but like saying that he's the antithesis is still assuming we know what happens. what if he's undercover or something like that? there are so many ways to turn this situation around. and how many of those fans who are upset are fans of the comics first and not fans of chris evans first? ive been seeing the reaction to this play out in multiple places i think its very telling that the reactions im seeing from people who are comic fans first are almost entirely level-headed wait and see reactions, and the people losing their minds are movie fans first. not saying theres necessarily anything wrong with being a movie fan first, but i think being one creates slightly different perceptions of what these characters are and whats to be expected of the source material.
i was typing that before i saw your post i honestly dont think elseworld status has much bearing on this. people are complaining that the icon that is captain america has been turned into a nazi, not the current continuity that was rebranded in 2015 and the current status quo of mainstream 616 captain america is now a nazi. i really think the difference is that internet communities are now the central communities for this type of culture and that the mcu films are at the center of internet fanbases. in 2003 internet stuff was so much smaller and live action superman movies were nowhere in current consciousness, so media attention to that would have been like none, and the only people who would have cared would have been the people who followed what was coming out at the time. also people shouldnt be too quick to feel betrayed they should be interested to see what happens next if not trepidatious
this was very polite so i will reply tyvm what about when they made superman a communist in 2003? this entire situation with cap only exists because of the attention the movies bring. both in it existing in the first place and how people reacted to it. to my original point, you shouldnt judge one thing from sensibilities based on another. and turning this into a question of victimhood trivializes storytelling. essentially to say the story doesnt matter, its how we think people will react to the story that matters. dont tell any story that might make someone feel like a victim. has anyone said "im a jewish person and this offends me because of x y and z." and if they have what are x y and z? not to say that if they have come forward that this story would be invalidated, but that it seems like people are more concerned with the possibility that someone could be insulted rather than defending someone who already has been. just on principle stories cant be too concerned with who thinks theyre being victimized otherwise they limit themselves. also like i said before, the article is also judging this story before its even happened. "disguising clickbait as storyteling" how do you know? cliffhangers are basically mandatory practice for serielalized stories and the rest of the story isnt even out yet. if its not clear yet i vehemently disagree with this whole putting feelings first thing so i suspect this argument has simply nowhere to go but down bc no one will budge but whatever its fine ps this is from my phone and im at work so im sure typos are all over the place[DOUBLEPOST=1464716480][/DOUBLEPOST] whoa we both used xzy weird lol
citing the holocaust as why this is insulting is the stupidest thing ive ever heard and if anyone is actually insulted by that they would be better off not reading comics at all because there are so many more immediate topics to be outraged about that your enjoyment cant possibly outweigh your grievances with the medium or current industry at large. also, has the next issue been published yet? do we know how this plays out? i dont follow current comics so i honestly dont know, but based on the fact that the only image ive seen is that one above im gonna assume we havent. which means that people are judging this reveal which is for all intents and purposes given the recent reboot and lack of follow-up, contextless. now ask yourself for a second if you think marvel comics would genuinely turn their a-list all-american hero into a nazi on his 75th birthday. first of all, no. and if they did its probably because theyre going somewhere with it that we havent seen yet. and if you are so short-sighted as to start screaming all kinds of -isms at this before allowing the writer to make his point, like i said before, youre better off not reading comics at all because these stories are serielized. and is anyone actually judging this story for the story? ive heard nothing except reactions and criticisms of the shock value ending. well looks like it shocked you pretty dang well. pls shut up internet. atp im done with this topic bc i can feel myself starting to get worked up over a comic i didnt read of a character i dont care about from a publisher i dont like that much. but holy **** could you imagine if dark knight came out in this age. frank miller may have literally been crucified rather than retroactively denied his legacy. like when that one guy says "i hope he goes after the homos next" the inernet would light the heck on fire and nobody would realize what the intent behind that line is. ****.
its like these people freaking out about the cap thing have never picked up a gd comic book before this type of **** happens every other week. like. welcome to the wonderful world of comics. btw, this is your fault internet. the same people who churn out these mcu memes and tag hail hydra whenever possible are almost certainly the same people complaining about this. so dont be gettin all pissy now. in a couple months we're gonna get some big reactionary shock value anti hydra cap reveal (that is if its not next week, thanks for freaking out) and ill be surprised if theres no hashtag right in the dialogue balloon. poor nick spencer also its important to remember that this isnt chris evans saying that. i know thats an obvious thing to say and that people are much more continuity savvy these days and i doubt anyone is actively thinking that, but i think a lot of people have the idea of movie captain america in their head when they think of all things captain america. comicbook captain america is not movie captain america. while i have not once read a single captain america comic in my life and care nothing at all about the character and therefore have no stake at all in what they do with the character, of the books that ive read where he appears and just peripheral things i know about the character through osmosis alone based on where im active on the internet, i can tell you with all certainty that there are differences in characterization and tone surrounding the character which make this far less blasphemous than it may seem. same thing can be said for iron man. im3 is the only thing resembling cb iron man we've got out of these movies and i love it. these movies are not perfect adaptations so dont go judgin the comics based on the movie sensibilities.
sao is literature on screen its like shakespeare how dare you say its not art
i dont know any of those except claymore and claymore is kinda **** so therefore all of those are kinda **** because none of them are named zeta gundam
i dont normally like the breakdowns as the kids say but theres beauty in the simplicity here
does it have totally spies if not it can gtfooh
what netflix has sword art online what more could an anime fan want
like what
but like that means i have to spend more money. of course ill want a house if i can afford it but i dont want one if im gonna be scraping by just to live in a nicer place.
i just wanna get some lame job as an unaspiring editor for word books, slowly work my way up to a respectable but not powerful position , and try to publish comics on the side. live in a modest kansas city apartment. cat. single probably. not many bills bc why would i take on bills. pay off student debt which shouldnt be too hard bc i wont have too many bills and no dumb kids. and live a happy life. thats what i want.
i wear hats now. backwards bc im cool
threw change for the toll and it went all over the ground and for a moment i thought my life was based on the japanese anime named nichijou naruto on netflix and gundam on my laptop with a pile of batgirl comics on my desk. im gross.
anyone know of a good ~25ft component cable? or an extension. or how to use one of those double ends @Stardust? you posted a picture of a component cable one time so i assume you know everything?
this dumb ****ing "x is x" grammar meme needs to die hard and fast i swear
and have you actually read it? and as if one precludes the other.