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  1. Sebax
    Something of use. Mae nodded to the wise individual curtly and just as she wrapped upon the door, she was swept off her feet as the wooden door slammed into her chest and knocked her onto her back full force. She glared at the one who'd caused the fall, and the fire in her eyes only grew in fervor as he proceeded to do the opposite of apologizing. "Well, ya great dumb ox, I ain't too keen on havin' been knocked on me bum eit'her." She was short in stature, but not in spirit and strength combined. For some reason, she knew she could take that lummox on, but only rose sharply to her feet, dusted off the back of her skirt, and gave the look a cross mother gives a spoiled-rotten child. "Don't tink I give a flyin' ace what makes yew annoyed, dough boy." Mae made it a point to be as condescending as possible in her tone; if he was going to push others around and not give a thought (In the heat of the moment, Mae supposed the brute was purely incapable of thought) to others, then she would make sure he would know his place. Chiefly, she thought, being a heavy-lifter and hopefully not a heavy-thinker.

    "So far, outta two men, yer teh only tahave said anythin' a' use. Where da yew sappose weh start?" She had to speak up; the roar of the market place was a little overbearing for her shot nerves.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 25, 2014 in forum: RP Idol Archive
  2. Sebax
    The carriage bumped and rocked, causing Mae Hollins the slightest bit of an upset stomach. Her green eyes flitted through the thick, old-fashioned glass window beside her to see if she could take in the slightest of her surroundings. Cobblestone was to blame for her anxiety; bits of uneven stones and pebbles of grey, brown, and onyx. No, wait, that one brown block was where the carriage dipped and rocked even more than it had before, and the smell of freshly upturned manure hit Mae's sensitive nose with all the force of a punch to the face. She gagged, but repressed the urge to throw up in a crowded vehicle when she had nearly no idea who they were and why she was there with them to begin with. She could not place her finger on it, but she felt as though this world were not here own, but it was still one in which she was most certainly a inhabitant occupying space in a flowing, emerald skirt with peach bloomers ruffling at her black boot-covered heels. Her shirt was satin, pale yellow with shiny opal buttons, and conservative in structure; it plumed around her esophagus slightly as if her thin throat was the stem of a lily. Her hair had gone completely purple, but as far as she knew, that was her hair that she had tied into a tight bun that topped her fair head, and was held together with an emerald band and an opal-buttoned fastener.

    She'd not been awake long. Only long enough to spot the stones beneath the rolling carriage. No. It wasn't rolling. In fact, she hadn't felt movement in some time as she concentrated on her immediate surroundings. Feeling safe to get out, Mae crept through the side door and heard her boots click on the street as the city of Etilassi flooded her all at once. Luckily, the fragrance of Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme filled her nostrils long before the tang of fresh droppings could, and numerous other, untraceable scents made their way to her, but it was really the sights that boggled her the most. She nearly lost her footing as she met with the sky and its bevy of hues and mixed, inky colors. It was like if someone had taken a work of art and soaked it in water long enough for the image to blur and blend into colors that had no reason to be together in one sky; but the grandness and the sparkling of each bright star was too captivating to really question or doubt it being. Wait a moment, how had she known "Etilassi"? In the oddest of answers, she met sight with a signpost nearly as soon as she stopped to ask herself odd questions. "City of Etilassi Municipal Building" was carved intricately into a oval piece of well-polished wood that hung from an iron bar jutting from the grey stones of a rather large building. Only two or three inches below said sign, while Mae stepped closer to the building to examine it, was a wooden door with iron fasteners and door hinges that went well with a rotund, golden doorknob that tempted Mae just to turn it by its being there. She reached for it, but retracted as one of the many denizens of the streets pushed past her as he ran. Ragged, but curiously dressed all the same, the mysterious figure went gallivanting down the street with a gleeful gait as he clutched...

    "Oi! Thass me button, ye thief!" Mae's voice itself was like an Irish Folk song in its intonation, if, albeit, an angry Irish Folk Song. A complete stranger had just snatched and run off with the top button of her coat and produced a sight of the full front of her neck and the dimpled crevice at the base of where it met the top of her rib-cage. Not one of many in the crowd streets payed her any mind, but it could have been, as Mae soon supposed, was because of all the loud commotion the huge gathering making. Barters, bargains, and bets were made by consumer and supplier alike as stand after stand that littered the streets like a disheveled bookshelf of disorderly, unsorted books. The din was a little bit to take in at once, but as she really took in each new aspect, it soon ingrained a sense of normalcy into her mind that brought an alien sense of calm. Slowly, she crossed back over to the riderless, horseless carriage she'd left in the alleyway by the municipal building. Rattling on the wooden door, with all due haste, she thickly pounded with her fist to rouse the attention of those she'd woken up around. She wasn't sure what they could do, but maybe she did know them. Maybe there was a reason she was there. Only... she could smell everything sweet and sour in the air as the din of a colorful street burned into her mind and succeeded in making her uncomfortable right down to the very bone.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 22, 2014 in forum: RP Idol Archive
  3. Sebax
    Signing up for this round. This time I know I can do it. I have the software, I have the song, and I have the space and time. It shall finally be done! I shall finally express myself in KHV Idol! I'll send you the mixed recording when it's done.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 19, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  4. Sebax
    And we Marvel at Nova.

    The only thing that could be worse about those aforementioned crows was if one of their names was Jim. OH WAIT! Jim FREAKING Crow was the leader of the murder... Um, I can see how this could be misinterpreted... hang on... a flock of crows is called a "murder", I swear!
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 13, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Sebax
    Before you burn me at the stake for talking up a Facebook game, I implore you to hear me out first! Most important of all points I should make is this though: Don't share your personal information like your actual name and Facebook account in this thread; this is to talk about the game itself and that only. If you're low on friends and are able to trust those you know on this forum, then all the best to you.

    Okay. There's usually no game that I hate more than the endlessly mindless and repitive games you come across being pushed in your face by odd relatives and obscure friends. I played Candy Crush for two levels and developed a toothache; I never went back. But now, for at least a month, I have been playing a game called "Disney's Hidden Worlds". It's a Search-the-Scene game with a sense of adventure... it's really well put together, and I personally love it. Permit me then, to break down exactly why I love it.

    Story: Admittedly, this is a game you can just play for its story. The hard to please will think "Oh, the usual inventor-story tropes about imagination, blah blah blah", oh but wait, there's cut-scenes. Yes, you read me right, there are cut-scenes in a Facebook game. Fully-animated, Voiced, well done cut-scenes. Granted, they might remind some older players of Jump Start and Putt Putt level animation, but it's not minimalist and it has charm. It took a while for me to get into it, but by now, I really feel a connection with the script and the characters involved.

    Disney-itude: This. Game. Is. Disney. Or at least, the developers know what Disney is really all about. From the colors, to the lively atmospheres, and lovable original characters, it is a love letter to Disney and imagination. Each new world is a Disney movie, and new ones are in development. So far, there's "Beauty and the Beast", "Tangled", "Aladdin", "The Little Mermaid", "Brave", "Snow White", and, very recently "Peter Pan". Upcoming ones include "Wreck it Ralph" and "Frozen", I am led to believe. Those who love the movies and really started in on Kingdom Hearts BECAUSE of Disney, this game is the poor man's Kingdom Hearts; a very happy poor man.

    Crafting: The actual Gameplay is centered around collecting different paint objects and colors as you get different maps. Each map you play, you have a chance to obtain a certain paint that map offers. Collect these paints and papers by completing other tasks, and you have your tools to craft. Probably the most repitive part of the game and what may turn you off. For me, it reminds me of "Disney's Magic Artist" which I played the heck out of as a kid. It's colorful, intuitive, and, for me, fun to collect and mush things together. You craft objects to move along to the next map, characters, and much more. 90% or more of the game is spent crafting, and as you guessed, it takes time and you have to buy slots with Crystals. You start out with one slot, and if you save the Crystals you started off with and level up a few times (You get one crystal per level), then you'll have your second slot in no time. Getting the last two wouldn't exactly kill your pocketbook either.

    Microtransactions: Some games are like this: "BUY THIS OR YOU WILL NEVER COMPLETE ANYTHING MUAHAHAHAHAHA WE WANT YOUR MONEY!" and some games are like "This is free. This is free. Everything's freeeeeee! Okay, but it's kinda lame though because we can't add any content". Hidden Worlds has a nice system going on. You have Crystals (You start off the game with a generous 20) and they're really easy to come by; more on that later. Why do you want to use Crystals? Because as you craft more and more things you need to craft a bigger thing, the cost to craft that bigger thing goes down. The game rewards you by doing work, but doesn't utterly force you to buy. Still, I confess this is the one and only game I have ever played on Facebook that I believe has ever deserved my money, so I gave them $50 worth of it. With that, I bought the remaining crafting slots and upgraded a lot of things in my world.

    Gifting and Social Aspect: This may be a pain in the butt, but despite its major influence in the total completion of the game, you don't HAVE to have a lot of friends to play this game. The only thing you ever ask for in the start of the game is one item called "Gift Ink"; it helps you craft compasses to new worlds, upgrades to parts of the map after they reach level 2, characters, and a few other things. Later in the game, you'll have to ask your friends for a few other bits and bobbles, but, for the most part, Gift Ink will be mostly what you need to get by. Those who are the most extreme or impatient of gamers may also wish to ask for Energy ink, which you can use to craft energy packs (Which you can also buy).

    Music: I leave the sound on if no one's around. The music is relaxing and varies from world to world. Generally, it's music that is inspired by the films the worlds are based on, with some bits of the actual songs thrown in from time to time. The main theme is infectious. It has a Jungle atmosphere and a lively jaunt to it. It's sure to spark your imagination.

    Anyone already playing it? Anyone now interested in playing it? Let's talk.

    Thread by: Sebax, Jun 13, 2014, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  6. Sebax
    Base, with his light frame, was knocked back a good meter or two than anyone else. In landing on his back, the wind had been so forcibily knocked out of him that he was simply incapable of producing any energy needed to lift himself. He struggled for his Keyblade and fired what was meant to be an Aqua Splash, but the feeble drip he produced slipped off the edge of his blade and hit the ground gingerly. He could only look up at the stars as his failure really sank in. Krowley, one of the few he truly respected, was deeply affected by what had happened, D'daear was no doubt in worse shape than Base was, and everyone he knew on this world was either being taken away of horribly injured. "I...have to..." Base wheezed, but was as quiet as a mouse; his powerful lungs were made nearly useless. He knew his goal. Base used his Keyblade as leverage and rose to his wobbly feet, and scanned the carnage for D'daear. Once spotted, Base hobbled over to his apprentice and crashed before he could say anything. The battle had left him that weak.

    "Sah...Sorry..." Base coughed out in a barely audible, raspy voice.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 12, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Sebax
    I'd have to say my choice is going to be:

    The voice suited both songs quite well, in their own ways, but it was delivery that narrowed the choice down. 1, you need to work on your "e" sounds; they were far from cringe-worthy, but their loss of strength really chopped the song up. I commend you both for the selection of songs with such strong key changes, and you both handled the high notes well.

    2 Scoring
    Tone 8
    Intonation 8
    Technique 7
    Diction 10
    Accuracy 9
    Interpretation 9
    Pace 8
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 8, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  8. Sebax
    Chapter 1
    Base awoke with a start. ‘Darkness… impermeable and suffocating Darkness…’ he thought as he struggled with to keep the playback of the most recent memory of his out of his recollection. He shut his eyes tightly and almost as soon as he sprang in the foreign and unfamiliar bed he found himself in. The memory came to him anyway, of course, with full disregard of his attempting of his trying to suppress it. This point infuriated him as the images reeled together into one straight, inescapable vision. A nightmarish vision the likes of which he had never before dared to know. Unavoidable, like the tears streaming down his face, the nightmare began again.


    It had been a murky day in Theate City on the day all manners and walks of life came crashing down. Rain fell like a dense curtain of cold and calamity. Stinging sorrow; it was as though the rain was itself the collection of tears of the people crying out in vast quantities along the many city blocks. They cried out in agony across the entirety of the expansive city. The smell of burning oil from a nearby crashed car, partially on the sidewalk, partially on the road, choked the sense of smell and further limited the amount of breathable of the young boy Sebastian "Base" Noble, the sole denizen of the barren street. Flooding water not only from the sky but also from a disturbed fire hydrant, tossed aside by the wayward vehicle that had crashed, dominated his sense of hearing as the eruption continued unattended. In short, he was cold, tired, lost, could barely breathe or see, and he was completely soaked from head to toe, straight down to the bone. His customarily tousled black hair stuck to his forehead as he looked one way, then the other down the street. No one. No sign of life anywhere except for the screams that came from all corners at once. To say the screams were faint would be a blatant lie; the screams, in fact, stuck out a great deal. As a chorus conducted by Barbas, the impromptu choir cried out in a tormented as well as tormenting, unorganized staccato. As if not enough of the perverse to molest the very core of Base's youthful but strangely mature mind, the choir came to produce a soloist in its off key antiphony. Four whole notes, tied together by bands of unstopping terror, crescendoed as the singular crier descended from her ill-gotten perch from high above the very same street; from one of the many interminably high skyscrapers that made up Theate. All at once, as she came into Base's weather-limited sight, the double bar line, a physical horizontal one instead of the usual vertical one on paper, was reached and the release of the cry abruptly ended with a sickening half beat. The soloist was there, right there on the sidewalk, directly in front of Base, helpless to reanimate as he had been to intervene. He moved tentatively onto the greyed concrete, barely a three yards distance away.

    It was the hero in Base that caused him to approach the ceased screamer. However, this heroic predisposition would prove useless, as it seemed, in this particular case. He quickly glanced over the sunken soloist with dismay, perceiving easily that she could be no older than a year ahead of his of 17. Her face was of a rare kind of beauty, and though the life had been visibly drained from her blank and haunted eyes, her lips and her cheeks as well, they all possessed the character of novel loveliness. Petite and conservatively dressed, for her age anyway, she was visually unscathed; virtually no scratches or bruises, and not even a prominence of life's wire that should have puddled from where her head had impacted the ground before the rest of her. Were it possible to conceive any evidence of life within her, it would be possible to think she was perfectly fine and would awake any moment, as if from a bad dream that could be read in the horrific stare she was stuck in. Absolutely unscathed, Base held out some faint and foolish hope that he had not just watched someone commit themselves out of a crumbling world successfully. This hope was not a realistic one, nor was it very real at all. No rise and fall of the chest, nor any traceable movement of the body whatsoever, could be found about the person; not even a sliver of a possibility of life inert. For a moment of silent contemplation, Base studied the face and thought, very briefly, that he could have very easily known this girl in life, since her features struck a strange familiarity. Maybe he might have seen her, but would never have known her personally. Base was not so much socially awkward as he was socially repellent. He was neither hideous in image, and he was not particularly annoying in character. He was merely: different. The quality of difference from the masses, which Theate was never in any short supply of before today, radiated from the lifeless corpse in almost tangible pang of pain Base could taste

    The pain of sorrow invaded Base's tattered soul as the perplexity of the reality at hand came to full fruition. He let out not even the whimper of a cry, but instead gritted his teeth and clenched his fists at the injustices caused by the ensuing chaos of darkness that had descended on his world all at once. It was at that same moment, as if an answer to his feeling of emotional-overload, with a flash of light, the greatest secret he had ever kept appeared in his right hand without his prompting it to. He looked down at the newly arrived weapon and sneered at it with disgust that had not constructed his features for a great while. He had no clue what this object was, just as he did not know why it was shaped like a giant silver and gold key. Currently, it did not bring the feeling of vigor and strength it once had when it first appeared to him a year back; it only brought sense of a burden he did not wish to carry. It represented a lie, which he had told by never telling neither his parents nor Uncle Dean of i- (!) His shot up and his heart sank as he thought of it. 'In this madness... where are they?' This was the first forbearing thought. 'What if, in all those screams still going on ... what if theirs is one of them.' These thoughts haunted him and froze him more to the spot than the chilling precipitation ever could. He threw a detesting glare at the handled weapon at his side, but this look of contempt faded instantaneously when he changed his focus down to the girl. Her blank stare was directed in no particular direction, yet was faced in a single direction, and inspired in Base all the fears the sight of death brought on. Crouching down close beside the departed, Base closed the lifeless eyes solemnly. The very least he could do for her now was to offer the courtesy of making death resemble its peaceful counterfeit.

    At the same moment her eyes were forcibly shut, a blinding light suddenly about her person caused Base to draw back immediately as he watched the light condense and thicken into one place: at the very core of her motionless chest. The light softened to a dull flame-like beam that condensed even further and became a single object hovering over her torso. The object was a crystalline heart that slowly turned as it began a very slow ascent, as wisps of red smoke whirled inside it and tiny beams of light shot out from without. It swirled majestically and bright in the air, radiating a soft glow around it and emanating a soft tinkling sound as it rose. Once it reached somewhere around eye level with Base, it ceased to rise, but continued in its gradual rotation. From within it, Base listened intently, came a weak and disembodied voice seemingly from within that spoke with a feminine tenderness. 'Please... run...’ was all Base heard... or rather, thought he heard. He did not have long to ponder whether or not the occurrence's certainty was possible or impossible. The Heartless had taken notice.

    Base did not know the sight he was faced with when he whirled around on his heel when suspicious chattering noises began to swarm behind him. Creatures of darkness had recently populated the streets, and in healthy numbers. The two opposing schools of thought herein on Decker Street as Base took in the new and strange sight, and both of them were, in fact, very different from each other: What was fact and what Base knew. The facts standing thus were the monsters were and would be well known as "Heartless"; there were sixteen in all. A dozen Shadows made up the ground force, with piercing yellow orbs for eyes that shot through the rain's fog, and four small bells of two different color-schemes hovered some distance above the physically lower Purebloods; one pair was green, a duo of Green Requiems and the other were red, and were Red Nocturnes. Then there was what Base knew: absolutely nothing, save that these monsters did not look friendly, and that their idleness there in the street made him extremely precarious. One of the ground-based imps took a step forward, as Base swallowed a heavy dry lump in his throat while he watched it. So far, it had been the only one to have made a move, but with every clumsy-looking, sweeping step, it drew closer to him and the girl. 'Either it or all of them were after either him or this girl', was what he summarized from the ambiguous intent. 'I can't let either happen.' Base gritted his teeth once more and readied his stance, his Keyblade all but forgotten at his side, and stared into the little yellow orbs occasionally shifting up at him. Closer, closer, and closer it came, yet still Base stood his ground between the beasts and the beauty. If he could save no one else, why not save the heart of the person he could protect to some degree? Still, there was at least one creeping thought that grew on him as the scouting Shadow leaped all at once from the ground and upwards towards his torso. He was faintly sure that very instant could be his last, and yet still he stayed; there was still a chance, after all, and he let that light burn down deep inside him. He was ready to face the darkness.

    Chapter 2
    Instinctively, Base raised the Keyblade up so that the shaft of the blade covered his face and at least part his upper body. What happened in turn, was that when the tiny monstrosity barreled its claws at Base, it made contact with the blade, and so with a sharp TINK! the attacker was launched backward headlong and defenseless as it fell to the ground to recuperate. It was back on its feet in no time; it's blank and mouthless face, identical to its compatriots, gave no character or even a glimmer of spite or in fact anything at all. It startled Base down to his core to see all the violent spirits so absolutely and unwaveringly apathetic. The overt unfeeling displayed itself yet another of the Shadows made its way for Base. This one clamored at his legs, causing Base to leap to one side while simultaneously strike at the second attacker with a low sweeping Keyblade swing. A sharp and shrill commotion came from the creature out of no particular orifice as the Key bluntly knocked it aside with thunk! Now, it is a point that Heartless are absolutely mindless as well as expressionless, and in so, they cannot be even slightly strategic or even know for a fact when they are in over their heads. However, two things had drawn such a healthy number of them to that particular spot: the Key, and the bare Heart. It was on this purely instinct-driven logic that the Heartless changed their target. A duo of Shadows then charged clumsily on their disproportionately sized feet, as they went around Base completely. Swiftly, Base closed off the short distance between himself and the coronary usurpers, and in so, cut off the path the duo were taking. It was suggestible that either one was insulted by the interruption or putting itself to its other task when it again lunged up at Base with its sharp black claw-like digits. Repeating the block maneuver from earlier, he confidently pushed the leaper off with yet another tiny TINK! as the Heartless was knocked back dazed and confused. While it lay on the wet cement, Base took this as his moment to strike; he lifted the Keyblade high over his head and brought it down upon the disproportionally large head of the senseless imp. With a satisfying squish, the Shadow dissipated into a sputter of ethereal black mist. What he was not aware of was the presence of yet another Crystal Heart climbing high above where the witless Heartless had once been. Of course, its partner-by-chance could not truly be surprised by the sudden disappearance of its fellow retriever, Base was not aware of this fact; the prompting brought on by instinct alone would pay to Base's favor though, in that without a moment's hesitation, he ripped the Keyblade with a single horizontal swing straight through the head of the unsuspecting Heartless that would have unexpected it anyhow. Like the other, it vanished in much the same fashion, and again Base was ignorant of an identical spinning heart already four feet above his head that disappeared into thin air as soon as it appeared a small distance above his head. His ignorance was not entirely his fault; the tinkling sound produced by both had been masked by profuse amount of rain, fountain sputter and the soft tinkling of the girl's heart as it slowly revolved on its center over the spot it had arisen from perfectly masked any traces of the presence of new strange crystalline hearts.

    Base dashed over to the girl and made a stand, as he held onto his Keyblade with a tight grasp. He stared at the myriad of yellow eyes and downright seemed to defend the girl like a wild animal protecting its territory; if he had barked or howled, it would not be out of place from the look in his eyes nor not it is far from the scowl forming on his features. Slowly, so by degrees of chilling despair, his own heart sank in his chest as the multitudes of black Shadows double and then tripled in numbers. Their numbers conquered the tar-lain street and made the shade it had been green with envy as the Shadows painted the ground pitch black with their odious forms. They accelerated in amassing a great congregation and soon, Base could very well see he was being surrounded; the presence of the Key had become a beacon to invoke hunger in the ravenous and insatiable appetites of the Heartless that had taken Theate. Still defiant against the darkness, however, Base did not move; he would not move, and he refused to do so with every fiber of his being. Even as the sky began to roll with the most monstrous and ominous cloud he had ever seen, even as the Lightening began to clash and the thunder boomed with rapid consistency, as the Earth began to quake and the Heartless became the land and the edifices of the buildings, he still held his ground as the last flickering flame of Theate that refused to die, guarding what he was not sure he could insure the revival of. He stood there not to prove anyone's point, for whose point was there to prove? He stood there not for a conquest of lustful enterprise. He stood there because, somewhere deep inside him, it told him it was the right thing to do; it just didn't tell him any assurance that he would survive the debacle. Each unblinking moment that passed further suffocated such bleak hope, as the corruption that had taken the Earth began to wrap itself around his legs.

    "GET OFF!" Base hollered and spat as he slashed his Keyblade blindly, feeling the darkness sap the life out of him; he didn't feel claws or teeth, all he felt was darkness start to constrict his calves and crush his feet under a tremendous weight of pooling darkness. The Keyblade, this time, did no good, and Base was forced to watch as the Darkness scaled his jeans. It coated him like a thick, rubbery cocoon of miserable invocations; he could taste the bitterness of cold on his lips and on his tongue. It was purely putrid a sensation in every perceivable capacity! Helpless to stop it, Base stopped squirming, but did not necessarily lose hope. He realized that this was the best way to go; he had died trying to do the right thing. All the times he had read of knights and heroes, watched the good guy win on-screen, and all of this came to him as a feeling of undying light that overbore the cold and burned with a fervor inside his steadily beating heart. He felt accomplished, as though he had done everything meaningful in his life right then and there. He felt like he had truly become a hero as the darkness wrapped its slimy opaque tentacles around his throat and coated his jaw bone, forcing his head toward the sky. The last thing he saw before falling asleep was the storm clouds that rolled above; the last acts of nature, albeit violent, in the defiled and imploding atmosphere of Theate City...


    Base's eyes reopened and he was back where he had last had them open, even though only for a brief instance. The surrounding area, although, was not the blackened and expansive street of Theate he had just revisited. He was not being engulfed live and whole by vicious creatures of the greatest turpitude. Instead, it was a small room. The bed in which he found himself in was a solid oaken frame of a silvery hue that was dressed with a fluffy blue comforter that was decorated with white and golden silken stars and one bulky Gibson moon in the center. Base looked from the floor to the ceiling with unrestrained wonderment as he beheld its intricacies. A puce carpet covered the floor as furnishing of all basic dormitory necessities adorned the open spaces, which lead to a cement-textured backdrop that was the shade of the pad of a tree frog's toe. The square and angled walls eventually molded together into a single dome not terribly high above his head as the vertices disappeared. A periwinkle wardrobe, a grey slanted writing desk with an attached flat side table sat across from each other and on either side of the bed, the wardrobe towards the head. A chair with a particularly Gothic-looking frame was placed in front of the desk; which was thoroughly black where the frame showed and which frame was placed in front of the desk; which was thoroughly black where the frame showed and which was cushioned with pneumatic coverings where the body of a person would go, and by the looks of things, Base presumed that particular person would be very comfortable sitting on those particularly plump cushions. All that remained in the room were a few wall lamps that looked electric, but had a strange fiery cast to their light, that had bowled coverings that matched the exact mystic style of the bed sheets and lit the room in a pleasant glow, and then there was the window. The window, across from the bed and to the right slightly of a grand fireplace, with a golden-framed mirror above its mantle place, that looked to be a perfectly circular shape and also gave off an air of having a blatantly out-of-date flaw: there was no pane of glass or anything else to be seen within the window; a total lack of a barrier between simplified ingress and egress! Base stumbled to his feet, unsteady on his own feet, as he caroused to the open window, nearly throwing himself out of its solid frame in order to get a decent view of the outside. What he saw amazed him spectacularly.

    The sky was a mix of lightly shaded hues that looked like they had been blended together like a water-color painting, with shades of blue, purple, green and small spare wisps of red and grey floating about in a cloudless and sunless sky. Base looked down and nearly jumped back into the sturdy safety of his new habitat when he saw just how high above the ground he was. It was not merely the great either, even though I was stories and stories into the air. It was also the fact the land below, while so green, was also very limited; tall topiaries bordered the small island in most corners of the amorphous terrain, where they did not terminated in sharp cliffs that showed below them more of the sky that was above stretching down into the abyss. The building itself was as one that he had only read about in books and seen on film. The same color as the one that covered his wall was the color of the edifice of the tall, castle-like structure. Spire upon spires burst out of one another like the budding of a wonky plant, their tops capped with flat circular roofs that had slight raised points in the center of each. Some Spires sprouted out of the wide tower that started at the ground and worked itself up, while smaller spires erupted at odd angles from the other spires like numerous architectural sub-divisions. Taking in the whole of the view, Base eventually found out he was the center and largest of the spires, only to look up and find a half a dozen more spire extensions and plenty of room for the center spire to stretch into the all-expansive sky. Taking in all the wonder and fear these sights and thoughts provoked, Base began to recoil backwards from the open port. Not cautious of where he was going, creeping in a reverse direction, he should not have been surprised when he felt himself bump into something. It was the particular kind of something that caught his attention and sent his heart into his throat; he had hit something much larger than himself, covered in silken cloth that had the sturdiness, but not the texture, of cotton.

    Base was lean; this point was well established by his peers in school. As far as height went, however, he was a not-entirely shrimpy 5'8". How much taller this person behind him could be felt in the great looming presence the unseen one held. Base gulped a dry lump of air as his mouth became arid with agitation, and he looked directly up into a pair of fierce and omniscient eyes that looked back down at him with the default look of disapproval the man always wore. It was only after a moment of studied reading of Base's facial features that his features lightened and the elder man, his grey beard long and flowing onto his aqua robe-covered chest, smiled as he made sturdy his arms together over his chest, and his hands were hidden behind wide, sweeping sleeves. Despite the afforded smile, the look came off only more grim as the wild smirk on his face bore a countenance of vast knowledge; knowledge that made his grin far too "knowing". Base nervously afforded a haphazard and uncomfortable smile in return as he stepped forward a little so as to give a little distance between himself and the strange visitor. 'Or... is he the host?’ Base thought.

    "Salutations, Young Keyblade Wielder." The seemingly ancient man boomed softly with a voice as deep and powerful as the tide, but as light and airy as the clouds that sailed them. "My name is Yen Sid." He nodded his head courteously and pressed one hand over his heart as the other, with a wide, sweeping gesticulation, moved from one side of his body to the other. Within an instant, in a puff of ethereal grey smoke, another chair, much like the one at the desk, appeared out of thin air, right in the middle of the floor! "I am certain your mind must be buzzing with questions. Which is why, without delay, I will provide you with what I know and what I can tell you." He clapped his hands, the fierce look in his eyes back for a moment as he thunderously slammed his two palms together. At first, it seemed, this caused no spectacular effect as the chair's sudden arrival had made on Base's impression of the man who called himself "Yen Sid". "I will ask that you sit down wherever you feel most comfortable; rest assured, your questions will be answered." He sat with one, long fluid motion of his tall limber body with his enormous frame and aqua-colored coat. He calmly fixed his elongated pointy hat, setting it straight on his head that looked like the tailored love child of Base's sheets and Yen Sid's robes.

    Base obliged silently, taking a seat at the foot of the bed, and faced Yen Sid. However, he was instantly silenced from what he was about to say when a broomstick walked into his room! It was a broomstick without a visible face, but instead two legs that formed out of divided hay bristles and arms that sprouted out of its oaken wooden frame. In these arms, on these hands, the enchanted object was carrying a silver tray in a raised position, with two matching teacups with saucers and a kettle atop it that likewise resembled the star decorated hat as well as the tea cups and their respective saucers. Yen Sid, without much deliberation, took the navy tea kettle and one of the two tea cups, making sure to take the saucer along with it as well. He held the teacup out in one hand as the tea kettle and saucer gravitated nearby. Without touching anything but the delicate handle of the square-rimmed tea cup, he poured himself what looked like a steaming pot of tea. Yen Sid kept his eyes closed this entire time, as though in contemplation of something much trickier than making things float, come alive or suddenly appear.

    "I understand you are trying to rid your mind of the unnecessary wont of carbonated beverages." He spoke to Base with a great manner of understanding.

    The truth was: he was right. Base had been trying to quite partial to Woyer Cola for years, but kept failing. The longest span of time he'd gone on the self-prescribed detox was seven months, which was in continuation when Woyer enterprises was taken over by darkness as well as everything else in Theate. The fact was, Base was a musician, and a devoted singer; he loved the rich, cool taste of his favorite brand of soda, but he also didn't like how it affected his voice if he drank too much. That's the way it was with him: he either did something too much, or virtually not at all. "Yes." He finally replied after he realized he had been ruminating. "That's right. How did you-" Here, he was cut off.

    "Will Hot Chocolate do then?" Yen Sid interrupted without malice.

    "Truth be told, I'd love one. But, there's really no need for you to brew a new pot just for me." His own voice was quavering, even though Base's voice was characteristically strong and well-established. "I'd be fine with tea."

    Yen Sid change expressions again, this time going from ponderous to humorous; there was much less hubris in this grin with his eyes closed ('Maybe it was those eyes that made it creepy?') than there had previously been. "You are a terrible liar, Sebastian Noble." Yen Sid opened his eyes as he stared directly at Base with a thoughtful inspection. "That is good." He chuckled and there was the creepy again, but his words still possessed a great deal of weight in truth as well.

    Chapter 3
    Momentarily, the room was silent.
    “I am quite certain you are aware of the present threat of Darkness that looms, as it is the very same Dark power that has brought you here which is, I fear, devouring your world as we speak.” Yen Sid shook his head in dismay.

    “My world?! Then how are we here? Is this some sort of Island outside the city? Maybe we can go back and we can look-.” Base rambled on in a state of panic, until a glance from Yen Sid quieted him.

    “Ah yes. What you are not quite as aware about is the standing fact that there are many other worlds throughout the known Universe. Some of these worlds have been already devoured by Darkness, and several more have been invaded by powerful Darkness that threatens the stability of all worlds. There lies the utmost catastrophe: the worlds are currently out of order and time has been displaced. All those able to wield a Keyblade, regardless of age or background have been recruited to join the cause of rebalancing Light and Darkness.” Yen Sid nodded his head and stared directly at Base with that penetrating glare. “I had sent a letter of recruitment to your homeworld of Theate, but it would appear the Heartless and whoever was guiding them beat me in this endeavor. They attacked and took your world with little warning; this is most surprising.”

    “What are the Heartless? What world am I on? Why is it surprising?” The questions came out of Base like water through a constant stream. Base was not usually this inquisitive, but the recent string of events had hurled him into an utter fit of agitation. All it took to ease the stress he felt was for Yen Sid to raise one hand, thus signaling him to stop with the questionnaire.

    “You are in my world, the Mysterious Tower.” His voice had an ominous weight to it here. “It is surprising, because usually the Heartless or other creatures do not simply appear and take a world in one fell swoop; it is something that takes time. There is a theory I have, and it is that whoever was guiding them knew where to look for the Heart of your World, but that point will have to wait. What worries me most at the present time is the supremely dense population of Theate. There is no doubt this will allow the Darkness a great amount of “new recruits”, for you see, the Heartless themselves were once people, whose hearts fell to the Darkness. Should the Darkness taking Theate go unchecked, many will fall to Darkness unwillingly, regardless of the light in their hearts. This will spawn innumerable new threats that will spread like a virus throughout the worlds. The best way to put is this:” He waved his hand and a silhouette of light appeared on the floor. This glowing silhouette was shaped much like a person, and seemed to be based off the average build of a typical male adult. “So he begins: the denizen of a given world lives their normal, day-to-day existence, each with his or her own balance or imbalance of light and darkness; good and evil.” A small blot of dark matter appeared in the core of the miniature figure standing on the floor. “Light begets Darkness, and in so being, there can be no great light without great darkness, and vice versa. It is possible for a being to go through their whole lives living in this constant equilibrium. However…” The light borders of the figure shifted from an ethereal light blue to a dark purple wisp of smoky air. “It is possible for Darkness to consume the person, and in so doing, plunge him or her into absolute Darkness. The Darkness swallows whatever light may exist in the heart and separates from the body, thus becoming an embodiment of the Darkness that existed.” The figure split into two as the dark purple border grouped together and pulled away from the human shape, leaving behind a solid grey border and a similar tone to the rest of the body left behind to crash to the ground. The dark purple image resembled one of those yellow-eyed imps Base had encountered on Theate. “This is called a Heartless. It is a manifestation of the Darkness that existed in the Heart, and is an utterly bestial and unthinking entity. It contains within it only the Heart, and so cannot think, but can be guided by anyone well versed in Darkness. They are all joined together with a shared desire to destroy light where they find it, so they are often found in groups.” Yen Sid continued as the Dark Purple transparent Shadow twitched and scratched at empty air on the ground. “The stronger the Darkness, the more powerful the Heartless, and more ghastly in appearance it will be.”

    “If they have a Heart inside of them, why are they called the “Heartless”?” Base understood everything else directed toward him, but the paradox still boggled his brain. Yen Sid had not thrown many disapproving glares Base’s way since the two met, but the one the Sorcerer shot him now was enough to stop Base dead in his tracks, and even chilled his blood a little.

    Yen Sid cleared his throat and then continued. “This is only a part of the body that is affected when a person succumbs to the Darkness inside him. The body left behind is a hollow shell, which is devoid of any Light, Darkness, or even emotion; it is the definition of a “Nothing” incarnate. It is the remainder of the being that becomes a Nobody.” It was here the greyed figure shape-shifted and rose back up to a standing position, transfiguring wildly into a needle-limbed creature with a flat head and a wide zipper along the top of its head, which made the opening on its oddly shaped head look like a wide maw of darkness. “The Nobody is nothing but will, mind, and body; it cannot feel but it can think, which makes it more dangerous than even the most powerful Heartless. The more powerful a Nobody is, the more human-like in appearance they become, and the more capable they are of imitating real emotions. Do not be tricked into thinking they are even close to possessing any actually humanity. As of yet, this does not appear to be an issue, as there have been a total lack of sightings of Nobodies that are discernibly similar to living people.”

    ‘The Heartless have Hearts they can’t use, and Nobodies have bodies but no Heart… seems about right…’ Base said sarcastically to himself, but he still took in all the information given to him as the two separated figures started to dissipate as Yen Sid clasped his hand into a fist, his eyes closed.

    “There is at least one more known threat:” Yen Sid’s fearsome eyes opened as another small creature appeared out of nothing, but this one looked so much more real than the others, Base was sent reeling back. Base soon realized however the beast was only another figure; another imitation. He sighed in relief. “These are the Unversed. These are strange beings, as they are manifestations of violent emotions alone. It is unknown by which emotions, or if every violent emotion spurned causes them, however, they are just as much a threat to the Light within a Heart as the others, though they do not seek out the Heart of the World.” He raised his hand and the final creature disappeared. “I presume you wish to know about the Heart of Worlds, and it is this information you are owed, as you are a wielder of the Keyblade. However, at the present time, knowledge of the Keyblade and the Heart of each World is far too sensitive for you to be fully aware of the facts in this matter. What I can tell you currently is since you possess a greater amount of Light in your Heart than Darkness, you possess the ability to use the Keyblade, which is source of great Power, and which you can use to combat the darkness. However, I know you are, at the moment, apprehensive of the concept.”

    “You know I don’t feel up to this?” From this, Base received the impression Yen Sid could read minds.

    Yen Sid smiled heartily. “I do, in truth, know you are ready to at the very least face the Darkness that stands presently. On the other hand, however, I understand that this is a terrible world to be suddenly plunged into, and if it were not for the last minute rescue I executed for you as the Darkness began to surround you, you would have likely have lost your life to the Heartless. While I give you a choice as to which path you will choose, since it was not your choice that brought you here but my own, I must stress to you the point that few Keyblade wielders I have known would have had the gall to stand between the Darkness and the Keyblade as well as an open Heart. For you see, they seek out both sources of great light, like moths to a flame. They fear as well as search to destroy the Keyblade wherever they can find a wielder.” His expression here became solemn again, as though he’d witnessed many of such a fall himself.

    “I’m not a hero… because now that I look back, that was incredibly stupid a thing to do. A hero would do something, and not regret it later.”

    Yen Sid nodded approvingly. “In essence you are right,” Then he shook his head, “Still, does this mean that you have reason to doubt your actions. Our Hearts lead us on the right paths, and in listening to our Hearts, the Light will protect us from any dangers our situations present.” He stated profoundly, and Base had to admit, the Sorcerer was very right, and visibly so; Base was safe and sound after listening to his Heart.

    All the same, Base knew he wasn’t up to such a task. It was a simple truth he knew… or at least, one he felt was right. What business had he in such affairs? All this confliction of emotion unrested him and caused him slightly to swoon as the truth could not be found easily. Base searched and searched for the truth, but only found fear, and one fear in particular struck him the most. “What happened to that girl? My parents? Dean Waiter?” Base gave the fear a voice and it shouted the phrase “Truth! Don’t let that seep in!” inside his head.

    Yen Sid merely bowed his grey hair head somberly, and this nonverbal method was all Base really needed to know in order to realize his fears had come true! He did not know the girl personally, but he felt sorry for her, surely. His parents though? He ached to remember the last time he saw them that day before leaving for school. He found the memory after much straining, and was disappointed somewhat to find how mundane and normal it was; no prophesizing utterances and no foreshadowing of a Goodbye for good. Still, in its normalcy, it was a beautiful memory, and for that instance, it kept Base’s heart from shattering into countless pieces. Dean Waiter had even been there in that specific memory, right there with Aiden and Sabrina Noble at the Noble apartment in Theate City. All the more reason to cling tight to the image, as Dean was practically family ever since the elder musician and owner of the “Dean’s List” music shop near Base’s former school had taken Base underneath his tutelage. At that very moment between words exchanged, Base did not know if Yen Sid was as good at reading hearts as he was at reading faces and/or minds, but he knew if the wizard could, he’d see Mr. & Mrs. Base close together, standing beside a nodding Dean Waiter, and what Base imagined that girl looked like when she was alive, and, likely, happy. They made an odd group together, but the sight of them, surrounded by the lively backdrop of Theate’s huge foundations, contented him beyond belief.

    “I do realize, of course, the weight of all these events and revelations must be incredulously straining.” Yen Sid spoke out sullenly and teeming with deeper meaning. “I also understand why your tears for your fallen world have not quite yet been brewed.” Here, Yen Sid paused and seemed to enter a state of near meditation and deep thought, one of which even gave a glimmer of what looked like actual concern. “If you so wish to let out your frustration at this moment, I will perform the task of magically soundproofing this room from worldly ears, and, if need be, repair any objects that may be broken in any manner of emotional tirade. This is not to assume this of you; merely that there is good cause for such actions to be prompted.” His speech was without haste or retraction.

    On the other side of the conversation, Base appreciated the gesture, but his reply came with a shake of his black-haired head, his hazel eyes glowing with wisdom beyond his years. It was the first time he regained his senses since losing them on Theate. “If what you say is true, and everything points that way, then I have to work to keep Darkness out of my Heart. If I act out of anger, then it will be like the Darkness is winning me over just a little bit. So, if I shout, it must be for the right reasons. It will be purposed that so whoever hears me will know the dying light of Theate is never going to truly die, and that all the suffering we cannot stop will not go without being avenged. I’ve always thought there’s a big difference between “revenge” and “avenge”, but I never thought I’d be faced with it. The bleakest spot of Theate, though, will turn into its brightest beacon, even though the city crumbles away.”

    Yen Sid bowed his head reverently at the younger mage, for it was then the old Sorcerer realized the extent of the powerful magic of Light that existed in this particular boy. It was obvious Base was not exactly the Chosen One, but he was certainly notable in his devotion and understanding. Yen Sid stood up, his robes flowing like water as he did so. “You truly do possess an indomitably strong Heart, young Noble. As you wish.” He turned to leave, bowing his head once more, a little lower than when he had first entered. The chair he once sat in vanished in a similar fashion to how it appeared, as Yen Sid headed towards the door without rush. He placed his bony hand on the door handle and opened the door a crack; just enough for his foot to fit through. “You should be made aware, that few understand such grave matters at first grasp with such fluidity and maturity.” He gave a glance back as he opened the door wider to allow his entire tall and slender frame through the portal. It was evident he spoke genuinely, and it was in fact well felt by the speaker. “Perhaps though, you should acquire more rest. I will send for you when it is time to instruct you further.” In so concluding his statements, Yen Sid left the room, shutting the door slowly and calmly behind him as he crossed through.

    “It’s my blessing and my curse.” Base uttered to no one but himself in reply to Yen Sid’s notion on maturity. Base then realized how completely alone he was, and why so. He’d lost everything that meant everything, and what’s more, anything to him. It was being in this new found kind of solemnity, even though he’d known derision and relative solitude all his young life that caused him to fulfill the promise of his cry for Theate. For the sake of the People’s pains, he let out an earth-shattering shout of personal misery mixed with the empathy for innumerable masses. It was not the obligation of saying he would that spurned the pain, but the pain itself that beget the fresher pain and shook the very core of his soul. He shouted out because it was a time when he felt he would either implode or explode from the excess of his sorrow and emotions, if he did not release it that one, very prolonged cry of anguish.

    Chapter 4
    Part 1

    Upon Yen Sid’s apt advice, Base returned to sleep in the same bed he had awoken in, Sleep receiving him with a surprising lack of a rebuttal. Base had figured before dosing off that his relationship with Rest had been rendered irreversibly irreparable recently, requisite with his tumult. All the same, his dreams were not of the haunting variety, in fact, the exact opposite could be said to have taken into a halcyon wave rolling on a blanket of soaked sand that rushed toward his toes and all at once fled once it glanced them like a timid, but no less wonting, lover. He dreamed of dark alleys in a city much like Theate but with a much different feel and atmosphere; it was much darker there, but in the grimy bleakness, there was a strange Gothic majesty that outweighed fear. He dreamed of small, bright village that was certainly colorful to say the least which was presided over by a humongous white castle with navy blue pointed rooftops on its rooks and spires. He dreamed of places that varied so greatly, he wondered without cognizance how he stored such a vast array of imaginative places without previously visiting any in previous dreams. This was all the more shocking because his imagination was and always had been of such the over-active sort that he was often and at that time launched into a near catatonic state that his ties to reality had been severed in slumber. He had found momentary refuge.

    The final vision he had was of a vast valley filled to the brim with music. It had expansive, rolling hills of white grass that whistled with the wind that gave off a constant and reverberating slow, slight high-pitched audible whine like that of a section of violins in polyphonic symphony, but was so low it became supplementary to the scenery rather than intrusive. From the top of some undeterminable mound of earth, Base could see a great deal spanned over the wide valley below, which was an extremely new vantage point to someone used to the all-encompassing man-made monoliths of Theate. A silky blue pond to the far right housed stalky pink birds that Base had never seen the likes of before, with thin, elongated sticks for legs protruding out of the water. To the far left, the white grass that seemed endless was being “painted” a vibrant, lively green by what either looked or moved like a vivacious breeze of the same viridian hue. In the dead center of the valley, in the flattest portion, sat a monster of a wooden vessel that seemed eerie in the fact in looked abandoned and unattended, but at the same time majestic in its scale and simplicity.

    The hills and the valleys continued to play with a hauntingly serene melody that echoed with ethereal texture. He wondered where the source of the music could be and in wondering he self-discovered he was in a dream; it’s true that when someone realizes they are in a dream that they will wake up soon after; this is true, at least, on a typical basis. It was no less true in this circumstance as his thoughts of the source were the last blurs of a beautiful dream as his eyelids fluttered in unison into a renewed familiarity.


    With a struggling stretch and accompanying groan, Base tried to push the sheets off of him, but found he was drawing them over his person all the more as if he were magnetically attracted to the material. With a slow succession, his eyes began to return to purpose as curtains of his sight, the muscles in his eyelids seeming to contract involuntarily and beyond his power to stop. It was only when the sheets were suddenly and violently ripped from his grip and body that Base really woke up; and with a start!

    “Really now, Merryweather,” Chimed a woman who talked like a bird tweets, with the same pitch, meter and pattern of speech or chirp, “We don’t want to frighten him!” She sounded like she very much wanted to defend the point, but also sounded afraid to utter it.

    “Fauna is right, Merryweather.” This line was given by a brisker, more affirmative female voice that sounded weighted with authority, but proper and kind all the same. “Keep in mind: Magic is all very strange to the people of worlds like Theate.” She sounded bothered by what she said, because in the next instant, she added, “Oh, it was Theate that Yen Sid, wasn’t it?”

    “Yes, Flora.” There erupted the twitter-like voice, more excitedly this time. “Theate. Right between Land of Dragons and Olympus Coliseum somewhere.” Her voice turned to sadder tone. “Or at least… it was.”

    ‘Was’. Knife allegories wouldn’t cut it to describe his sobriety upon hearing that one word. He was sullenly forced back into the reality he had fallen into when his world started to fall apart; literally. Sleep had eased his memory, but now that was gone, and he was back in that odd tower. As he looked about the room, things became odder, as he noticed a lack of speakers, but continued to hear the voices emanating from various sources of thin air in the room.

    “I didn’t think we really could wake him without using magic!” This voice was new. It was discontented and female, but husky and flustered. Her voice was light and airy, but had such a grumpy undertone, it seemed safe to say that its user was not whining or causing some sort of stir.

    “Well Dear,” The brisk voice replied, dignified, “You’re certainly right about ‘not thinking’.” Base didn’t know if she had a tongue and hard palate to ‘tsk’ with, but she did produce the same all the same because it was with vocal register that the sound weighted towards. She repeated the sound several times over as though surveying something, if she had eyes to survey with. Meanwhile, Base was happy with the fact he’d checked the wonky, tilted wardrobe in the room for some night wear and found a pair of pajamas that fit the décor of the room; yellow stars and moons against a solid blue background. The pajamas themselves were rich in design as well as comfort, which spoke for the strange ancient luxury of the atmosphere.

    “Master Sid used magic in front of him, so I don’t see why I can’t.” Merryweather rebutted indignantly.

    “He used magic near him, yes, but not on him. Also, … er… well… you aren’t Yen Sid.” Base had figured this voice to be “Fauna”, as she put everything delicately. “There’s a stark difference, I think.”

    “Oh!” Merryweather returned, with her feathers more than ruffled. “Flora is just too full of herself to realize I did well!” At that same moment, a stout, short and plump woman, with a rotund face under a pointed blue bonnet, wearing a blue belled dress that completely hid her feet as she hovered down to the floor appeared in the room out of thin air suddenly. “Well, he’s up, isn’t he?” She produced the same voice as the last one spoken; Merryweather. In her boisterous fit she managed to knock her tethered hat askew, casting the wide brim over her eyes and exposing the black hair on the back of her head.

    “I’m not in the mood to argue, Merryweather.” In popped a similar apparition, but with the same outfit colored red, and her face was slight longer, although, similarly as plump. She had grey hair under her red pointed bonnet and at that moment of arrival, bore a distempered expression. Following her entered another supernatural guest adorned in green, with a much thinner and cheerful face. Her hair was also grey and as cheerful as she looked, she appeared just as much concerned over the current situation. “Oh my… here we go again…” With a motherly care, the green-adorned apparition corrected Merryweather’s witchy bonnet tentatively, as though the one in blue would snap at her like a yippy dog.

    “Oh, do stop fussing over her, Fauna; she may fix what she upsets.” The red one stated matter-of-factly.

    “Yes, Flora.” The green one, Fauna, said to the red, Flora. “Sorry, Merryweather.” She apologized kindly to the blue one.

    “Thanks anyway.” Merryweather replied, shooting Flora a nasty look at the same time as she spoke.

    Meanwhile, Base was beside himself with the sudden realization of how odd this really all was, and this was even covering his nervousness in the face of three strangers all at once. How strange these strangers were as well! At least Yen Sid had approached him alone, and had quickly and easily eased the tension by rapidly, but calmly, going into explanations. “Who are you?” Base leaped to his bare feet, the carpet oddly warm to the pads of his feet.

    “Why, we’re the three good fairies, dear.” Flora smiled brightly. Base managed to return a haphazard, lopsided grin.

    Fauna saw both smiles and couldn’t resist putting all their elated expressions to shame in comparison to her own. “Yes, that’s right! And Oh! We have some gifts for you! Isn’t that wonderful?” She cooed.

    Elsewhere in the room, Merryweather crossed her arms and pouted. “I might just take mine back.” She said to no one, but then turned to Base. “It’s not you; it’d be because of them.” Flora and Fauna stuttered nervously in response, unsure of what to do until Base acted the Gentleman and approached Merryweather personally. All three of the good fairies were incredibly short, perhaps barely above five feet tall each.

    Base bowed courteously and spoke to Merryweather directly. “I’d like to thank you for waking me when you did. I can be so difficult when it comes to waking up and getting out of bed you see. If it hadn’t been for your…er…method, I probably would have been irascible.”

    Merryweather wasn’t entirely fooled, as she crossed her arms and cocked an eyebrow, sizing Base up. “I know you made that up… but thank you for at least having the nerve.”

    “Quite a vocabulary too.” Fauna noted. It was true, when Base took notice to the fact. On Theate, his intellect around most his own age had typically spawned a thought that he was pretentious, but that was simply the only way he knew how to conduct himself.

    “Anyhow!” Interjected Flora. “Now then, let’s see to those gifts!” Her words made Fauna fly into a gleeful jitter as Merryweather drew closer to the other two in the middle of the floor. Flora waved a small stick she drew from her sleeve, and waved it about to loosen her arm while the tip of the wand sparkled with multi-colored brilliancy. Base was surprised by the display, but only temporarily, as he was already adapting to the quantities of oddities now trickling into his life. “Who’s first? Fauna? Merryweather? Oh, I suppose I might as well.”

    Part 2

    Fauna could not contain her joy very well at all. “Oh!” Tweeted Fauna, “I do so love gifts!” She clasped her frail hands together in front of her gleeful face. “And it’s so much more delightful to give than to receive, you know.” A dreamy haze fell over her expression while she stared off into space.

    “We know; you’ve said it a thousand times before,… you fuddy-duddy.” Merryweather sat in a corner of the room and plopped down. “Now simmer down before you float off!”

    “Oh… Thank you, dear.” Fauna realized very suddenly that she was, indeed, starting to involuntarily float into a hover without direction. The fact that Merryweather had used a sarcastic tone on her was lost on her completely. “Flora, do you mind if I go first?”

    “I don’t mind at all, Fauna, not at all.” Flora bowed to the side as Fauna readied her wand. In a burst of light that followed a flick of the wrist, Fauna conjured up a small box, which was wrapped in forest green paper; with a dark green bow fashioned on top. Giggling away, she bestowed the gift to Base.

    Base was still unsure of what to make of the three, but they had obviously been sent with some purpose, and they seemed to come with good intent as well. He continued to play the Gentleman for the moment, smiling as he said, “How nicely wrapped.”

    Fauna was pleased to hear it; she reeled with delight. “Well, yes, I did wrap it myself. Thank you.”

    “Humph!” Merryweather’s bemusement burst from her corner. “Wrapped it with magic is what you really mean.”

    “All the same, I do appreciate it.” Base replied, meanwhile, he tore away the trimmings to reveal a small tome; a teal, leather-bound notebook with shiny green stationary. Base flipped through its vacant pages until he noticed Fauna was fidgeting with what appeared to be worry.

    “We were told so little about you, so I’m quite sorry if it’s not decorated to your liking.” Fauna apologized emphatically. “It’s a journal, for whatever you’d like to put in there. I like to keep a personal diary myself.”

    To be honest, Base did not care nor notice that the notebook lacked any particular decorations. “Could you decorate it with musical symbols? I would like to keep my ‘composer’.” Base guessed accurately that the request would prompt Fauna back into a state of contentment, as she leaped at the opportunity hastily.

    Shortly after, Flora glided over to Base with yet another gift-wrapped box; this one was a pale red with a dark burgundy bow. “My book next!”

    “Flora! You’re not supposed to tell him!” Fauna blurted out, horrified.

    “You’re absolutely right, dear.” Flora replied, and Base could only help but notice they said “Dear” far more than anyone else he ever knew. “Here you are, Base.”

    Base took the gift and unwrapped it, noticing it was a good deal bigger than the previous book; the last one has been hardly the size of a normally-sized book, whereas this one was about the size of an atlas or dictionary. The surprisingly synthetically-fabricated hardcover was the same burgundy as the bow that had covered it; a leather strap tightly hugged the width of the heavy tome, and a golden latch with a keyhole sat neatly on what appeared to be the front cover. Base could guess it was the front cover, because it read “P.I.” in ornate gold letterings. When he attempted to pry open the latch, Flora quickly stopped him.

    “Oh no, no yet; that book may need a bit more of a… oh… what’s that word…?” Flora racked her mind for “that” word, which she produced moments later, “Tutorial! Perhaps you should leave it here for safekeeping.”

    “Well, won’t I be here anyway?”

    “I’m afraid not, dear. Yen Sid has requested you come to his study.” Flora instructed.

    Based erred. “Umm, I don’t know where that quite is.”

    “Well, then there’s only one way to fix this problem.” Flora took a deep breath and whipped out her wand once more. “He’s going to be here for quite some time, girls. I believe a map is in order.”

    “I don’t see why not.” Merryweather huffed exasperatedly and took out her own wand.

    “Circle up girls. You know the formation. And there we are.” The three fairies tapped their wands together in the center of their circle, and with a flash a glowing orb broke in through thin air. A glittery bubble, which contained the image of what looked like a treasure map floating inside it, hovered in midair between the three. It was the most phantasmagorical spectacle Base had yet seen, and it sent him stumbling back a bit as soon as he saw it.

    “What is that?”

    “Just touch the orb, Sebastian Noble, and you will automatically learn to find most rooms within the enchanted realm that is the Mysterious Tower. It’s a manifestation of the world we’ve summoned to help guide you. There’s usually one locked away somewhere on each world, but they tend to be only responsive to those who are equal in regards to leading and being led by light.” Flora instructed.

    Despite the instructions, Base still had reservations as far as the orb was concerned. He noticed a spiky red “N” above a red arrow at the top of the map, and the depth effect made the object all the more vast-looking and ominous. Apparently, his fears were apparent, as Fauna smiled pleasantly at him.

    “Don’t worry. It won’t hurt.” She reassured.

    “Okay…” Base motioned closer towards the newer gift. “But I want to point out: that usually is the biggest lie ever told.” Against his better judgment, he touched the orb and, as soon as he did, the entire thing burst at his touch; like a glass crystal ball smashed to the floor, but in midair. Its ethereal contents threaded together and flew directly into his outstretched fingertips, disappearing into his skin. “So… just head up now?”

    “Not without my gift you don’t!” Merryweather protested.

    “Merryweather is right. You’ll need it where you’re going.”

    “Where am I going?”

    “Somewhere too soon for me to explain this to you.” Merryweather answered with a moan and a groan. In Merrweather’s possession was a neatly made blue messenger’s bag with the letters “S.N.” in a spiky golden font with a metallic luster stitched on the top part of the satchel.

    “But you must. He’ll have far too much to carry where he’s going.”

    “Yen Sid’s-?” Base started to ask, but was cut off by Flora.

    “Not quite, dear. You’re here for a very special purpose to be sure, and sooner or later, you’ll likely have to prove yourself in one way or another.”

    Before Base had a chance for a rebuttal of the remark, a new presence entered the room. “Begging your pardon bu- WHAT?!” A squawky, almost unintelligible voice came from the other side of the door. The tone was meek at first, but quickly exploded into confusion as a white, feathery head popped into the room; an orange bill hung agape from the face beneath a pair of two big blue eyes the size of saucers.

    “Yes, Donald?” Fauna replied.

    “Oh!” Realization dawned on the anthropomorphic duck, and he chuckled lightly with a wheezy lilt. “Sorry, but I was sent to get uhh…” Donald read from a card in one of his feathered hands. “Sebastian Noble.”

    “Ohhhh!” Merryweather was positively flustered. “Now what?”

    “Write a note, dear.” Flora replied nonchalantly.

    “I’ll what??” Merryweather was bewildered by the casual statement. “How am I supposed to explain it better on a single piece of paper? Flora!”

    “You’ll manage.” Flora said curtly. “Now scoot! We must let Base prepare.”

    “Prepare for what?” Base’s question went unanswered as the Three Good Fairies made a hasty departure.

    “Good luck, dear.” Each said in unison before they were gone, and Donald waddled fully into the room.

    “Are you ready yet, Sebastian?” Donald asked.

    Base nearly passed out. He suddenly felt the sinking feeling that the fight with the Infernal Engine had been enough to kill him. Was his entire life flashing before his eyes? At least... parts of it. So much had happened since then, so why did he go back to that moment of his life when he first arrived at Yen Sid's tower? Base shook the sudden mental overload out of his mind before noticing Karina had already dashed off ahead of everyone else. He knew the Horseman from one excursion already. A great deal of mystery surrounded the steed and the rider. Base plagued himself with questions. Why Alice? Why Belle? Not one to shy away from battle, Base made quick work of catching up to Karina.

    "On your left." Base confirmed to his female ally as he pulled up to the left side of her. He nodded to her, and then was silent; he only focused on their goal: to catch the Headless Horseman.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 5, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Sebax
    Name: Palmer Tierny
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: 5'9", he is a spare individual, but with a muscular outline, who favors a stance of propriety. Narrow shouldered, but handsome in the traditional sense. He dresses in a finer material shirt with thick, horizontal stripes underneath an open light tan blazer with blue stripes. His grey skinny jeans fit his thin frame well, and he wears blue accented running shoes as he is always running someplace. He has hazel eyes that persistently show a serious demeanor, black hair that goes down to the bottom of his lengthy neck that he combs back. Having a long face with a cut jaw, the long hair suites his look fine. His light skin is lightly tanned, and his nose is of the Roman variety.
    Personality: Terse, but fair-minded. Words are his strong suite, but he prefers to use the right ones in the best order, or he will typically opt to not speak unless it is absolutely necessary.
    Bio: A traveler. He's seen many cities across his world, and his perceptiveness has kept his mind open to what its people are like at their true core.
    What scene do you want to do first?: Let's Sing
    Anything else?:

    Name: Mae Hollins
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: 4'9", her stature does occasionally produce a physical problem. Fit and trim, she has a blended appearance of femininity and personal strength. Reddish-Brown hair cascades upon her shoulders and the top of her back, and curtains her egg-shell white, oval face. A single streak of deep, well-blended purple dangles from the front of her scalp to sit closest to the right side of her face. A high forehead and constantly smirking full lips compliment eyes ablaze with green fire. Her figure is of the pear variety if fruits are the universal medium of explanation. Her fashion is not too far from Palmer. She wears a puce t-shirt with a denim jacket cut at just below her bust. Her denim jeans are the same blue shade as her jacket, and fit her snuggly above her purple running shoes.
    Personality: She's a bit of a "special snowflake", evident in her appearance, but her intelligence and individual spark sets her apart from any pack. She is trusting by nature, but hides it in a spritely nature. She's the girl who climbs the tallest tree to show she can.
    Bio: She follows where Palmer goes. By no means is she in love with him, but there are few she feels she can persistently trust.
    What scene do you want to do first?: Let's Sing
    Anything else?:
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 3, 2014 in forum: RP Idol Archive
  10. Sebax
    From Kitten to Jellicle Cat, Asparagus finds his home and niche on the boards of the grand stage. Tracking the lengthy life of a legendary feline, there is Hope and Dismay, Triumph and Defeat, and Love and Heartbreak. A Jellicle tale for Jellicle Cats.


    Table of Contents​


    Chapter 1: Born Blind


    Also by Sebax

    Guest Book


    M any nights were spent at the many doors of many different theaters. It was not customary of habitual Ushers from each to be unacquainted with a frequent, aged guest. A guest whose taste for histrionics knew neither boundary nor had lack of curiosity; curiosity was typically an unadvisable thing for one such as this particular guest, but Asparagus had always been curious ever since he was a kitten. Yes, Asparagus, who was known affectionately as “Gus” to many cast and crew of countless productions, was the cat at the theater door. He was the mobile theater cat who was fraternal to the “Adelphi” as he was recognized at the Duke of York’s. No one quite knew the secret of his traversing, since he was an ancient cat with trembling paws, brittle bones, and vice versa. Quite inscrutably though, Gus was not only a familiar sight, but rather a welcome one; amongst scores of lucky theater cats, Gus was the uncelebrated celebrity. Throes of feet would trample past him as he lay by the doors of any particular theater, and to the owners of those feet, they would not so much as even register there was a cat at all. Those in the business of entertainment both abhorred and understood this un-relation in that, admittedly, Gus was easy to miss with a what had to be a foundation made of parchment. That was, at the very least, supposable in his incomparable skinniness. On the other hand, Gus had been, in another time, not the cat whom everyone ignored at the door way, but had instead been the cat everyone on the West End raved about as a talent so great that he could be rated amongst noted contemporary performers, and the performers themselves would agree with such an equal. After all, Gus had acted with Sir Henry Irving, and he had acted with Sir Herbert Tree, and both were reported, at one time or another, to have referred to Gus’s impressive talent with utmost respectability and sincere affection. That was a past life. This one involved the feet trampling that passed by without a thought of the scrawny, shabby feline that had once been important, but no longer seemed fit to hold the title. The initiated doorman occasionally evinced slight annoyance no one ever remarked so much as a “What a nice old cat that is” while exiting or entering when Gus had decided upon that venue for the evening; but there was little evidence that any of it bothered Gus. The truth was… it did; deeply so. The only game-changing factor was that old age had impressioned Gus with an almost permanent look of indifference to everyone and everything that crossed his path. Yes, on occasion, Gus would meow happily when presented with a superb play, but it pained him terribly to do so and the company understood if he chose to enjoy quietly; a glimmer of joy would always appear in the old cat’s eyes if he were truly delighted. One particular night, at a most particular playing of an utmost particular play, Gus was indeed enjoying the aftermath of a rather new and (what Gus considered) inventive production as he reposed at the feet of the show’s creator. The audience had cleared out and the majority of the company had gone home, but Gus’ own company was no other than Mister J. M. Barrie, while the cold December wind blew softly outside the theater door by which the two sat. As he did when the task was earned and worth the effort, Gus meowed contentedly and purred without as much difficulty.

    “I thank you for that.” Barrie sighed, scratching between Gus’ uneven shoulder blades. “Oh yes, I must admit, your reputation does precede you, my friend. I take it from pretense you enjoyed the play?” Barrie’s brogue bounced and his burr blended lightly down to the curled up Gus, who pleasantly purred in reply. “I am much obliged for the generous review.” Barrie chuckled without the slightest trace of irony. “I do begin to suppose, dear Gus, if cats are like man in the one sense that comes to my mind when I think of Peter, Wendy, and the Lost Boys, and that is, I humbly ask, do cats wish to return to youth? Or is age a mark of wisdom?”

    ‘How silly’ Gus looked up at Barrie with an aloof expression on his feline face and thought to himself, ‘Of course I do and don’t all at once, just as those of humankind do and don’t. But I implore, I ask… how shall I relay my answer to you?’ His only staunch reply was a curt meow. Vague to the uninitiated, but such was the way of cats anyway.

    “Ah, right. Silly me. If you could talk, I’d have to ask you more than just one silly, fleeting question about the mutability of passing youth. Everyone does wonder, simply, how you came to be, so that we are graced by you at the theatre door.”

    Admittedly, Gus adored the adulation. He would not belay a request to tell one of his famously windy stories to fellow animals, and his club meetings by the local pub were the stuff of legends; at least in his own head. But, again, he couldn’t answer Barrie. That was a shame… Gus had truly enjoyed the play. He had enjoyed the production so much that he had skipped his evening nap to watch its entirety. Though he attempted to keep awake, Gus slipped into slumber as Barrie chuckled and scratched Gus behind the ears.

    Chapter 1: Born Blind

    F our newborn kittens mewed theirs first tender cries in a London alley as the harsh December air drifted all around them. An absent father left a young Queen to the task of carriage and nursing, but Carstraw, a beautiful calico, was so tender at heart, she knew she would easily make do with the absence. Her whiskers lifted as she gingerly smiled, though she was weak, hungry, and made to be more tired than she had ever been in her single year of life. It had been a rough life, she knew, but that ceased to matter the instant she started to live for her litter. The four were her first, and to see their moving forms try to swim on a late edition of a city newspaper.

    “Welcome, my loves.” Her voice was one that was steady and produced calmed nerves like an easy breeze, but was not as cold as the wind that threatened to abruptly end the lives of her newborns. “Draw in, and be warm.” She spoke to kittens that were no less deaf than they were blind, but her gentle forepaws sweep brought her young to her abdominal bosom all the same. That was the way they rested for one evening as queen for want of throne, and no lack of biting, hungry mouths finding their way to her teats while she licked them clean of the fluids that coated them.

    Carriages rattled, babies cried, and light poured out from alley windows down on the peacefully dismal sight of Carstraw and her four. Her pale yellow eyes fluttered closed while she came to grips with her new, strange reality, but the kittens continued in their own suckling endeavors unfettered by the horrid and wonderful world they had entered.

    It was some time- a course of a score and five days- before each Kitten had reached a point of managing some form of independence. This brought Carstraw no end of joy and stress in one fantastic ball of-

    “Amandus! You get down from there!” Carstraw shouted to the tawny, skinny one, whom had made his way up a dangling hemp rope in the same alley of the birth of all but one of the five cats.

    Three fluffy rumps were plomped squarely on the cobblestone as they watched in awe of their brave, ignorant brother. Lilyplate, the all-white one with blue eyes, giggled while Saffronpaw, a black cat with reddish brown colorations on all four of his paws and down his sturdy back, and Asparagus, a skinny, brown cat with white colorations and stripes around his hazel eyes, dared each other turn to be the next one to go up.

    “You go up.” Saffronpaw’s voice was husky for one so young.

    “You’re the strong one. You do it, Saf.” Asparagus rebuked with disdain at the height Amandus had reached. To the tiny, wobbly-legged kittens, it seemed miles that had been traversed from the ground to the target of Mother’s aggravated cawing; in reality, it was merely a few feet, but what is distance to a kitten or babe?

    “I will, just as soon as you do.” Saffron replied unsteadily, poorly feigning confidence.

    “I hear you down there, and I say you are both gutless cowards.” A spritely voiced called from above.

    “You mind your mouth Amandus Straw!”

    “Yes, mother.” Amandus obediently called back down.

    “And come back down at once.” No change in volume had presented itself in her voice, and in no reply when reply had come before, Carstraw saw it fit to increase her tonal volume and screech at her dareful kitten. “THIS INSTANT!” Scratching comforted her to no end as she was content to see the eldest of her litter make his descent. Only when Amandus had reached the ground did Carstraw let loose a well-deserved motherly sigh of relief.

    “I came back down just for you, dear mother.” Amandus cooed and tried to sway his mother’s temper. Her paw smartly smacking his bottom a few inches made his efforts all for naught. “Oof!” Amandus grunted as he landed a little ways off from his siblings.

    “Never, ever do that again at your age. You’ll learn to walk first before you go round the bend and start becoming tightrope walkers and acrobats and such.” Carstraw was firm, but fair. Her voice had lost its rage, but not its bite. She would teach her kittens to obey, but only out of her love for them did she even bother to ensure they made an effort to behave. This point had been made clearer than crystal on many instances prior, but it was usually Amandus being reckless, or Lilyplate whining of low estate, or Saffron crying of not enough food when he ate a good deal more than the other kittens already. Asparagus alone was, to Carstraw, her “little gentleman”. Asparagus found both pride and displeasure in the title, since the preening was only beneficial when his mutable mood suggested it was beneficial. “Now then, lessons continue if Amandus can behave himself and you all mind yourselves as well.”

    By habit, all four kittens replied with a “Yes, mother” lacking sarcasm. Carstraw nodded her head and relaxed her back before licking Amandus on the head. “Your bravery, my boy, is going to do you some use in the future, but, for the sake of your mother’s all-too-loving heart, place yourself far from danger for the time being.” Amandus nodded in reply, and Carstraw purred. “Good. Now then, you may play as I search the empty room to make sure it is, in fact, currently empty.”

    Asparagus knew the empty room all too well. A dark, but homely place of Victorian comfort that had been abandoned for some years by previous tenants and it served as the unofficial home of the Straw family when rains persisted or dangers lurked in their familiar alleyway. “I’ll keep the peace, mama.” Gus stuck out his chest and tried to make his small frame appear larger than it was.

    Carstraw chuckled,but with humor as much as pride in her children’s individuality. “You mind yourself and your siblings. I trust you’ll do just fine, my little Gus.” And Carstraw licked Gus’ forehead, which unfortunately toppled the kitten backwards in a somersault that his brothers and sister could not suppress their laughter at. Carstraw stifled their giggles and set Gus right before pouncing up to the empty windowsill nearest the small group. In a flash, she was gone inside, and Asparagus was left to watch his siblings.

    “Mama left me in charge, so you have to do what I say.” Asparagus stated proudly. He was full of heart upon saying it, but was disheartened when he spotted three tails wiggling in the air as three tiny faces marked themselves with malicious intents. “Uh…mama….left me…in…” Asparagus was thoroughly trounced, pounced, and tackled by his giggling siblings until even he was led out of his somber façade to enjoy the kaleidoscope of roughhousing the four Straw kittens had become in the alley they called home.


    • An origin story of "Gus, the Theatre Cat" made famous by the poem by T.S. Elliot and the stage production of the Musical "Cats" set by Andrew Lloyd Webber. It's what I crafted in my mind to play Gus on stage.

    Also by Sebax


    "Based Forward"- Set 14 years before the events of Kingdom Hearts I, and 4 years before Birth By Sleep, a musically-inclined boy finds himself under the tutelage of Yen Sid after the destruction of his Homeworld of Theate. Studying to be a mage, Base finds himself in over his head in matters he barely understands.


    "Give My Regards to Bridleway"- Based on the "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" TV show, Rarity heads off to Bridleway to be part of a show. With the help of her friends, can she hold her own in the theatre?


    "Burns"- Set 28 years before the events of Red/Blue, Caesar Cyprus, a young aide to Professor Oak, is sent to Cinnabar Island. The research he does there will lead him down a path to an even bigger adventure for him.

    Guest Book

    Not a KHV member? Sign the Guest Book, please! I write for the love of it, but I do need, from time to time, some sort of encouragement, or else I just lose interest in posting.
    Sign Here!
    Thread by: Sebax, Jun 2, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. Sebax
    What about Base? She already dislikes him for seeming a know-it-all. By no means, he is. But it's not going to go over well when they visit a world he's already been to, but with different settings.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 1, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  12. Sebax
    Model: Regal Mountain
    Modifications: Removal of Door leading from Patio to Bedroom.
    Color: Navy blue walls and grey roofing.
    Alice in Wonderland Living room and Patio
    Beauty and the Beast Bedroom
    Dumbo Bathroom
    Kitchen, Storage, and Misc. Rooms, Land of Departure
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 1, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  13. Sebax


    As previously stated, this is your world to play around in, but everyone has to have the same world to make things consistent and easy. That's why I've drummed up at least one map to make you aware of your surroundings.

    For now, since the Mini-RP starts off in a little out-of-Toontown piece of Suburbia called Kei Acres, the one map is all that's necessary.

    Thread by: Sebax, May 31, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  14. Sebax
    Gaston stopped mid-lunge when Luna interrupted his kill. He sneered at the distraction, but chuckled when he turned to see only a little girl.

    "Trust me, you'll admire what I do. Everybody does." He said with no lack of self-esteem and a toothy grin. But as the others came to her aid, Gaston began to lose his signature confidence. "Have you all gone mad? It's a beast! It doesn't have feelings." He bit darkly and spit on the Beast's ripped cape. "Oh, but Belle "loved" you, didn't she? HA!" Gaston chastised and laughed at the weakened Beast. "Tell me, Beast, were you in love with her? Do you really think she'd want someone like you...when she could have someone like me?" He knelt down by the apparent monster and dug his knife deep into the animal-like ribcage.

    Beast roared with pain and anguish as he regained his strength just enough to grab Gaston by the throat and held the helpless and presently afraid hunter over the edge; a ravine lay below, and a terrible drop.

    "Please, let me go, I'll do anything." Gaston pleaded. Though Beast snarled and looked at the killer with the intent to kill, the mere memory of Belle brought him back to who he truly was. And who was the Beast and who was the Man was more evident in the air than what was visual.

    "Get out..." Beast growled and threw Gaston back onto the safety of the balcony. As Gaston crawled away, Beast caught sight of Belle far below at the bridge. "Belle!" He said aloud, happily. His mood soon changed as a headless rider grabbed hold of her and rode off into the Black Forest with her. "No!" Beast roared again in pain and in anguish as the knife of the incident and Gaston's dagger sunk into his back at the same instant. Blind with pain, Beast thrashed about, and accidentally threw the cowardly Gaston and his dagger to the ravine below. Gaston's cry died out as he fell out of sight, but Beast was far too gone to realize what had happened. His monstrous feet staggered, and his heavy ankles quivered. With a grunt, the Beast fell, and in much worse shape than before.
    Post by: Sebax, May 31, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Sebax
    Post by: Sebax, May 30, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  16. Sebax
    Ananta 1 (Interacted with her to teach her Keyblade Gliding.)
    Base 10 (I love me)
    Beuce 10 (We are brothers)
    Cat N/A
    D'daear 10 (Base's Padawan)
    Eon 7 (The boy made an open and well-received introduction.)
    Etrius N/A
    Glen N/A, unfortunately, but I expect this to be high
    Kaida N/A
    Karina 3 (He has respect for her abilities, but her pride is her downfall in making allies.)
    Kel 2 (Didn't we fight together back in CoD?)
    Kross 5
    Krowley 10 (Base has an incredible amount of respect for the first Keyblader he met out of the group.)
    Luna 6 (They've been through a few worlds together, but haven't really interacted much.)
    Steel 4 (Base is a little wary of the spirit, but respectful.)
    Stratos N/A
    Post by: Sebax, May 29, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  17. Sebax
    Ballroom Zone
    Cycle 12
    Dark Thorn > Steel > Luna > Beast(Aerorax1) > Kross > D'daear
    Kross is covered by 4 mines
    D'daear is covered by 4 mines
    Dark Thorn used Chandelier Smash on Steel and Luna!
    Did 21 Damage!
    Steel Fainted!
    Hit Luna!
    Did 22 Damage!
    Luna used Combo!
    Did 32 Damage1
    Beast used Claw Attack!
    Did 20 Damage!
    Kross used a Combo!
    Did 13 Damage!
    Dark Thorn Roared and grabbed Beast​


    Dark Thorn
    1/1,000 HP

    • [​IMG]

      0/37 HP
      1/4 MP
      88% CG

      3/3 Barrier Surge
      3/3 Sliding Dash
      3 Caballeros
      7 Dwarves

      Fairy Godmother
      Aerial Sweep
      Combo Plus
      Dodge Roll
      EXP Writer
      High Jump

    • [​IMG]

      36/58 HP
      2.1/4 MP
      120% CG

      Mega-Potion x2
      Ether x2
      Phoenix Down
      3/3 Barrier Surge
      0/5 Poison Edge
      3 Caballeros
      7 Dwarves

      Cheshire Cat

      Fairy Godmother
      Aerial Sweep
      Combo Plus
      Dodge Roll
      EXP Writer
      High Jump

    • [​IMG]

      42/43 HP
      2/3 MP
      75% CG

      Wall of Servants
      1/4 Ferocious Lunge
      4/4 Furious Bellow
      MP Rage
      MP Rage
      Critical Plus
      Second Wind
      Second Chance

    • [​IMG]

      31/38 HP
      1.6/5 MP
      210% CG

      Mine Squre
      4/4 Aerial Slam
      High Jump
      Magic Lock-on

    • [​IMG]

      36/44 HP
      3/3 MP
      145% CG

      Mine Square
      Phoenix Down
      3/3 Sliding Dash
      2/2 Strike Raid
      Aerial Sweep
      EXP Writer
      High Jump
      Item Boost

    • [​IMG]
      Wall of Servants
      0/60 HP


      0% Critical Chance


    Struck by the last Keyblade attack it could endure, the weakened Dark Thorn attempted to run from the battle. In its blind, animal-like fury, it snatched up Beast in its claws and dashed off to the glass door leading out to the balcony as the ballroom shed its dark appearance to regain its golden glimmer. Faster than anyone cold reach, Dark Thorn pushed itself through the window and proceeded to thrash the Beast again and again with foot stomps and claw attacks. To finish off the master of the castle, the Beast was pitched high into the air, but he hadn't flown too far before the Beast used the last of his own strength to use one more Ferocious Bellow to finally defeat the monstrous intruder. The Dark Thorn burst out another roar, but was cut off as it burst and dispersed into tiny fragments of ethereal darkness. The wisps of dark smoke cleared, but the beaten Beast still flew until he landed with a hard thud on the balcony extending from his own room.

    The Beast tried to get up, but could not. He attempted to lift one heavy, furry arm, but even that was too strenuous to acheive; his limb fell limp and lifeless at his side. His breathing became shallow, all while Gaston, using his hunter's instinct, slipped through the Beast's bedroom door. A bow and arrow in his hands, Gaston smiled broadly and deviously; fires of darkness lit under his blue eyes. There was only minimal disappointment when the town hero found his target still shallowly breathing. With flair, Gaston removed his hunting knife from the holster on his boot.

    "Tell me, where you in love with her, Beast? Pathetic creature." Gaston readied his dagger, enjoying the completion of his ultimate hunt.

    Steel leveled up!
    Steel is Level 21
    Steel learned Blizzard

    Luna leveled up!
    Luna is Level 20

    Kross leveled up!
    Kross is Level 19

    D'daear leveled up!
    D'daear is Level 15
    D'daear learned Cure
    D'daear learned Combo Plus
    D'daear learned Air Combo Plus
    Post by: Sebax, May 29, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Sebax
    Ballroom Zone
    Cycle 12
    Dark Thorn > Steel > Luna > Beast(Aerorax1) > Kross > D'daear
    Kross is covered by 4 mines
    D'daear is covered by 4 mines
    Dark Thorn used Chandelier Smash on Steel and Luna!
    Did 21 Damage!
    Steel Fainted!
    Hit Luna!
    Did 22 Damage!
    Luna used Combo!
    Did 32 Damage1
    Beast used Claw Attack!
    Did 20 Damage!​


    Dark Thorn
    14/1,000 HP

    • [​IMG]

      0/37 HP
      1/4 MP
      88% CG

      3/3 Barrier Surge
      3/3 Sliding Dash
      3 Caballeros
      7 Dwarves

      Fairy Godmother
      Aerial Sweep
      Combo Plus
      Dodge Roll
      EXP Writer
      High Jump

    • [​IMG]

      36/58 HP
      2.1/4 MP
      120% CG

      Mega-Potion x2
      Ether x2
      Phoenix Down
      3/3 Barrier Surge
      0/5 Poison Edge
      3 Caballeros
      7 Dwarves

      Cheshire Cat

      Fairy Godmother
      Aerial Sweep
      Combo Plus
      Dodge Roll
      EXP Writer
      High Jump

    • [​IMG]

      42/43 HP
      2/3 MP
      75% CG

      Wall of Servants
      1/4 Ferocious Lunge
      4/4 Furious Bellow
      MP Rage
      MP Rage
      Critical Plus
      Second Wind
      Second Chance

    • [​IMG]

      31/38 HP
      1.6/5 MP
      210% CG

      Mine Squre
      4/4 Aerial Slam
      High Jump
      Magic Lock-on

    • [​IMG]

      36/44 HP
      3/3 MP
      145% CG

      Mine Square
      Phoenix Down
      3/3 Sliding Dash
      2/2 Strike Raid
      Aerial Sweep
      EXP Writer
      High Jump
      Item Boost

    • [​IMG]
      Wall of Servants
      0/60 HP


      0% Critical Chance


    Post by: Sebax, May 29, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Sebax
    Ballroom Zone
    Cycle 12
    Dark Thorn > Steel > Luna > Beast(Aerorax2) > Kross > D'daear
    Kross is covered by 4 mines
    D'daear is covered by 4 mines
    Dark Thorn used Chandelier Smash on Steel and Luna!
    Did 21 Damage!
    Steel Fainted!
    Hit Luna!
    Did 22 Damage!​


    Dark Thorn
    56/1,000 HP

    • [​IMG]

      0/37 HP
      1/4 MP
      88% CG

      3/3 Barrier Surge
      3/3 Sliding Dash
      3 Caballeros
      7 Dwarves

      Fairy Godmother
      Aerial Sweep
      Combo Plus
      Dodge Roll
      EXP Writer
      High Jump

    • [​IMG]

      36/58 HP
      2.1/4 MP
      120% CG

      Mega-Potion x2
      Ether x2
      Phoenix Down
      3/3 Barrier Surge
      0/5 Poison Edge
      3 Caballeros
      7 Dwarves

      Cheshire Cat

      Fairy Godmother
      Aerial Sweep
      Combo Plus
      Dodge Roll
      EXP Writer
      High Jump

    • [​IMG]

      42/43 HP
      2/3 MP
      75% CG

      Wall of Servants
      0/4 Ferocious Lunge
      3/4 Furious Bellow
      MP Rage
      MP Rage
      Critical Plus
      Second Wind
      Second Chance

    • [​IMG]

      31/38 HP
      1.6/5 MP
      210% CG

      Mine Squre
      4/4 Aerial Slam
      High Jump
      Magic Lock-on

    • [​IMG]

      36/44 HP
      3/3 MP
      145% CG

      Mine Square
      Phoenix Down
      3/3 Sliding Dash
      2/2 Strike Raid
      Aerial Sweep
      EXP Writer
      High Jump
      Item Boost

    • [​IMG]
      Wall of Servants
      0/60 HP


      0% Critical Chance


    Post by: Sebax, May 29, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Sebax
    Ballroom Zone
    Cycle 11
    Dark Thorn > Steel > Luna > Beast(Aerorax2) > Kross > D'daear(Aerorax1)
    Kross is covered by 4 mines
    D'daear is covered by 5 mines
    D'daear turned into a blabbering big fat baby
    Dark Thorn laughed in his face
    Did 43 Damage!
    Base used Cure on D'daear
    Healed D'daear to Full Health!
    Players were freed from Tar Trap!
    Bambi Pranced about
    Dark Thorn used Foot Stomp!
    Hit D'daear!
    Did 9 Damage!
    Hit Steel!
    Did 16 Damage!
    Steel summoned the Fairy Godmother
    The Three Caballeros were Recalled!
    The Three Caballeros can be summoned again
    Luna used Poison Edge!
    Did 30 Damage!
    Bambi has fled
    Beast used Ferocious Lunge!
    Did 60 Damage!
    Kross used Combo!
    Did 27 Damage!
    Tripped a Mine!
    Did 28 Damage!
    D'daear's turn​


    Dark Thorn
    83/1,000 HP

    • [​IMG]

      21/37 HP
      1/4 MP
      88% CG

      3/3 Barrier Surge
      3/3 Sliding Dash
      3 Caballeros
      7 Dwarves

      Fairy Godmother
      Aerial Sweep
      Combo Plus
      Dodge Roll
      EXP Writer
      High Jump

    • [​IMG]

      58/58 HP
      2.1/4 MP
      120% CG

      Mega-Potion x2
      Ether x2
      Phoenix Down
      3/3 Barrier Surge
      0/5 Poison Edge
      3 Caballeros
      7 Dwarves

      Cheshire Cat

      Fairy Godmother
      Aerial Sweep
      Combo Plus
      Dodge Roll
      EXP Writer
      High Jump

    • [​IMG]

      42/43 HP
      2/3 MP
      75% CG

      Wall of Servants
      0/4 Ferocious Lunge
      3/4 Furious Bellow
      MP Rage
      MP Rage
      Critical Plus
      Second Wind
      Second Chance

    • [​IMG]

      31/38 HP
      1.6/5 MP
      210% CG

      Mine Squre
      4/4 Aerial Slam
      High Jump
      Magic Lock-on

    • [​IMG]

      36/44 HP
      3/3 MP
      105% CG

      Mine Square
      Phoenix Down
      3/3 Sliding Dash
      1/2 Strike Raid
      Aerial Sweep
      EXP Writer
      High Jump
      Item Boost

    • [​IMG]
      Wall of Servants
      0/60 HP


      0% Critical Chance


    Post by: Sebax, May 29, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena