In the morning feeling like P.Diddy?
For sexual possibilities.
We should meet up
But it took how long to get a goddamn Power Rangers movie off the ground?
Literally on the toilet right now and this is me
Well, goddamn. Im in a good mood now. #Novaforadmin #Makazeforviceadmin #FeeltheBern
Or I opened up his sexual possibilities
I don't think I ever made it past the second or third episode. I should fix that
Or guys.
Blue ones do seem a bit too light. The white ones seem okay to me
Just increased my pull list from 18 series to 50ish (nobody tell my fiance). Granted, most of those are series I normally buy but ocassionally miss out on either from it being sold out of my lcbs or them not ordering it since it is a small store. Still, my wallet's going to hurt. Will probably be adding more as Rebirth continues to roll out. If this stays affordable after my fiance and I move and my new salary kicks in, I might actually finally venture out of Marvel/DC and invest in some other stuff. Still need to catch up on some stuff like Green Lantern: Lost Army/Edge of Oblivion and some Secret Wars tie-ins I never finished and actually subscribe to Marvel Unlimited.
There is a rumor that Fox is considering a similar deal with Marvel for a "few years" from now.
Lol. Welcome back. Things here as lively as not at all.
I can't even think of everything I've eaten today.
*enter appropriate gif here*
This was a weird thing to wake up to.
So it was more of a "how much would you pay for my women?" kind of thing?
Didn't we have this convo on Facebook? Lol But yeah, that's my problem with the current seasons! Though my fic is actually more of a reboot on the mythology and will start around the same time as Dino Thunder/Ninja Storm, I don't really need the newer seasons so much as I need their mythology (This new Dino Charge one for instance, or whatever, already has a piece of info I need). I read somewhere that some of the later seasons actually are really close to the Sentai source material so -if that's true- I might look at the Sentai source for those.
So I'm writing a Power Rangers fic based on the series as a whole. However, I stopped watching after the first half of Operation Overdrive; I saw a few episodes of Jungle Fury but that's when I gave up on the series. I know RPM was supposed to be so much better so I tried with Samurai, but Samurai was just...horrible (granted, I only gave it one episode). I'm going to watch RPM for research, but are any of the others actually worth watching, quality-wise? Otherwise, I'm sticking to the wiki.
We talked about this. Budgetary reasons said no, but hey, we still need an anniversary ring next year so we'll see (personally, I want these as tattoos)