Would apply but I am not sure if I met the qualifications. That and I guess I'm too shy? IDK, I guess I should REALLY apply. You might know me as Chaser007 or just Chaser *Horrible old times*
...OMG YOU ARE STILL ALIVE, IT'S BEEN SO LONG DOOD. Err, so how is life and stuff?
You know what? I accept that as a compliment. c: I'm feeling rather good, actually. Just feeling super anxious because of all the stuff I told you I'm getting for my PC (And feeling like this is only to make the wait longer) Yourself?
Pretty good, other than the fact this thunderstorm is almost making me turn off my computer and stare the entire night at the ceiling. Other than that, kind of bored. You?
Oh d-dear *Blushes* Memes... Memes have changed...
Aww, thank you so much for your words! I am actually THAT horrible at drawing from the mind, but I am kind of terribad when it comes to faces (Which why I always start with that when copying) Yeah the hair feels kind of... Plastic? With the current slight highlights (They are barely noticable but they are there), so I did not want to overwork that part just to play it safe incase it would of end of looking worser. Yeah the pants were a nightmare to work with, so many layers of shading. <_< Yeah I admit the lines on his arms were lazily done, part of me just wanted to be done with this as it was my first vector on a long time. Anyways, thank you a lot, your critique shall be wisely used to improve my future pieces or maybe this one if I feel like looking back at it. Thank you! I've been thinking about doing drawing classes again but I had no luck contacting the place where I used to go so far.
My sincerest congratulations to you Cat! Sorry I don't have much else to say since we barely know each other, but that doesn't stop me from being happy about you. Also a late congratulations to Cherry Berry, sorry about that.
Guilty Gear Xrd when it eventually comes out for the US. BACK TO BACK, DEATH COMES ARRIVIN' ON A MIDNIGHT TRAIN. Unless you already own a PS3 and the difference between versions is just more uncompressed textures for PS4 (And not something very important like more FPSs/less lag). (That's all I can recommend, I don't plan on getting a PS4 at all because of the fact that's the only game that interests me so far, and the 6500/650 USD price tag here)
http://kh-vids.net/threads/rata-blanca-white-rat.144827/ Posting this for the second time because no one made a single reply, and that made me kind of sad (Not as in literally sad, but rather kind of sad because some of you can't like this band as much as me). BUT I'M NOT LOSING HOPES. NOPE I AM NOT.
Ah, another day of classes, another day I return with homework. <_< Guess I'll just relax for now and do it tommorow or later depending on my mood.
Oh hai Dink (Dark Link for those who don't get it). How has life been treating you?
Just finished uploading a new song: http://kh-vids.net/threads/laplace’...riginal-compositions-etc.142572/#post-4158788 I battled way too much with this one, how Daisuke Ishiwatari manages to do tracks with 2+ electric guitars? Also, Xrd's OST is still amazing.
Another experiement, took cues from Bedman's theme and decided to create a completely different yet similar thing. Personally I'm not too convinced on this one given the sounds start to blur when the strings kick in after the solo but that piano solo saved it. That and I battled too much with this song, I just want to move onto something else. <_<
Ah, I remember when cstar greeted me when I just came back here, good old times (It was that person, right?)... Congratulations, you deserve it!
*Looks in the same direction as you* Yeah it's kind of pretty but not that much really. You just doomed atleast half the forum to being stuck an entire night on TVTropes learning how life and people are filled with streamlined archetypes one after another. ... Godlike (Nah just kidding, it's kind of fun to waste your time on that site but not that fun)
DON'T GO THERE! Also, just great, just found out my motherboard isn't compatible with the CPU/Micro I want to get for my slightly tuned up PC (Wanted to just upgrade the CPU, RAM and Sound Card because I'm scrapping the bottom of the barrel when I compose music) and the new motherboard might or might not be not compatible with my current cabinet (I haven't choosen a model yet) At this pace I'm going to end up replacing everything sans the video card (Which is kind of damaged)
Don't know much about the genres you listed so I just posted the most uplifting song from Queen IMO. Or maybe I just have an old man's music taste. Eh, not like I mind. Would have posted the official video but I think that's blocked in a few regions (Maybe, IDK, I know somebody from another place couldn't watch it) Freddie Mercury's energy and passion on this song is truly outstanding.
That's okay Ienzo, I still appreciate you coming here to post this. c: I actually got told this not to long ago, that one has to find happiness in the small things one does, and it's never a constant state of euphoria. I try to distract myself with things but I REALLY feel that's covering my symptoms of my disease, and under that my problems still stand. Actually when I'm like this I don't feel like watching comedy or people in a happier state than me, probably my mind's way of saying it wants me to hold this feeling for as long as possible. I feel like this is something I will just have to work on hard to fix. Hmm... Keeping track of myself when I'm upset to see if there's a pattern? That's a great idea actually. I DID notice one pattern on my thoughs, it's how every hurtful thing everyone I know says it's aimed to me either undirectly or directly. Which is why I always apologize a lot (Either because of that or to be in good standings with most, I know I know, that's also a problem but when I disagree with somebody I let them know my reasons) Another pattern is how I think like I'm a permanent problem to people, and that I'm always bothering them with my presence. I'll try to pay more attention to what I think from now on and see if I can notice more patterns. Anyways, thank you again.
Alright, I'll talk to my psychologist the next session and see if we can come to an agreement on what we need to work on. If not, then I guess I'll have to get serious. Hmm, composing music/doing graphic art does lessen the feelings, so does playing videogames and singing classes, and too to some degree my regular classes (Because they distract me from digging deeper in the hole, or to put it simply, to think more of the same and change the place). I try to do my creative venting the most I can and play videogames when I can feel but sometimes you are just not in the mood for either. I used to do Meditation and Yoga, I left the latter because of a personal problem between my mother and the teacher and the former... Actually why did I leave the former? Maybe I should get back into it slowly on weekends on something. Again, thank you for your replies. I definitely feel more at peace now than when I posted the thread.