Festivus mode engage!
An Alias is a an in-game name that takes the place of your Username when people target you. Your Role is your set of abilities. They may be completely unrelated. Your full player info might look something like this: It is possible for multiple people to have the same Role &/ Character, but Aliases must be unique to the player.
Each Night will take at least 1.5 days to let people with different time zones take part. Probably going to go with 2 days. There won't be any waiting between phases and everyone can shoot everyone, so it will go much quicker. It's possible for roughly a third to die every night. A week instead of three, depending on the number of players.
Sora would never condone this level of dogma!
Addressed me to tell me that you ignore me, you realize.
I plan to host a game after the holidays with a bit of a bastard setup to it. KHV Royale Mafia is not your typical Mafia. It is a free-for-all Battle Royale where the object is to be one of the last three players alive. It is fast paced, requires less effort, and allows every person a choice in how they play. KHV Royale Mafia uses several new game types. Everyone Is Mafia Everyone Is Mafia means Everyone Is Mafia. There is no Day phase in this game mode. Every night is immediately followed by another Night. Each player gets a factional kill each Night and a single BPV at the start of the game. You can shoot anyone or be shot by anyone. You win if you are one of the last three players alive. Because there is no Day phase and no lynch vote, there is no need for tedious case building and convincing arguments. Do as much or as little as you fancy, so long as you don't die. Outside Contact Users may talk to each other outside of the game thread. You can use PMs, Skype, or any medium you like. Outside Contact is encouraged in Everyone Is Mafia due to the free-for-all nature of the game. Anonymafia Players are anonymous at the start of the game via Aliases. All players send in an Alias when they sign up. Your Alias is your name in the game. All actions targeted at a player must target an Alias. The list of Aliases is posted below the Playerlist at the start of the game with no indicator of who is who. You may tell others your Alias. Aliases are revealed upon death. Choose Your Own Role You may send in a character of your choice when signing up to the game. The mod will give you a role that corresponds to the character in your role PM. Characters are not Aliases. Would you guys be interested in playing a game like this?
Does it only use BBS? I got Aqua.
Everyone is entitled to have their own “type”. To an extent. Some people filter out others based on arbitrary criteria for the sake of external factors. Imagine someone filtering out same sex partners or partners of a significantly lower economic class. These are not 'types'. These kinds of social constraints are toxic and should not be endorsed by anyone. Being more attracted to one person than another does not make you a terrible person. Correct. Promoting a division of people into an elite class of attractive people who are worthy of respect and a plebeian class of unattractive people who are not through your behavior, however, does. The world is made of more than opinions. It's also made of statistics. There are statistically common opinions for what is attractive and what is not. If people choose to, they can work to ostracize the statistically unattractive, which we see happening today. Imagine someone only hanging out with attractive people and using that fact to segregate a mixed group. Looks have some importance in choosing a potential partner, even if personality comes first. Not inherently. Personality does not always come first. Some people are only interested in sex (aromatic). Conversely, looks sometimes do not matter at all (asexuality). Based on my own experience and intuition, looks have a stronger effect in the social sphere than the private sphere while personality has a stronger effect in the private sphere than the social sphere. We take the things we see every day for granted, but personality runs deeper. It takes the foreground when it comes out of the woodwork, you might say.
Kind of. There's nothing to talk about. Those threads never go anywhere.
If you care about your friend, do not do this. The police have a tendency to treat these as criminal cases. They come to arrest someone. It makes matters worse. If you need help, have someone who wants a peaceful resolution do it.
Every Defeat a Divorce (Three Lions) by Los Campesinos!
Live Again (The Fall of Man) by Bad Religion
I am considering a scheme where I limit the network activity on their devices to dial-up levels and state that they can use the full internet when they figure out how to enable it. Not sure how successful it would be.
For later implementation. Fill Width Ribbon has them same margin-right and wrapping issues as many other BBCode blocks, which is unfortunate, because I love it other than that. Inherit Font Size It would be great if the font-size property of the ribbon were set to inherit or left blank (even better). That way people can make the ribbon any size they like using the [SIZE] BBCode.
Have to Drive by Amanda Palmer
Inline Spoiler FAQ is outdated and some of the codes don't work.
Adds a dotted underline to text and displays the option when hovered. Example [ACRONYM=KH-Vids.net]KHV[/ACRONYM] -> <acronym title="KH-Vids.net">KHV<acronym> What do you think?
00111101 is 61 in binary. 00111111 { 1 (x6) } is 63 in binary. The difference is 2. The Math is always there. It's the the joke that's not.
Same. I want my kids to learn technology in steps like I did, so they appreciate how great it really is.