... ~Nights
In lieu of bringing up a thread several pages back, I'll just post this here since it's the same topic ... Korra Finale Spoilers Below: Spoiler Korrasami has been confirmed by the creators. Suck it Makorra fans! Links to blogs here and here: Basically, Makorra ended with Book 1. Korrasami has been building since Book 2 but wasn't initially planned as a romantic ending. Korrasami has been confirmed in the script for Book 4 well over a year ago. The creators ended this intentionally alluding to a romantic relationship beginning between Korra and Asami. There's so much meaning behind the finale, so much effort put in by the creators that I can't describe it. I can only ask you read the blog posts and see for yourself. Spoiler: Shameless Gloating @Plums @Korrasami™ I'm happy to say we were on the right ship and, while a little bit sad, the rest have sunk. ~Nights
Nights felt a sudden surge of excitement as he watched the seemingly desperate @al215 charge closer. The two bullets fired haphazardly by his opponent were easy to dodge but he could still feel the wind, too close for comfort. He swung his blade around to take an assassin's stance, his gun pointing down the line Al was taking. He was grinning but there was a feeling in the back of his mind that something was amiss. Something wasn't right about this. Why would he fire those two shots so erratically? Was he truly that desperate to win the battle that he wouldn't even take the time to aim? No. Nights had fought many a warrior in the past and he could tell that this one wasn't that kind of warrior. He had something up his sleeve. Nights couldn't help but grin at the thought that there is a chance he would lose this fight. At this point he couldn't calculate the odds. He hadn't observed his opponent as long as he would have liked to. There was only one option and that was to finish the war before the battle begins. He lined up his sights, preparing to take his shot. ~Nights
Live long and prosper. May the force be with you. Regenerate like the doctor and become the new you. Unlock your heart and your kingdom will come. Happy New Year! Nights, this is from. Read that last line with Yoda's voice in mind. ~Nights
Hey Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today. *construction for megatorch begins* ~Nights
I have a few friends with bad hygiene who could beg to differ. Let's just say I don't eat at Taco Bell anymore when said friends are around. ~Nights
I'm actually going to stop smoking (in the process) and a gym membership (I just need the membership fee) is also on my list of things to do as well. Those aren't resolutions though, I can't call them that if I want to get them done. One of the two is going to be easier than the other ... not sure which is which yet. >.> ~Nights
The tire works outside made you left in your right gear?! What kind of car do you drive?! ~Nights
I'm sorry, did you say something?! I can't hear you through the ringing in my ears! I probably shouldn't have done that 15 shot salute without earplugs! The alcohol isn't helping! Am I screaming?! Sorry! ~Nights
I like watching people make new years resolutions and then immediately disregarding them two weeks into the year. "I'm gonna eat nothing but healthy food this year!" ... Immediately eats McDonalds. ~Nights
No gun shots? That's how I know it's New Years. Rednecks with shotguns. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go shoot some trees. ~Nights
Wait ... is that my webcam turns on every time I *muffled* hmm, hm hm! Hm hm hm hm hmmmm!!!! ~Nights
KHV is getting RGB up in here. View attachment 41081 I'm more Hex myself but it's whatevs. ~Nights
You definitely don't hear about it every day but young kids shooting people is not unheard of. There have been several cases in the past where children, without proper knowledge of firearms who had access to firearms, have shot someone. It just goes to show that gun owners need to be more careful, especially if you have children running around the house. I can't say I feel particularly bad as I didn't know the woman but it is a tragedy that the family is going to have to live with for the rest of their lives. Hopefully this serves as a lesson to others, keep your firearms secure. ~Nights
'04 was a pretty good year. Things were simpler then. I didn't crave nicotine and alcohol was something for the adults to drink. Happy 2004 everyone!!! ~Nights
No, this is actually a false statement. If you blowtorch water, it will get hot so long as it is in a container such as a pot. I have no idea why someone would want to blowtorch the sea but who am I to criticize random grudges. Don't ever try to thaw frozen water pipes with a blowtorch though or you will most likely, as Amaury put it, go Boom! This is one of the quickest methods to catch your home on fire. ~Nights
Rum or Vodka with a high enough alcohol content should produce a blue flame when it comes into contact with an open source of fire. Heet fuel treatment and rubbing alcohol can also produce the same effect but if you're wanting to consume the product ... probably not your best choice. I don't recommend trying this unless you are a professional or under a professionals supervision as it is dangerous and can lead to serious injury. For those willing to take the risk, 100 proof Vodka and a lighter should do the trick. ~Nights
So you basically made the staff section visible to everyone? ~Nights
No, I typically follow the straight and narrow. No rule breaking here if you don't count a few minor indiscretions. This^ I've done this as well but not with an RP thread. A good RP takes time and consideration. Like cstar mentioned, we could have one without rules or guidelines but that never ends well. ~Nights
I'm fine with this. That just means I never have to remember to write '15 instead of '14. I say we forget the calendar. It's whatever day you say it is. Happy 4th of July everyone!!! Seriously though, Happy New Years! Still a few hours left for me. ~Nights