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  1. KeybladeSpirit
    Well they've been making women's jeans tighter and tighter lately. It's only a matter of time before they're so tight that cracks start to show and buttocks start to tear through, turn blue, and jiggle.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. KeybladeSpirit
    This is a Seinfeld episode just waiting to happen.

    Jerry: Elaine, you would not believe what I just saw.
    Elaine: What?
    Jerry: This woman wasn't wearing any pants!
    Elaine: None?
    Jerry: She had jeans painted onto her legs, but that was it!
    Elaine: And nobody noticed?
    Jerry: No one noticed!
    Elaine: Well how did you notice?
    [The conversation continues like this until Kramer enters in his usual manner.]
    Kramer: Jerry, you remember that girl I've been seeing?
    Jerry: Yeah, what about her?
    Kramer: Turns out she's into body paint.
    Probably because the painted on jeans were really well done.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. KeybladeSpirit

    you guys

    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. KeybladeSpirit

    you guys

    Gif the entirety of Kill la Kill without subtitles.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. KeybladeSpirit
    Yesterday work ended after only five hours because the trucks with all our returned merchandise couldn't get to the distribution center in time. In the four hours it took to wait for the bus, I built a snowman and started catching up on Doctor Who.

    I know you're probably all caught up with Doctor Who so... build a snowman?
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. KeybladeSpirit
    If I remember correctly, Inuyasha ran for eleven years on Adult Swim before they dropped it and they didn't even get to the end. It's good to see it finally end on the station where it belongs.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 17, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. KeybladeSpirit
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 17, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. KeybladeSpirit
    A lambeosaurus on Thursday.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 17, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. KeybladeSpirit
    Basic hygiene is still effort, though. Believe or not, some people have so little time or care to devote to even the most important things that they don't even do that. Anything that a person does for purely cosmetic value is effort d

    And all of that is a sign that you care about your appearance by your own standards and are willing to put in as much or as little effort as is necessary to meet those standards.

    Obviously one is preferable to the other, but both have their merits. One is better, but takes a lot of time and isn't feasible to show approval to a passing stranger while the other is faster and more direct but has none of the benefits of the other, such making sure the subject of the compliment is okay with being complimented on xis appearance.

    That's why I use "people" instead of "women" and "xhe/xir/xis/xirself" instead of any specifically gendered pronouns for discussions like this. As I see it, it's a lower level of the problem where sometimes people say things like, "Men can't be sexually harassed because they like that sort of thing," or, "Rape doesn't count if a woman does it to a man because an erection is the same thing as consent," which I think is even more unsettling because it's considered sound logic some legal systems.

    Still, like I said, it's not wrong, just inappropriate. People who can't read minds shouldn't do it to anyone.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 17, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. KeybladeSpirit
    I can't accept that. Maybe some people can't look good even with effort, but I find it hard to believe that anybody can look good without at least a little bit of effort.

    At that point it's just a compliment, though. As I understand it, he thing that sets a catcall apart from a regular compliment is that there's no conversation or flowery language leading up to it.

    That goes without saying. Putting effort into one's appearance for the sake of the opinions of total strangers is downright ridiculous. People try to look good for themselves, not for others. All I'm saying is that a person who has the luxury to be able to put any amount of effort into xis appearance is, from my optimistic way of seeing things, very likely to put even more effort into aspects of xis life that actually matter, and that's a very admirable quality.

    I feel the quote, "We judge ourselves by the intent of our actions and others by the consequences of their actions," applies here. A catcaller is not doing anything inherently wrong. The only thing that makes xis actions inappropriate is the potential consequence of making someone anywhere from mildly to extremely uncomfortable, which isn't worth the possible payoff of making that person's day by paying xir a well deserved compliment.

    Why do you think I never actually do it? It's impossible for me to think from xis perspective at all, so it's much safer to simply not say anything.

