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  1. Sebax


    Hello, Sora Sky-Kun. I am Sebax, your Personal Welcoming Companion. I was alerted when you posted a thread. I am here to say "Welcome back to the Forum", and assess your health. Scanning complete. You seem to have been gone for some time, but is a nice community; I'm sure you'll find your way around in no time.

    Have a Lollipop.
    Post by: Sebax, Mar 1, 2015 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Sebax
    Oh, no, please, believe me, I have great respect for Castelleneta's work as Genie. He has the high energy Meskimen, in a sense, lacks. He's just always been a different Genie than the movie's. Like, I know they're the same character, but they don't have the same liveliness.

    But yes, you got the point. People give modern Disney Shows a bad break, but I truly applaud "Liv & Maddie" for the work Dove Cameron puts into shaping two entirely different characters. She plays a pair of twins on a "The Parent Trap" Lindsay Lohan level where you might be shocked to find out it's one person. Essentially, she's doing an impression of herself. Seth McFarlane has done this on some of his shows (Characters he voices impersonating other characters he voices, in their own voices), as well as Mel Blanc. That's pretty tricky as well. It's all about establishing a character.

    Well, I mean, I heard it in a few lines he said. He does a better Spock, but the video seems to have gone missing. I doubt someone as young as Piotr Michael will be replacing Leonard Nimoy in any sense, I just meant to say "Hey, look, this is how it's done, even if not entirely all the way". His Nimoy, is, though, obviously not his best, which was why I opted to show the whole video from the start. This is not a "Defend Piotr" thread though, and I don't think he was being attacked anyway. Where am I going with this? Perhaps into the next paragraph.

    I remember the hubub that surrounded a Legend like Nimoy suddenly coming out of Left Field to do a Video Game character. I think I heard his name dropped before I heard the the voice in the trailer, but I can certainly see how Corey Burton would be a suitable replacement. Just so long as he doesn't give Xehanort either of Yen Sid or DiZ's meter. Xehanort's voice is Toxic, Proud, and Soft-But-Powerful. Burton has the weight, but I fear he might go too low. There's also the trick of possibly faking a voice heavily affected with lung damage, as was Nimoy's voice influenced. It adds a whole other layer that requires a master deception: Consistency.
    Post by: Sebax, Mar 1, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Sebax
  4. Sebax

    Phew! I got it done! Fate conspired against me, taking away my laptop charger for two days, but I managed to order a new one off of Amazon just in time!

    The song is "Far, Far" by Yael Naim, a personal favorite song and singer, respectively.
    Post by: Sebax, Mar 1, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  5. Sebax
    I could talk this to death too.

    Robin Williams: A dynamic voice. He made it so that, in order to do Genie, you might need an army of Voice Actors to do one character. There are subtle things about the character as a whole that are hard to imitate. He does Celebrity Impressions and other voices, but they are Robin William's voices. All of the voices sound, even barely, like him. So, in short, you have to imitate all of his range in order to do Genie. Oh wait, NO! We're not through yet. Robin cost the Writing Team for "Aladdin" an Oscar Nomination. He ad-libbed such much of Genie's lines, that the script didn't qualify for an Adapted Screenplay nod. So, you have two things: Robin's manic super fast, sharp as a tack mind at its peak, and his cavalcade of characters.

    The second of which, Jim and Dan do in different ways:

    Dan has a leg up. Having provided the voice for Genie in the Direct-to-VHS "Return of Jafar" as well as for the TV show, he has a bass voice similar to Robin's. But, it always sounded off to me. Dan's and Robin's Genie were always two separate characters to me. Dan would do impressions and voices, but they were 1.) Written by writers trying to emulate Robin Williams. 2.) They were Dan's voices.

    Jim has, for the most part, had two Genie credits. 1.) Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom, an interactive game playable at the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World and 2.) Re: Coded. I stand by my claim that he has Robin Williams's plain speaking voice down to a patent, (Great big) but, that's it. He's a talented Impressionist who can do dozens of other celebrities better than he does Robin. So, why has his Genie not done the Genie thing and done other voices? Perhaps it's the popular realization that a being in the past, though magical, is imitating people who have yet to be born in Aladdin's timeline, giving rise to theories that "Aladdin" takes place in an Apoptlyptic world where blah dee blah, blah blah dee blah, and blah blah blah blah BLAH blahblah! Can you imagine that? Wa. Genie would come full circle if he could go full range, but can Jim do Robin's other voices? Truth be told, he hasn't even shown the full range of Robin William's speaking voice; just the tone he'd typically use for Stand-Up Comedy. He sounds like one Robin. Not enough. And believe me, I'm actually a big fan of Meskimen.

    This is all an example of: You need all the ingredients to make an omelette; not just crack an egg.
    Post by: Sebax, Feb 28, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Sebax
    This has not been a good year for the character of Master Xehanort. Sure, he has most of the 13 pieces of Darkness already set up, but, come on, he's gonna be thwarted. And then, he dies in two languages. Chikao Ōtsuka and Leonard Nimoy, Japanese and English Voice Actors for Xehanort, respectively, have passed on. The first at 86, and the second at 83, they both, truly, lived long and prospered, to use the phrase Mr. Nimoy lit in many hearts. Still, their passings have cast some doubts...on casting. Particularly, so far, I've seen, with the English gamers.

    Below, are a collection of posts on the subject from the thread covering Leonard Nimoy's death. Since this is a discussion in its own right, I believe it warrants some talking about. As, the other thread should be there to talk about Nimoy's death, not the work he left unfinished. It was relevant to bring it up, and mention, and reply to, but it felt more appropriate to open up something new to talk about this at length.

    Yay! Somebody talking about James Arnold Taylor! Ahem...

    Sebastian was not voiced by Samuel E. Wright in Kingdom Hearts I. He was voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson. Samuel E. Wright is not deceased.

    The Genie has never been voiced by Robin Williams in the Kingdom Hearts Series. Both were recorded by Dan Castellaneta and Jim Meskimen. One while Robin Williams was living. In fact, Jim Meskimen became the official voice for Genie circa 2009.

    Impressions are a time-honored tradition. The layers in Leonary Nimoy's voice are imitable.

    7:57 bears the most relevance here. Someone can do this. Maybe not Piotr Michael (That would be awesome though!), but it's proof sound waves don't die.

    The thing I'm going to put out as an impressionist is: The characters are not the people. It's not just sheer sound. It's a portrayal. If somebody can nail the right sound for Leonard Nimoy, then, hopefully, they can cover the character of Master Xehanort as well. Spoiler Alert: Leonard Nimoy did not perpetually talk in such a voice riddled with hubris and molten angst that you'd be sure he's going to try and take over the world.

    I was not a fan of Kevin Michael Richardson's take on Sebastian, truth be told, because, despite getting the sound, the character was slightly different. Jim Meskimen has Robin William's meter of speech down to a patent, so Genie comes off sounding more like, well, "Aladdin" Genie, and not TV "Aladdin" Genie; granted, Dan Castellaneta deserves his due for his years of service as a magical service provider in his own right.

    Have an idea for who might be able to provide a good sound-alike? <This question is professional. Kudos if you got the spec for a totally spot on Spock, but, if you don't already have a presence in VO, please don't use this thread for a springboard to stardom. C'mon, are you out of your Vulcan mind?

    What are your thoughts?

    Thread by: Sebax, Feb 28, 2015, 14 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Sebax
    Yeahhhhhh, High Profile Obits tend to be written ahead of time. So that they aren't rushed, and they can be edited.

    Still, such beautiful prose. It probably would have been very comforting had it needed to have been used.
    Post by: Sebax, Feb 27, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Sebax
    You just reminded me that, someday, Patrick Stewart has to die, and "statistically" I will likely experience the happening (At least, I hope so; he's 74 and I'm 20, and given how much of a good guy he seems to be, he'd probably hope he goes before somebody 20 does). Why though? On this day of already so much loss, why must you remind me Patrick will go away? Who'll go first? Patrick or Ian McKellan? I don't want the answer.

    Who're are you going to remind us is old next? Betty Whi- Oh God... Oh God no! AHHHHHHHHHHHH! James Earl Jo- Whimper. Bill Murr...Bill Murrrr....Whyyyyyyyyyyyy? (These are rhetorical questions meant with humor. Please, don't feel attacked, 61)

    For the record, I'm not exclusively a Celebrity Worshipper. I'm just an actor, with a pretty good grasp on how many have influenced the craft throughout its history.
    Post by: Sebax, Feb 27, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Sebax
    I'm going to formally apologize for opening the flood gates on this one. Even if an apology is non-requisite. I'd love to take responsibility for opening this option up and giving it newground. I'm glad it's being worked on.

    While I agree it is sem-superfluous to put "Cisgender" in front of Male and Female, some people should honestly give it a try. I'm going to put Male, rather than Cis Male, because I feel I do not yet need to make a statement with my gender. If problems were to incite between divided users, Hell yes I'm going to put Cis Male. I don't consider other identities as Others. I do believe, in that same vein of understanding, that Cis Male and Male are the same thing; the same way Transmale and Male are the same.


    Somewhere in History, somebody said "Let's learn a valuable lesson from these cultures our ancestors socially disadvantaged so their lessons expand; let the world be as one", and then another said, "Hey, man, check out this cool, feathery hat! Woo! Wawawawa! How."

    On the bisexual thing: Well, I mean, Alan Cumming, the Scottish-borne actor probably most famous for his role in The "Spy Kids" series, is Bisexual, but when he married a man, he stated "I guess the Pendulum has swung!". Humorous. He's a Humorist, as well as a great Dramatist. But, it's also exclusive to himself, and anyone who looks at it the same way. I believe you'd continue to be Bisexual, because you have that sense of attraction, but, if in a non-open relationship with a man, that's really more Sexual Orientation than Gender Indentification.

    Language. Exactly. Biology and Language are on the side of the Identification Revolution. That's why is well-reasoned for anyone, of any Creed or Belief, to come to grips with the change. Because it is observational, and it really is a happening circumstance.

    At the end of the day, none of it really matters. The same way your ancestors' geological approximation from the equator matters. Except, currently, people are the targets of violent bigotry; because of Race, Sexual Orientation, Religious Beliefs, and Gender Identification. One day, that won't be a problem. A Cis individual putting "Male" isn't going to be entitlement, it's just going to be making a less scientific statement. It's not going to be a nightmare if that totally cute, sweet, caring girl you met at the bar grew up with the name "Fred" until the age of 16 and she didn't tell you this until after copulation. Girls playing with matchbox cars and boys playing with Little Ponies (Just, please, don't put them in jars full of mysterious...'s happened...) And the world will continue to turn.
    Post by: Sebax, Feb 27, 2015 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  10. Sebax
    I also heard he'd been rushed to the hospital with chest pains. It's especially sad, because he was still so active in the Entertainment community.


    *LLAP= Live Long, and Prosper

    Given the tie with COPD, I feel this link above is appropriate.

    My thoughts go out to the Nimoy family, and his fans and followers.

    Hey, I feel you. I felt the same about Robin Williams. And I can certainly relate with this particular fallen star. Some people truly deserve the title "Celebrity", because they deserve celebration. Nimoy was no exception.
    Post by: Sebax, Feb 27, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Sebax
    For the record, I am not getting this issue. This may be a problem with your own connection. Just my two cents.


    This problem may be only with Hanzo's system or, possibly but unconfirmed, other users, but not all.
    Post by: Sebax, Feb 26, 2015 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  12. Sebax


    "Oh hey. Winter, righ-" Saino started to greet, but was interrupted by the dog.

    Lady bobbed her head, her fluffy ears bouncing, to see the two.

    "Oh, well, hello there!" she spoke from a mechanical collar, much like Dug's. She hadn't noticed Saino had already spoken.

    His head turned to see Lady standing there all merrily, Saino remembered why he had come to them in the first place. He went straight to work.

    Winter, meanwhile, was slightly surprised to hear the dog's voice coming from a mechanical collar. She guessed that meant she couldn't talk on her own. This made the mechanical collar itself very interesting to her. But she put that thought aside for the moment.

    "It's very nice to meet you both," said Winter.

    "Hi there!" Saino began after Winter had greeted the two. "Do you know where...number 4 is? says here it's the Fire House? The map on my wrist says its a bit ways over there, but I was wondering if perhaps you knew...why the map is pointing me to that direction?" he queried to the two dogs, making sure to show them the MagicBand+'s hologram showing on his forearm. There was a map with a red dot for Saino's then location, and an arrow pointing to Northwest to his desired location.

    "It's the brick building right up there," Tramp tilted his head to indicate towards the Fire House. "It's the one right in the corner. Pretty hard to miss it. I'm guessing you're new 'round here."

    "Oh! Are you going to be in the parade?" Lady asked excitedly. "And, please, don't think I forgot about you." Lady nodded her head towards Winter. "Are you going to be in the parade?"

    Winter shook her head. "No, I didn't know anything about it." She paused and thought once more about all that they would be doing around the park in hopes of supporting it. "I might consider it though, it sounds like a kinda fun job." After a brief moment she seemed to become quite distressed for some reason. "Oh, but where are my manners? I haven't even asked your names!"

    "I'm Lady," Lady said, fluttering her eyelashes and wobbling her head daintily.

    "And I'm Tramp. More of a title than a name, but it's stuck with me," Tramp said with pride. "Hey, I'm known by a lota names. In fact, her's is also Pidge. Oh. Piiiiidgeon," he sang.

    Lady giggled at the nickname.

    Looking to where the male dog was pointing to, Saino could make out a brick building not far off from where they were. With a smile, the lop-eared individual looked to them once again. When Lady asked about the parade, the smile faded away slightly.

    "Parade?" She questioned, looking back to the fire house.

    Hearing Winter's response, he could not help but join in.

    "Yeah same here. I'm just following the MagicBand..." he pointed out, soon feeling rather ill-mannered when Winter pointed out their lack of introduction. "I'm Saino. Nice to meet you, Lady and Tramp."

    "...And I'm Winter," she added her introduction to the end of Saino's and gave a small curtsey.

    " The pleasure is all ours, Saino and Winter," Lady nodded politely. "You see, every few days, the parade goes through Main Street, and guests can dance in it! It's in its test runs, so you can get paid for it."

    "Hang on, kid," Tramp made sure to get something through. He dug his muzzle into a satchel at his side. "This is for you," he said, gripping a tiny metallic object between his teeth. "You'll get one too, Winter. But there's something different about Saino. Can't put my paw on it, but I know there's something there that's unusual in a pretty good way."

    Lady nodded her approval.

    "You, though, get this, Winter." Lady pulled a small book from her own Satchel and offered it and a pen over to her. She removed the cap and dunked her pawpad onto a small ink puddle and allowed Tramp to do the same. When two paw prints were printed on the first page of Winter's book, two signatures appeared beneath the paws. "Lady", in fine Cursive, and Tramp's in a scrawl.

    "Do you already have a book there, Saino?" Tramp asked, his paw still wet.

    "Mhm," Saino uttered in reply, digging his hand into jacket. Taking out the purple autograph book, he knelt down and opened the book, laying it before Lady and Tramp.

    "Saino more, Saino," Tramp said with a coy wink.

    Tramp and Lady planted their pawprints on the page next to Roger, Anita, and Nanny. Like the signing before it, "Lady" and "Tramp" appeared beneath the pawprints like they had with Winter's book. With a smile Saino, took the book and gazed over the two signatures he had acquired.

    "Thank you so much. I appreciate your help." he thanked, closing the book in order to tuck it into his jacket. With the newly acquired pin, he placed it on his lanyard. "So I get paid for having fun, huh? Sounds like a nice deal! Oh, Thanks for the Pin! I appreciate the gift," he said. With a satisfied sigh, the lop-eared guest gave the two a wave before heading off towards the Fire House to sign up for the parade.

    A handsome young man was in front of the Fire House, trying out a few dance moves on the sidewalk. He was tall, wide shouldered, tanned, and bulky, but profoundly fit. He wore a tank top and blue shorts, twirling on one leg in a steady stance. On the rotation, he caught sight of Saino.

    "Hey, are you here about the parade?" He stopped dancing. "Sorry, but I already told Mitch the Parade can't go yet. The dancers aren't ready, and I definitely need a few more for a good test run."

    Saino stopped only a few feet away from the bulky performer, surprised that the man was able to deduce his reason for being there. Perhaps it was because he, along with his group, were the only ones in this park; although it was probably too early to tell.

    "Oh...that's actually why I'm here... I was told I'd be able to get hired here for my participation in the...parade."

    "You are, huh?" The young man raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, summing Saino up. He flashed a smile and extended an arm. "The name's Billy. Billy Marco." He looked Saino up and down a bit more. "Can"

    "Uuuhh..." Noise uttered from Saino's throat, distracted by the scanning eyes. He took a small step back, unable to feel a bit uneasy. Was he being sized up? "...maybe?" he replied with doubt.

    Billy was quite a bit taller than Saino, but his bright smile wasn't particularly fear-installing. He flashed the smile again as he walked to a boom box on the ground by the garage door of the Fire House. "Never Had a Friend Like Me" began to play.

    "Let's see what you've got."

    Things seemed to be turning for the case of odd. This was something Saino was definitely not ready for. The song began to play trumpets at the opening for the song, and there was a jazzy, Broadway kind of feel to it. He had no idea what to do. He knew one thing. Follow the beat. The tempo of the song... Which was usually found in whatever percussion instrument was used. Heels began tap slowly against the floor as the song started with the singer saying, "Well Alib-".

    Saino had no idea what he had said there. Nervous, he just tried to focus on the song. He slowly swayed his body when the bass began to play the notes faster. Eventually, the song escalated with the trumpets playing loud. Not having the slightest bit of clue as to what he was doing, he just went with it. He extended his arms with palms facing the sky as he tried to push at the sky with each trumpet that sounded. If one were to look at him, they would think he was some kind of Hip Hop dancer with the way he was moving; even though he really had NO IDEA what he was doing.

    Billy nodded. "I've seen enough." He clicked the boom box off. "You're pretty good. Potential there. I don't think I caught your name though."

    "Hmm? Oh, the names Saino," he said, attitude returning to normal while pointing to himself with thumb. With a smile, he straightened up. Saino awaited what would happen next while blinking away, innocent-like.

    "Well, Saino, you earned your 15 Disney Dollars." Billy adjusted his own MagicBand+ and accessed the House of Mouse Banking page after pressing a small tab with a Hidden Mickey made of Coins on it. The image changed from the map to the Banking page. He chose "Pay", since he had the option as a Cast Member, and looked for Saino's account. "I see you already have some cash in there. 40 Dollars. Not bad. Well, now you have 55." Billy flashed that million dollar smile. "Come back any time. The parade could really use your moves." Billy knew Saino had no clue what he was doing, but he decided to encourage him, rather than shoot him down. "Take one of these too." Billy handed Saino a small metallic object. One like the one Tramp had given the guest.

    "Really?" he queried with glee. All the moves were just made up on the spot, so for him to hear that was, indeed, encouraging. "Gee, I guess I will! Thanks, Billy!" he said, a big smile on his face, while rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. Thanking Billy for his time and money, Saino waved the dancer good-bye as he walked away from the Fire House. It was only moments after he had gained distance between the house and himself that he realized the amount of money he had. "Hold up, I have 55 dollars?! When did I have 40!?" he questioned wildly, his eyes looking ahead and away from the Fire House.
    Post by: Sebax, Feb 26, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sebax

    I'll try my darned hardest. I've been feeling a bit grizzly myself. (That is both a pun and a fact)

    I hope you're feeling better soon, Amethyst.
    Post by: Sebax, Feb 26, 2015 in forum: Production Studio
  14. Sebax
    If I recall correctly, they are different, in a sense. Androgynous usually means "I possess both Female and Male characteristics in both appearance and/or personality", while Non-binary usually goes by "I'm not really a part of any of this". It's also different from just not adhering to established "Gender Roles". I'm Straight and Cis Male, but I can relate to many Female characters just as well as Male characters, for instance.

    You?! The most conservative Conservative person ever? Like, the most racist, bigoted, insulting- Oh wait, I'm thinking of my aunt.

    I figured you'd be on board. The only thing that made me weary was the fact that, yeah, as I mentioned, it might be locked by Xenforo.

    Yeah, othering is kinda the problem with Unspecified. Here's hoping for Libregkd.

    A new section would be a great way around it! Sure, it's a little hidden, but at least it would be there. Unfortunately, I might be prone to goofing around there, like I mentioned might happen in the Cons. A little goofing. I can't resist requesting people refer to me as "Your Royal Highness" along with "He/Him/Male Pronouns"!

    Thank you, Misty. I did figure ahead of time you'd be on board, but it's nice to know some progress is intended.
    Post by: Sebax, Feb 25, 2015 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  15. Sebax
    Male or Female. Or Unspecified. Went completely under my radar until today, when a new user specified preferred pronouns. Non-binary gender options are a pretty wide-spread thing online now, no matter what anyone may think of the ideas and identities behind them. Dating sites have them, and so does Facebook.

    There's a lot of Gender Identities. We don't have to have them all, if installed. I'd go for:


    For a start. There's more, but as KHV is just Social Media, some aren't quite as necessary statements. Like, the various Kins. Or maybe you could just limit it to Kin. What I mean though is: This is about Gender, and not Sexual Orientation.

    Inclusion!Some may disagree based on their personal beliefs
    SolidarityPossible hazing and discrimination
    Encourages acceptance in the communitySome Users may not take it seriously. eg: Posing as identities they are not in order to misrepresent those who do identify that way
    If this is limited to what Xenforo boards offer as options, then it's fine. I just thought it would be nice for all members to be as open as they wish to be about their gender. Cis Males and Cis Females get to, after all. Everyone else kinda has to go with Unspecified. EDIT: Facebook has a neat: "Custom" feature. This has the Pro of including any and all Gender Identities, with the downfall of allowing someone to put something either random or inflammatory in place of it. Like how my location is not "Symphony of Sorcery", but I'm not mocking people who live there by putting that there.
    Thread by: Sebax, Feb 25, 2015, 20 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  16. Sebax
    I just realized that I will never know what it's like to play the games in Chronological order. But there is a whole new generation of gamers who can. Pardon me while I go into another room to have an existential dilemna.

    Good luck with your adventure, Flinch Cat.
    Post by: Sebax, Feb 25, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  17. Sebax
    All of them. And that is far from a Hyperbole. Luckily, the developers condensed them. Still, there's something to the original content in the original ports, if you have the systems and the cash.

    I had a list here, but Groot beat me to it. Grrrr.
    Post by: Sebax, Feb 25, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  18. Sebax
    I guess they'd better not duck this up, huh?

    Truth be told, though, try not to go for the "Ruined Childhood" approach. It's ruining the entertainment industry.

    "They want us to try new things with the old things, and want us to do new things with new things... they also want to keep the old things exactly as they are. So what do we do?" the studio head said.

    "Oh, simple, we just leave those things be, and-" the adviser said


    "Okay, well, we can do that, but if we just showed the old things over and over again, things will get stale. Let's try something new with it."

    *One Production later*


    K̻̙͎̦͚̣̐͑̏͊ͣ̑̓͗͢ͅÏ̴̺͇͎͙̈́͋͑͛ͅL͑͋̿͗ͤ͌̀҉̭̱͉L͙̱̊͗͐ͯ̓̓ ̵̨̫͓̤ͮ̏̍͊͌͆̿Ṫ͙̬̻̼̟̰͎̬̿͞H̡̲̝̭͐̔̑͞ͅÊ͕̺̙̦͐ͥͮ̆̔̉̿͛M̶̱̬̭͕̺̘̜̠̓͂ͦ̌̈́̚ͅ,̢̗͉̯̼̮̰̬̩̮͐͒̇ ̴̡͍̰̼͈̫̼̖̅̃̓ͫ͊ͩK̭͂ͮI̩͇ͭ̏ͤ͊̌͝͞L͇̂̓̈́́L̛̝̜͇͓̈́ ͐̐͏͙̗̳͖̦T̢̗͓͖̖̠̙̲̹̻ͧ̃̊͗̑̂ͨ̾͠͡H̴̖̰͇̩̒ͬ͋͆̏͒͆̇͜ͅE̺̼͛͗ͣ̿̈͠͝Mͩͦͮ͂͑́҉̷̼̻̬̠̮̤͍͠ ̸̢̨̩̣̩̙ͧ́̔ͩͭ͋ͤ͋̑Å̳͍̺̜͎̂ͨ͊̍ͧ͐̽͢͝L̥͓͇̏ͪͪ̽̚͢͜L̟̳̥͑̿͟L͍̦ͥ̏L̰ͨ̆ͨ̅̿͗́L̮̹̠̹͋͂̔͑̓͌̇̀L̞̥͆ͮ͛͐̅ͨ̃̀̐̕!̷̖͕͎̃ͪͫ̓̊͗̑ͣ͛͘ͅ"

    "Riiiiiiight. So, who's afraid to try anything at all?"

    The entirety of the Entertainment Industry raised their hands collectively.


    "Why is everybody so upset?" said the 6-18 and Child-At-Heart Demographics.

    Some ideas are good. Some are pretty cringe-worthy. An Indiana Jones reboot sounds scary enough, but with Chris Pratt, that sounds like an educated move to me. Rebooting Duck Tales sounds awesome. They can use new things, but it seems the aim is to create something for everyone.

    "You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
    ~Walt Elias Disney

    Simply put: Expecting something to disappoint you is going to likely wind up disappointing you. This isn't at you, Iksander. Just a general notion.

    For more information on how goofy "They ruined my childhood" can sound, I suggest this video! Some Brief Language and Suggestive Themes.
    Post by: Sebax, Feb 25, 2015 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  19. Sebax
    Impossible. His name is Alan Young. Hello. He is obviously going to live forever. Just like Wayne Allwine, who still voices Mickey Mouse to this day. ... sniffle

    Okay, so neither are immortal, but at least Jim Cummings is... right... RIGHT?!

    This is wonderful news. I sort of hope they go with more of a traditional animation style, or a 3D one that keeps some sense of the characters. The 7D... Iunno, I like the style, I get that it's a different approach, but I just don't feel that would be appropriate for this show. After all, it's based off a very specific artistic sense that pre-dated the TV show. It can be built upon, rather than re-invented.

    Ducktales! Woo-Ooo!

    So, a return of Launchpad? Perhaps we'll get a cameo that screens in the night...

    Post by: Sebax, Feb 25, 2015 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  20. Sebax
    HELP! AHAHAAHAAA I'M CRACKI- I'M CRACKING UP. Flinch Cat is a very funny person. Sound wit. Definitely the most exciting opener I've ever read. Oscar, Grammy, Emmy, Pulitzer, Nobel, and Tony worthy. Bravo, Bravo, Bellisima!


    Down to brass tacks.

    As you are at least interested in Creative Writing, the Writer's Nook would love to have you, I'm sure. The Technology forum could always use more traffic as well. It's a wide, varied site we call home. Kick your feet up, and you'll find your niche.

    And- Oh. It would appear you are not L337-worthy.

    "Casual". With Kingdom Hearts? Puh. We accept only those who have played each game for the equivalent of one Earth year individually. All of the games. Including the Mobile ones. Even the ones only Japan gets. They must also have attended at least one bajillion Comicon conventions dressed either as Axel or Roxas, or the lovechild of AkuRoku. But... since you intend to play Birth By Sleep, we'll let you slide. Also, I have no jurisdiction. And I'm kidding.

    I believe we're entering an age where proper pronouns are becoming very important. Not a strange request at all. Not everyone here is of the same political mindset, but most tend to be ludicrously accepting of anything anyone else has to say. When I see you on the boards, I'll try to keep in mind that I am he as you are they as you are me. And we are all together. I am the egg man. They are the egg men. I am the Walrus. Goo goo goo joob.

    Please, enjoy your stay.

    You know, Hanzo, Beneficial, wait... Benedict Cumberbatch, got in some trouble for using such a remark to refer to people like that. I expect better out of you, even though I barely know you.

    But yes, those with Purple, Red, and Blue names are staff. Green names are staff, but they are Reporters, and you'd be better off going directly to, in most cases:

    Blue: A site Admin. They rule over all of KHV creation with a tyrannical, iron fist. with love, understanding, and fair play.

    Purple: A Global Moderator. They run particular sets of forums.

    Red: Mods. They run Sub-sections.

    But as all staff tend to be well-spoken, well-connected, cooperative, and good peoples, going to anyone is likely going to yield desirable results. Depending upon the request.

    I can only deactivate when you say that you are satisfied with your care.
    Post by: Sebax, Feb 25, 2015 in forum: Introductions & Departures