the saddest video game death in history was goofy in kingdom hearts 2
It appears correctly for me. If others are having the issue, please do post with information on your setup.
nope nevermind i'm still ****ed up over kill la kill, thought i had myself together better than this
I agree that it's conducive to binging, I usually let a few episodes build up before I watch (I think I have three or four to get through?). Enjoy what's ahead of you.
Does this mean there's a non-bundle version of the white PS4 now then? Goddamn you Sony. The matte HDD cover is a nice change but not enough to consider a switch for me -- white on the other hand...
I work in a movie theater so I hear the song five or six times a day Of Adventure Time? Yeah, I need to watch the last few episodes. Have you not seen any in the season?
I DID AND I LIKED IT, someone I follow on Twitter was calling it awful but I thought it was kinda cute. It reminded me of an episode of Adventure Time -- Memories of Boom Boom Mountain I think is the title? I whispered that to my boyfriend as we were watching it and he said "oh yeah, the island episode?" so that's two Adventure Time parallels there. yeah I'm really ****ed up about Adventure Time but back on the subject, i thought it was cute, fight me
I actually really enjoyed the Command Board! What I played of it, at least. I don't remember playing anywhere but Land of Departure, with Ven and Terra. Happily the minigame wasn't mandatory if you didn't want to play.
The ice cream stacking minigames from Birth by Sleep immediately comes to mind. I think you play it as Ventus? I was on a flight to Disney World when I reached it and I spent at least an hour and a half on it -- I just couldn't get the rhythm down. I'm fairly certain you play it to the tune of It's A Small World, also, which is torture in itself. Oh yeah I remember getting stuck here for a while -- the turning mechanics I remember as very unfriendly and your HP would deplete very quickly with no way to restore it. I'm not sure if it counts as a minigame as much as a boss fight, but the 10 forms in 10 seconds segments of the Demyx boss fight are horrific. He can be a challenging boss by himself, but when you're doing well against him and then lose to the little minigame, it's rage-inducing.
It was bothering me during the stream that I couldn't identify the voice, but I've read others saying it was Ashly Burch too. Haven't seen anything official but I would love if it was her!
Most of the Final Fantasy games available on PC were ported years fter their release, I don't see why FFXV would be much different. As for performance on the Xbox, you're right that the demo had performance issues on both consoles and that's to be expected. The recent patch they released brought the PS4 version to a fairly stable 30fps, with occasional dips into the 20s (which is perfectly reasonable for a demo). As I understand it, Xbox players are pretty much being left high and dry. Just because the games are coming to both consoles doesn't mean Square cares about or is treating them equally. Sales for the Xbox One are virtually non-existant. If FFXV underperforms on the Xbox, I can absolutely see Square silently pulling the Xbox release for KH3. Adding to that, there's the additional barrier to Xbox players of never having a KH title on the platform.
this is very quiet and sweet
I'm really unsure about where this expectation originates. Yes, it's true that the system architecture of this console generation is very similar to the PC, and that KH3 is being developed on Unreal Engine 4. Square Enix Japan just doesn't turn out games on PC, because PC gaming isn't big in Japan -- and yeah, they're banking on FFXV and KH3 performing well in the west and they will probably want to suck all the money they can out of them. Honestly I'm still skeptical about whether KH3 will come to the Xbox One at all, given how few shits Square seems to give about FFXV on the platform and how FFXV will probably not perform well on it. At the very least, if they do come to PC, I don't see it happening until after they've released on the consoles. I wouldn't expect or hope for an announcement to the contrary any time soon.
I'm still very confused about Shenmue 3 having a Kickstarter at all. Sony is obviously footing a huge bill on it, because it'll take way more than $2mil to make the game. Why can't Sony cough up just a little bit more money? (I'm aware that $2mil isn't "a little bit of money" to most humans, but in game development it's not much.) The only explanation I've seen is that Sony is using the Kickstarter as a sort of interest check, but they already knew it would sell. And even then, a $2mil Kickstarter doesn't guarantee they'll get the expected return on their investment.
That's really why I'm placing it as my favorite thing at E3 this year: it's an entirely new IP. Don't get me wrong, I'm pumped about the FFVII Remake, Kingdom Hearts III, Mass Effect: Andromeda, and Battlefront, but they're established games or series. That's awesome and I'm excited to play them, but gaming lately feels like it's all sequels and remakes and remasters and reboots. I want something completely fresh. We talked about it on a podcast episode once, why people preorder these days. In the past it was a question of availability -- if you didn't preorder something, you might not be able to walk into a shop and get it day one. That's not really an issue today. My past preorders have been limited edition deals, where you get goodies for preordering, and I'm happy to do that if the extras are worthwhile (and especially if they come at no cost). After dropping $80 on a preorder for The Order 1886 I'm a bit skeptical about limited editions for new IPs (which, for the tangential record, I still have mostly positive feelings about the game). But if I know I'm going to buy Horizon day one, I say to myself "oh, you might as well preorder." But there's no real reason to preorder. It's just this weird conflict I and the gaming industry sort of has, why are preorders still a thing. I'm rambling.
I rarely buy new games and of course I'll wait to see a bit more about Horizon before putting in a preorder (which I don't even think they're taking yet), but part of my E3 livetweeting...
The limit can be increased. I've actually increased it in previous years just to facilitate the awards. :x I'm in favor of them being combined, though.
That's interesting, I've never seen or heard anything about this before. I've only watched the scenes from Dream Drop Distance once but I don't remember Naminé having a big presence -- do we know when the different models appear? Still, I'm not sure if Dream Drop Distance can be evidence of Nobodies aging given that it doesn't take place in reality.
Glad you're enjoying it here! What fortuitous timing. :)
Probably my favorite unveiling at E3 this year. Totally new title with an innovative setting and a female protag. Sign me up.