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  1. Cherry Berry

    yo what

    Guuuuurl wat u playan' at?
    Post by: Cherry Berry, May 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Cherry Berry
    Post by: Cherry Berry, May 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Cherry Berry
  4. Cherry Berry
    Post by: Cherry Berry, May 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Cherry Berry
    Would be but a pity if I hit the number fifty~

    Post by: Cherry Berry, May 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Cherry Berry
    Post by: Cherry Berry, May 6, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. Cherry Berry
  8. Cherry Berry
    So glad you got into watching the series 8DDDD skfskiwnglanfkakehwkwo
    I enjoyed and loved the amount of CS and Rumbelle in this particular episode uwu

    So, getting back to this episode just aired (3x20), before the episode aired, I didn’t want Zelena to get a redemption. I honestly didn’t think she deserved it whatsoever. Albeit Regina’s motives to kill Snow weren’t good, she (at least) suffered from the outcome of what Snow did to her. From what it looks like under my perspective, Regina was the one who was manipulated by her mother. She was the one also manipulated by that imp Rumpelstiltskin (sorry, but after this episode, he dun betrayed one too many times poor Belle), forged into the Evil Queen they needed her to be.

    We can argue she had a choice to get away from that kind of life... but honestly? Seeing how Cora used magic on her when she tried to leave, I don’t think Regina had much of a choice, if any. And by the point it was time to escape, it was too late.

    The damage had already been done.

    The way I see it, Zelena always had a choice to not go down the path that she did. Yes, she had a (somewhat) miserable life when she was young, after her mother passed away.

    But think about it, when the Wizard gave her slippers so she could maybe meet her sister...

    Zelena ended up choosing envy (literally turning green from it) and jealousy over hope that first time and never stopped to think otherwise. No one pushed her or influenced her in that decision. Zelena made that call all on her own. She met with a sisterhood of witches that wanted to help her. Never did they try to control or stop her, and yet again her own corrupted soul made her into what she is.

    I didn’t want the heroes (I so love that I get to include Regina in that!) to kill her though because it’s not the ‘Hero way’. Maybe I was hoping for her to be exiled.

    To be honest, I don’t know exactly what I wanted. I just wanted her to have some sort of punishment that didn't equal death.

    Then that dear old episode Kansas happened.

    The fight scene didn’t change my mind. I didn’t expect Regina to kill her, and it happened the same way as expected of a hero.

    No, the one scene that changed my mind is the one in the prison between Regina and Zelena. It wasn’t the heroes offering Zelena a redemption; it was Regina. And that one thing made all the difference for me.

    It was Regina Mills who owned to her mistakes and came to terms with the wrong that she has done in the past. She offered her sister one last choice. Snow gave her more than one second chance to change her own path, and from this, Regina is doing something of a similar manner uwu. It’s as much for her sake as for her sister’s.

    I suddenly found myself hoping for that unfortunate sod Zelena to take that chance, to seize the future for herself. That would have been a wonderful thing, to watch these sisters truly connect and grow together...

    Shame Rumple Bumple had to do one in {and break Belle's promise >;( } and activate the time portal.


    I understand the reasons behind his choice, but DAMN I am so mad with how he betrayed Belle, just moments after this beautiful scene right below:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Then again, looking at the trailer... And...

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Post by: Cherry Berry, May 5, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  9. Cherry Berry
    Profile Post Comment
    Profile Post Comment by Cherry Berry, May 4, 2014
  10. Cherry Berry
  11. Cherry Berry
    Post by: Cherry Berry, May 3, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Cherry Berry
  13. Cherry Berry
  14. Cherry Berry
  15. Cherry Berry
  16. Cherry Berry
    Profile Post Comment

    How are ya, by the way? :3

    How are ya, by the way? :3
    Profile Post Comment by Cherry Berry, May 3, 2014
  17. Cherry Berry
  18. Cherry Berry
  19. Cherry Berry
    Pfft, I guess so uwu
    I still have much to learn about giffing on gimp~ :'D

    Hopefully one day I'll be able to crack the code~

    I just animated them this time. c: I have illustrated before briefly with a previous art piece (all drawn by myself), but it just takes such a long time ;A;
    Especially frame by frame on an ipad.
    Post by: Cherry Berry, May 3, 2014 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Cherry Berry
    Djalskotjejejdjae um. UM.

    uwu You sound so sweet anon~
    I'll think about it, ok?
    Post by: Cherry Berry, May 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground