Heya. Been a while Chie. Please stay. ;(
Player: O.KnightofTwilight Name: Winter Shujaa Gender: Female Body Type/Build: Somewhat thin, yet also athletic. Stands tall at 5" 11'. Hair Color: A Sparkling White/Silver Eye Color: Royal blue Skin Color: Pale White Sense of Style: Is usually seen with a black trench coat and blue jeans. Wears solid t-shirts of any color (Primarily gray), Along with a long pair of fingerless lace gloves. Though she doesn't seem to particularly care about make up, she has blue lipstick and nail polish. A hood is usually buttoned to the back of the trench coat, and a pair of boots (usually snow boots) completes her outfit. Trait: Producer Your Time Zone: Central TIme Zone (UTC-6:00) Your Favorite Disney Animated Feature Film: Ummm... Probably "Bolt." Or "The Emperor's New Groove." If I wanted to add a third possibility, it would be "Oliver and Company." You Know what, if we're allowed to break from the 50, than I pick "The Nightmare Before Christmas." If not I'll stick with "The Emperor's New Groove." Skype Handle: marluxiaxi0
Banned for learning politics in school.
Banned for not mentioning Monarchy thus far.
Steel's only reaction to being told to keep property damage to a minimum was to shrug and lower his arms. So, he wouldn't get to blow anything up today, it wasn't a complete loss; Base had said that they wanted to keep property damage to a minimum. Tucking that thought away until the next boss fight, Steel pulled out his flip phone and began messing around with it. To be honest, he was somewhat curious as to what this device could accomplish; Leonidas, of all people, was the least likely person to give him an ordinary flip phone. To that end, he figured there was some technological enhancement or system that would allow this phone to be exceptionally useful. He flipped through and found some standard cellular phone features: texting, contacts, call log, music player, a few games, a camera, and a calculator. On the surface, it seemed to be a normal cell phone. However, almost every one of the aforementioned features had seemed to have been used... and the data was most certainly interesting. First, the music player had tons of music tracks, some of which he was fairly certain he had heard Karina and some of the others listening to on multiple occasions. The camera seemed to have multiple pictures that, not only had he obviously not taken, but was nowhere near the location during the given time stamp. At the same time, there were some pictures that he seriously doubted the events in ever happened at all. For example: one picture clearly showed Beuce and Ananta in Camelot, smiling at the camera. Beuce had made bunny ears with his fingers over Ananta's head, and Madame Mim was in the background, unconscious at the bottom of a small crater. Most of the games involved previous quest he had partaken in, like collecting dress materials, or defeating small armies. The contacts list was filled with all of the available party members; each number being one digit longer than a regular phone's. Lastly, the text messaging section was filled with conversations that, to his knowledge, had never occurred. He was contemplating the new device when he got a response from both of the parties he had previously texted. They had both typed the same irksome message. "Said Steel!" -G "Said Steel!" -MR Steel merely glared at the screen for a moment before he texted back. ">:[" -S The response was rather quick. "Right then... so the cell phone. I call it the shadow cell. It taps directly into your power and allows you to access the knowledge you've gleaned from your allies (and other people you... stalk) as data. Generally you can already access the information within your mind, but with this device, any information you would need to imprint into a computer system can be done without much suspicion. Same for remotely accessing necessary terminals. In this situation however, your power is limited, so it's actually what would allow you to do any of that stuff in the first place. Overall, it's a pretty good organizational tool, even if you don't use it for much else." - G Steel read over the text quietly. He didn't really have much to say; Leonidas was, as always, Genius. With this, he could directly access the Holo-almanac at the touch of a button and organize the data in a way that not only suited him, but could be slightly more comprehensive were he to present it to select beings. It was also a fast way to draw intelligence out of his head, which was definitely an ability that was limited in his current situation. What was that stat even measured at? Like, twelve maybe? Equipment also had to be considered, but he shrugged that off. Perhaps he could use the document manager right now. But for what? An idea was quickly formed in his mind. He smirked as he began typing down and applying a measurement system for the "Hearts" he had amassed. Using a code that could be used to easily find the information one sought and starting up various other documents. He also remotely accessed information on his equipment (Which he could do anyway, but this new method seemed rather fun), and gave consideration to what weapons and abilities he should equip in preparation for upcoming events. The last thing he did was consider how he would apply statistical enhancements. Satisfied with his progress, he compiled everything into a folder and flipped the device shut. Now he moved consider his current situation: most of his companions were talking to Que- Princess Minnie. He himself wasn't one-hundred percent sure what exactly to do. The whole dream rally thing threw him off a bit; were whey supposed to split up here, or talk to Minnie first? Was this more, or less important than finding Mickey? And since when was he a librarian? Steel shook his head in silence, for the most important question was the one that was asked often, and yet that least likely to be asked: Why was he asking the "audience" so many questions? Shrugging, Steel decided that for now he would just move slightly closer to the rest of his allies positions. He opted to hang around near Beuce, Kross, Ananta and Karina. Not too close however; Karina was kind of being crowded at the moment. It seemed that, once again, everyone was trying to cheer her up: He knew better than to get caught in the explosion. He chuckled silently to himself; what was he to do with these people? He pulled out a S.E.E.D. and began to nibble on it quietly as the others continued their conversations. Maybe he could find some special varieties of his favorite food at this festival. He perked up at the thought, and took a large bite of the flavored orb. Perhaps this would be an exceptionally good time to just sit back, relax, and have some fun for a bit. The group could certainly use it with all they had gone through in the last little while.
Ooh, yeah. Bad choice of words on my part. I meant more along the lines of... it's not like I'm losing because I haven't been managing my...
"An excellent observation Sebastian." Steel noted aloud from his position; right next to said young man, leaning with his elbow propped against his companions' shoulder. When exactly he had gone through the mirror was anyone's guess. He began to chuckle in good humor, but couldn't help but pause when he realized something: When had he gone through the mirror? He had a very vivid memory of taking a nice casual stroll through the mirror realm, once again behind pretty much everyone else. However, the moments of his departure and arrival were a complete blank. One second he was at the tower, and the next he was in Mickey's house... with the memory of something that never happened. His brows were furrowed in confusion pondering the artificial confabulation, when his phone vibrated in his pocket. Curious, he stood straight and pulled the object out, flipping it open to see his most recent text message: "lol. Mindflip~!" He silently growled as he read the name of the sender. "Freakin' Robspear..." He muttered under his breath. If he was honest, he really liked said person. It was just that... at certain times... "Ugh!" He scoffed. However, with that first puzzle out of the way, he had time to consider a new one: Where the heck did he get his cellphone anyway? He had first used it when he came out of the first mirror when leaving Central Haven, but before that... and of course, it was kinda weird that he was only considering it now... His phone beeped as he received yet another text message. "Consider it a birthday present." -G Oh, well that was just great. Not only had the vampiric overlord of butterfly's been messing around with his person, but so had LEONIDAS! "You people have no sense of personal space!" He texted them both furiously. He flipped the phone shut and shoved it in his pocket. The whole D'daear X Aden thing went completely over his head what with being absorbed in his phone, but he looked up in time to see Stratos get a rank up in the SOS investigation squad social link. "Oh, good. You reached rank 2. I've been around for awhile now but I'm only rank 3 still. I can't really say how fast it'll progress because I don't know how long story mode is. It could be a while." He pondered Stratos following question carefully. "Well, the fastest and most normal way is just to check, like out the window or door." He paused for a moment. "But we're definitely not normal and that's too boring. Let's just blow a hole in the wall." He grinned maniacally as he began to charge an unknown energy between his hands. His eyes facing one of the walls with a dangerous gleam.
Well, I can certainly understand that. I myself had been hoping to someone about it as soon as my... strenuous weekend trip came to an end, but it...
And I once again have no way to heal... guess i'll just do as much damage as possible.
Steel, having knowledge that he simply wasn't prepared and would likely lose this fight, decided to do as much damage as possible before he went down. A bright aura surrounded his hand, and a cloud of glass dust arose from his pocket. He quickly rushed forward while forming the glass dust into a barrier, pushing it back outwards as he reached cat. Steel used Barrier surge.
Steel turned his attention to the hologram of Master Yen Sid that Kel had found. So, the master had the foresight to prepare for something like this; he nodded to himself in approval. Master Yen Sid was certainly living up to his name thus far. He gathered around the image with the other wielders, watching in silence as he listened to their new orders. It seemed that their new goal was a volume of some great knowledge, power, or both. Obviously, the groups' enemies wanted to get their grubby little hands on it, and were willing to stoop far below their own personal morals to do so. Honestly though, he was much more concerned with another part of the message entirely: "...I pass on the duty to those who are deemed eligible by the strength of light in their hearts. " Sure, the list wasn't entirely up to date, but he was on it nevertheless. That made Steel curious; was Master Yen Sid simply listing him as one with light in his heart because he was a keyblade wielder... or did he actually know the man's situation. Upon further reflection, Yen Sid was considered to be an extremely powerful sorcerer and it did seem at least slightly possible that he would be able to identify Steel for what he truly was. However, that would also mean that their enemies knew who he was, and that didn't seem very likely at this point. He hesitated for a second as he thought that matter through a bit more thoroughly. It appeared that the only one of their enemies that was as powerful as Yen Sid was, and he had yet to make an appearance. It was possible that he merely underestimated the entire group of wielders without even knowing he was here. Honestly, Steel hoped it was that last one, since it would give him a pretty big advantage. It was then that the party was given free stuff; always a bonus. Things were a bit different this time however. Steel gaped at the orb of white light that he had summoned with the spell he had just learned; "Faith" it was called. Normally, it wasn't used quite like this but Steel... He carefully brought his hands forward and grabbed hold of the light. Hugging it close to his chest. The light... it just... he was glad that as always, no one could see his face. As for the keychain, well... it was a shoddy representation of reality, but it was symbolic and therefore accomplished its goal; none of his business. His concentration of the orb was shattered, however, when everyone started asking who the heck Terra, Aqua, and Ventus were. He could do nothing but deadpan as Aden began to mention a magical book... the one called the holo almanac. Sometimes, he wondered if he was the only one of the group who read the darned thing, seeing as how everyone was always asking about something within its contents. At the moment however, he was far more concerned with wondering if anybody even realized there was a copy of the Holo Almanac right over on the book stand next to the window. In fact... wasn't that the book base read from to find out what had happened to Master Yen SId? He stood there glaring at thin air for several moments. "Well, the mirror is up and running, that's what's important." He stated dismissively.
Well, here we go. I'm not sure I'm prepared for this, but oh well. Guess saving my points was a bad idea at this point in time... oh, wait, my...
Steel, having undergone mental preparations for the new and tougher fight, rushed forward with keyblade in hand. He struck at his opponent as he passed, turning as he did so to prevent being caught off guard. Steel used Sliding Dash!
Do jobs just not count in the arena? And I was pretty sure I had a limit equipped... anyway, I won't be posting until tomorrow morning. Sorry.
Banned for being Pink
Banned for restrictive username lines. They should be longer.
Banned for having way more posts than me.
Banned for not joining in 2012
Banned because last year was 2013
Steel watched in silence as one by one each of his comrades left for inside the tower. He had originally intended to go in after them, but he decided to stay outside for a bit longer. As the last person waltzed casually into the tower, he turned to look out at the endless sea of stars that had been behind him. There were quite a few more than usual; upon close inspection, he noticed multiple of the same starts. If what he had learned so far was to be believed, it was because of the time belts. Of course, Steel had not reason to doubt the information he was given, and the enigmatic rival group wasn't very subtle in confirming the information. The possibility of misleading them could be considered further, but he really doubted it at this point. Before he could stand there too long and analyze the situation too much, the voice of an ever present companion broke through his thoughts. "Master, they'll be needing you soon." Kai whispered silently. Steel started a bit, but quickly collected himself. "Right... I'll be on my way then." He turned back to the tower and hurried to catch up with the group; a simple feat for him. Slowing into a jog, he trailed slightly behind the rest of them on the last set of stairs. It was glowing a bright golden color, and formed a straight path to the door at the top; unlike the other staircases, which had been the conductors of some rather roundabout paths. He could clearly hear that there was quite a panic at the top of steps... but for some reason he was taking his sweet time getting there. When he did finally reach the top of the steps the only thing that popped into his mind amongst the chaos was: "Wow, this room is messy." He immediately walked over to one of the small pools of what Base (Who he was quite happy to have around) quickly deduced was ink, and stuck all of his fingers in. He twirled them around a bit as he watched the room descend into utter chaos. None of it really mattered to him; it was just Karina making a scene, and then complaining that they reacted to it. Honestly, he didn't get the whole combination of "I'm trying to prove I belong in this group," and "I don't frickin' care about any of your opinions on the matter." Really, she should just come clean and admit the fact that she just wanted to punch everyone, whether they deserved it or not. He figured she probably had her reasons though, so he'd just not say anything... which she would probably find a way to go off on him for. Focusing on the ink again, he tried to see if he could sense any form of magic, seeing as there was quite a bit more ink than could possibly be caused by tipping over a bottle. It came back positive, but he couldn't really tell what the magic was actually for. Sensing an entirely different form of magic, he quickly intercepted an ink blot with his clawed hands as Karina had begun to clean up the books. After absorbing the liquid into his claws, he quickly turned his attention back to his own cleaning, which was nearly done. Looking down at his claws and seeing that the ink pool was almost gone, he began to question whether anybody had noticed his presence. If Karina only just recently saw him working. She might see it as him attempting to "Help" her, and go ballistic on him. He already shuddered to think of what her response to Ananta mopping would be. He finished his work and stood to walk over to a safer area. It was then that he noticed a strange black smoke coming from his hand. He stood next to the mirror as he silently observed the strange phenomenon. The smoke was really more of a short black line trail that followed the ends of his fingers and faded into wisps of vapor as they ended. Steel just shrugged as he walked over to the statue. He gave his own smirk in return to the stone figures. "It adds to my heebie jeebie factor, wouldn't you agree master?" He knew that the master wasn't dead; turning oneself into stone had been documented before, but he was unsure of just how the problem would be solved this particular time. He thought the ink might have something to do with it, but he couldn't really be sure. Oh well; food for thought. It was too bad they wouldn't be able to ask Yen Sid about regenerating Beuce's arm just yet though.