until today, the video player wasn't that size (720p) for me. it was still the tiny little...I guess 480p player.
Spoiler gj youtube
I'll Face Myself -Battle- Reincarnation for Persona 4 Golden is my all-time favorite, easily. The Path is Open (Persona 4 version > Persona 3 version, imo, but I like them both) Boss Appearance (Nocturne) Tender Feelings (Persona 3 Portable) Burn My Dread -Last Battle- (Persona 3) not really a particular order for the rest of them, and I also can't remember every song from every SMT/Persona game I've played so there are probably a few missing. I like one in Catherine and I have no idea what it's called. but yeah
eat one slice and get a new one for the jelly
Janime centers text
happy tomorrow birthday bby <<<<<<:
dont listen to this fool
i can respect that but they didnt pick up this anomale for the season.
i bet u like [HorribleSuburbs] releases pff lame
_SE_____LE__ 206 --- 1520 Visit our #IRC if ur intrseted in join XenForo! Can't wait to sub ep 2!!!!
smoochu I'm raking in all the love y'all need to catch up
get ready for the tongue
20 Red April
thank you all once again (and thank you too @Kraz, I saw your thread don't worry)! i feel famous hallelujah ;3;
;w; thank you very much momma-san i love you too
thank you, you wonderful people o:
ikr whoa i dont feel 20
the only thing memorable for me in DoC was the end where Longing started playing, because when I played it that shit was tight