Come join me! Talk to me also, I am watching the chat. Streaming commentary w/ myself, libregkd, Stardust, and Plums (and whoever is dumb enough to enter the call in the staff skype chat)
Hi everyone! It's Tuesday and you know what that means...! First off I'd like to apologize that we didn't have an episode last week. We were all rather floored by schoolwork & such, making scheduling difficult. But we're back this week and there will hopefully not be another week missed for some time! This week @Misty, @libregkd, and @Llaverion sat down with our member guest @Kraz to discuss streaming, sharing, Let's Plays, walkthroughs, and how they've taken over the gaming experience! We split the topic into two halves; first we discuss the medium as consumers, and then as creators. You can check out our special member guest, @Kraz, on YouTube, where he posts frequent walkthroughs and let's plays. Our hosts also share their gaming experiences (@Misty on YouTube and Twitch; @libregkd on Twitch) all over the net so give 'em a look! We hope you all enjoy the episode. Please comment with any thoughts you have about any of the topics we brought up! If you like to create let's plays, stream, or do gaming videos in general, please feel free to share your channels in the comments! I'd also like to add that our next episode will be a Staff Questions podcast. You can submit questions by posting them in the thread (which has more information on what a Staff Questions podcast is), using the form (linked below), or emailing them to We'll likely be recording on Saturday the 26th so get your questions in before then! View attachment 38167 Download Episode 45 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our XML feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to
I thought we could make a social group for everyone who plays ffxiv, so that we can make parties and talk about it and junk. I invited a few people I think play but if you do please do join!
Would anyone be interested in having a linkshell? I figure it can be good just for socializing in the game and/or asking for help (I can rez you!). We made one a while back and I'd be happy to invite y'all.
Making a list of everyone's characters so we can add each other~ Post your name(s) up in here and I'll edit it into the OP. ULTROS Misty: Eda Lefchild libregkd: Godwin Ohmsford Androssi: F'malliba Malha Mixt: Mixt Xemit Nate_River: B'raht Tiaral
Hello everyone! In keeping with our tradition, the recent hiring of new staff members means we're due up for a new Staff Questions Podcast! Those unfamiliar with the concept would probably be best served by checking out some of our previous Staff Questions episodes, but I'll give y'all a basic rundown. A thread is posted (this one right here!) with a list of the staff members who have consented to participate in our (affectionate) hazing ritual. Members are given free reign* to submit questions that they will then be asked by a host (me!) for a special episode of the podcast! It's a great opportunity to get to know your staff members and to participate in the podcast. The following newcomers have submitted for interrogation: @Cherry Berry , our fleshy drupe! @Cat~ , the resident fangirl! @Cstar , our wicked Bostonian! @Calxiyn , Disney enthusiast and new staff baby! @Karuta , our newest tech nerd! Questions can cover their lives (work, school, or social lives), their hobbies and interests, advice, opinions, and suggestions, as well as Kingdom Hearts (of course!) and anything else that strikes your fancy. Questions can be directed towards either the individual or the group. Please keep questions appropriate per our site rules and try not to overload anyone -- that is, don't ask Cat six questions and Cstar none. Spread the love! If you would like your question to be asked anonymously, you can message them to me directly. We'll try to get to every question, but depending on the volume of submissions, it may not be possible. We'll do our best! There's currently no deadline for question submissions, but once we work out a date for recording, we'll let you all know well in advance. I'll also use this opportunity to announce that there will, sadly, be no podcast this week! The three of us have been absolutely overloaded with school, work, and life and scheduling was impossible. We'll be back next week! Thanks everyone and have fun! Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to! * = Not really.
Tuesday podcast gogogo! Joined by our special guests @DigitalAtlas and @Krowley, your podcast hosts (@Misty, @libregkd, and @Llaverion) sat down to talk about mobile gaming. From handhelds to cellphones, the rise of mobile games has unquestionably diversified the gaming market both in products and consumers. Today we're seeing how the structure of mobile games -- particularly free to play models, microtransactions, and gate keeping -- has bled into console games. Check out the episode and let us know what you think! View attachment 38080 Download Episode #44 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our XML feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to! We're also planning to do a new Staff Questions podcast for our recently hired team members, so be on the lookout for that!
It's Tuesday everyone which means... new episode of the podcast! This week your usual hosts (@Misty , @Llaverion , and @libregkd ) sit down with @soma and @Cstar to discuss virtual reality. Virtual reality has been a popular topic in gaming in the last few weeks, after Sony announced their new Project Morpheus at GDC 2014 and Facebook purchased Oculus Rift for $2 billion. If you don't know anything about virtual reality, don't fret! We go through the basics of what VR actually is and some of its applications. We also make a lot of Star Trek jokes. View attachment 38062 Download Episode #43 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our XML feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to! We hope you enjoy this episode and our changes to the podcast! Please feel free to reply with your thoughts on our topic and ask any questions related to the podcast. cstar says "Catch298" and asks @Krowley if she can get double the points because she got it on the podcast post.
what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you guys what the **** is this show!! It is like everything I have ever wanted (but never knew I wanted), I've known that for a long time of course, but god I love it when they throw in these crazy foreshadows and cliffhangers and metaphors and subtexts Spoiler like holy **** that Lemonhope two parter was basically about free will and freedom and libretarianism? god damn i love this show also lesbians lesbians disclaimer: under the assumption that pb/marceline is a Real Thing then it's more accurate to call the two bisexual (if we're labeling); marceline had a boyfriend (ash) so she is definitely diggin' da boys on some level (tho pb is her tru luv), pb is more complex because i think the only male romantic relationship we've heard about her in was young mr. cream puff which i don't think was about romance as much as "well i'm going to be ruler of my new kingdom, i need candy buildings and candy people and queens are supposed to be married i guess so i should make a dude" so i hesitate to call her bisexual. also labeling is kinda silly and it's up to the characters to decide what they would like to call their sexuality if they want to call it anything at all. also they're not real people at all so i guess it's up to the showrunners who have really not taken any kind of stance so whatever this is really long and not about anything important except i guess how i plummeted into the bubbline pit and i don't want to ever leave. disclaimer about the disclaimer: i can only call them lesbians if they are actually romantically and/or sexually interested in each other (and again if they choose to label themselves), and therefore that pb/marceline is a thing, if you don't agree that is cool i don't mean to force my otp on you (although if you don't dig it you may be my nemesis) ok w/e i was going to talk about season 5's weirdness and amazingness but actually i just wrote about pb and marceline and i'm not even surprised misty out edit: also HAMBO
Hello everyone! I'm a little late on this one, I know. It's Tuesday which means a new episode of the podcast! This week myself, @Princess Anna , and @libregkd sat down with our guests @Krowley and @Senpai to discuss some of our favorite minigames from the KH series as well as other video games. Have a listen and let us know if you agree with our stances! View attachment 37978 Download Episode (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our XML feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to! We hope you enjoy this episode and our changes to the podcast! Please feel free to reply with your thoughts on our topic and ask any questions related to the podcast.
Did you know that we have seriously revamped the podcast? No? SHAME ON YOU. The biggest change is that we now have a new episode of the podcast every Tuesday. We have a more regular lineup: your hosts are myself, Llave, and libregkd, plus a staff and member guest on every episode! Another fun change is that we now accept user submitted questions, about anything from Kingdom Hearts, KH-Vids, the hosts, or just something totally random! We really want to promote more user involvement in the podcast, and I know some of you rarely venture outside the Spam Zone, so I'm shamelessly posting this here. We'd love it if you just check out episodes of the podcast (click the link above to listen to them or subscribe), but active participation is even better! You can send in a user-submitted question by filling out this form or emailing Likewise, you can apply to be a guest on the podcast through this form!
It's Tuesday which means we've got a new episode of the KH-Vids Podcast! Today myself, @Princess Anna , @libregkd sit down with @Karuta and @SPACESHIP to discuss the Final Fantasy X/X-2 Remaster, and remasters in general. We go over what would compel us to buy a game twice, what we expect out of remasters, and the difference between remasters and remakes. As a disclaimer, there are no spoilers for Final Fantasy X or X-2 in this episode, so don't feel you must avoid it! View attachment 37886 Download Episode 41 Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our XML feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to! We hope you enjoy this episode and our changes to the podcast! Please feel free to reply with your thoughts on our topic and ask any questions related to the podcast. You can check out @SPACESHIP on Celluloid Critics and Couch Potatoes, or follow him on Twitter @joseluissolo.
Hello everyone and welcome to yet another episode of the KH-Vids Podcast! This week we are joined by our lovely member guest @Nui Harime for a discussion about the fabled Birth by Sleep Volume 2. For those scratching their heads right now, tt the end of Birth by Sleep Final Mix, the words "Birth by Sleep Volume Two" flashed across the screen, leading many fans to believe that the game would be receiving a sequel; in the years since its release, we've had very little information from Square-Enix explaining what the scene meant and whether the game was in development. We're here to speculate about Birth by Sleep Volume 2's status and what we would have liked from the title. We'd like to thank Cat for joining us and urge everyone to check out her awesome forum game, The Postbox! View attachment 37819 Download Episode #40 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our XML feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to! We hope you enjoy this episode and our changes to the podcast! Please feel free to reply with your thoughts on our topic and ask any questions related to the podcast.
Hello everyone! I'm very excited to post up this episode because it symbolizes a new beginning for the podcast. As some of you may know, our previous podcast host & maestro @Peace and War recently left our staff team. Before I get too deep into the future of the podcast, I'd like to thank him for his time at the helm of the Podcast! It's not easy work. The first of our big changes is a more regular host lineup -- we'll be playing around with the exact configuration, but myself ( @Misty ), @Llave , and @libregkd are now your three podcasts hosts. Don't despair, though! On each and every episode we are aiming to also have a staff guest and a member guest -- potentially, you! In addition, the podcast will also be a lot more regular from here on out. New episodes will be posted every Tuesday, so not only will there be far more of the podcast in your life, but there will be many more opportunities to appear on an episode (if you're into that). Finally, the shows will have a few new segments. In addition to our larger topic, we'll also review recent Kingdom Hearts and site news, as well as answer user-submitted questions! These questions can be directed towards the hosts (all of us or one in particular), and be about Kingdom Hearts, KH-Vids, or just a random inquiry. The best way to familiarize yourself with these changes is to listen to Episode #39: What comes after Kingdom Hearts 3? We chat about the end of the Xehanort Saga, and discuss our wishes for the future plotlines and protagonists in the series. View attachment 37752 Download Episode #39 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our XML feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to! Note: If you have previously applied to be on the podcast, you will need to re-submit! We hope you enjoy this episode and our changes to the podcast! Please feel free to reply with your thoughts on our topic and ask any questions related to the podcast.
Does anyone use this? I've stuck with iTunes for years now, but I recently switched from my iPhone 4 to a Samsung Galaxy, so there's no real reason for me to continue using iTunes. I've tried MusicBee and Songbird before but just never found anything I really liked. I'm transferring my library onto Google now to give it a go for a bit, I don't like that it doesn't have a desktop app but I can probably deal. Just thought I'd hear other people's thoughts on it. ( I'm not using the paid service btw, if I really fall in love with it I may try that out )
For those who don't know, every 24 hours TeeFury sells a limited edition tee shirt for $11. Artists submit their designs and users vote for them, leading many to be pop culture oriented. If their design is selected, the artist gets a portion of the sales. I'm a big fan of TeeFury -- some of my favorite shirts are from here! Today's design is the first one I've seen from Kingdom Hearts. You've got another seven hours or so to grab it if interested. The shirt -- "The Heart of Heartless" by TonyCenteno -- is available in blue, gray, and black, and costs $11 + shipping (usually around $3). You can check it out over at Enjoy your lazy Sundays!
Going live in a few minutes! Drop in if you’d like. :] @libregkd is joining me.
