We get those religious pamphlets at work a lot tucked in front of the magazines at the registers. Mostly because we sell Cosmopolitan magazine. And the pamphlets are usually located in front of this particular magazine. Though this past week, there was at least one in front of every magazine that had something to do with Halloween. We have no idea who is leaving them. It is a mystery. But they all end up in the garbage.
Going to hand out candy to the trick or treaters, there's a Ghost Adventures live special later tonight[ at least i think it's live ], and my Niece and Nephew are going to be coming over in their little costumes.
All the doors leading to the outside and the garage have deadbolts. All the windows are locked. I didn't lock the bathroom door because of the above reasons and I was alone in the house. Aside from my two cats. My mother has suggested that it was my sister coming to get something. But I didn't hear the basement or front door open. I've gone over every rational explanation I can think of. But it was just heavy footsteps going into the kitchen and then the sound of a drawer being pulled open and then the sounds of someone rummaging through said drawer.
There's something about being alone in the house and then thinking you're hearing the distinct noise of footsteps and a drawer in the kitchen opening that really makes you question your life choices. Namely deciding that you're going to take a bath with the door unlocked.
I'm on a Mac.
Oh hey, that game looks interesting and it's in a Free to play Open Beta? *Registers* >Windows only /sigh. Closes tab.
I do not hate Donald Trump. You are correct in saying that's too much effort. I don't hate anyone rather I'd just wish they'd go away for a long time. I'm not bringing up the point of he's wealthy for the fun of it. I'm just concerned that he's too far removed from the common person. The lower to middle class citizens of this country in other words. And if anyone thinks a million dollars is a 'small loan', then they are that much removed from reality. And according to the GOP debate, he wants Mexicans to fund the building of the wall on the US-Mexico border. And then there's his outlook on women. Which while I do not identify as female, I still have the body of one. So this concerns me greatly. His view on Muslim women is that 'they're tired of wearing makeup' which is why they wear the Burka. No religious or societal reasons. Just that they're too tired to put on make-up.
Rich people are weird like that. Kind of like the stereotypical playground bully that takes the other kid's lunch money. That being said, the idea of Donald Trump being voted into a position of political power scares me. Like, I'm terrified of a Russo-Chinese alliance. [ One has the weaponry. The other has the expendable manpower. That's the kind of thing I have nightmares about. That and high school. ] I'd gladly punch him. His hair's not alive is it?
Luke Evans has that affect. He plays a rather creative murdering psychopath in that movie lol. Still haven't watched it but i'm planning on it.
Code: Twilight Sleep - Unrest [ The Dyatlov Pass ]
Twilight Sleep - Unrest [ The Dyatlov Pass ]
I suppose I could give it a another shot. I tend to prefer to binge watch things anyway. And I guess Tasky's just one of those characters that I'm really picky about how he's portrayed. One of my favorites really.
eeeeeeeeeh I kind of started watching Agents of SHIELD but I gave up on it because the only characters that stood out to me where Coulson and Maria Hill. I've seen that theory but I'm not in that camp either. Because Taskmaster is Tony Masters and not Grant Ward.
But just think of how much money he made doing something he hated. But then again, anyone with a lick of common sense would hate that story.
So now it kind of sounds like I'm just working my normal hours instead of the 42 hours. Maybe that offering to Loki worked. Though it kind of has me wondering what he'll want in return. I want to see Taskmaster in the MCU. Can that happen?
Wow. I'm hyped. Those are really nice. The music is epic. Wow.
+1 hour of sleep
Code: Kenny Loggins - Highway to the Danger Zone
Kenny Loggins - Highway to the Danger Zone
You're worried about the hierarchy of power when there's multiple timelines and universes?
Just curious... Did they keep the campy dialogue? Because that was one of the best parts of the entire game. Kinda miss those terrible camera angles though. Half the fun was not being able to see what's attacking your character. EDIT: This is so accurate that it hurts.
I've read some things about windows 10 that are mildly concerning. The second link essentially says that a parent will be able to know what their child is doing on line. Which is great in the event of having a family computer or something. But consider that said child is lgbtqa+ and isn't out yet because they're afraid what their parents will think. When the parent sees what their child is researching, perhaps looking for similar experiences or advice on how to come out to parents and then the parents overreact. It's a hypothetical but very real scenario that could become more likely with this feature. I realize you guys probably all have your own computers. The third link is pretty much an open letter from Mozilla to Microsoft about how Windows 10 essentially disregards the personal preference of having Firefox as the default browser and replaces it with IE. The first link is pretty much how Microsoft can see your location, listen through your microphone, see your keystrokes, and know your browser history by default. Apparently it can be turned off but that it's by default is kind of worrying. Since this is stuff that spyware and similar programs are capable of. I don't have a PC or Windows so I can't know if this is real or not but I just want you guys to be aware.