i w!II ******* fite u
He raised his arm towards Lingering Will, flames spiralling around it before shooting towards the ground in front of the enemy., the spiral changing into a ring of fire surrounding it. Poke used Fire Spin!
Picture Taiyang hiding behind a cardboard cutout of himself and Zwei is barking at him, but he's all "No, Zwei, shh!"
His eyes shut, and he took in a deep breath, the inside of his mouth glowing red. Eyes opening, he set his gaze on Lingering Will and opened his mouth, bursts of fire shooting out and towards the enemy. Poke used Ember!
Okay, in that case How much force would there be behind a supersonic punch from a fist that weighs 2kg?
M= 10 pounds A= 761 miles per hour What's the force in pounds?
How much force would there be behind a punch coming from a 5'2" 15-year-old girl travelling at 761 miles per hour?
I thought this was something unrelated to music
Poke only just managed to catch the quick rundown of the other people's powers before they found themselves in the new room, an ominous feeling sending chills down his spine. At the appearance of their adversary, he took a good look at the armored being. It was wielding some sort of...key-shaped blade? Definitely one of the more weirder things he'd seen in his life. His eyes shined red for only a second, activating his Fire Orb before his whole body burst into flames. Kneeling down, he pushed off against the ground, charging towards Lingering Will, the flames changing from orange to blue. Poke used Flare Blitz! (Flare Blitz will cause Poke to receive recoil damage equal to ⅓ of the damage done to the target. This move has a 10% chance of burning the target.)
...I want to do a KH-Vids version. And I know we've already got something similar, but I want all the singers to be singing throughout the whole song, in any way they like and maybe adding bits to make their parts unique so that it'd be basically a bundle of maybe try-hard and hilarity.
...? I dont see a comment
RWBY hype. So much.
...are parallels of planets that bend space-time around them because of their gravity... ...what would the equivalent of water on the fabric to spacetime be?
I hope they add more characters(Especially JNPR) as possibly a DLC. Also hoping this is free 'cause if not, I would not like to ask my brother to buy another game for me >.> Other than that, this game might actually have details on RWBY lore that's not already present in the show. Also, there's suppose to be a special storyline for the game, so like a campaign mode. I wonder if it'll be canon, and even mentioned in the show.
I haven't actually figured out who Thawne's parallel will be yet. Might probably go with Cinder. I HAVE, however, decided a parallel for Harrison Wells'(the real one), and even made a big edit in their story that ties them to the parallel of Jay Garrick.
Yes, exactly that. The thing is, I haven't fully fleshed out the whole entire cast yet, and I feel like those two could be better used for someone else, and it's hard to see them as someone as dark, sinister, and psychotic as Zoom. I'm contemplating not even giving Zoom a parallel; Just throw him in. It'd fit the fact that he's able to travel through universes, maybe have him travel into this RWBY Au.
Oh hell no, that is not what I need help with. Though technically, in the AU I'm writing, she is, since she's suppose to be Barry's parallel. Just incase it wasnt clear enough, it's basically RWBY but in the Flash universe, like...If Flash were replaced by RWBY characters, but there will be a lot more changes so it isn't just a carbon copy. Anyway, the thing I wanted help with has to do with Zoom.
fe6l the burn
because I need advice for my RWBY AU based on The Flash