it to just be distraction so they aren't suspected. Although neither have voted for each other yet I don't see that as a sign they are both mafia.

    You said something about potentially catching Mixt as mafia after you quoted me before Judge posted, So I planned on looking back at his posts and addressing suspicions on him, but then judge already posted by then and confirmed him.

    Anyway, I have to go out right now and I'm not sure when I'll be back today, maybe later this evening.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1468006160][/DOUBLEPOST] I have no idea why that is in a spoiler that says cstar, my bad
    Post by: Ghost, Jul 8, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  3. Ghost
    Well, after Marushi cleared up the thing about Midnight's logs I would probably place Cal as my most suspicious at the moment. I'll probably set Midnight beneath her right now in those terms.

    I'm gonna look back and read some of the older posts so I might actually have something good to post next time c:
    Post by: Ghost, Jul 8, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  4. Ghost
    So, you're the reason I'm not first in weekly lux. I'm coming after you soon.
    Post by: Ghost, Jul 8, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  5. Ghost
    I would not kill this person because that would be murder and I would rather be indirectly connected to five deaths than directly connected to one, but if we go further into this variation and say that the fat man was the one who put these people in this situation would you feel that you could sacrifice his life for theirs now?

    This is all assuming that we all have a good moral compass. Someone could easily see this situation and decide it's not their problem if any of these people die and just walk away.
    Post by: Ghost, Jul 8, 2016 in forum: Discussion
  6. Ghost
    Profile Post Comment

    Congrats ^-^

    Congrats ^-^
    Profile Post Comment by Ghost, Jul 8, 2016
  7. Ghost
    That would all depend on how you see it. Is it young Hitler who has the aspiration to be an artist or older Hitler who creates genocide. Even then, which Hitlers are which?

    If they are all young Hitler, I know this sounds bad, but I would kill the five and save the one. There is a better chance of getting one Hitler to pursue his dreams then motivating all five. As long as that dream is art school.

    Also, even if they are all older Hitler I would choose to kill all five because it's easier to deal with one. Be it imprisonment or execution.
    Post by: Ghost, Jul 8, 2016 in forum: Discussion
  8. Ghost
    There is no correct choice per se, but there is a more moral choice which would be to sacrifice the one person instead of the five. While neither are ideal, I would choose to save the five lives over the one if I had the chance.
    Post by: Ghost, Jul 7, 2016 in forum: Discussion
  9. Ghost
    Oh, wow I wrote that sentence wrong. It was supposed to say "I'm still with my idea that Marushi is town. Also, I not saying that Mish is Mafia, I'm saying I'm not getting much of a read off him today. So, I was giving my thoughts on everyone, but not that they're all Mafia, that's not possible.
    Post by: Ghost, Jul 7, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  10. Ghost
    I was actually trying to type up a post before you said this lol. I was planning on addressing suspicions on Mixt and see what else I could find of Midnight but since Mixt is confirmed I don't have to worry about him right now.

    Anyway back to what I was saying before, It might be minor, but I talked about how Midnight voiced her suspicions on both Cal and Cat while only making a chart for cat. Maybe it's because they are actually working together? It might be kind of a stretch but that's about what I've come up with there.

    Also, I haven't read that much into Mish's post because I've been focusing on other people instead nut today he's only seemed to mention the cop most of the time so im not really sure what the make of that.

    Maybe Cal or Midnight would my top 2. I could probably substitute one with cstar since im not really sure where she stands. I'm still with the idea that Marushi.
    Post by: Ghost, Jul 7, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  11. Ghost
    With Tale dead and confirmed my town that gets rid of my suspicions of him but mine for Cat~ still stand. Though, I won't place a vote on her this early since she already has two votes on her.

    I haven't been looking at Midnight for the last few days but it does seem like she's putting more into the quieter member like me, cstar, and maybe Tale, but not Mixt or Judge who have also been a bit on the quiet side. And while we're on the topic of this still, she voiced suspicion on both Cat~ and Cal but only made a log for Cat~.

    Also, I regret not posting much and when I do I don't have a whole lot to add. It's a bad habit I've had in every mafia game, though I've only been in two so I apologize for that >-<

    I'm gonna try and read through
    everything and make another post soon but omg you guys post so fast lol.
    Post by: Ghost, Jul 7, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  12. Ghost
    it's here
    Post by: Ghost, Jul 6, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Ghost
  14. Ghost
    Pokemon Go is being released today
    Post by: Ghost, Jul 6, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Ghost
  16. Ghost
    Think this plan is interesting because right now we have 11 players, 3 of which are mafia and 8 are town so if we know Cal is cop then we will have 3 confirmed town which means we will have 8 people to go after as mafia. After tomorrow night's mafia kill we will have 9 players, minus the cop maybe, leaving 6 players. Which doesn't narrow down a whole lot. That's only if Cal is cop and she's reveals, which I don't with.

    I agree with this here. There's no need to hard lynch her. If the votes here stay the same then she will end up dying anyway. And this way if she does show up she will have a chance to defend herself. If not we would forcefully end the day 3 or 4 hours earlier which we should avoid.
    Post by: Ghost, Jul 5, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  17. Ghost
    It's cool
    Post by: Ghost, Jul 4, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Ghost
    Sorry, for not posting much today I've been out a lot. I actually thought I was getting better at posting more >-<. Also is this color okay? It doesn't bother me but I wanna make sure it doesn't bother any of you.

    My top Mafia picks based on what I have would probably have to be Cat~, based on what I posted before, Tale, not really anything substantial to go on just that feeling i had since these are personal picks. Maybe Cal, but I'm still kind of on the fence about that because she seems to be trying to help the town but she is a bit too defensive.

    For town, I think Marushi is probably town because she's working in the interest of the town and trying to help those of us who are having trouble out which is an action that wouldn't help out the mafia at all. I also think Al is town, besides the obvious Krowley put out his name when he was killed, which doesn't really mean all that much. He hasn't really done anything all that suspicious.
    Post by: Ghost, Jul 4, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  19. Ghost
    Cyndaquils are God's blessing.
    Post by: Ghost, Jul 4, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Ghost
    I vote to be moral support
    Post by: Ghost, Jul 4, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone