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  1. Patman
    Can' t wait to save the world by solving differential equations. XD

    Actual video games (and movies) are already an amazing way to improve your foreign language skills. My aunt is a teacher and she' s more and more required to update stuff on her school website. I also heard of highschoolers only bringing an i-pad in class. We' re probably getting there, slowly but surely.
    Post by: Patman, Apr 30, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Patman
    Depends who you ask, because of the way they get their data. Those are guesstimates to a degree. And I wouldn' t really compare pre-VII and post-VII since they weren' t released worldwide before that.

    I' m slightly depressed by IX poor sales >_> though I guess they' re understandable. By the time they released it here people were already having fist fights in stores to get a PS2 and FFX was all over the previews in gaming magazines, they missed their train.
    Post by: Patman, Apr 30, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Patman
    You should try googling again / asking around to see if there' s a local repairer in your area. There' s one in the street across mine. His shop sells IT stuff, but he was already doing it back when the place was just a cyber coffee. There was always a couple PS3 lying around with their chips exposed. I asked him how much he' d charge to fix or replace a PS3 disc reading block, he said around 80/90 euros if he had to replace it, which I assume is cheaper than what Sony would charge.
    Post by: Patman, Apr 30, 2014 in forum: Technology
  4. Patman
    Yes. Yes it does.

    And great megaphones. True story too.
    Post by: Patman, Apr 30, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Patman
    I' m sure you' ll love how consistent Lightning is.

    *is about to meet Noel* -> "I' ll save his soul whether he wants it or not !"

    *just met Caius* -> "I can' t save the souls of people who don' t want my help".

    I love seeing her wear oh so stylish sunglasses in the intro. At night.
    Post by: Patman, Apr 29, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Patman


    Did they flop precisely because of that or ... ? I' ve heard stories of successful fast foods in the US who have higher prices than usual but also pay their employees better and advertise that fact.
    Sounds like it was the cook' s fault, but you took it on her ?
    They don' t stop you from giving an even bigger tip to say thanks. Or, you know, just tell them / spread word of mouth. Reminds me of negrep. Without a decent pay tips look more like a "do I give them the middle finger or not" system to me than a "like" system.
    Post by: Patman, Apr 29, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  7. Patman
    I had known about the series for years, reading import tests in magazines and articles explaining the release of a DQ was a major event in Japan. Big enough to have the government make a law forbidding a DQ to be released on a school day. Besides I was a huge DB fan, it was hard not to notice Akira Toriyama was DQ' s chara designer.

    I found it curious a series that big in Japan barely reached the US and didn' t even reach Europe at all (up until 8). I suppose Enix had even less faith that turn based could be a thing outside of Japan than Square did.

    I didn' t own a PS2 yet when 8 was released but when I finally bought one I bought a slew of games with it, DQ8 was among them. I had already played DQ6 on emulators a few years before and have since played 4, 5 and 9.

    As for the spells thing judging by the wording alone I assume one is about your buffs and the other is about his debuffs.
    Post by: Patman, Apr 29, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  8. Patman
    I guess so. Judging from his quotes he was a "sport as a school of life" kind of guy.
    Post by: Patman, Apr 29, 2014 in forum: Debate Corner
  9. Patman
    Ever watched Good Will Hunting ? I don' t know zip about Aquaman, but it' s the closest role I saw Matt Damon in to what you just described.
    Post by: Patman, Apr 29, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Patman
    If you are to believe his Wikipedia page :
    Also, the fact that sport is healthy wasn' t common knowledge at the time so he wanted to promote it (especially in education).
    Post by: Patman, Apr 28, 2014 in forum: Debate Corner
  11. Patman
    Reminds me of that movie I haven' t watched yet, Cool Runnings, which if memory serves is loosely based on a true story.

    As far as I know the Olympics don' t accept anyone and everyone : there' s a limit to how many athletes a country can submit. That' s about it though, I think they leave it up to each country to sort out who they' ll submit, based on whatever criteria they see fit.

    Funnily enough, Pierre de Coubertin (the guy who revived the Olympics) envisioned them as purely reserved to amateurs. The inclusion of professional athletes came later on due to the growing pressure to market and sponsor them.
    Post by: Patman, Apr 28, 2014 in forum: Debate Corner
  12. Patman
    Don' t bother with the Snes version, the DS version is the exact same version with a few inserted content (it didn' t replace or erase anything). It' s in my top list of Snes games. Radical Dreamers isn' t, it is a nice but weird and short experiment.

    As for Chrono Cross it is a solid game but it doesn' t beat Chrono Trigger imo. When the first news about FF XIII-2 got released I couldn' t help getting a Chrono Cross vibe from them. It begins in a village on a beach, has few places but a lot of optional quests to make you comb several versions of them, Noel kinda looks like Serge etc ...

    Now that I' ve played both XIII-2 and Lightning Return I' m positive, those games share a lot of things with Chrono Cross. Both story-wise (especially the way they end) and gameplay-wise (though not to the extent that I' d throw them all in the same category).
    Post by: Patman, Apr 28, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Patman
    Really ? Which games ? All the "anti religion" games I' ve played bash dogma but actually praise faith, including FF XIII. Its characters have actual evidence that their gods a) exist b) are dicks. But no worry, you can defy physics through blind faith and save the day.

    I' m not sure you meant to imply that, but criticism =/= hate speech. Personally I' m much more annoyed by all the games who laud faith through fallacies (but is there any other way to laud it ?).
    Post by: Patman, Apr 28, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Patman


    Yeah, we don' t tip waiters here either. Well, we do, but it' s not standard practice, unless he was super nice and/or helped us in ways his job didn' t require him to. I mainly tip when I' m abroad and I' m completely clueless as to how much I' m supposed to give.

    The argument that small restaurants can' t afford to pay their own employees is completely baffling to me. Somehow they manage to pull it off here. They pay their cooks don' t they ? What the hell is so fundamentally different when it comes to waiters ? If you can' t afford to pay your own employees to turn a decent profit your business model sucks, find a new one.
    Post by: Patman, Apr 27, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  15. Patman
    Erm ... mayonnaise and mayonnaise ? ^^

    Is it really that weird to like mayonnaise in the US ? Can' t help thinking about this :
    I wouldn' t eat mayonnaise with anything, but yeah, if you ask me it wins hands down against ketchup.
    Tried it, didn' t like it.

    I like putting emmental in my white rice. It might be a thing somewhere else, I' m not sure, but it' s not a thing here. I did it once cause I didn' t have any sauce left and I liked it. Funnily the same thing happened to my mum and she liked it too.
    Post by: Patman, Apr 27, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  16. Patman
    I remember its Dragon Ballesque humor and Yangus, the rest of the cast and the actual plot were pretty forgettable.

    Gameplay-wise it wasn' t memorable either. Not that it sucked, it' s just that pretty graphics aside it didn' t have anything special going for him compared to the other DQ I' ve played.
    Post by: Patman, Apr 27, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  17. Patman
    It wasn' t just the ATB, the loadings and the never-ending summons, all the animations were borderline slow-mo in combat. The only version I played was the PAL version, which made it that much more obvious (20% slower than NTSC).
    Huh ? Adding loadings was meant to speed things up ? I thought it was just a way to add a touch of "realism" (i.e. different speed stats for each character and action). Too bad they didn' t think of the FFX system right away, which had that going for him sans loadings.

    Their next step on the road to realism was to try and have everyone act at the same time (X-2, XII), which became a freaking mess when they also decided entering a 397 miles long menu wouldn' t pause the game anymore whether you like it or not (XIII). Meh, let' s just add an auto-battle button. Who cares about strategy when you can have realistic speed.
    Post by: Patman, Apr 27, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Patman
    It is one thing to try and fail, it is another to say "this is what should be done" and then sit on your ass. Obama picks his battles. Although he does actually fight for a select few of his ideas it' s pretty rare, he usually looks like a ****ing doormat. I' m (kinda) surprised he didn' t back down on his health care reform. Its opponents, although in the minority, were weirdly vocal about it, which usually makes him run for the woods. I guess he knew that one was his best chance to be remembered for something.
    Post by: Patman, Apr 27, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Patman
    From what I' ve read it' s about improving scores, not about getting good ones. The schools that get worse and worse scores 4 years in a row don' t just loose the funds, they also get help in different ways (might involve wholesale replacement of staff, introduction of a new curriculum, or extending the amount of time students spend in class).

    I think the idea was to fight against stagnation and disinterest. Sounds good on paper if you ask me, if not for that little "we get to grade ourselves" loophole.
    Post by: Patman, Apr 25, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  20. Patman
    Oh wow, the wikipedia page I read failed to mention that. If it is true then yeah, that' d be a huge incentive to cheat.
    Post by: Patman, Apr 25, 2014 in forum: Current Events