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  1. Blayz Mods
    Nice job man, will have to try this out sometime.

    also just curious but you wouldn't happen to be *Naru Izenagi (hopefully I spelled that correctly) from Youtube would you? If not just disregaed this question. Cus I saw you playing with the roxas texture mod for sora and I 'm just curious if your the modder who made the texture mod of if your a modder who is basically just use the mod.
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Apr 3, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Blayz Mods
    as far as I know no one has tried fixing that code yet, if your looking to unlocking every world your best bet probably would be to request a save from someone in a thread in the code vault as long as you don't request any codes for kh2fm, that should stay within this thread, as long as you keep it strickly for save files and not codes you should be fine.

    Edit: reason I'm suggesting this is because I've created threads in the code vault requesting save file and I didn't get my head bitten off by the moderators of the code vault (no offense you guys *the Moderators*) because I didn't request any codes so I know from experiencing it for myself that you should be okay.
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Mar 30, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Blayz Mods
    I wanted to use kh3d soras voice clips with a kh2fm ddd Sora mod I made, its the same looking mod Soraiko has added to his teamod trainer only mine is a patched version, but I wanted to know if it was possible to port over ddd soras voice clips to kh2fm for my mod, I really would like to use this in a special hacked battle letting my viewers know I'm returning to youtube after not keeping up with my channel for so log.

    Thanks guys!!
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Mar 26, 2016, 3 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  4. Blayz Mods
    Try either one of these depending on what you use to play kh2fm (either Emulator or PS2).

    Time Stop mod (Works For all mini games) -- Emulator
    20349dec 0000000?
    ? = Digits
    0 = Start Time
    1 = Stop Time
    Time Stop mod Joker'd Version (Works For all Mini Games) -- Should be PS2 Compatible but not sure as I don't use this one
    Select+L3 Stop TIme
    Select+R3 Start Time
    D034d3c0 00000003
    20349dec 00000000
    D034d3c0 00000005
    20349dec 00000001
    Edit: swaped part of the text slightly to make it more convenient
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Mar 26, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Blayz Mods
    If he's requesting it for kh2 you'd probable just need the second link posted Aumaury, though I'm assuming you posted both safe to say he'd want it for both games. Am I correct??
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Mar 16, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Blayz Mods
    He's no longer taking requests sadly, he posted a video on it, however I can't seem to find the video now, - _- which is really annoying me, but yeah just a heads up on that..
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Mar 12, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Blayz Mods
    Oh sorry about that, my bad.
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Mar 6, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Blayz Mods
    that is basically a asm hack done by my friend NARUTOSUPERKUBII, To find the lable for it you'll need to have a basic understanding of MIPS (aka Assembally Language) to add saix's effects to the code.

    and to understand mips you need to understand how to code with ps2dis first.
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Mar 1, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Blayz Mods
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Blayz Mods, Feb 21, 2016
  10. Blayz Mods
    use the tool attached below to to convert codes to pnach file format.[DOUBLEPOST=1455986829][/DOUBLEPOST]
    try my Duel Wield Sora hack.

    DW Sora.
    11CE0B68 00000055
    21C95554 00303031
    21C95558 00000000
    01C95596 00000001
    1032E020 0000002A
    1032EE24 0000002B
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Feb 20, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Blayz Mods

    quick note if you rehack Duel Wield PJ Roxas, I've tried hacking it and tried to successfully make him duel wield but he ends up being a mushball because PJ Roxas has no moveset to make a good duel wielding form out of it, so its basically a pointless code, but you can rehack it for him if he doesn't care if it mushballs, I'm just saying is all. :/[DOUBLEPOST=1455433869][/DOUBLEPOST]watch my tutorial on model and moveset modding, I explain everything step by step on how to make custom modded forms and it will work with roxas too. heres my tutorial.

    that method can cause t'stancing however, so to prevent t-stances I recommend un-equipping all blue abilities except Guard, however I have a tutorial that is a alternative to the one above, unfortunately there is no voice, I will remake the tutorial with voice eventually, sorry for that inconvenience. -.-

    Post by: Blayz Mods, Feb 14, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Blayz Mods
    I can help you, just pm me your file dump and I can help you reproduce ultimate final sora.

    also this isn't really the place to request help for this sort of thing, for help in the future you should ask stuff like this in this thread here...
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Feb 7, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Blayz Mods
    Thank you Amaury.
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Feb 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Blayz Mods
    Yes hes using a translation patch some of his friends whome some of them are my friends too did. If that made sense. And the hud was done with a custom patch I believe.
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Dec 20, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Blayz Mods
    You could try using a object mod to mod summons, watch this tutorial on object modding to learn how to do so.

    Edit: forgot to mention you need to mod the four summons individually, I'm sorry it's not the best solution but its all I got.
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Dec 16, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Blayz Mods
    I don't think there is a ilegallity to post romhack videos here as long as you leave the actual rom hack to its on personal thread and just don't post it here, this section is strickly for posting ram hacks I believe.
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Dec 13, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Blayz Mods
    My rating would have to be a rating of "9" because your a really cool person that I have a lot of respect for, only reason I'm rating a 9 is because I just haven't gotten to know you enough personally. :(
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Nov 11, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  18. Blayz Mods
    its the video link for the re: coded English boss battle with roxas I noticed is no longger available or is invalid, :( the link is below this reported issue type post....;)
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Oct 1, 2015, 0 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  19. Blayz Mods
    No problem.;)
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Oct 1, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Blayz Mods
    Try this one instead and let me know if it works.
    Warp to 1,000 Heartless Battle (hold R2 While walking into the next room/map)
    E002FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 00000204
    2032BAE8 00000002
    Also try what Wheel of Time suggested and warp from the postern, sometimes warping in a events home world helps.
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Sep 29, 2015 in forum: Code Vault