So, I've seen the film twice now. Personally, I think it's better than Avengers. They're both great films, but I had a lot more fun with Age of Ultron. I really liked all of the characters, and all the small things that were added to them. There was also a lot of Frankenstein parallels that I found, and that goes beyond the whole relationship between Tony and Ultron. When I walked out, I honestly said to myself "this is the best ittieration of Frankenstein that I've seen". Spoiler One thing that I really liked is Captain America's meaning behind the nightmare. It had been something that was hinted slightly in Winter Soldier, and they don't completely spell it out here. It adds a whole lot to his characters, and makes me want to see where they go with it.
I really just wanna get that Attack on Titan/Marvel crossover
It's just something about BB-8 by design that makes me think of it as just merchandising. I could tell when I saw it in the first trailer that people would want it before even knowing what it is. Now, that's not to say that it has no purpose. It could definitely be something very relative to the plot, but I just feel that it's original inception was to print money. It's a bit like you were saying with Battlefront: it's going to make a lot of money. That's not to say it's bad, but there is a clear reason why it's being made. Yeah, it just didn't really hit me. I honestly think it would've been more effective if they didn't reveal that the original cast was coming back. I know that's practically impossible with how the internet is, but could you imagine watching this, not knowing if Ford, Hamill, or anyone else was involved. Even I would've thought that it would be really cool. But, since I knew that they were all returning, it didn't feel like much of a surprise.
I'm pretty sure I've stated it before but I have no real negative sentiment to Star Wars as a concept. I think the prequels are okay, and it's been years since I've seen the original trilogy, so I have no commentary on those. Whenever I have an urge to watch Star Wars, it's always ruined by the hyper fans. They've made the barrier of entry for newcomers rather difficult. I get it, the prequels aren't as good as the originals; I don't care! Everyone else can move on, why can't you. - When it comes to intial reactions, I more side with Cal's view. I can definately say that it looked really cool, but that's about it. - From the discussion, it seems that Hamill's going to be playing the same role he did in Birth By Sleep, - I only think one thing when I think of BB8: Merchandising. He is there for one purpose, and that is to sell toys. - All that stuff of Ky-Lo Ren (no idea how to spell it) actually sounds really cool. - I think I always thought that there would be an Episode 7, and it goes down to why BB8 is a thing. Star Wars is a franchise recognized around the world that can be endlessly be milked. It all comes down to money. - I find it a bit odd how Star Wars does play some role in my life, even though I'm kinda Lukewarm (pun not intended) towards it. I remember seeing Phantom Menice as a kid, when I didn't care for quality, so I do have fond memories of it. I think I just really liked Darth Maul, having dressed up like him for Halloween several times I don't remember being too fond of Attack of the Clones when it came out. I can clearly remember seeing Revenge of the Sith in theaters (which I will defend as a good movie) with my cousin, which was a really cool moment. And my best friend has called me Yoda since middle school. I was the shortest in our class, but also the oldest (and probably the smartest). We're still great friends, although I'm not sure he knows what my real name is. - I laughed so God damn hard at the Han Solo moment. Honestly, it was the thing I cared about the least with the trailer. Everyone knows he's going to be in the film, so it didn't feel that big of a reveal. I don't know; it just doesn't do anything for me. - For relating to a character, I would say that I relate to Armin from "Attack on Titan" a lot. I'm not a fighter, but I will if I have to protect someone/something. More often than not, I'll want to come up with the best strategy possible. I also really relate to Kaori from "Your Lie in April". For one thing, she is a disabled character, and probably one of the best disabiled characters I've probably seen. Besides that, she marches to the beat of her own drum (or violin in this case), and doesn't allow her illness to conqur her life. In a way, that also relates to Luna Lovegood, my favorite character from the "Harry Potter" series (minus the whole disability thing).
I remember not hating the first movie. It's dumb, but tolerably so. But I can't stand all the previews from the sequel. It's just another "oh, let's laugh at the fat guy doing fat guy things" film, which is something I'm kinda sick of. Plus, it takes place in Las Vegas. When it comes to comedies, especially sequels, if it's going to take place in Vegas, they are pretty terrible most of the time. The Hangover is the exception to the rule that is there to reinforce the rule(I don't praise the movie to the level of everyone else, but I do recognize it as a "good" movie).
the only reasonable fight that can come from that is who hated the movie more.
oh dear god why
who won?
When it comes to religion, I see myself as a Christian. I've been raised Catholic and then was Evangelical for a few years. Now, I don’t associate myself with a certain viewpoint on Christianity; I just more follow what is right from what I’ve learned over the years. That includes having some viewpoints that are against traditional Christian doctrine, but I feel that they are the right things to follow. That’s not to say I don’t have doubts; I have plenty. I feel I’ve just experienced enough things to believe that there is something out there. I’m almost coming up on eight years for this site. I’ve constantly thought about what would happen if this place just disappeared for a long time. Hell, for a year or two, I was away from the site, and I remember just feeling like I had no one to talk to. I feel I made a lot of good friends on this place; friends who actually care about me. I remember the night that I got my transplant call, and the first place I went to was this site to update everyone. I thought that I didn’t matter that much to people outside a handful of members, but I was proven wrong. If this place does go away one day, I won’t be happy. It’s the place where I grew up in a way. It’s just been such a constant in my life that the void would be very difficult to fill. I’ll still talk to my friends from here, many of whom I’ve met in real life, but it’ll just be different.
The marketability is strong with this one.
I'm asking for help because I'm tired of being yelled at. Her phone became disabled, we connected to iTunes, but it doesn't help. I tried a few methods of doing a hard reset, but it doesn't help. My mom has an iPhone 6 plus, has not connected it to a computer since she got it, so there's no back-up, and it became disabled because she forgot her passcode. Any advice is appreciated.
I finished up reading Slum Online by Hiroshi Sakurazaka (the guy who wrote All You Need Is Kill, which inspired Edge of Tomorrow). I really liked how Etsuro wasn't a cookie cutter protagonist, and how the story kinda evolved naturally. I thought the writing was pretty good and the different battles were done pretty well.
How about Cthulhu?
I'll only watch if Bob Saget gets to use his own material.
I always keep forgetting to ask: Are you Hector? As in Double Toasted's Hector? That is the only way all of these threads make sense to me.
Kingdom Hearts 3 or Ramen
I had to look up how it ended, since I haven't seen the film in a very long time. The original ending isn't too bad. Yes, he's still in the circus, but he is finally accepted by his peers, which plays into the theme of the film. I feel that the only traction this thing is going to get is that Burton is going to put some kind of PeTA stand-ins to make a sort of commentary, like he did with the zealous neighbors in Edward Sissorhands. And I'd kinda like to see that.
Forcing yourself to be social. I've randomly decided to go to this special thing my campus is having for midterms, and the second I walk in, I kinda have to force myself to continue going. People are nice; I just have a hard time around a group of people.