I don't know. Maybe.
Who knows?
-Command Center- Listening to Zordon, Ron looked at his Lockseeds and thought about his family, his eldest brother, Bill, was a curse breaker at the magical bank, Gringotts, and was starting a family of his own, Charlie was in Romania, working with dragons, Percy ineffectively and disconnected himself from the family by working at the Ministry of Magic and working as assistant to the Minister while Fred and George had a flourishing business with their pranks though they're still in college. With such successes, Ron was trapped in their shadows. "I'll continue to be a Rider, something to define myself even I can't tell my family." Ron said, though he wasn't sure about using Blood Orange again. Lily smiled, asking,"Wanting to break free from what your brother have done?" "That sounds about right for him." Harry said. Mew closed its eyes happily and rubbed its head against his cheek. James had stars in his eyes, excited at the apparent new chapter opening in the Marauders' story. Though James and Sirius argued about new nicknames about their alter forms's motfits, Remus just smiled and said, "I hope we can all get along to protect Tokyo." "Agreed." Lily said, nodding. -Moon Palace- "Then what do you suggest then?" Zedd said, gripping his staff. "Any idea, Thrax? Goldar?" Rita tried to calm down and listened to the sugguestions to see which one would work. -Woman of the Beginning- The Woman looked at Sagara and kept quiet, looking out at the city from the roof of the building she was at, overlooking at the city. Her reasons were her own and had no reason to tell anyone, not even to Sagara. -Magical Trunk- "I see." Elsa said, calming down. She sighed in relief, "Well, I'm not sure where I am at the moment. But when I do, I'll let you know." -Hospital- "I'm sure that I can convince Shotaro to come with me to pick you up tomorrow." Philip said. Hermione laughed, "Yeah, true." -Tsukino Home- "I met Kengo while with my friends." Serena said, rubbing her hair. Kengo looked at her and said, "You were heading to Flynn's Arcade, be happy that I was with Chibi to shop for groceries and bring you home." Luna came from Serena's room, trying to act like a cat, meowing around Kengo, Rini, and Chibi. Kengo gently petted her and noticed her crescent moon, "Huh, wonder if that's a birthmark." Luna sweatdropped at him almost knowing what she is. -Tokyo Street- The youngest as well as the only female child of the Weasley Family, Ginevra, smiled as she walked home from the grocery shop with a bag filled of groceries so she could help her mother make dinner for the family. She stopped for a moment as she saw Fetch's light and Fetch appear. Ginny watched as anti-Conduct supports appeared and attempted to hurt Fetch but she used her Neon powers to run off. Ginny kept quiet and thought about what she had seen, feeling bad that someone like Fetch was judged and never known for who she is. Looking around, she saw Esmeralda who was searching for a place to live but had some money from her dances on the street. Esmeralda had also seen Fetch getting judged and sighed, looking down. She walked and began to sing, with Ginny following her. She had passed a small church and looked at a staute of a angel outside of the church. Spoiler: BGM I don't know if You can hear me Or if You're even there I don't know if You would listen To a gypsy's prayer Yes, I know I'm just an outcast I shouldn't speak to You Still I see Your face and wonder... Were You once an outcast too? God help the outcasts Hungry from birth Show them the mercy They don't find on earth God help my people We look to You still God help the outcasts Or nobody will Ginny listened to Esmeralda as she sang her beliefs and thoughts about the treatments of the outcasts here in Tokyo and maybe in the world. Thinking of her friend, Luna, Ginny kept quiet and looked as follower of the small church while they prayed for their own concerns. I ask for wealth I ask for fame I ask for glory to shine on my name I ask for love I can possess I ask for God and His angels to bless me Gripping her chest, Ginny thought about her family and that she was happy with what she had. Ginny looked at Esmeralda who sighed and looked down at the ground. She began to continue her song. I ask for nothing I can get by But I know so many Less lucky than I Please help my people The poor and downtrod I thought we all were The children of God God help the outcasts Children of God Awed at Esmeralda, Ginny watched her leave and smiled, turning and heading home. Ginny wiped her eyes of the tears that appeared and sighed, wondering where her brother was. -Flower Shop- Hearing the door bell ring, Aerith looked at Elise and asked, "Hello there. Is there something I can help you for?"
Not sure. It's hard to say.
Yeah, and Luna has unique ways to enter dreams.
Nah, she's just trying to help the younger generation with their problems.
Same. I almost expected Princess Luna coming to help Apple Bloom since she helped the rest of the CMC.
-Tokyo Street- "Hey, thank you!" Harry said, looking at Harold and watching him leave. While Sirius was in shock about what just happened, Remus sheathed his Musou Saber and walked over to Ron as he detransformed and fell, kneeling down and holding him in his arm, showing his slightly battered body from the fight. Harry looked at Mew and they went to Ron, looking him unconscious and sighed in relief. Simba sighed and tapped his Sonic Arrow on his shoulder, Lily smiled and felt something as she turned and saw someone approach the group. The person was a young woman with long light blonde hair, her right eye was almost blood red brown and her left was a light sea blue. She wore a white strapless dress, her sleeves were attached to the top rim of her dress, around her waist was a black belt and her dress stopped just above her knee while long in the back. Under her dress, the woman wore white pants with black strips on one of the legs while she wore black boots. Around her neck was a silver necklace, as she walked, the woman had a air of mysterious aura around her. Gently picking up the Blood Orange Lockseed from Fang, the woman looked at Harry who looked at her, she said, "Had he not arrived sooner, would you taken up arms against your companion?" She looked to Masaru, asking, "Will you doubt your abilities if your allies call to you for help?" As she walked up to Ron, the strange woman looked at Hiccup, saying, "You have the flame of the dragon in your heart, you must keep it burning for this sake." She continued to walk toward Ron and knelt down to him, gently taking his hand. She touched his hand, placing the Blood Orange in his hand and removed her hand, revealing he had another Lockseed, the Padlock was orange with a image of orange and its code as LS-07. The woman looked at Lily and she ran over to them, taking her hand and Remus' hand, touching the teleportation button, Ron's color now changed to light orange. She stood up and looked at the others as they teleported away with Mew then she disappeared. Sakura, Seki, and Hinako watched as Seki said, "So, they're the next generation." "Let us keep a eye on them to see how they grow with their powers." Sakura said, watching Fetch use her Conduit power of neon to fly off. -Cardcaptors- Watching Harold, Sakura was in awe at his magical power. "Wow, that's amazing. I have never seen magic like that, it's incredible." "Yeah, we should meet him again sometime." Kero said, "Lets head home." "Right, Kero." Sakura said, riding on the Clow Staff, still sitting with Syaoran. -Command Center- "So, un, what just happened?" Dante asked. James thought and said, "That kid must have been a powerful wizard and freed Ron." Mew came in and looked at everyone, Ron woke up and gasped, stepping back. Harry detrasnformed and said, "Ron, calm down. You're free from whoever controlled you." Ron looked surprised and looked at his hand, seeing the two Lockseeds. "Do you expect me to use these? I doubt it will be able to make up for what I did, I don't even know if I want to transform again." "You don't have to use that one, you do have another one." Nala said, Ron looked at the orange Padlock and kept quiet. -Moon Palace- After seeing Harold free Ron from the spell, Rita almost went insane, deciding to target Harold as well as the Gaim Riders since she lost a warrior she thought was prefect to defeat them. Zedd kept quiet, examining Harold's magic. -Den-Liner- "What the heck?! That was completely anticlimactic! The fight didn't even reach its climax!" Momtaros shouted, after seeing how Ron was freed from his mind control. Ryotaro tried to calm the red Imagin, saying, "Well, at least it ended without too many injuries or anyone getting really hurt." Momotaros groaned and looked away. Urataros said, "I would have preferred to reel in those lovely females though." Kintaros just slept, snoring as usual. Ryuutaros said, "I'm just happy that little Mew didn't get hurt." Sieg returned to his own private car. -Magical Trunk- "Huh? Who is there?" Elsa asked, looking around after hearing a voice call to her. "All these years alone must be getting to me. Now I'm hearing voices." She rubbed her head. -Hospital- "I never talked with him much, but I have seen some of his magic myself." Philip said, holding his book on his lap. "I'd imagine he would have a trick or two to find the queen." Hermione smiled, nodding. -Tsukino Home- Serena came in, walking with Kengo who was carrying Chibi Chibi on his back. "Excuse me, Mrs. Tsukino. Anyone home?" "Sorry I'm late, I was busy with my friends!" Serena said, "Mind if I have a snack?" "Snack, snack." Chibi Chibi said, Kengo sighed, getting used to her repeating. -Hino Shrine- Rei returned home and found the note from her grandpa. She sighed and changed into her priestess outfit and went into the innermost room, praying and sensing something strange.
Name: Ginny Weasley Description: The Wealsey's youngest and only daughter, which causes Ron to be overprotective and almost baby his little sister due to their close ages. Once harboring feelings for Harry, Ginny has moved on, accepting that Harry doesn't share her feelings, but accepts her as a friend, and continues her life as it is. She is a close friend of Hermione and loves mysteries. Series the Character is from: Harry Potter Occupation: Student Other: Spoiler: Ginny Name: Regulus Black Description: Sirius' younger brother who disappeared after Sirius ran away from his home at sixteen. While Sirius does miss his brother, he isn't sure if his brother is still alive or not, seeing James, Lily, Remus, and Harry as his new family. Series the Character is from: Harry Potter Occupation: ???????? Other: Regulus has no psychical appearance at the moment, but will appear in the story.
You got two pegsi, a unicorn, and two earth ponies, they probably thought of something.
This new episode was alright. Was almost expected a singing montage about decorating the castle. But I can understand Twilight avoiding her own...
-Tokyo Street: vs. Bujin Gaim- Harry just froze at the fact that he was fighting his friend, pulling the hammer on his Budou Ryudou again, Sirius fired at Ron, despite knowing who it is. Remus tossed his Melon Defender again. Of course, Ron deflected both attacks and was about to head for Harry when a pink bubble appeared and a certain pink Pokemon appeared. Harry gasped when it appeared, snapping out of his daze. "Mew?" He asked, looking at the Pokemon. Mew happily nodded, Ron stopped for a moment and seemed to return back to his normal self. But after a brief moment, he gripped the combined form of his Daidamaru and Musou Saber, slashing at Remus who defended with the Melon Defender and slashed back. Mew watched the fight, tilting its head and curious about what was going on. Sakura gently touched Harry's shoulder, she told him, "Don't let your emotions fog your reason to fight." "Right." Harry said, gripping his Donkachi. Running to Ron, Harry swung his Donkachi. But Ron used his Daidamaru to block it and pushed him back. "Ron, please! Don't do this! I know this isn't you!" Harry said, trying to plead to his friend. Ron pointed his weapon at him, "You aren't my friend, you lied to me and Hermione all these years!" "What?" Harry said. "I never lied to you or Hermione!" "Enough!" Ron shouted, taking his Lockseed and putting it on his weapon, locking it in place. "Lock On! 1, 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000: Blood Orange Charge!" The blade charged up with energy and Ron sent a wave of energy to him. -Command Center- "Man, Rita and Zedd are awful to tear apart the friendship of my son and his best friend." James said, a fire in his eyes. "That's it, I'm gonna try and stop Harry free Ron from their control." Dante and Nala sweatdropped, Dante crossed his arms and said, "One problem, how are you going to do it?" "It doesn't seem like there's a object he has that is controlling him." Nala said. James sighed and gasped when he watched Ron perform his powered attack. -Den-Liner, Somewhere in Time- Sitting on the Den-Liner, which had gotten upgraded to include a TV to watch the other Riders, Rangers, or the Gokaigers so Ryotaro could see when he could run in to help, he watched scared as Ron performed his final attack to Harry. The five Taros watched but weren't sure if they would be able to make it in time to save Harry. -Flamel & Cardcaptors- "Well, kiddo, what should we do?" Kero said, thinking for a moment, Sakura took out the Sealing Key, changing it into its wand form. She brought the Fly Card out and chanted the spell, having wings sprout from the beak on the end and she hopped on the wand, getting Syaoran on it as well while Kero changed into a winged lion, letting Harold get on his back before following Sakura. -Hospital- Philip nodded, he said, "The only person I know at the school who is really very magical is Yen Sid, the professor of Classical Music." Hermione looked surprised, she knew that he had the magic broomsticks, but she didn't know that he was that magical.
While it is sad to see one of our members leave, I have taken some time to think about who of his characters to pick. And I will take Regulus Black, and reserving young Ginny Weasley. Their sheets will come later.
Maybe, but he was more concerned with other things.
It'll probably get explored throughout the season.
Probably at the end of the season. But I'm actually they brought into question why the castle appeared.
Yeah. That was a unique start of the new season.
Yeah, I know. Starlight has a very dark mind.
True enough.
Yeah. I was surprised that Pinkie was actually wary of smiles, since she smiles most of the time herself.