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  1. Boy Wonder
    Oh no, the entire trip is 40 minutes. So I was twenty minutes into it when I turned around.
    But yeah, normally it's 40 minutes there and 40 minutes back.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 28, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Boy Wonder
    There was one riddle whose creator I want to smack.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 28, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Boy Wonder
    I was halfway to work (40 minutes away) when I realized I was off today.
    Goddamn it.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 28, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Boy Wonder
    This. BE THE ADULT
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 23, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Boy Wonder
    That's not what Google says.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 22, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Boy Wonder
    Isn't today the first day of Winter?
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 22, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Boy Wonder
    So I just saw Star Wars
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 21, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Boy Wonder
    [DOUBLEPOST=1450716224][/DOUBLEPOST]So I was dreaming and when it ended, there were credits and then I woke up
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Boy Wonder
    I've really been leaning towards getting a Megaman game or five from the e-shop. Not X, obviously. I just feel like I can't fully enjoy those games on an emulator.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Boy Wonder
    So I was in desperate need for Ming Dynasty (a Chinese restaurant around here). It's been my favorite place for carryout in this town since I was like 9. I only get it when I want to treat myself and wanted some today. So I told Siri to call "Ming Dynasty in *my town*" thinking she would have to look it up first. Apparently, I had Ming Dyn's number saved on my old phone and it got transferred to my new phone.
    I'm so excited for this food, guys, you don't understand.
    I would kick any one of you in the nuts for a free order from them. Especially @Incognitus
    You know what? It probably wouldn't even need to be free. I would kick anybody in the nuts just for the chance to pay for Ming Dynasty.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 19, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Boy Wonder
    The two or so times "LilBueno" was taken turned out to be by me ages before. Unfortunately "Boy Wonder" is less likely to be available.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 19, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Boy Wonder
    Total Film magazine had this artwork pairing off the two teams' members in combat with some insight on the motivations of a few (nothing new, just what's been said in interviews). Interestingly enough, War Machine is named War Hammer, but I'm sticking to that a magazine error, not a name change.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 18, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  13. Boy Wonder


    Wat up
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 17, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Boy Wonder
    Bueno rant of the week:
    So I make decent money. Not great, but for a 24 year old dropout working at a restaurant, I'm not complaining about $11 an hour. I'm usually pretty good with my money except that I set a budget of 50 a week for comic books and almost always go over budget by 10-20 bucks. hopefully I can write them off on my taxes if I do become a comic writer. Anyway, I usually have enough to buy a game whenever I want, go out to eat or watch a movie when I/my girlfriend wants (occasionally we'll have to wait til next paycheck, but rarely), pay my bills on time, and pay the bills for my mom that I'm in charge of. I get paid on Wednesday, but it's usually not in my account until Thursday morning. Very rarely, it'll be late and I'll get it on Friday; I can usually tell when that'll happen because the one employee that gets a paper check won't get it by Wednesday and my paystub won't be in by Tuesday. Even when pay is late, I make enough that one more day isn't even a blip on my worry radar. Enter this week: Between getting on my girlfriend's cell phone plan (which cost me almost three times this month as my normal bill), getting her Christmas present, ours and my mom's bills falling on the same week that our new cell bill was due, getting my tags renewed to avoid a citation, setting aside some money for a new apartment, and some car issues I had to take care of, I'm more broke than usual. So I had almost no money left over yesterday to make it to today, but "what the hell, I get paid in the morning" so I covered my girlfriend's check at the store. Almost ran out of gas today because I wasn't paying attention, but I made the forty minute drive home and tried filling my tank. The meter stopped barely over 11 dollars (thankfully, gas is cheap these days!). I didn't think anything of it because the gas station is really run down anyway and that pump has issues and I figured it just broke again (don't ask me why I keep going to that particular pump, let alone that station). I get ready to order food a few minutes ago and check my bank account and see ****ing zero in it. Turns out, the reason the meter stopped is because that was all I had left and my check is not in my account. It's happened maybe twice so I'm sure it'll be in tomorrow morning (otherwise, both my General Manager and our accountant are getting some words), but that was almost really bad. My girlfriend can cover dinner tonight (we cook, I swear, just on our days off), but if I didn't have that 11 dollars, I wouldn't have been able to get gas. If I hadn't checked before ordering food, that just would have been more stressful than I would've liked. If it was something that wasn't gas and I went over, that would have been an extra 30-50 bucks in overdraft fees. It's not like I have zero money whatsoever, I have the money set aside for the new apartment, but that's saved money.

    Ugh. All in all, it's really not that big of a deal, assuming the check arrives by the morning, but it's the principle of it and it's happened before. If we got paid every Friday, than that's fine. But we're supposed to get paid every Thursday (technically Wednesday is when the check gets there, but direct deposit + banks = Thursday). Living off a paycheck for exactly a week and then randomly having to make it a week and a day is normally not a big deal, but the timing of it this week sucks.

    Not to mention, at my last job when I was being paid less, but they were unable to avoid giving me overtime and due to a weird scheduling thing (schedule is Monday - Sunday, but pay period is Sunday - Saturday), there's a disconnect between my scheduling manager and the accountant and I can end up with three days instead of two off sometimes like for last check (whenever I get Sunday off) and I'm not guaranteed 40 hours so I end up with slightly less here than before. I left my last job because of the stress and I was promised an assistant manager job of $30,000 (which, not counting taxes, means an hourly raise of about 4.67 for me, plus there's that cool new Manager/Overtime limit) a year for the second store that should've been open in August. However, there was an issue with the landlord of the new building the month after I started and we had to go to another real estate company for another building in another part of town that won't open until May/June at least (in my experience, restaurant openings rarely open on time). Which means I left a job where I was guaranteed an AM salary position for a less-paying AM position that was less stressful and would have arrived much earlier and I'm now getting that almost a year later at least (did I mention our franchise director emailed my boss about a possibly delay for the second store and we haven't found out what yet?) which means I'm out a potential 10 grand this year. On top of that, the new apartment is right in the middle between where my girlfriend will work and where my store is going to be and the whole purpose of that apartment is to be closer to the new job (otherwise I'm driving almost an hour to work every day) and I can't afford that apartment without the new job and the apartment is so my mom can move in and I can take better care of her and I still owe my girlfriend an engagement ring (she wants a cheap one, but I don't want to get her a cheap one) and I haven't had a cigarette in like, two months.

    tl;dr: I'm having words with my boss and our accountant at our Christmas dinner Sunday.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 17, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Boy Wonder
    @Patman Apparently Sarah Palin has a "political crush" on La Pen
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 15, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Boy Wonder
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 15, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Boy Wonder
    "I don't have friends. I have Autobots."
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 15, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Boy Wonder
    Paramount and Hasbro are going to unite GI Joe, M.A.S.K., Visionaries, Micronauts, and ROM the Space Knight into a film universe.

    Look, let's just avoid studio rights, give ROM back to Marvel, and let me write a GI Joe/Fast and Furious/Transformers crossover.

    The only thing to lose is a few hundred million dollars.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 15, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Boy Wonder
    There's a Christian Metalcore band named Gwen Stacy.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 14, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Boy Wonder
    "Fight is exactly what we do," growled the female Agent as she landed near Flash and Pyslocke. "I just lost a captain to those things, I'm not losing anybody else." She turned as she pulled off her jetpack and, in moments, disassembled and reassembled it into a myriad of guns. The propulsion system remained intact and she attached it to each of her boots. SHIELD's jetpacks were more "packs" than "jets," and Agent Johnson loved it. Attaching a set of gauntlets to her arms, she then grabbed a sniper rifle and looked through it. "Sentinels are close. We've got two minutes, tops. All agents, spread out! Remember the plan," she called into her commlink, "Protect the building and take out the big purple robots! Ultron's AI only changed the programming, but he's not in the driver seat." As she spoke, she noticed the nearest Sentinel raise an arm and something ejected from its palm at high speeds. "THEY HAVE FREAKIN' MISSILE-HANDS?!" She asked aloud before holding the trigger down. The barrel started to glow a bright blue while she aimed. She finally let the trigger go and immediately pulled it again, shooting a straight shot of energy to the missile, destroying it. "Thank you, FitzSimmons," she muttered. She lowered the sniper rifle and looked at the other two. "I'm Daisy. You're Flash, you're...Psylocke, right?" She looked around, "Guess we're the big guns out here. Oh, crap!" She remembered something and flipped her commlink to a different frequency. "Are you there?! Please tell me you didn't get blown up!"
    Iron Man looked around. "Good circle jerk, everyone, but it's time to move. Everyone knows their job. Do it." Propulsion kicked in and the armored Avenger started to rise. "Thor, Big Bad Beetleborg's yours. Grayson said someone's coming to help, but if you can take him out quick, the better. Supes, I bet I know where Ultron is. On my six," he started to fly before calling out to Vision, "you, too. FRIDAY, where's the church?"
    "Navigation's online, Tony," replied a Scottish voice within his helmet as a blinking arrow appeared on his display.

    "That's my girl."

    "You're an X-Men now. That means we're working as a team," Cyclops coldly told Quicksilver. "Which means the mission comes first, so you're following orders," before the speedster could interject, he added "and since we're a team, that means you're one of us. Your goal is the same as ours. We're stopping Ultron, but we're saving Wanda. But first, we need you to help with evacuation. Leave Wanda to Jean and Raven, their powersets are more suited to go against her. But when Jean calls you, run to her, got it?" As the Justice Avengers departed, Cyclops deployed the X-Men. "Jean, you're with Raven. Keep Scarlet Witch's tricks out of the picture. Shadowcat, we don't know how Witch's tricks will affect your powers or if X-23 has Nth Metal in her claws along with Adamantium. Until we know, you're with Quicksilver on evacuation. Rogue and Gambit, you're on X-23." He looked to Rogue specifically, "She's...special to you-know-who, so we need her in one piece. Your powers are the best bet, but if she can heal like him, it might not be enough to knock her out. Do what you have to. I'll back-up the Avengers with Ultron, he's likely to have more sentries around. If- When you nullify your target, move on to another. X-Men, let's go save the world." With that, he broke into a run after the Avengers.

    Ranger VI was too quick. In one swipe, he caught the helmet and kept spinning to block Canary's kick. She spun mid-air, almost inhumanely, and landed a kick to his head, slamming it into the steel bar. He screamed and fell as his vision blurred. A roar in his head stopped him from hearing the buzzing in his ears. He may have just gotten a concussion. He raised to his knees and threw his hand between the bars. His Blade Blaster disappeared from the table in a flash of light and appeared in his hand. He stood up, stumbling, and aimed at Canary to keep her still, though his hand was shaking. He put on his helmet and opened the cell before stepping out and closing it behind him. Around him, Ultron sentries were deploying. One stopped to look at Canary, but moved on, paying him no mind. He groaned in pain as he reached the table. His body was throbbing and his mind felt like it was being torn apart. The Dragon Shield and Dagger disappeared from the table and reappeared on his body, like his Blaster did, and he gripped the table. Everything was...he didn't know. Ultron...Hydra...he had to...No, he was..."Ugh," like a zombie, he stumbled behind the Ultron battle? Behind him, Canary was left alone, trapped in her cell.

    Everyone seemed to have their group here, either X-Men or Justice Avenger. Arsenal had Canary and she was prisoner. Evacuate was his mission, but most of the city was already on the way out. Still..."on the way out" did not mean "safely out of the city." Between Shadowcat, Quicksilver, Jean, Catwoman, the Sokovian police, and everyone else involved, surely they could handle it. That Ghost Rider said he'd get Canary out, but Arsenal had to make sure. If something happened to her, Arsenal would have to answer to someone. Gripping his bow, he was torn. "I need to...I need to make sure Canary's safe. I'm sorry," he apologized before heading after Ghost Rider. "I'll help once I know she's safe!" He called behind him. Oh, he was over his head.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Dec 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home