    Yes, but looking good is an activity that one pursues. What I meant was that saying, more or less, "Hey, I acknowledge your taste in video games and I am gladdened see that you openly express that taste," is no different from saying, "I see that you have put effort into making yourself look presentable and would like to extend my acknowledgement. Know that without even trying, you have brightened somebody's day." This would probably manifest as, "Nice make-up," followed by a "high five" motion, which would probably be left hanging because most people would be preoccupied with trying to ignore the freak who's been complimenting people and offering them high fives for the past seven hours.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 17, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. KeybladeSpirit
    See, I don't see it that way. When I see an attractive woman and feel the need to point it out (even though I never do because I know I'll be shamed for it), it's because I want to say, "I don't know anything about you right now, but I can tell that you put a fair amount of effort into your appearance and because I admire that I quality, I would like to get to know you better if the opportunity ever arises." Obviously, this is a lot more innocent than an actual catcaller's thought process of, "There's a person who looks good. I should put xir in xis place by pointing that out." I've probably been brainwashed by the patriarchy to see it that way, but in my view it's really not much different from seeing a passing stranger wearing a shirt that has to do with a game I like and saying, "Hey, nice shirt," and then xir saying, "Yeah, I love [the game in question]!" and then both of us eventually forgetting each others' existence.

    Really, it shouldn't even be something to deal with. There should be rules and etiquette surrounding it so that it can happen without having to offend anyone. The only reason I can think of why it should stop entirely is that it's so hard to tell who wants it and who doesn't at a glance. So yeah, I guess we're in agreement, at least on this point.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. KeybladeSpirit
    Fudrucker's is still around?
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. KeybladeSpirit
    I think a big issue is what exactly constitutes "catcalling." Is it any kind of unsolicited compliment or is it limited to strictly sexual comments? Does it have to be harassment to be catcalling or can it be done in good taste? Alternatively, is it only catcalling if the woman dislikes it? Can it only happen to women or is it at least theoretically possible for men have the same kind of experience?

    And I'm not saying that it's okay, but if a woman's biggest problem is that men compliment her without her consent too much, she needs to look at how much worse too many other women are being treated. Women in lower classes are being raped and killed every day and you're doing a segment about catcalling? That's not feminism. That's exploiting feminists' passion for their cause in order to get them to watch your show and make you a quick buck. I'm pretty sure there's a term for that, but I can't be bothered to look it up right now because I'm so tired.

    That said, I do hope the situation gets better, if only because I don't want to feel like a creep when I compliment a women in any context. I really want to be that friendly guy who can walk down the street and be all like, "Mornin' Janice, you're looking good today! Hi miss, nice shoes. Did you get a haircut Mrs. Davis? It looks great on you," but I can't because I'm constantly afraid that I'll be slapped or charged with harrassment for it. But that's the world I live in and I belong to the class that made it that way, so I'll just have to deal with it until the majority of men get their acts together, which probably won't ever happen because let's face it, the women and men with the power to change it will always have more important things to work on.[DOUBLEPOST=1416135427][/DOUBLEPOST]
    To be fair: Having any woman, hot or otherwise, compliment me on my appearance would be a massive boost to my self esteem. For people in general, not just women, hearing how pretty/handsome they are is pretty high on the list things they love to hear. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the only reason I can think of why women aren't the same is that if they like it then society will call them ****s, which is a bad thing to be for some reason. The two biggest problems about his argument are (a) that he's assuming all men are like him and (b) that he's stating his assumptions about women as facts rather than assumptions.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. KeybladeSpirit
    Hatsune Miku's Project Diva F 2nd. When I preordered, I did so on the assumption that I could pay for it with overtime money, but at the moment I'm not even getting 40 hours a week.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. KeybladeSpirit
    A game I had preordered that I thought was coming out in early January actually comes out this Tuesday and I don't have money for it and Alpha Sapphire, which I just paid off my preorder on.
    Thread by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 15, 2014, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. KeybladeSpirit
    No, it only looks like purple because your eyes aren't used to seeing true black light. If you grew up with black lights all around you, you'd see that it's actually black.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 14, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. KeybladeSpirit
    Japan is real?
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 14, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. KeybladeSpirit
    No true idiot would let xirself be held back by idiot-proofing.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 14, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. KeybladeSpirit
    Actually, my white middle-of-the-horseshoe guilt has recently led me to the realization that activism is just like driving on the freeway. You have to pick a lane and then stay in your lane until you've reached your exit. Otherwise you risk killing lots of people in other lanes. The lane I've chosen is the fight against classism. Once the net-wage gap between the rich and poor is resolved (higher classed people who work below their class DO end up with more money than lower classes for the same work due to a number of reasons) it'll be much easier to deal with similar problems in other aspects of society.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. KeybladeSpirit
    I guess I'm moving to Wichita.
    You belong on an island just off the coast of France?
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone