This will be horrible buuuuuut I really have a desire to do it sooooo My song will be Ai wo Torimodose!! (Movie version)...otherwise known as YOU WA SHOCK!!
I danced with my cellphone because that's how I roll.....eyup that sounds like me
Name: Julian Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: Here Personality: Calm individual in comparison to his servant, but even so he is almost no different from the servant that was summoned through alignment. Wish: Unknown Servant: Yuuki Terumi Brief Bio: A skilled spiritual hacker that has entered the grail for unknown reasons. He is very knowledgeable about the ways of the digital world and even the lore of magic that had long become extinct. Code Cast 1: Slightly heal your servant Code Cast 2: Slightly restore your servant's mp Character sheet of Servant: Name: Yuuki Terumi Age: Unknown Appearance: OROBUROS Personality: Sadistic and cruel, taking pleasure in the misfortune of other and enjoys bringing forth despair. He is manipulative and provoking, never giving a crap about others. Originally from: BlazBlue Class: Assassin Background:ūki_Terumi Wish: Unknown Noble Phantasm: Nox Nyctores Ouroboros and The Black Susano'o Master: Julian Additional Info: THIS WORLD IS NOTHING BUT LIES, LIES! LET ME SHOW YOU THE TRUTH, THE TRUTH I LIKE TO CALL DESPAIR! "I call upon thee in the name of the holy grail! If thou dost abide by this will and reason, answer me"
"That damn well was no accident. Though she was upset the fact is she was the one who shot and killed Sonic" Derron said closing his eye as he took a step forward. "During that challenge we all went at it to kill each other. If those bastards tell us to kill for our lives I wonder who will ignore that order..." Derron said before glancing over at Ethan "well then its best we head there. This place shouldn't be that big and if anything we can find something useful or even more people..." Derron said. It seemed his plan had worked and the lack of knowledge when it came to sports did not actually hinder him as he thought. This pleased Dominik quite a deal and he was glad to see the girl speak to him. Crossing his arms, Dominik place his hand on his chin "well...a whole bunch of things could have happened to them" Dominik said before staring back at her " exactly happened in the challenge" Dominik said. He was far too curious about it and he wanted to know, his body was bursting with curiosity but he refused to show it.
Happy Birthday you colorful man you Spoiler: Here is my wish to you
A vulgar curse word was uttered loudly from the mouth of Derron, but Aeron sighed and shook his head. At this point he figured Derron would have been quite pissed off and attempt to punch the barred wall, but Aeron was actually quite surprised to see that he managed to restrain himself. Even if they managed to get out of the place there was still the possible chance that the shock collars might go off and kill them either way. With that if they could ever dream of victory they first needed to take off the collars. "Lets keep this place in mind and head off someplace else..." Aeron said pulling out a sheet of paper and begun to sketch his own small map to keep note of. While he was doing that he glanced out at the group and raised his eyebrow before staring over at Marilyn "Hey...was there anybody else in your group?" Aeron asked before staring over at Derron "You remember the challenge right? Each group had a representative and was equipped with a weapon..." Derron raised an eyebrow and glanced over at the group once he realized just where Aeron was getting at. "Oi thats right, none of these people were in the challenge" Derron said glancing over at Ethan,Marilyn, and Brady. "So who was it in your group? That dead girl Sanic or something? the glasses guy with the knife? or that girl with the gun?" Derron said. The glasses guy was not an issue since they all had knives now, but the gun would be a huge problem. " forgot there names?..." Aeron said rubbing his temples "SILENCE! YOUR LUCKY I EVEN REMEMBERED THEM THE FIRST TIME!" Deron said not amused before turning back at the newcommers and crossed his arms.
Thankskilling and Sharknado
Everything was just too silent for Dominik as he sat on their along with the girl named Rae Anne. He didn't know what he wanted to do, should he go on and see what was up there, or perhaps he should just stay there in where there didn't seem to be any danger. Perhaps he should have followed the others, they were probably swimming with something interesting. He begun to envy them, but it was too late for him to join them now. Glancing over at Rae Anne, there was a thought that popped up in his mind and he couldn't just ignore it. He was far too curious to learn about what had happened, there was far too little detail to really of satisfied him. "So....about them red socks" Dominik said scratching the back of the head. If he wanted to break the silence he needed to open up with something. "err...yeah...they're really great or something...woot they scored a lot of goals...or something" Dominik said closing his eyes as he crossed his arms "so err...what exactly are we going to do...I mean I don't mind sitting around talking about basketball" Dominik said
04 ♪ Shards were sent flying towards each other, clashing against each in an attempt at besting the other and causing harm. The wings of Caius were spread and immediately he kicked off the ground and slashed his claw towards Regulus. In an immediate response Regulus rose up his palm and swung it towards Caius as the shards formed around the palm and turned the palm into something quite similar to that of a sword. "So you would call upon the demonic essence that you've shunned all your life?" Regulus said pushing Caius away from him and took a step forward "Have you grown that desperate? or have you accepted your fate to sink and become no different than those mindless demons? or will you die trying to kill me?" Regulus asked swing his palm towards Caius. He had hoped the doll would have preformed more, but even so Jehoel's remnants did provide her enough power to cause serious harm and Caius was in a damaged state. Raising his demonic hand, Caius used the back of his hand to block the incomming palm and though it cut lightly into the skin, Caius held his stance with narrowed eyes. "Im not dying here nor will I fall to that of a demon. She'll cry..." Caius said pushing forward. "If I can help it I will not sacrifice my life at all, its not something she would want...I'll move forward and work to create a better land. I'll over come my demon side and I won't dare ever make it affect me" Caius said pushing Regulus flying back. Flapping his wings he dashed straight towards his father stretching his arm outwards at him. "In a land filled with such selfishness, is what you seek impossible? anger, love, happiness, is all selfish natures of man" Regulus said getting better footing on the ground as he rose his hand forward and formed a shield that Caius' claw clashed against. "In such a selfish world there will always be strife as people continue to move forward to satisfy their own goals." Regulus said calmly. " by emotions is selfish, but its selfless all the same. I cannot guarantee a bright future, but to live without emotions...its like not living at all!" Caius said as the shield shattered allowing Caius to step forward and slash at Regulus. Regulus took a step backwards but Caius' claw at least managed to graze Regulus' chest and knock off his mask. Blood trickled down his face and Regulus held his palm over it before he glanced over at Caius. "To not live at all..." Regulus said panting a bit. At first he believed he had the advantage with the wounds Caius took from his mother, but the drain of life from Alistair was now beginning to take it's toll on Regulus. Caius jumped up into the air and began to dash straight towards him at a great speed. Raising his palms forward giant shards began to fly and soar straight towards Caius, but Caius weaved and turned avoiding and destroying some of the shards that occurred. It was clear that his moves were not going to hit in such a distance and as he desired the best outcome he reeled both arms back. As if mimicking his father, Caius did the exact same thing having thought of the same thing. Caius grew closer and closer and once in range, both men thrust their palms forward sending a flurry of shards. Through the storm the two were sent flying back, torn apart slightly by the storm, but still in fighting form. Slowly he arose to his feet and stood up starring over at Caius as he did the same. Regulus was more adapt when it came to his powers and he could output them at a better strength, but Caius had his demonic essence to help with that handicap. They were both worn out and fatigued so it was only fitting that it ended now. Regulus' ability over time was greater than that of Caius, he would use it to his advantage. 6 seconds is the max he could distort time for, he knew that Caius could only only distort time for a maximum time of 3 seconds. He would use that amount of time to his advantage. He kicked off the ground and dashed straight towards Caius "TIME!" Regulus shouted as time began to distort. In the two seconds he closed the gap between then and prepared to strike Caius. Under the influence of time Caius was in a desperate state that in needed to block. He knew Regulus' time distortion was still active, but if he did not activate his own then he would die from Regulus' blow. "TIME!" Caius called out as he was freed from the distortion. He had 2 seconds while Regulus had 3, Regulus had it all planned and Caius could do was block the blow in those 2 seconds. The first second passed and the blow was blocked, after the next seconds Regulus was free to attack. The next second was used to push Regulus slightly away, but with his weakened wounds he wasn't able to push Regulus further. He refused for it to end like this he wouldn't let Regulus walk away free, he wasn't going to die. Even if his body was slow he would still try and continue on. One second left, it was all Regulus needed to finish off Caius. As he was pushed away he anticipated the boy to return to the affects of the distorted time, but his eyes widened. As Regulus proceeded to make another attack in his last second it was blocked by Caius. "Impossible...he managed to break his limit?!" Regulus said in disbelief. His second past and but it was now Regulus who was under the affects of the disortion "FATHER!" Caius called out as he sent his claw forward and pierced through the chest of Regulus. In those two seconds he did not know what happened. His desire to live clouded his mind and brought forth a miracle. 4 seconds had passed since Caius activated his time distortion and the affects now faded. "Impressive...truly...impressive..." Regulus said as the blood began to spill from his mouth. Cold eyes stared forward as the arm still rested through his chest. "this world...truly is filled with mysteries...ignorance is what drove me to find this..." Regulus said closing his eyes. "I do wonder...if I...Sariel...will ever truly find the meaning of this life...I will see...though the threads of eternity" Regulus said as his body slumped. "Until we meet again...child......" Regulus said. Spoiler: Nothingness A shivering emptiness, A cold foreign world, An unknown perception, He was nothing but a boy who knew so little, his past not even close to that of a blur. Where was he? How did he get there? Who exactly was he? He knew how to speak, he knew how to walk and he knew how to breathe, but there was nothing else in his mind. An empty slate, he had no memories on which to build emotion upon and was just a husk. Dim lit streets were spread out for him. The boy walked down the streets and aimlessly he stared around with vacant eyes, looking for meaning. It was a simple street, but for one with nothing this whole entire place was just a foreign world to him. His footstep that had pushed him forward had finally stopped by the command of his mind. Before him he noticed it, a strange being no different than him lying on the ground. The red splattered all over his body, the gigantic cavity that ran down from the chest down to the abdomen. For him this was the first human he had ever met in his life and the vision before him enticed him. Ignorance begets curiosity and for the boy who knew nothing, he desired to learn as much as he could about it. It was the only desire he held, the desire to learn who or what he was. He dropped to his knees and reached forward into the man’s chest, wrenching out the heart that he had managed to take grasp of and stared at it. Merely staring at it only brought forth more questions as to what this person was. Why wouldn’t this person move? Why didn’t he seek answers like himself? Simple questions like those were just too alien to him. The boy chose to dig deeper in order to find out more. The body held a strange sense of warmth, but even so this warmth was fading away. He wanted to find more, but there was a sense of fatigue that plagued his body. As things began to blur a bright and powerful light shone towards him. Among side the light were figures heading towards him. The boy desired to learn more about those figures, but the fatigue was too much and so he fell into a slumber. If there was one thing that the boy would carry about his entire life, it would be that single memory of the bloodied body. For him, this was his first memory. The men that called themselves “Policemen” took the boy in, in order to keep an eye on the child. Though they did not charge him for the crime of murder, they chose to hold the boy that played with a corpse. The people shunned him, thinking him as a freak, but one family chose to use that for their advantage. The power hungry family only felt to increase their reputation and by taming the boy and making him a great successor would they only show how great they were. Regulus, A name that meant “Rule”. It was the name that the Astar family gave their new child in hopes that they would bring forth a heir that would rule the weak. He made himself a name, he became widely famed, but the man who started with nothing could never truly comprehend what people thought. His powers were formed and his desires only grew. He felt emptiness…something that he wished to be filled. He traversed the lands in order to find out more, but even so he could never comprehend that that empty feeling was what was breaking him. Through his empty mind there was one thing that had always stayed with him…why did the name Caius stay so prominent in his mind? There was nothing, his face was near stoic, but even so the tears fell down his face. The blood of his mother and father rested now on his hands and he loathed it. He wanted to scream, shout and cry out, but he could not do so. All that was left was for him to end this stupid war and end all the blood shed. He staggered on moving towards his next battle.
09 It was far too unfair, too cruel for him. Caius staggered backwards in a pitiful attempt to dodge the multiple slashes that came from the woman that he called mother. The woman held not a shred of emotion on her face as she swung her claws at him. Though her body of metal and flesh was heavily damaged and bleeding severely, it did not stop her in the slightest. To her she only needed to do one thing and that was to finish off her opponent. In such a state it was easy to destroy her, but Caius could not bring himself to even do so. Through all his life he always believed that his mother was a kind hearted person. There was nothing that ever led to that belief except for hope, hope that at least one of his parents were somebody he could love, somebody who he could probably say loved him. He knew it was a disillusion and told himself he may never be able to figure out if this was true or not. He told himself his mother was dead and this allowed him to believe what he wanted, that he would never learn the truth, but this mere revelation shattered that thought. The woman was always near to him, aiding Regulus in his endeavors. He steeled himself to fight Regulus but this was another story. The tears ran as he desperately tried blocking off each blow. Even knowing she was the doll, he still could not shake off the love he deluded himself into believing. "Why do you not fight back..." Regulus said walking up to the scene with his arms crossed, staring on at the scene. The tears running down the boy's face, the desperation on his face, it was all intriguing to that of Regulus. He closed his eyes and let out a chuckle, "its only I told that girl is such a pathetic thing, one that is only a burden..." Regulus said calmly "This is what I've observed...I suggest that you distance yourself from him" Regulus said. Each word Regulus spoke made thing even more difficult for him to even hold himself against the woman. Each blow cut deeper and deeper as time moved on. Doubt began to fill his mind, he did not wish to believe such a thing, but even so it hurt so bad. Was love really worth holding on to? would it only bring pain like he was feeling at the moment. He was in a weak and pathetic but he could not believe such a thing. His body did not wish to move, it had enough and await its end. It would end with his own mother piercing his chest. He had given up, but even so he stared over at the woman and stared deep into her emotionless eyes and smile softly as he said one thing. "Mama..." It was as if everything froze, there was no more bloodshed and Caius' life had not come to a halt. "Impossible..." Regulus said unfolding his arms. "Finish him" Regulus said, but the command fell on dead ear. The doll that had always followed the will of Regulus did not move. Her body shivered in resistance as it remained frozen in one spot, unable to attack further. Caius was taken back by the sudden halt in movement, but there was no hesitation, his mind was steeled but his heart was in pain. He thrust his own demonic claw and pierced through the chest of his mother. Spoiler: Katrina Astar She was a woman who had lost everything, a woman that held so much love and care, but was only used and tossed aside like trash. She was broken in pieces, but one man saved her and allowed her to express that love she held. All she wanted to do was express her love and to be loved in return. Regulus Astar, who had abandoned his family strict laws chose to claim her as his bride. She was truly fooled into believing the man loved her. She was happy, she was content. She told himself that even though Regulus never showed his emotions, deep down there was still love. It did not matter that he did not return her feelings, but that she was able to love him was all that mattered. Her world was filled with light once she got word of her pregnancy. Regulus was gone, but she still had her child. She would love this child and in return she would finally be given love back. She would endure the pain she felt, so that she could see her child's precious smile. The body collapsed on to Caius as he removed the claw from the chest. Even though everything was over, he still held the body as it braced against his body. He felt liquid drip face, but he could not tell whether this was blood or tears. He could not bear to look at his face. It was not a grand form of proof, but it was good enough for him. She loved him, this was something he concluded. He hesitated with all her being to attack him. As she rested against him and as he held her, this was closest time he could ever say that he ever embraced one of his parents. He held on to her, not wishing to let go as the tears ran, but soon enough those tears faded and the body dropped as he released her. Everything was silent, but Caius glanced over his shoulder and stared over at the man staring over at him. The tears had ended and what was left was a tear stained face. "I cannot fathom why she paused mid attack..what it affection? how interesting" Regulus said walking forward towards Caius. "What is it that fuels you? do you feel anger? sorrow? or perhaps happiness? do tell me boy" Regulus asked. "...I pity you, father" Caius said turning to face the man. "An empty man that cannot understand true emotions. You seeking out others and attempt to learn, but never can comprehend it..." Caius said as blackened demonic wings spread from his back. His body was weakened, but he needed more strength. He called upon the demonic essence that was a part of him and prepared himself "It is time I ended your pursuit..." Caius said.
Spoiler: Happy Birthday
12 Alistair could tell something was wrong with his attack to Regulus. Regulus was certainly no pushover and even so there was no resistance as his death grip took affect. A chuckle escaped the lips of Regulus and Alistair's eyes immediately narrowed. "TIME!" Regulus called out as time distorted for him and slowed down. The duration was five seconds and Regulus found the opportunity for those five seconds. He rose his foot and kicked Alistair in the chest, pushing himself away from the angel of death's grip. Time returned to its normal state and Alistair gritted his teeth once he realized that Regulus had escaped his grip. He needed to head forward and not let Regulus gain the chance to retaliate, but suddenly there was pain as his shoulder was cut by a newcomer. Going after Regulus was not his main target any more as he leap back to gain some space. "Docrates...Phaeton... " Alistair said as he held his bleeding shoulders "Typical that you would make this easy for me.." Alistair said with a smirk "Come play with us death! It'll be fun to kill death" Docrates said with glee licking his blood covered claw. Phaeton merely took a step beside Docrates and stood prepared to battle. In a mere instance Docrates and Phaeton rushed forward as their battle with Alistair began. The two demons dashed forward in perfect harmony and with their claws outstretched they lunged towards Alistair in an attempt stab at him. Closer and closer they drew and Alistair prepared as scale like blade covered his entire arms. Alistair took grasp of both claws that attempted to stab him, but both demons responded by raising their free arms and slashed towards Alistair. In a quick movement, Alistair tightened his grip on their arms and raised both legs before kicking them in the gut and away from him. The demons were kicked back and Docrates let out a loud and crazed laughter as he kicked off the ground and dashed at Alistair once more alone. Alistair pointed his hand towards Docrates and few of the bladed scales covered around his arm began to be fired straight at Docrates, but this hardly delayed the demon any further. He was in a bloodlust and he continued to slash on. Alistair struggled dodging and deflecting each and every slash until Phaeton appeared behind. Immediately Alistair moved to block the blow from Phaeton, but this only left Alistair open to Docrates. Alistair leapt backwards, but do so repetitively could only solve so much. Alistair managed to dodge a fatal blow, but the right sigh of his face did not escape. Vision from his right eye was gone and Alistair began to pant. Thrusting his hands forwards he fired all the blades covering his arms, but Phaeton stood in front of Docrates and held out his hand as a barrier formed. The barrier faded and in a quick movement Docrates rushed forth and sent his fist forward, hitting Alistair's gut and sent him flying. The two demons stared on at Alistair, Phaeton with his stoic face and Docrates with his gleeful and mocking stare. Alistair could only close his only working eye and chuckle silently to himself slowly rising to his feet "Its best I embrace my true self...right?...Azrael?" Alistair said taking grasp of the giant blade resting on his back. He was going to end this and move on. He drew the blade and immediately thrust it into the ground. With the mere move, the ground began to crack lightly and decompose. The demons immediately took this as a sign to attack and immediately dashed forward. As the two drew closer, the decaying ground erupted upwards and shot up a spiked pillar embedded with blades that impaled the two demons. Alistair quickly drew his blade from the ground and dashed forward while the demons broke free from their stone confinement and rushed forward. Alistair was first to act once the two side drew close. He rose Arondight high and swung downwards. Phaeton stepped in front of Docrates and a barrier was formed causing the blade and shield to form. In such a state it only benefited the demon duo a great deal. If he wished to turn the tables he needed to destroy that barrier and the only way to do that was simply to increase his power. Wounds began to open and spread further and further, he sacrificed some of his life force in order to strengthen the death aspect of his attack. The barrier was corroding, fading, dying. With it weakened, slashing though it was possible. He swung his blade downwards and sliced through Phaeton. Even with his death the stoic look on his face never faded. "PHAETON! YOU BASTARD I'LL KILL YOU" Docrates yelled in sheer rage as he rushed forward, lunging ahead in an attempt at mauling Alistair. The attack from Docrates was sudden, but Alistair was prepared. Blood trickled down his mouth, but even so Alistair swung his blade upwards and severed Docrates' arm off his body. As the demon screamed in anguish, Alistair released his hold on Arondight and dashed forward opening both palms. Blades burst out of Alistair's palms and Alistair slashed Docrates' chest with both blades before impaling them into the body and lifting it upwards. From the blades he felt the life being drained from Docrates begin to fuel him. "SO WHOSE KILLING WHO NOW?!" Alistair yelled with a smirk as he drew energy. There was nothing more that needed to be done, the blades retracted back into his palms and a the body began to fall. In one swift movement Alistair used the blades on his arm and cleaved the body in half in order to finish the battle for good. "Quite the well fought battle..." Alistair said walking towards Arondight before falling to his knees "But even so, I can't fall here...heh...sorry Tempy...but I'm not giving you the satisfaction of watching me die so early..." Alistair said silently as he rose to his feet with Arondight in hand. "Man...looks like I won't be making fun of you anymore...Julius" Alistair said quietly as he placed his hand over his right eye.
Along with Aeron and the others, Derron rushed onwards trying to reach the others that was said to have been stuck under the well. With the way things were going on, Derron had a difficult time believing that those stuck in the well actually had a chance at getting out, especially with the time the Ethan kid was knocked out for. Jenn was gone and as time was going on people were now dying. Even without those damn challenges there were still ways for them all to die and at moment he could not say how many of them had died yet due to all them being separated. The door did not open from inside the gas chamber, so the group rushed on and took the longer way. Soon enough they managed to reach their destination and the trap door was opened up, only to revealed it was filled with water. Once the three heads bobbed up, Derron did not hesistate in the slightest and pulled them up. It was a miracle that the girl survived, but he couldn't say the same about the other two. When the girl asked what happened to the two, Derron simply responded. "Nope...dead" Derron said simply while Aeron brought out a blanket and wrapped it around the shoulders of the girl.
13 Back to back the duo fought on, deflecting as much blows as they possibly could from Regulus and his doll. Though the two worked well together, their teamwork was not as fluid as their opponents. Arm slashed by Regulus, Alistair tsked as he took a step forward and swung towards Regulus, having his bladed arm clash against Regulus open shard covered hand. Alistair had a plan, though simple, he had hoped that Caius would at least understand where he was going with this. Alistair continued to walk on and clash with Regulus, moving further and further away from him and the doll. Alistair glanced over his shoulder at his student and Caius began to realize what was going on. If the two were an unbeatable duo then surely separating them would only prove to be more advantageous. Dodging side to side, Caius begun to avoid each blow that was directed towards him. He needed an opening, one that would finish the doll off for good. "Do you think it was wise to leave the boy to do battle alone?" Regulus asked with a smirk as he flicked his wrist sending shards towards Alistair who proceeded to slash them away. "He's not weak, its him that has to endure it...learn from it...learn the truth" Alistair said dashing forward slashing towards Regulus. The blow was blocked by a shield and the shield burst into shards. The shards moved forth heading straight towards Alistair, but what caught Regulus off guard was the sheer fact that Alistair took the blow. The aristocrat grinned as he continued forward, taking the wounds that were brought by the shards and stepped forward reaching out towards Regulus and grasping his neck. Life began to slowly drift from Regulus and the destruction of his life began. Bladed continued to slash towards Caius, cutting flesh and air as it moved forward. Caius continued to move backwards, enduring each blow while deflecting each one he could. The blows were light nicks, but Caius couldn't afford to take much damage but even so he decided to place his gamble on his next move. Suddenly his foot slipped, falling backwards towards the ground as the doll charged forward with claw ready to take advantage and slash the opening. His moment had arrive and it was a do or die moment. "TIME!" Caius called out as time distorted for him and slowed down for him. It only lasted two seconds, but it was all he needed. In that time Caius managed to reel back his elbows. With the doll taking the moment to attack the opening Caius took, Caius did the same and took the opportunity. He took chance and thrust both his open palms forward releasing a holy storm of shards to assault the doll. Trapped in the storm of shards of time, the doll was blasted upwards as the shards assaulted it. The long cloak it was was ripped asunder and the mask it wore fell off. Having felt it was enough Caius lowered his palms and panted a bit as he rose to his feet. The doll fell to the ground and Caius slowly begun to walk towards the doll. What he saw was a female figure, a body filled with stitches and metal, but the face, she was a beautiful one. Emotions swelled up as he saw the fallen form and the tears in his eyes suddenly began to run down his face. He had never met her, he had never known her, but even so he knew who this was, the similarities were uncanny. "...mother" Caius said. As if in a reaction from hearing his voice, the woman sprung from her bloodied state and slashed towards Caius.
Anything that boost evasion over and over and over....
Ohohohoh? Question time with starry? 1.Impreeeeeeeeeeesion? 2. Y u so fabulous? 3. Would you ever be willing to join me in my trolling ways? 4. Do you ever tell yourself you want to be a rock? I heard they are pretty cool
28 Spoiler: The other day "Hey uh Cal? something up? seems something been bothering you lately" Caius said walking up to the girl. They had been fighting on this land for quite the long time and even now during battle, he noticed something was up with Cal. She ran a knife through the throat of the beast and wrenched her arm back, freeing the blade. Cal looked up to see Caius in front of her and wiped away the mixture of blood and sweat smeared across her face. "Oh, well um... Yes and no." Her red eyes caught another demon coming up behind him from over his shoulder. "Look out," she called before tossing the knife. "Yes and no? well it sounds like its quite confusing" Caius said before dashing forward past Cal and slashed a demon behind her with his claw like hand. "man they just wont let up..." Caius said panting a bit standing behind Cal. The last few days had been rough on his body and the demonic side of himself did not sit well with midworld "If its confusing why not tell me? you can tell me whats up and we can clear it up" Caius said with a smile as he glanced over his shoulder at her before thrusting his palm forward to blast away a demon that attempted to attack him. His smile was sweet and she came to a stop. Her hands fell limp at her sides and she watched as he fought. They had made for a good fighting duo. She could always trust her back to Caius. "I don't think now is the best time," she confided. They needed to stay focused and a jumble of emotions wouldn't help. "Thats fine" Caius said in a simple and direct response before staring over his shoulder at her once more "Just make sure you tell me when you feel like it, I'll be there to listen when you need me to" Caius said with a soft smile before preparing to fight again. "To be honest I am sick of all this killing...even with these demons, I just don't want to kill them either..." Caius said before sending a flurry of invisible shards to assault the demons. "I don't hate anyone...there were times I hated Manitos and my father, but even then that hatred has passed..." Caius said with a sigh. "is that...wrong?" Caius asked Cal shook her heard and grabbed him by the hand. "there's nothing wrong with wanting a little bit of peace. You're a good person -- better than I am, and very forgiving." Cal started to run, tugging Caius along with her. "Let's go get some peace." Caius' eyes widened the moment she took grasp of his hand and dragged him along. He was unsure of where exactly they were going, but he ran along with her in order to see just where they were going. They stopped between some aluminum shacks away from all the fighting. "Much better," said Cal with a satisfied grin. Leaning back against a wall, Caius let out a loud sigh of relief and smiled and stared back at Cal before reaching into the jacket he wore and pulled out a cloth and handed it over to Cal "Use this to clean your face, it looks like a mess" Caius said with a bright smile "Thanks," she replied sheepishly, taking the cloth. Cal wiped at her face to buy time. Caius wanted to know what was wrong and she didn't know how to tell him. "Do you think we can actually do it?" She asked, handing the cloth back. "Do it?" Caius asked a bit confused as he took the cloth and began to wipe his face. "if you mean facing off against the forces of hell then yes I believe so" Caius said as he lowered the cloth from his face "I can't tell myself we can't...that single hesitation can cost us and I just want all the killing to end" Caius said She nodded her head slowly and smiled. He had a goal. He wanted this all to end. "Caius I need to ask you something." "Whats that?" Caius asked staring over at her quite curious "Um, well I ... I need to know how you feel about me." She told him, her face starting to turn red. "I mean I know, but I need you to say it. Because, well ... it's part of the situation." Instantly Caius' eyes widened and his face immediately turned red. "I...ummm" Caius began to stutter before staring downwards and scratch the back of his head. "Its like I said before, I love you with all my heart. Everything I've been through, all the pain, just seeing you smile is all I care for" Caius said starring up at her meekly Cal scratched the back of her neck awkwardly and mashed her lips together. "I know, I just ... I needed to hear you say it again, because Alistair said I need to talk to you ... and Soren. Because, well because I like you too Caius. But ... I also like him. The both of you mean so much to me for different reasons and I don't know what to do because I don't want to hurt either of you." "I...see" Caius said closing his eyes and let out a sigh. After a mere second, Caius opened his eyes once more and stared at her with a soft smile. Reaching forward, Caius took hold of her hands and held them "I understand, but I want you to know one thing and that is no matter who you choose, so long as you're happy I will be as well...your happiness is all that matters to me" Caius said closing his eyes with a bright grin She sighed in frustration and narrowed her brows. "It's not fair though. I shouldn't get to be happy at the expense of someone else. I don't want either of you to hurt. I wish there was some way it could work out for everyone." With a defeated look on her face, she reached onto her tip toes to give Caius a kiss on the cheek. "I want everyone to be happy." Once again Caius' eyes widened upon the sudden kiss to the cheek, but he did not wish to ruin the moment by letting out his timid side. Regardless, he couldn't help but release his grip on her hands and hold her gently in an embrace "I...wish for the same thing, for everyone to be happy..." Caius said. "it may not be fair, but you hold no blame in all this. The both of us, we chose to love was our choice and we are prepared..." Caius said "I hate this," she whispered into his chest. It wasn't fair. "I really hate this." "I have such a kind heart..." Caius said softly closing his eyes "There will be pain, but it will be momentary...something that will pass...even so I will love you no matter what choice you choose" Caius said Mentor and student stood side by side, staring forward and steeling themselves for the bedlam that would occur. Caius was nervous, but he couldn't yield even now. Lucifer's forces had finally arrived and the gruesome battle started off in a mere instant. Demons and dark angels were all over the place, but even so, there was only two people that the pair merely acknowledge. "So the observer steps amusing that it comes to this...Alistair..." Regulus spoke with arms crossed as stared at the two along with his doll standing by his side. "Regulus...have you you found what you desired?..." Alistair said calmly as a blade formed from his arm. "Such a similar path, but at the same time these paths split and here we are fighting for different reasons...let us see where this path will lead..." Alistair said dashing forward towards Regulus instantly. Invisible shards shot forward at the red head, but Alistair was quick as he slashed at the incoming shards and continued forward. The gap between the two men was starting to shirk and as Alistair drew closer another member in the area took the moment to attack, catching Alistair off guard and caused him to stop. The faithful doll sprung forth and attack slashing towards Alistair, but before Alistair could react, the blow was intercepted by the demonic hand of Caius. Knocking away the doll from Alistair Caius stood back against Alistair's as the two prepared to fight onward. Gritting his teeth, Caius narrowed his eyes and stared at the doll that stood before him, the very same doll that he had seen all his life. He knew so long as this doll was around it would mean more trouble caused by his father. Regulus put enough trust in it so it meant that that it was something they shouldn't underestimate. As if in a synchronized move, Regulus dashed straight at Alistair while the doll dashed towards Caius. With an open palm, Regulus raised his arm upwards as his shards covered his hand and immediately swung downwards towards Alistair. In response, Alistair sidestepped as well and slash back at Regulus who managed to block the blow as well. An exchange of blows occured in which each member attempted to slash at one another's side.
Speaking about MX, shouldn't Eraqus also have a nobody as well since he lost his heart (or placed it in Terra...or whatever)? Xehanort lost his heart in the same way as Sora did (Releasing his heart from the body) and Eraqus sort of did the same as Kairi (find a new body...though after being slain) It does fit in with the No Heart theory as Eraqus in his armor is a secret boss as well...
It was a good thing that they had managed to find the supply room and were able to load up on stock. For here on out they would be much more prepared for whatever was to come and not die of starvation or lack of necessities. Jenn was the one who lead the group onwards, giving out food and materials that were needed. A certain box had caught his attention, but Jenn said nothing about it. As Jenn walked out, Aeron begun to follow, but was stopped by a hand grasping his shoulder "Oi kid, wait up" Glancing over his shoulder and stopping mid step, Aeron stared over Derron as the man walked off towards the box and pulled out a few knives. Walking up he handed a pair of knives towards Aeron and walked off. "Just in case" Derron said placing away the knives he took. Aeron stared down at the knives he was given and closed his eyes with a sigh before placing them away. Derron knew more than anyone in the group that the others were more than willing to kill if it meant their lives were at stake. Even so, knives were still a valuable tool. With that over, he caught up with Brady and stared over at him suspiciously. There was something the boy was hiding and it was no doubt the work of their captors. Suddenly Jenn had made his way forward alone and Aeron reached out to try and pull back the male in vain. It was foolish for them to merely run off like this and by doing so right now he could be running off into a trap. In a mere moment Aeron heard the voice of Jenn calling out for a blanket and Aeron made his way to the place he was at with blanket in hand. Noticing the fallen boy next to Jenn, Aeron could only assume the blanket was for him and placed it over him. "What happened..." Aeron said staring over at the door they were near "and whats in that room..." Aeron said.
After being helped up to his feet and thanking the stranger that helped him, Wallace moved over towards a nearby seat and began rubbing his arm in order to lower the pain he was feeling at moment. The sudden voice almost made him jump instantly and immediately he began to look around so see who was speaking. Looking over at the judges chair, Wallace raised an eyebrow as he watched the image, but didn't say much as the image continued to speak further. Needless to say he was quite surprised by this whole entire game, but found some interest in it. When told about the watch on his hand, Wallace nearly jumped in surprise at the notice of it on his hand "what the? how did that get on me?" Wallace said quietly. Question begun to be asked and Wallace listened to each of the voices, trying to understand the entire situation to the best of his ability. Crossing his arms, he stared up at the image once more. "And what happens to those that lose? do we go back to our normal average lives once your out?" Wallace asked.