READ A BOOK Most if not everything you see on television is not only wrong but is designed to make you stupid and feel bad about being you. Same with magazines EVERYTHING is pretty much designed to make you stupid and feel inadequate. This is called capitalism and is how your daddy makes sure YOU DON'T DIE! Don't be lazy. Try and engage yourself in SOMETHING as much as possible. Everyone needs a little help. Don't be afraid to lend a hand Don't be afraid to accept help either, we're all on this ass of a planet together. That being said don't baby people. Unless it's a baby which you shouldn't be having until the age of 70 anyway If the general public has something to say about a hobby, it's probably wrong. NOT THE HOBBY! WHAT THEY'RE SAYING Don't settle for the average. Always aim for the best Respect those who respect you Learn to Love. Hate is a virus that affects everyone around you, even the people you don't hate. It will only serve to make you bitter bitter and more bitter. Think long and hard about your actions so that you don't regret. It's probably gonna happen at some point but the important thing is that you learn from your mistakes. Don't let people take advantage of you Cry it out Everything is worth looking into unless it's some Lovecraftian horror. Be genuine to yourself and others To quote Shounen manga #456545 "Protect what's precious to you". Doesn't matter if it's your family, your friends or your Star Wars glass. Always be willing to protect what you love. 2D>3D Your father spends his days on image boards, typing up rudimentary lines of code and talking on websites about Disney characters and homoerotic Japanese pretty boys. In other words, don't listen to anything he says.
You're talking to the very embodiment of autistic spite and salt I suppose so, though I must say I find that incredibly hard to believe
Well that's better Considering all I make are ****** threads from 2007 onward, I think I know a thing or two about a ****** thread
That's why I said this is a feat No seriously how exactly? It's not like anything on /b/ is archived, I can go on there right now and I don't see nothing about no raiding or hacking or whatever, the best I get there is the inside of a fat girls anus. Most of the time the people "from 4chan" are just people from tumblr posting on tumblr. So this thread should really be "tumblr vs tumblr"
How do you observe what's going on an Anonymous image board?
I haven't even read a single post in this thread and can already tell it is without a doubt the single worst thread in the history of Kingdom Hearts Videos And lemme tell ya That's a feat.
Oh hey, this is going on It was the first post
mite b cool
And I'm the last
That's 3 years in a row yo
You've all been rused fooled outright bamboozled