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  1. Misty
    As I remember it, it was a mishmash of a few different engines and they did a lot of work in getting them to work well with one another. I can't imagine other devs would be eager to take that on compared to whatever they use in-house or something more standard (like Unreal). I'm with you, the gameplay and physics and destruction are all really satisfying.
    Post by: Misty, May 8, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Misty
    well it's 4:28am on a friday and i'm awake so things can't be going too good for me right now, in life
    Post by: Misty, May 8, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Misty

    i am in love with this album!!!!! it's free please download it
    Post by: Misty, May 8, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  4. Misty
    I think the better question is, have you spoken to him? It seems you've attempted to go through management, both at your new and old jobs, but they did little about it. It's possible they didn't speak to him at all. Many autistic people struggle to pick up on social cues, like that you're not interested in him and want him to back off. If you're uncomfortable doing it in person, a Facebook message or something explaining that you're not into him and establishing some boundaries (like that there are other people working in the bank that can help him) could go a long way.
    Post by: Misty, May 8, 2015 in forum: Help with Life
  5. Misty
    i've been too bored and tired to type out my thoughts on aou, i mostly don't care enough to put effort into it lol.
    as previously stated, i'm not into marvel. the movie felt like a chore to get through. scarjo and ruffalo had like zero chemistry, it was all so forced and bad. did not laugh, like, at all -- usually at minimum i can be amused by iron man/rdj but jesus it seemed like the only joke in this movie was "haha captain america is OLD and OLD FASHIONED." did not find the thor's hammer scene funny but again, i'm not into marvel, i have like zero attachment to these characters (also, ew at the prima nocta thing). i vaguely remember there being a few dick jokes too
    the idea behind ultron was cool but it didn't go scifi enough to be anything really compelling or sinister, instead read as "hey we're using Artificial Intelligence to create our villain you don't need to see it any kind of depth tho let's just have cool fight scenes" -- again, i know marvel is built around cool fight scenes, i'm just not interested in them. when iron man put on the big suit to fight hulk i was just like... ok... i'm not six years old. (is the child in me dead?)

    i'm told that the flashback scenes were the high points of the movie -- unfortunately, they happened to coincide with the bathroom breaks i took (idk why but i peed like four times during this movie, it may have been out of boredom)
    it's not a BAD MOVIE or anything i just don't think it's for me. it's sort of the same feeling i had during/after gotg: this is catering to a pretty specific audience and i'm not apart of it.
    Post by: Misty, May 8, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Misty

    Frozen 2

    I said exactly what I meant.

    ( This is embarrassing, but I'm too humored by it to edit it. )
    Post by: Misty, May 8, 2015 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  7. Misty

    Frozen 2

    I'm in the mood to give Frozen credit, so I'll support the belief that Elsa's storyline was a conscious metaphor for mental illness. I think there's a lot more nuance left to explore there (not to say that that should be the character or the movie's exclusive focus), as well as my call for the movie to focus more on the relationship between the sisters. A romantic subplot for Elsa would detract from either (or both) paths. I'm fine with Anna and Sven having a role, as a couple, in the film, but pairing one sister off in the first film and then the other in the second just seems like Disney doing more of the same. There are far more interesting directions Disney could take. I'm sure an Elsa romance could be done well and tastefully, but I'd rather not.
    Post by: Misty, May 7, 2015 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  8. Misty

    Frozen 2

    We all knew it was coming -- Frozen is Disney's biggest cashcow in years, possibly ever. In keeping with the Disney sequels tradition, I imagine it will be underwhelming for fans of the first movie, and more of the same issues the first movie's critics found. Hopefully the short included with Cinderella is no barometer to judge by, I found it a bit painful to watch personally, but I also realize I'm not the target audience and it was intended to draw crowds for Cinderella.

    I hope that the sequel will focus more on the relationship between Anna and Elsa. I know that Frozen is lauded (wrongly) as Disney's "sisterhood movie," but it's lacking more realistic elements of sisterhood for me. Lilo & Stitch was fantastic in that there was an actual dynamic between Lilo and Nani -- they fought and got frustrated with one another but we always saw there was a real love between them. Forzen lacked any real strife between Anna and Elsa, beside perhaps Anna not understanding why Elsa shut her out all those years, but even that was hardly acknowledged or explored. They have great set-ups with the first movie, too -- Anna and Elsa are basically strangers to one another, and it'd be great to see them get to know one another as adults; they dealt with grief over their parents' deaths separately, and such a pain could definitely be explored; and so on.

    Maybe I want too much out of my Disney films, but given its popularity, Frozen has to earn its keep with me. Most of all, though, I want no love interest for Elsa.
    Post by: Misty, May 7, 2015 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  9. Misty
    A game for the music section, because I love it and I miss it -- &, back in the day, I was the queen of shuffle memes.

    Nothing terribly innovative here, or complex. Place your entire library on shuffle, give us the results, and tell us about them. No skips; that's cheating. I'll place the recommendation for each post at ten, but repeat much as you like.

    01. Yoko Shimomura - Song of Mana ~Orchestral Version~

    From the memória! collection, which I downloaded mostly for the (gorgeous) version of Vector to the Heavens. I've never played Legend of Mana, but this is a pretty track -- definitely has the Shimomura charm.

    02. Bloc Party - Biko
    Once my favorite Bloc Party song (and album), but more recently I've warmed to the simple charms of Silent Alarm. Intimacy remains a favorite album cover.

    03. Koji Haishima - Atonement
    Never in my life have I played a Resident Evil game. A few semesters back, I took a communications class and it involved group work -- I was friendly with one of the guys in my regular group, and he at one point gave me a flash drive filled with some of his favorite video game soundtracks. I didn't listen to most of them but haven't had the heart to delete them. They turn up in my shuffles quite often and make me appear more of a soundtrack person than I really am.

    04. Grouper - I'm Dragging a Dead Deer Up A Hill

    Grouper is unique. Very quiet, very atmospheric -- Heavy Water/I'd Rather Be Sleeping off this album has an enchanting melody. good for when you need to just space for a bit.

    05. Lullaby for the Working Class - Boar's Nest
    A byproduct of a Bright Eyes obsession back in the day (they're signed to Saddle Creek). There are a few good tracks here, but the era/sound here hasn't aged well for me.

    06. alex trimmer - The Last Thing I Do
    Oh boy. Remember when a member here released an album? I don't know if any traces remain of it on the net. I still listen, Alex. To this, and to your new(er) stuff.

    07. Vitamin String Quartet - One-Eighty By Summer
    who doesn't love VSQ, really? This is from their Taking Back Sunday collection. I once went on a big VSQ binge and downloaded all their tributes to groups I recognized. TBS has always had good melodies, they make for great orchestral material.

    08. Parenthetical Girls - Here's to Forgetting
    Off the debut album, which remains the best (((GRRRLS))) album as I cannot count the Privilege collection as just an album.

    09. Die Antwoord - Hey Sexy
    A new addition to my library. I saw Chappie weeks ago and it had a sort of weird charm, and urged me to finally check out Die Antwoord -- which I didn't do until a few days ago. I've not listened to their entire catalogue yet, but everything I'm fond off hails from Donker Mag.

    10. blink-182 - Stockholm Syndrome
    I don't think about this song enough. I had my blink era, probably on the tail end of 2008 -- late by most standards considering they were long broken up by then. And truthfully, I love all their albums in different ways (at least, all those up to and including the self-titled). I remember this song being big for me, but today I can't remember the last time I properly listened to it. I still love Hoppus's last verse.
    Thread by: Misty, May 7, 2015, 19 replies, in forum: Music
  10. Misty

    this is something like fate, but a bit more real,
    looks like you're coming home with me.

    really digging this album -- somehow, more than the originals?
    Post by: Misty, May 7, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  11. Misty
    mostly joking around, ha. maybe my threshold for violence has just gotten quite high over the years but unless bloodied limbs are flying about every other sentence i wouldn't really object to it.
    Post by: Misty, May 7, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Misty
    oh the dress up elements of the game are not lost on me, though I was always partial to the default robes. dug the light training gear for, uh, purely aesthetic reasons; i mostly used the corellian flight suit, and i remember a lot of very assassin's creed looking outfits.

    and let's not forget guybrush threepwood.
    Post by: Misty, May 7, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Misty
    & who wouldn't want this in their inbox? ha

    i see you've rated it teen on which i would say is about equivalent to the rating we keep here (theoretically). as i remember it, is quite stringent about their rating guidelines, but i haven't proper used it in a few years*

    * i have not stopped reading fanfiction, i just do it other places now
    Post by: Misty, May 7, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Misty
    was very, very tempted to like this post
    Post by: Misty, May 7, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Misty
    the story is muh and the gameplay doesn't have much depth to it; really all you need to do is dump all your skill points into a few abilities (lightsaber throw and the one where you jump up & slam down). lots of qtes as well. but juno is a babe (and so is starkiller tbh)
    Post by: Misty, May 7, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Misty
    per the rules of the nook,
    have not opened the fic but i'd wager it's admissible. certainly will not ban you for it, scout's honor x
    Post by: Misty, May 7, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Misty
    I liked The Force Unleashed and I liked Starkiller. He definitely wasn't a super compelling character nor was the game stellar but both were good for a few hours of entertainment. We'll pretend the sequel never happened, though.
    Post by: Misty, May 7, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Misty
  19. Misty
    does this make me darth vader
    Post by: Misty, May 6, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Misty
    To be fair, I think we mostly know what to expect out of Battlefront 3. We'll be seeing a lot of info on it come E3 this June and that will certainly be cherished by dedicated fans, but to the majority of gamers it's a Star Wars shooting game and it will be neat. Beyond a remarkably short trailer, we've virtually nothing on Mirror's Edge 2.

    I'm also quite surprised by how quickly Mirror's Edge is coming, maybe this will push me to finally play the first...

    Glad to see the footnote of these being only publicly announced games. As it wouldn't be there if EA had no secret projects slated for release in their next fiscal year, I'm expanding my hope for a Mass Effect trilogy remaster on current gen.
    Post by: Misty, May 6, 2015 in forum: Gaming