Crybex followed Caleb and whoever else was with him. Well, there was just one problem, Crybex was staring at the sky, enjoying the light filled world. There was always this darkness around, but he still enjoyed the warmth of the sun and the light it produced. He then caught wind of what was going on between Caleb and the slave. Well, frankly he agreed with the boy of balance. "Now, boy, I don't think you should be concerned about that slave. Darkness could fill their heart and thus are worthless in this world. Just look at all the people behind us, panicking from the corridors of darkness you idiots all opened. This is why I only travel through doors of light, less noise." He turned around and sighed as he looked at them. "So much darkness within their hearts. They cannot live within this world. They are a poison. Only light may live on. I shall end you from your destruction and murder of the world beneath your feet. Hail the light!" Crybex began to hover off the ground with his magnetism. He held his hand towards the crowd of panicking people. Within an instant, a beam of light came out of his hand, vaporizing nearly 97% of the population. Only a few remained. He turned around and grinned. "Ah, much more peaceful now. This world is one step closer to purification."
Name: Eon Age: 21 Appearance: The New Eon Faction: The Union Race: Human Pact Partner: The Nemean Lion, Leon Pact Price: Cannot Kill Weapon: Claws Biography: Eon was born into a city that was plagued by fear. A beast had taken the women of the city and soon after, their lover would disappear as well. This creature also took Eon's parents from him a few years after his birth. Once he was old enough, he decided to challenge the beast. However, no matter his efforts, the fur of the lion was impenetrable and he could not wound it. Over time, Eon continued to try and find new methods to slay the beast. Each one failed him in the end. Then, he heard of the Union and its struggle against the empire. Now he had a different goal in mind. Revenge was the last thin on his mind. He had to accept that they were gone and although it was cruel, it was nature. Eon was now going to the lion with words instead assault. This caused the lion to become puzzled after a few times of trying to communicate with him. Eventually the beast questioned Eon and tried to figure out why his entire attitude had changed. Eon explained what was going on and how he had come to accept the way of things. He even requested that a pact be forged. Much to the lions surprise, he had never come across a human who had accepted their loss instead of continuing on revenge. The lion accepted, granting Eon the fur of impenetrability as his skin as well as his claws that were sharper than any normal sword. The lion then told Eon that this power he was granted would come with the price of never being able to kill ever again. No matter the creature of the reason, he could only cause harm. The question though was, if he were to hurt someone and they could not die, would it truly be humane? Theme: Roar of a Lion
Name: Olivia Essence Age: 19 Appearance: Olivia Faction: The Union Race: Human fox Pact Partner: The Nine-Tailed Fox Pact Price: Her body and mind Weapon: Throwing Knives Biography: Olivia grew up in a small town filled with many wonders. She always explored the outskirts of the town, wanting to know more about what the world had to offer. Once the armies of Olympus began their assault on the goddess, Olivia fled her home, fearing if she did not assist in some way, then her home too would suffer from a tragic fate. Along her journey to find the Union, the organisation dedicated to aid the goddess, she came across a white mist, this mist contained something she had never come across throughout her 16 years of exploration. Within the mist was a creature of pure white fur and gorgeous eyes. It looked down with a peaceful approach, its nine tails waving around. The fox offered the girl a power, a power beyond that of normal pacts. Olivia took the aid of the fox, knowing that it would grant great help for the times coming. There was always a price for this. The fox was the last of its species. It chose Olivia to become a host, transforming the girls body and sharing a conscience with the fox. Theme: Theme
Precious merely chuckled at the idea of a little Hamster talking so loud and proud. His nature was so dominant. If only he were human, he'd like to see how dominant the little rodent could be. Watching Vex leap behind the corner and launch the hamster towards him as well as a bolt of lightning, which mind you was highly reduced in damage towards him, landing between his legs, where he pressed against the hamster before it could go to any unnecessary areas.. "Well isn't this a shock. You have blessed me with your little ball of hair. I'm homered you big brute. I'd love to return the favor. He picked up the hamster by its whiskers and gave an evil smile. "I'd love to play with you and see what makes you tick. Its a shame though. I have a real man to deal with. My he is stimulating!" He tossed the Hamster back to the front of the door. "Say, handsome, have you ever felt like the world just slowed down all around you? I'd grant you that pleasure, but you are a rare fellow. I've never encountered such a man that could counter my magic so well. I think I'm in love. How about we forever this fight and you come home with me." He flicked his whip then blew a kiss towards Vex.
Name: Lancelot Grayfox Gender: Male Age (Min of 14): 26 Description: Lancelot Personality: A man who hides his background and face. He only speaks when it is absolutely necessary. Weapons: Blades Armor: Look at the image... AS: Quick Blitz, Cure, Blitz Strengths: His "iron" will Weaknesses/Fears: Weakness is his stubbornness and fears death or losing his abilities. Also poor social skills. History: He was left alone within an ancient cave made of iron at an early age. He had to learn how to live off of the limited resources he could. Over time he learned a power, thought to be ancient and forbidden. He acquired a slayer magic that he can only assume is Iron God Slayer magic. He chooses never to reveal this power unless the situation deems it. After learning his abilities, he set off in the world. He heard of many wizards and heard a few tales of other God Slayers. He sought out to find them, with little luck so far. Other: Character Build Chosen: Strength Character Build Weakness: Speed
But you see, there lies the root of it all. A child knows nothing of right or wrong until an adult puts their own ideals onto them. a child that...
I have no reason to complain. Simply accept that it has changed.
Do you recall C and P? Both are a single character as well as members.
Justice is only something that one precises it to be. When one person see's wrong, another see's right. Who is to justify who is actually wrong?...
Great? Is that some sort of way to acknowledge me? I am neither great nor horrid. I am simply a being who seeks that which is wrong. Its is only...
The group managed to throw Laxus down to a struggle. Furious, Laxus began to yell as the lightning around him grew larger and more out of control. "You are lucky to see this. Not many people get the chance to see my Dragon Slayer magic." He explained. He shot a bolt at the group but Mystogan blocked it, his mask being thrown off in the process. His face revealed a man with blue hair and a tattoo on his his right eye. The large lightning user shot at them again. Another figure appeared in front of the group, canceling it with fire. He had pink hair and a mysterious white scarf. "Erza, take them outside and tell them what is going on. I'll handle Laxus. I'm gettin' fired up." Erza stood in shock as she looked upon Mystogan who was now fixing his mask. "I'm not the person you think I am. I may share his face but we are not the same." He quickly vanished away from them all as the group went to follow Erza. MISSION COMPLETE! Unlocked Summon: Mystogan Outside, the group came to see balls of lightning all surrounding the city. Erza began to explain, "That is Laxus's Thunder Palace. When we attack it, it strikes back with equal power. However, once time runs out, the entire city will be destroyed unless the Master gives up his title. We need to destroy them. Please help us!" Mission Start! Destroy the Thunder Palace in 5 Turns!
Oh a love bird had come to tackle down Precious. As flattered as the commandant was, he turned away and sliced the man with his whip. "Now darling, you have to be sure its mutual first." He turned away and noticed an incoming fist coming towards his face. Oh what a Brute he was trying to sucker punch him like that. Thankfully, that magic had already been well in affect. It was an added bonus that his own physical abilities were top notch. How else could he make such a gorgeous commandant anyway if naught for that? Precious grabbed onto Vex's punch with his hand. Now something new was happening, something he quite liked. "Well, you've managed to hurt my hand a little. Not many can do much to my pretty self after being seduced by my magic. I must say I quite love the tingling sensation though. Give me more big boy!" He spun away and gave out a lash towards Vex. His whip was enchanted with poison. Any form of touch would at least give the person who touched it, even a block, the faint hint of venom. Ah, what a beautiful way to die, the blood glowing from the venom of another mans strike. The suffering, the anguish. He wanted Vex to feel it all. He wanted to feel it all himself! He was simply giddy and gay from the entire feeling! Eldridge and Zita walked along the path towards the castle. However, within the journey, a fight began to set off in a nearby bar. Sure things were a little rough in this city but there was no need for a fight. Coming closer, Eldridge could feel the negating effect of magic coming towards him. He looked up to Zita and then put her down. "Now listen, Zita, there are strong people causing trouble. I'm going to need to stop them. Be a good girl and stand watch for me." He stood up and put a magic barrier around the girl. This was to temporarily make it so her magic wouldn't go loose. It would only last for a short duration however. "Okay, Eldwidge. Be safe!"
Dawn gave a confused look as the Pegasus began to talk. Okay, so she could handle the whole princess and strange story going on between the man and princess... but there was nowhere in Fiore that she knew where animals could talk. She heard rumor that there were some cat like creatures that have been able to talk, but they were some strange species and there was only a rare number. Okay, so what really was on her min was that a Pegasus could talk, a horse with wings. It could talk while she couldn't? She wasn't too fond of this mission thus far. So given that the Pegasus could talk, she doubt it could read. Dawn didn't really want to write anything if she couldn't understand, so she would have to show Thomas or Lucia the thoughts that were going through her mind. If it weren't for all the strange events, she might have thought the animals to be really cute, but things were too sporadic. She tried to write down on her notepad, but the flapping wings and high altitude forced her to hang on. She couldn't ask anything. She could write anything. Dawn was completely helpless right now.
Acele has been shipped. Galia's turn
Astedi You know that feeling you get when you feel like you just woke up and then a few minutes later, you wen back to bed, it felt like 5 minutes but in reality it was an entire 15 hours? Yeah that is pretty much what Dawn felt like. She was a complete zombie as time progressed among the Medusa stone ability, the barbie plot, and the whole pegisi thing, Dawn honestly thought she was being drugged with the whole turn of events. Looks like now they were escaping on some Pegasus. Dawn climbed aboard the pony and waited to leave.
Oh the lovely battle that was about to occur. Precious could use a little extra fun nowadays. "Oh you big brute. You look like you could hold your own. I accept your challenge. Just know that I want to throw you in a prison afterwards." He was excited to find a worthy opponent. Now there was another worm that wanted some attention. "Now now honey, don't play with snakes when you are just a mouse." He cast a physical and magical attack weakness towards him and flicked him away with his whip. He smiled at Vex. "Now, pretty boy, Play with me."