Our forum regulars have likely noticed some changes in our team line up lately. Some shuffling around of our staff members has left us with quite a bit of room on the team, and for that reason we’ve decided to open up applications to everyone. Staff applications are always open to Premium Members, regardless of whether or not we need staff members. Because we would like a high volume of applications right now, we want to make sure that everyone has a shot at applying. We want everyone to seriously consider applying, even if you have applied before in the past – that means, yes, re-apply if you are still interested! Here are some basic descriptions of the different jobs on our team, but we don’t want to limit you to them. Staff members are encouraged and expected to come up with new ideas and projects to make the site more enjoyable, as well as aid in those projects concocted by others. We find it beneficial to make our job expectations fluid—while each position has a basic niche or purpose, you are not limited to that field of work. That said, we are looking for people to fill the following positions: News Reporters Reporters keep the site up to date with Kingdom Hearts news, involve the site in community projects, and moderate the News & Updates forum. Keeping the homepage fresh is a priority. They may also write articles and editorials, and are expected to keep our official social media accounts active. Translators Translators work closely with our news team to provide translations of scans, videos, interviews, and so on. Any translation of Kingdom Hearts material is appreciated. The job requires extensive knowledge of Japanese (written and spoken), and Translators should constantly keep watch for untranslated material. Media Content Recorders Media Content Recorders are tasked with recording videos and audio from the Kingdom Hearts games in optimal quality. Powerful computers, recording equipment, knowledge of video encoding, and general tech savvy will serve Recorders well. Sectional Moderators Sectional Moderators are our jack-of-all trades. They must keep their assigned section(s) functioning in an orderly manner, mediate member conflicts, hand out punishment, stimulate discussion and activity, and involve themselves in any community project being hosted. If within their interest and skillset, a Sectional Moderator may also perform the duties of a News Reporter, Translator, or Media Content Recorder. All positions require an application. We do read through and judge every application, so we ask that you put the necessary care, time, and attention into it. Impress us! Should we consider selecting you, we will contact you about an interview. We ask that you do not approach staff members regarding the status of your application. Currently, there is no set date that applications will be due or that people will be approached about interviews. You can keep an eye on this thread for updates. Some of you may not be familiar with our application system; the application itself should be rather straightforward. You are welcome to apply for more than one position, just fill out both applications separately. If you have questions, or encounter any errors, either contact a staff member privately or post within this thread. Staff applications are accessible via this page: [CLOSED] Thanks for your time and we look forward to hearing from you! The KH-Vids.Net Staff
A few of our resident night owls may have noticed that the site was just down for a little less than two hours. I apologize for not announcing the downtime in advance, but as it was fairly short and during an off-peak time, I thought I could get away with it. ;) As many of you are probably aware, our site search has been very picky lately -- when it even works. We've been using a very inefficient method (for large boards, at least) for searching the database up until this point. Tonight I installed XenForo's Enhanced Search add-on, which is made for boards around our size. I won't get into the technical details here, and instead put it quite simply: the site search is now blazing fast. Not only will it encompass everything posted on the site -- threads, posts, profile posts, and our video portal -- dating back to the beginning of time, but it'll do it in a matter of milliseconds. It's also a lot smarter now, allowing you to search words of two characters or more, but also searching the roots of words (ex. searching "testing" will also return results for "test," "tests," "tested," and so on). Don't use the search? That's cool. You still get a nice benefit from this. Because we're using a much more efficient method of searching the database, the load on our server will be significantly decreased. Basically, less of the server's resources will be used for searching, and more for loading quickly and without problems! I'll be watching our load times and server errors closely over the next few days to make sure everything is working properly. Otherwise, thanks for your patience and give the search a try!
Because I spend way too much money on Amazon they've apparently decided I am a "valued PS4 customer" and sent me a $20 off credit for CoD: Ghosts. I have no interest in the game so I thought I'd offer it up to y'all. The discount is a coupon code, valid only on copies shipped and sold by Amazon. I'm pretty sure that means the game has to be new (though if there's a used copy shipped & sold by Amazon have a go at it), so it's essentially $40. Dunno if there are any restrictions or if it'll work on an account other than mine but I don't see why it wouldn't. Code expires Feb 28th. First person to post claiming it gets it~