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  1. Jin
    I had it on my previous PSN (soul-l-eater) and I moved from that ages ago now. Service account is down for that and I don't think I even remember my login for it plus I wanted to see how it looks on pc anyways for myself
    Post by: Jin, Aug 2, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Jin
    Yeah I already hit 50 on ultima but only with bard on the PS3 version but I might just do black mage this time as my first job Arcanist and something else if I remember right but yeah though right now my internet speed is absolutely terrible, Sky is such a terrible ISP. But I'm moving to Virgin media fiber optic 152mb broadband I just hope with my current internet speed I'm not lagging like hell on ff xiv Virgin are gonna install the stuff this friday i believe
    Post by: Jin, Aug 2, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Jin
    I already bought the 90 day sub in advance along with the digital collectors upgrade now xD I'll probably join ultros then once ff xiv updates, I can't wait to see what they've added since last december :'D
    Post by: Jin, Aug 2, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Jin
    eh I went ahead and just bought it since the trial limits your level
    Post by: Jin, Aug 1, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Jin
    alright so. I know this game, was in the beta and played it good for the first few months of it's release but now I've got a PC obviously I'd wanna play it on here so I finally was able to buy the steam version. One question though, which server do most of you guys go on?

    oh and also what subscription do you guys have..? I was thinking about going for the standard which allows 1 character per world rather than 8. not sure if i'll make the same character for the same server
    Thread by: Jin, Aug 1, 2014, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Jin
    not that there's much left of AOT's world anyways
    Post by: Jin, Jul 29, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Jin
    Post by: Jin, Jul 29, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Jin same as above but my blog is more hxh bakemonogatari index heavy than anything else
    Post by: Jin, Jul 28, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Jin

    Free Pizza

    i'll just help i guess since I live in uk
    Post by: Jin, Jul 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Jin
    some of the players don't come out of the game for nearly weeks at a time that might add to it but also the heated battle they're in most of the time I guess it said stuff in the light novel about how rough and hardcore GGO is anyways so these are probably the factors that push them to that sort of state of mind.
    Post by: Jin, Jul 23, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  11. Jin
    . . . this must be a MG reference...right?
    Post by: Jin, Jul 22, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Jin
    The episode wasn't filler, don't get mad at me for this but use the term "filler" properly. Filler means to not follow the canon plot or make much progress with the original plot in anyway but the Sinon's past is a big part of her character and what makes her interesting, there is a reason it was shown you'll see in the next episode.

    Honest to god I'm sick of people thinking filler is a term for flash back episodes or character past episodes when it's not, filler comes into play mostly when a long term manga is being caught up by the Anime so the anime makes filler episodes which do not cover the canon storyline where as sinon's past is within the light novel.

    Within a VR game where your conciousness is taken within the game , you don't think you'd want to communicate like that especially under the circumstances they were in? in any type of group work communication is vital and needs to be to the point so of course anyone within GGO would talk like that. this isn't your average day cod/battlefield game where you have a controller in your hand and the map is so damn small it doesn't matter if you get killed it's a MMO which means if you die you go back possibly ages away from the location you were at.

    Most physical/handheld and combat weapons are made redundant by most of the players within ggo because of the fact everyone thinks guns are the best. hell it's even stated that there are guns in the game which the strongest man in the world couldn't shoot without having such a recoil that it'd be a burden more than advantage but in GGO these limitations are not there as long as you have a certain stat increased to a point.

    stats work with what you particularly do in the game the most, kirito wants a strength agility type character as he's used to fantasy games so if he focus's on a agility within battle (Dodgin bullets and I guess ducking and cover) he'll be focusing on that particular stat which will level up the more he does things such as dodgin bullets and ducking for cover and etc

    Sinon's sniper rifle is actually comes under one of the near to impossible to use atleast for a person of her size but so long as she's got a certain stat leveled up enough she can use that weapon easily dodging rarely comes into sinon's battle plan obviously she's a sniper so she'll keep some distance but if she comes into head on combat she'll use a secondary weapon which I think is a handgun I can't remember right now
    energy weapons deal more of a severe blow if hit on impact you'll see in the next episode or episode after (Whichever covers the preliminary for BoB) that even just kirito's laser saber (mind you he's the only user in all of ggo to even think of using it) can be very powerful when used properly.

    Hope I was able to answer your questions

    Anyways me personally I'm happy with this episode and everything on how they portrayed sinon and they even included her past thank god and did it right though I wish Sinon had narrated the start of this episode with the 3 girls and that she had explained her connection with the three because since you guys might not know this but those three girls were her first friends when she moved to where she is now but as you can see they are now enemies, them guys had become friends with her but basically they had used her apartment room as their personal wardrobe and after they threw a small party sinon called the cops and got them arrested and not too long after that they found out about sinon's past and how she's got a phobia of guns now and even though it is a bit redundant I found it a nice addition to show her relationships with the other students.

    Next episode I'm hoping for a more comedic approach of what's to come next.
    Post by: Jin, Jul 22, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. Jin
    I'm surprised as hell I even got nominated for anything other than AMV :'D
    Post by: Jin, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: 2014
  14. Jin
    Since I won't be getting my Index AMV finished right now I'll just use this as my submission

    Post by: Jin, Jul 19, 2014 in forum: 2014
  15. Jin
    I only want a wii u for that new "open world" zelda game
    Post by: Jin, Jul 17, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Jin
    except this time I'm playing it using dolphin I seriously missed this game...I like the GC version I'm just a bit sad I'm limited to two item slots rather than four like on the wii...but tbh I'd buy a wii again just to play that version of this game cause it was fun aiming at stuff
    Thread by: Jin, Jul 17, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Jin
    That's what it says in the article so yeah I'm not too sure myself where he'll go with it I'm thinking maybe it'll connect to battle of the gods as a sequel to it or something but I'm not too sure.
    Post by: Jin, Jul 15, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  18. Jin
    Alright so move this to anime and manga if you feel it needs to be there but since it's a movie I posted here

    anyways yeah another DBZ movie to release next year and here's the link

    I'm sorta surprised and looking forward to it I guess

    Thread by: Jin, Jul 15, 2014, 5 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  19. Jin
    This made my day complete
    Post by: Jin, Jul 15, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Jin
    Thank you! :D
    Post by: Jin, Jul 15, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone