Joslyn Taylor Jones DAY: 78 - 3/4 | DATE: December 9th, 2013 [Monday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell After waking up and getting up from the bed, aches and pains immediately assaulted her body. Standing up was a challenge in and of itself, let along moving her arms and legs. Her body quivering, she continued to walk along and out of the room she had been confining herself. Wandering about the halls, she tried to find some sort of pathway out, some help, anything that may be able to lead her out of Hell. She had no idea where she would find it, but she had hoped that it would just show itself to her. The albino teen looked around, unsure of what she would find. She stumbled upon a training room that wouldn't serve much use to her in terms of escaping. Then she went into a weapons room which she immediately left. After leaving the weapon room, she found a flight of stairs leading down. A foul odor pervaded the stairs and led her to believe that nothing of use would be there for her. Or, at the very least, she should find someone that would go with her. After inspecting one of the doors, she opened it to see what was inside. Inside was a room filled with mirrors, and two people standing inside. One was a man with a mask she wasn't too familiar with. The other was someone she hadn't expected to see at all. Adam stood there, presumably talking to the other man. She stared in wide-eyed shock at the figure in front of her, not wanting it to be real. "A... Adam?"
After waking up and getting up from the bed, aches and pains immediately assaulted her body. Standing up was a challenge in and of itself, let along moving her arms and legs. Her body quivering, she continued to walk along and out of the room she had been confining herself. Wandering about the halls, she tried to find some sort of pathway out, some help, anything that may be able to lead her out of Hell. She had no idea where she would find it, but she had hoped that it would just show itself to her. The albino teen looked around, unsure of what she would find. She stumbled upon a training room that wouldn't serve much use to her in terms of escaping. Then she went into a weapons room which she immediately left. After leaving the weapon room, she found a flight of stairs leading down. A foul odor pervaded the stairs and led her to believe that nothing of use would be there for her. Or, at the very least, she should find someone that would go with her. After inspecting one of the doors, she opened it to see what was inside. Inside was a room filled with mirrors, and two people standing inside. One was a man with a mask she wasn't too familiar with. The other was someone she hadn't expected to see at all. Adam stood there, presumably talking to the other man. She stared in wide-eyed shock at the figure in front of her, not wanting it to be real. "A... Adam?"
OP Updated to have the Avdol/Abdul PV and Kakyoin PV
Joslyn Taylor Jones DAY: 77 - 4/4 | DATE: December 8th, 2013 [Sunday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell The girl whose mind had once been filled with nothing but demonic chatter and voices not her own was now completely silent. It was an eerie silence that began to eat away at the teen's mind. At first, it seemed nice to have silence, to be able to hear her own thoughts clearly without the sudden interruption of quarreling voices. To not have to hear such lewd and foul things. To not have to listen to any more horrible suggestions from demons. However, the once calm silence soon grew to be too much, deafening even. Not even the soothing voice of the angel was there to give comfort to the girl. It was completely and utterly silent in her mind. Though she herself remained unmoving, something was moving through her mind. Spoiler: Within her Mind Palace There she was, sitting among rows of flowering bushes. Below her was grass, green and plush. The sun shone brightly in the garden. Warmth radiated everywhere. The scene seemed familiar. Extremely familiar. It was a place she hadn't been to since the start of this whole damn thing. She looked to where they should be, and sure enough, the wide french doors were there, just as she remembered it. "Saint Agatha's..." she mumbled as she stood up and looked around. It was so long since she had been there. So long since she had felt the soft grass underfoot. However, as she continued to look around, she noticed something was off. No matter where she looked, there were no people. As far as she could see, nobody roamed the halls like they always did. No nurses doing their rounds, no patients wandering about in their sickly manner. Empty and silent. "So this is the place they held you all that time, huh?" The familiar voice echoed. Suddenly, a young woman appeared behind her. "This garden is pretty, I can imagine Xath just strolling through this place barefoot." "You're..." The girl pointed at the strange face speaking with that all too familiar voice. "Oh yeah, we've never really communicated like this, have we? Here in your mind, where I can manifest myself." The angelic woman came closer to her. "I'm Azazel. The angel that lives in you." She poked her finger to the albino girl's forehead. "Wha-what do you want?" Joslyn backed away from her, afraid of what she might do to her. "You're scared of me?" she quipped with a wavering smile. The sight of her forcing a smile ate away at the girl. "Don't be so scared, I won't do anything to you." Azazel stepped closer to the girl and pulled her into a tight embrace. "I just want to say that I'm sorry. That's all..." "What are you sorry for?" The girl was honestly shocked that the angel was apologizing to her. "For everything. Because of me, you were forced to live with Amalgam and Camilla yammering away in your mind. Because of me, you were admitted to this hospital where you were forced to give up your family. Because of me, you had to deal with the pain of losing people near and dear to you. And because of me, you're in Hell, about to get married to the worst kind of monster out there." Tears rolled down the angel's cheeks as she hugged the girl tighter. "So, I'm sorry. For all of it. I really didn't want any of this to happen to you. I never wanted any of this." Her voice cracked. "No... No, this is wrong. This is all wrong. You shouldn't have to apologize to me. You shouldn't! This is all wrong!" The girl asserted. "I'm glad that you're with me. Because of you, I got to meet Hana. She's been my best friend, and someone I wouldn't give up for the world. I've been able to meet other people, see so many different places I thought I'd never get to see, all because of you. Sure, dealing with those two was a bit of a handful, but I learned to deal with it. So please, don't apologize... It should be me apologizing to you..." She let her arms drop down to her sides as the angel kept her hold on the girl. "I'm so sorry for being weak... If... If I were stronger..." "But you are, you just need to let yourself believe that." She put the girl at arm's length and looked into her eyes with tear filled eyes. "You have me by your side, so I know you can be strong. Now, I think you've been moping around long enough, don't you?" "Yeah... I think so too... Actually, I think I need to stop now. Doing nothing hurts a lot more than I thought..." The girl said as the angel pulled her in for another hug. She laughed at the girl's acknowledgement of the pain. As the girl fell asleep, a slight smile formed at the corner of her mouth.
The girl whose mind had once been filled with nothing but demonic chatter and voices not her own was now completely silent. It was an eerie silence that began to eat away at the teen's mind. At first, it seemed nice to have silence, to be able to hear her own thoughts clearly without the sudden interruption of quarreling voices. To not have to hear such lewd and foul things. To not have to listen to any more horrible suggestions from demons. However, the once calm silence soon grew to be too much, deafening even. Not even the soothing voice of the angel was there to give comfort to the girl. It was completely and utterly silent in her mind. Though she herself remained unmoving, something was moving through her mind. Spoiler: Within her Mind Palace There she was, sitting among rows of flowering bushes. Below her was grass, green and plush. The sun shone brightly in the garden. Warmth radiated everywhere. The scene seemed familiar. Extremely familiar. It was a place she hadn't been to since the start of this whole damn thing. She looked to where they should be, and sure enough, the wide french doors were there, just as she remembered it. "Saint Agatha's..." she mumbled as she stood up and looked around. It was so long since she had been there. So long since she had felt the soft grass underfoot. However, as she continued to look around, she noticed something was off. No matter where she looked, there were no people. As far as she could see, nobody roamed the halls like they always did. No nurses doing their rounds, no patients wandering about in their sickly manner. Empty and silent. "So this is the place they held you all that time, huh?" The familiar voice echoed. Suddenly, a young woman appeared behind her. "This garden is pretty, I can imagine Xath just strolling through this place barefoot." "You're..." The girl pointed at the strange face speaking with that all too familiar voice. "Oh yeah, we've never really communicated like this, have we? Here in your mind, where I can manifest myself." The angelic woman came closer to her. "I'm Azazel. The angel that lives in you." She poked her finger to the albino girl's forehead. "Wha-what do you want?" Joslyn backed away from her, afraid of what she might do to her. "You're scared of me?" she quipped with a wavering smile. The sight of her forcing a smile ate away at the girl. "Don't be so scared, I won't do anything to you." Azazel stepped closer to the girl and pulled her into a tight embrace. "I just want to say that I'm sorry. That's all..." "What are you sorry for?" The girl was honestly shocked that the angel was apologizing to her. "For everything. Because of me, you were forced to live with Amalgam and Camilla yammering away in your mind. Because of me, you were admitted to this hospital where you were forced to give up your family. Because of me, you had to deal with the pain of losing people near and dear to you. And because of me, you're in Hell, about to get married to the worst kind of monster out there." Tears rolled down the angel's cheeks as she hugged the girl tighter. "So, I'm sorry. For all of it. I really didn't want any of this to happen to you. I never wanted any of this." Her voice cracked. "No... No, this is wrong. This is all wrong. You shouldn't have to apologize to me. You shouldn't! This is all wrong!" The girl asserted. "I'm glad that you're with me. Because of you, I got to meet Hana. She's been my best friend, and someone I wouldn't give up for the world. I've been able to meet other people, see so many different places I thought I'd never get to see, all because of you. Sure, dealing with those two was a bit of a handful, but I learned to deal with it. So please, don't apologize... It should be me apologizing to you..." She let her arms drop down to her sides as the angel kept her hold on the girl. "I'm so sorry for being weak... If... If I were stronger..." "But you are, you just need to let yourself believe that." She put the girl at arm's length and looked into her eyes with tear filled eyes. "You have me by your side, so I know you can be strong. Now, I think you've been moping around long enough, don't you?" "Yeah... I think so too... Actually, I think I need to stop now. Doing nothing hurts a lot more than I thought..." The girl said as the angel pulled her in for another hug. She laughed at the girl's acknowledgement of the pain. As the girl fell asleep, a slight smile formed at the corner of her mouth.
Joslyn Taylor Jones DAY: 77 - 3/4 | DATE: December 8th, 2013 [Sunday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell Assaulted by the pains of sores all over her body, she continued to lay in her bed, eyes opened, eyes bright red and puffy. It projected itself against the alabaster skin of her face. Her eyes vacantly staring at the wall. Any remnant of hope in her mind had been completely lost. She continued to stare lifelessly as pain continuously assaulted her body. There was nothing that could possibly interest her in getting out of her room, let alone her bed. And yet, despite the heavy, melancholy manner about her, there was something else hanging thickly in the air. A different emotion entirely. Frustration hung abundantly above her as well, though the morose teen herself was not the source of it. No, it was the angel residing within her that emanated that negativity. Her complete and utter dissatisfaction with how things looked was so tangible, you could cut it with a knife. The angel desired to get out of this place more than anything. Nothing would've satisfied her more than the feeling of getting out of Hell. And yet, the girl's utter dejection has made that a near impossibility. There was a chance that they could get out of there. A chance that stood about the same as a snowball's chance in Hell. It would take a miracle for them to get out of there before Lucifer got his way. Any attempt at conversing with the girl was futile. One-sided, even. Azazel would talk and talk and talk until there was no breath left, and Joslyn would utter nothing. She was completely silent, almost as if she were locking herself out from her. Willfully ignoring the voice that nagged at her. Things kept getting worse for the angel and she was beginning to get desperate. She had been considering ending everything. Make sure that Lucifer would never be able to get his way ever. Although, she didn't want to put the girl through anymore pain than she already has. She had long since passed her breaking point, and to Azazel, going through with her plan would be like beating a corpse. Though, as it stood, it was one of the few remaining options left to her. She wouldn't be able to leave Hell on her own, but she could definitely make sure she wouldn't have to stay there. The means to do so existed in this very Palace. All it would take was one swift motion and it would be over. She would be gone. Forever. However, that was an absolute last resort that would only happen if no miracles happened. Being who she was, the angel was a firm believer in miracles. Only time would tell which would happen.
Assaulted by the pains of sores all over her body, she continued to lay in her bed, eyes opened, eyes bright red and puffy. It projected itself against the alabaster skin of her face. Her eyes vacantly staring at the wall. Any remnant of hope in her mind had been completely lost. She continued to stare lifelessly as pain continuously assaulted her body. There was nothing that could possibly interest her in getting out of her room, let alone her bed. And yet, despite the heavy, melancholy manner about her, there was something else hanging thickly in the air. A different emotion entirely. Frustration hung abundantly above her as well, though the morose teen herself was not the source of it. No, it was the angel residing within her that emanated that negativity. Her complete and utter dissatisfaction with how things looked was so tangible, you could cut it with a knife. The angel desired to get out of this place more than anything. Nothing would've satisfied her more than the feeling of getting out of Hell. And yet, the girl's utter dejection has made that a near impossibility. There was a chance that they could get out of there. A chance that stood about the same as a snowball's chance in Hell. It would take a miracle for them to get out of there before Lucifer got his way. Any attempt at conversing with the girl was futile. One-sided, even. Azazel would talk and talk and talk until there was no breath left, and Joslyn would utter nothing. She was completely silent, almost as if she were locking herself out from her. Willfully ignoring the voice that nagged at her. Things kept getting worse for the angel and she was beginning to get desperate. She had been considering ending everything. Make sure that Lucifer would never be able to get his way ever. Although, she didn't want to put the girl through anymore pain than she already has. She had long since passed her breaking point, and to Azazel, going through with her plan would be like beating a corpse. Though, as it stood, it was one of the few remaining options left to her. She wouldn't be able to leave Hell on her own, but she could definitely make sure she wouldn't have to stay there. The means to do so existed in this very Palace. All it would take was one swift motion and it would be over. She would be gone. Forever. However, that was an absolute last resort that would only happen if no miracles happened. Being who she was, the angel was a firm believer in miracles. Only time would tell which would happen.
Alejandra Rojas DAY: 76 - 4/4 | DATE: December 7th, 2013 [Saturday] | LOCATION: London, England After the healing was over and done with, they all went to find a place to sleep. When they found one, Alejandra took a bed to herself and lay down on it. She played around with making small, fun-sized barriers to fill the time before she finally fell asleep.
After the healing was over and done with, they all went to find a place to sleep. When they found one, Alejandra took a bed to herself and lay down on it. She played around with making small, fun-sized barriers to fill the time before she finally fell asleep.
Alejandra Rojas DAY: 76 - 3/4 | DATE: December 7th, 2013 [Saturday] | LOCATION: London, England Fighting against the zombie things she had heard about in the news for training was a little more than jarring, though she understood that they needed the newbies in the group to get stronger. It's been a couple of days since they got there and she had figured out a few things about her powers. First and foremost was that she discovered her ability to create barriers. While she originally thought that barrier creation was only good for defense, she quickly learned that it could also be used offensively. During the course of her training, she had learned to use her barriers on her weapon to extend her effective attacking range. Not only that, she could wrap a barrier around her hand and increase her punching power while saving her fists from any actual damage. At the moment, it seemed like someone got a little reckless and got themselves injured. It didn't seem to be too serious, which was good. Nobody's life was in danger of being lost. She relaxed nearby, playing around with her recently discovered powers. In her palm, she tried to make a ball-shaped barrier. The one she produced was about the size of a tennis ball. She began to wonder how big she could make barriers, and how stable they would be. It dispersed as she lowered her hand and tried to create a wall barrier in front of her. The barrier stood tall, though it didn't seem all too reliable since people with functioning brains could easily just walking around it. Still, it would work as a quick defense against something that was incoming. The barrier disappeared as she pulled out the wand she had gotten earlier. Everyone in the group had them and they could change the shape of it to whatever weapon they wanted, it seemed. It changed into a combat knife in her hands as she admired the simple beauty of it. She wondered if these things had names or something like that. It seemed like something angels would do. Well, she would find out if it was really that important. She just stayed back and watched as the healing process happened.
Fighting against the zombie things she had heard about in the news for training was a little more than jarring, though she understood that they needed the newbies in the group to get stronger. It's been a couple of days since they got there and she had figured out a few things about her powers. First and foremost was that she discovered her ability to create barriers. While she originally thought that barrier creation was only good for defense, she quickly learned that it could also be used offensively. During the course of her training, she had learned to use her barriers on her weapon to extend her effective attacking range. Not only that, she could wrap a barrier around her hand and increase her punching power while saving her fists from any actual damage. At the moment, it seemed like someone got a little reckless and got themselves injured. It didn't seem to be too serious, which was good. Nobody's life was in danger of being lost. She relaxed nearby, playing around with her recently discovered powers. In her palm, she tried to make a ball-shaped barrier. The one she produced was about the size of a tennis ball. She began to wonder how big she could make barriers, and how stable they would be. It dispersed as she lowered her hand and tried to create a wall barrier in front of her. The barrier stood tall, though it didn't seem all too reliable since people with functioning brains could easily just walking around it. Still, it would work as a quick defense against something that was incoming. The barrier disappeared as she pulled out the wand she had gotten earlier. Everyone in the group had them and they could change the shape of it to whatever weapon they wanted, it seemed. It changed into a combat knife in her hands as she admired the simple beauty of it. She wondered if these things had names or something like that. It seemed like something angels would do. Well, she would find out if it was really that important. She just stayed back and watched as the healing process happened.
The web preview for Episode 20 is out now. And here it is EPISODE 20 WEB PREVIEW With the way things are going down, shit is getting motherfucking realer than real. My life fibers may or may not be ready for all of this drama coming soon. Also, the ship is real. THE SHIP. IS. REAL. Complete with Mega Man arm cannon/vacuum that becomes totally useless after Ryuko wakes up. Oh, and to answer the questions from earlier: Favorite Character: Gamagoori because of his one set size: Bigger than you. Favorite OST Track: A tie between "Blumenkranz" and "Before My Body Is Dry"
Joslyn Taylor Jones DAY: 75 - 4/4 | DATE: December 6th, 2013 [Friday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell Another boy came along and only offered harsh words as he joined the conversation. "This kid... " While it infuriated her that the bastard, there wasn't much she could do about it. In fact, there wasn't much she could do about anything. Afterwards, the horned one said that he would help her. However, the damage had already been done. The albino teenager let her head droop down, her eyes distantly staring at the ground. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes. "Honey? " "I...", Joslyn started through a cracking voice. "I sh-sh-shouldn't have left the room..." Her voice was weak, barely audible to the others. "No, don't say that. " The angel tried to encourage the downtrodden teen. "Not everyone is willing to help you escape, especially if it means upsetting Lucifer, but I know there are people here that are willing to help. I mean, we've stumbled on someone who wants to help you out right now. Please, please try not to get so down and let him help you. " "I... I can't." In her melancholy state-of-mind, there was no possibility of getting help. Everyone in this place was affiliated with Lucifer, for better or worse. Defiance of his will would end up getting them killed at best. "I can't..." She continued to repeat that phrase as if it were a mantra. Tears ran down her face as she ran from the two boys as she loudly repeated herself over and over. As soon as she got back to her room, she lay down on her bed, face buried in her tear-stained pillow. She stained it even further with tears as she continued to cry. Azazel herself was frustrated. Incredibly frustrated. Things were going so well, and there was a chance the Nephilim boy would actually help them. But now, with Joslyn as she was now, trying to convince her to even move of her own will was near impossible. She knew she was fragile, but this was getting to be too much. She didn't want anything to do with what Lucifer wanted, but at the moment, she didn't see any way of leaving. "Dammit. Dammit! " Azazel continued to silently curse the situation as the girl cried herself to sleep.
Another boy came along and only offered harsh words as he joined the conversation. "This kid... " While it infuriated her that the bastard, there wasn't much she could do about it. In fact, there wasn't much she could do about anything. Afterwards, the horned one said that he would help her. However, the damage had already been done. The albino teenager let her head droop down, her eyes distantly staring at the ground. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes. "Honey? " "I...", Joslyn started through a cracking voice. "I sh-sh-shouldn't have left the room..." Her voice was weak, barely audible to the others. "No, don't say that. " The angel tried to encourage the downtrodden teen. "Not everyone is willing to help you escape, especially if it means upsetting Lucifer, but I know there are people here that are willing to help. I mean, we've stumbled on someone who wants to help you out right now. Please, please try not to get so down and let him help you. " "I... I can't." In her melancholy state-of-mind, there was no possibility of getting help. Everyone in this place was affiliated with Lucifer, for better or worse. Defiance of his will would end up getting them killed at best. "I can't..." She continued to repeat that phrase as if it were a mantra. Tears ran down her face as she ran from the two boys as she loudly repeated herself over and over. As soon as she got back to her room, she lay down on her bed, face buried in her tear-stained pillow. She stained it even further with tears as she continued to cry. Azazel herself was frustrated. Incredibly frustrated. Things were going so well, and there was a chance the Nephilim boy would actually help them. But now, with Joslyn as she was now, trying to convince her to even move of her own will was near impossible. She knew she was fragile, but this was getting to be too much. She didn't want anything to do with what Lucifer wanted, but at the moment, she didn't see any way of leaving. "Dammit. Dammit! " Azazel continued to silently curse the situation as the girl cried herself to sleep.
Joslyn Taylor Jones DAY: 75 - 3/4 | DATE: December 6th, 2013 [Friday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell As she looked about in the hallways of the palace, someone called out to her. Reflexively, she jumped and backed away from the horned figure that spoke. The one she saw looked to be about her age, and while he looked normal on all other counts, his horns were very telling. "Hang on a minute... This kid... " Azazel commented as she looked closely at the kid. "I... I-I'm f-f-fine." She shyly answered. "What is it?" She whispered to herself and Azazel. "I can say with all certainty that he is no demon or normal monster from Hell. The horns might scream demon to you, but he definitely isn't one. " The girl had no idea what the angel was talking about, but it might be worth asking. "U-umm... Excuse my a-a-asking, but... What exactly are y-y-you? You're not a d-d-demon, are you?" She wasn't sure what to expect back, but hopefully, he might know something about a way out, if he was willing to help.
As she looked about in the hallways of the palace, someone called out to her. Reflexively, she jumped and backed away from the horned figure that spoke. The one she saw looked to be about her age, and while he looked normal on all other counts, his horns were very telling. "Hang on a minute... This kid... " Azazel commented as she looked closely at the kid. "I... I-I'm f-f-fine." She shyly answered. "What is it?" She whispered to herself and Azazel. "I can say with all certainty that he is no demon or normal monster from Hell. The horns might scream demon to you, but he definitely isn't one. " The girl had no idea what the angel was talking about, but it might be worth asking. "U-umm... Excuse my a-a-asking, but... What exactly are y-y-you? You're not a d-d-demon, are you?" She wasn't sure what to expect back, but hopefully, he might know something about a way out, if he was willing to help.
Joslyn Taylor Jones DAY: 75 - 3/4 | DATE: December 6th, 2013 [Friday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Castle in Hell The downtrodden teenager lay in her bed, arms limply placed in front of her. Swollen red eyes, half-closed, inattentively stared at one spot. She lay there, defeated. Everything around her may have seemed nice, but her situation was far from it. A slow sigh left her. "Look, honey, I know this situation is bad and all, but we need to try to get out of here. " The angel had been trying to get her to do something. Anything that would let her have some ray of hope. Slowly, the girl shifted in the bed to lie on her back. "Why?", she croaked. "Why? Because I'm not about to let you get dragged into this whole mess because of me. We also can't let Lucifer have his way. There's too much at stake for us to just idly sit by and just let this happen! " It was clear that Azazel didn't want anything to do with this business. "But can we really do anything about this? I don't think I'm cut out for what you're asking. It's plain as day to see that I am not very strong." She tiredly lifted up an anemic wrist to look at. "See?" "So you're just going to give up? Just like that? Let him win and doing whatever he pleases? God only knows what he's going to do to all of the others out there. " Anger seethed under the surface of those calmly spoken words. "There's nothing I can do..." The albino girl uttered meekly. "And what about everyone else? All of their hard work and sacrifices, are you just going to let them be in vain? Let it all be for nothing? We lost so many comrades because of these people, and you want to do absolutely nothing about it? Is this really what you want? Is it?! " Joslyn remained silent at the line of questions. Azazel growled furiously as nothing but silence continued to leave the girl's mouth. "Get up. " She demanded. Not even a faint twitch from the girl. "I told you to get up. Didn't you hear me? " Still nothing. "I said. Get. Up. " Her voice was no longer its usual tone. It was much deeper than normal, and though it was calm, fury raged behind each and every word. "I see. We're going to have to do this the hard way. " Through no fault of the girl, she suddenly and without warning jolted upright. The teenager groaned in pain as she forcibly moved her legs off of the bed and started to walk. "Agh! It... It hurts!" "Oh, so now you want to talk. Sorry, but that ship has sailed. You didn't want to do as I asked before, so now I'm making you. " The girl continued to walk towards the door, sores riddling her body. "P-Please stop! It hurts!" Her legs shook, ready to buckle at any second. "Please!" "Are you willing to do as I say now? " She struggled to stand in place as they conversed. "Yes! Yes! Now please, stop it! It hurts!" The teen hurriedly spoke. She collapsed onto her knees and caught ragged breaths as she regained control of herself. "I'm sorry I had to do that, but I didn't see any other way of getting you out of that bed. " The angel's voice returned to its usual, sweet tone. "Now come on, let's go. " "Where?" "There's gotta be an exit somewhere. We just have to find it. " She confidently answered. "For starters, though, we should get out of this room. " "Okay." The girl answered meekly. After resting a while, she stood back up and opened the door into the hall and stepped out. There was no way for her to know which way was the right way, but she had to start moving to eventually find it. She looked around the hall as she tried to figure out which path led which way.
The downtrodden teenager lay in her bed, arms limply placed in front of her. Swollen red eyes, half-closed, inattentively stared at one spot. She lay there, defeated. Everything around her may have seemed nice, but her situation was far from it. A slow sigh left her. "Look, honey, I know this situation is bad and all, but we need to try to get out of here. " The angel had been trying to get her to do something. Anything that would let her have some ray of hope. Slowly, the girl shifted in the bed to lie on her back. "Why?", she croaked. "Why? Because I'm not about to let you get dragged into this whole mess because of me. We also can't let Lucifer have his way. There's too much at stake for us to just idly sit by and just let this happen! " It was clear that Azazel didn't want anything to do with this business. "But can we really do anything about this? I don't think I'm cut out for what you're asking. It's plain as day to see that I am not very strong." She tiredly lifted up an anemic wrist to look at. "See?" "So you're just going to give up? Just like that? Let him win and doing whatever he pleases? God only knows what he's going to do to all of the others out there. " Anger seethed under the surface of those calmly spoken words. "There's nothing I can do..." The albino girl uttered meekly. "And what about everyone else? All of their hard work and sacrifices, are you just going to let them be in vain? Let it all be for nothing? We lost so many comrades because of these people, and you want to do absolutely nothing about it? Is this really what you want? Is it?! " Joslyn remained silent at the line of questions. Azazel growled furiously as nothing but silence continued to leave the girl's mouth. "Get up. " She demanded. Not even a faint twitch from the girl. "I told you to get up. Didn't you hear me? " Still nothing. "I said. Get. Up. " Her voice was no longer its usual tone. It was much deeper than normal, and though it was calm, fury raged behind each and every word. "I see. We're going to have to do this the hard way. " Through no fault of the girl, she suddenly and without warning jolted upright. The teenager groaned in pain as she forcibly moved her legs off of the bed and started to walk. "Agh! It... It hurts!" "Oh, so now you want to talk. Sorry, but that ship has sailed. You didn't want to do as I asked before, so now I'm making you. " The girl continued to walk towards the door, sores riddling her body. "P-Please stop! It hurts!" Her legs shook, ready to buckle at any second. "Please!" "Are you willing to do as I say now? " She struggled to stand in place as they conversed. "Yes! Yes! Now please, stop it! It hurts!" The teen hurriedly spoke. She collapsed onto her knees and caught ragged breaths as she regained control of herself. "I'm sorry I had to do that, but I didn't see any other way of getting you out of that bed. " The angel's voice returned to its usual, sweet tone. "Now come on, let's go. " "Where?" "There's gotta be an exit somewhere. We just have to find it. " She confidently answered. "For starters, though, we should get out of this room. " "Okay." The girl answered meekly. After resting a while, she stood back up and opened the door into the hall and stepped out. There was no way for her to know which way was the right way, but she had to start moving to eventually find it. She looked around the hall as she tried to figure out which path led which way.
OP Updated to include new PV
Samuel Riviera DAY: 74 - 5/4 | DATE: December 5th, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: London, England After the newbie's got in their training, they retired to a hotel and let the others sleep. Though, to be honest, Sam probably wouldn't be getting much sleep this night, just like all of the previous ones. He lay in bed as Leon stood out as a guard for the night. Although, he stared at the ceiling the entire time, thoughts of what he's gonna do when this is all over whizzing about. He sighed and waited for his turn to guard as he relaxed in the bed.
After the newbie's got in their training, they retired to a hotel and let the others sleep. Though, to be honest, Sam probably wouldn't be getting much sleep this night, just like all of the previous ones. He lay in bed as Leon stood out as a guard for the night. Although, he stared at the ceiling the entire time, thoughts of what he's gonna do when this is all over whizzing about. He sighed and waited for his turn to guard as he relaxed in the bed.
Samuel Riviera DAY: 74 - 3/4 | DATE: December 5th, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: London, England Sam sat cross legged on the ground as he watched the newcomers training against the hordes of zombies, boredom and worry clear on his face. He hadn't been able to sleep as of late, thoughts of what might happen weighing heavily on his mind. His jaw dropped as he let loose a yawn. The bored man huffed as he rubbed the bleariness from his eyes. "SO," The golden haired man standing next to him started. "HOW'S THE WHOLE 'I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M A DAD, TIME TO ENTER CRISIS MODE' THING GOING? HAVE YOU GIVEN UP ON THE IDEA OF WANTING ANYTHING TO DO WITH XATHANAEL, CAUSE YOU LOOK LIKE YOU'RE GOING TO SHATTER OR SOMETHING." He dug the toe of his shoe into the ground in front of him and kicked at the dirt. "Oh, shut it. I haven't given up on anything. It's just..." His voice trailed off. "It's just that I'm not too sure how to handle this. I've been losing sleep over this and it's getting to be annoying. The fact I host the Angel of Destruction doesn't help much either." He pulled out a pack of smokes he had gotten earlier and with a quick flick of the wrist, he popped one out. After putting it in his mouth, he lit it with a small flame from his finger and drew a sharp intake from the cigarette. Smoke billowed up from the lit tip of the cigarette as he blew out more from his mouth. "I really don't know what to do about the kid." A drawn out silence fell between the two before conversation picked up again. "I BET SHE'S GOING OUT OF HER MIND OVER JOSLYN'S ABSENCE." That's right. Hana had been watching out for the white haired girl since before they had ever met. It must've been clawing at her to be unable to protect her. The last time someone tried to kidnap her, she successfully stopped them by shoving a blade through his shoulder. Just thinking about it made his scar hurt again. "Right..." He said dejectedly. "Shit, I really don't know what to do about any of this." He scratched his forehead with his thumb, his cigarette cradled between two fingers. "God, this sucks..."
Sam sat cross legged on the ground as he watched the newcomers training against the hordes of zombies, boredom and worry clear on his face. He hadn't been able to sleep as of late, thoughts of what might happen weighing heavily on his mind. His jaw dropped as he let loose a yawn. The bored man huffed as he rubbed the bleariness from his eyes. "SO," The golden haired man standing next to him started. "HOW'S THE WHOLE 'I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M A DAD, TIME TO ENTER CRISIS MODE' THING GOING? HAVE YOU GIVEN UP ON THE IDEA OF WANTING ANYTHING TO DO WITH XATHANAEL, CAUSE YOU LOOK LIKE YOU'RE GOING TO SHATTER OR SOMETHING." He dug the toe of his shoe into the ground in front of him and kicked at the dirt. "Oh, shut it. I haven't given up on anything. It's just..." His voice trailed off. "It's just that I'm not too sure how to handle this. I've been losing sleep over this and it's getting to be annoying. The fact I host the Angel of Destruction doesn't help much either." He pulled out a pack of smokes he had gotten earlier and with a quick flick of the wrist, he popped one out. After putting it in his mouth, he lit it with a small flame from his finger and drew a sharp intake from the cigarette. Smoke billowed up from the lit tip of the cigarette as he blew out more from his mouth. "I really don't know what to do about the kid." A drawn out silence fell between the two before conversation picked up again. "I BET SHE'S GOING OUT OF HER MIND OVER JOSLYN'S ABSENCE." That's right. Hana had been watching out for the white haired girl since before they had ever met. It must've been clawing at her to be unable to protect her. The last time someone tried to kidnap her, she successfully stopped them by shoving a blade through his shoulder. Just thinking about it made his scar hurt again. "Right..." He said dejectedly. "Shit, I really don't know what to do about any of this." He scratched his forehead with his thumb, his cigarette cradled between two fingers. "God, this sucks..."
Joslyn Taylor Jones DAY: 73 - 4/4 | DATE: December 4th, 2013 [Wednesday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell After coming back from the throne room, she slowly shut the door behind her and staggered over to the large bed. She limply fell onto it as tears streamed down her face. "I'm sorry.... I'm so, so sorry... " The girl barely moved. She just stayed dormant on the bed, crying herself to sleep.
After coming back from the throne room, she slowly shut the door behind her and staggered over to the large bed. She limply fell onto it as tears streamed down her face. "I'm sorry.... I'm so, so sorry... " The girl barely moved. She just stayed dormant on the bed, crying herself to sleep.
Joslyn Taylor Jones DAY: 73 - 2/4 | DATE: December 4th, 2013 [Wednesday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell "Enough!" The technicolor haired girl screeched as cracks fissured through the marble floor and broke apart in front of the two bickering demons. They stopped and glared right at her. "That is enough. She needs to get dressed and you aren't exactly making her feel at home. You're just scaring her. I don't suppose you want me to mention to Him that you were the reason she did not make it to her summons on time? Hmmm??" She advanced towards them, looking straight up at them. "Now if you don't mind, I need to get Joslyn into this lovely dress and do her hair. If you're going to fight, then get out of the room." Camilla snorted as she stepped forward. "Normally, I wouldn't listen to a shitty halfling like you, but since this involves Him... We'll be leaving. But so help me, if you tell me what to do again I will break you like a twig." The both of them made their way to the door. "But this isn't over yet, sluuuuuut~" The Goliath-sized monster muttered as he stepped beyond the doorway. "Oh, you better believe this isn't over, no-eyes!" She spat back. Soon after they left the room, the horned girl shut the door behind them before turning her attention back to the pale-skinned girl. "Okay. So yeah, you're probably freaking out and stuff but hey -- oh don't cry! Your face will get all red and puffy and you don't want bags under your eyes." She ran across the room to grab a tissue and carried it back to the albino girl, sitting down beside her. "Here. Wipe your face off. There's nothing to be scared of. No one is going to hurt you here. If they did, then they would be punished severely for it. As long as you remain here, you never have to worry about anything bad happening to you. Honestly I don't see why more of the Fallen don't come down here. Then none of them would die. Oh well." She shrugged her shoulders and got up to grab the dress. "Come on. You gotta put this on. You'll feel better once we get you into the dress." Ahranna smiled brightly at the girl. Her black masque creased with the lines of her smile and the large glasses on her face rode up the bridge of her nose. With a shaking hand, the moon-haired girl grabbed the tissue and patted the flowing tears from her eyes. Reluctantly, she got up from the bed and looked at the chosen dress. She looked straight into the other girl's eyes, not sure of what to feel anymore. "Why?" The albino teenager asked. "Why me?" "I'unno," Ahranna shrugged, "that's just the way it's always been. I don't really keep up much on angel history, but I'm sure that angel of your's will tell you that as long as you're the one hosting her, you're the one that's chosen." "It's a long story... But basically, he chose me as his bride, " Azazel started. "I wasn't exactly thrilled about that, but the other angels kept watch over me. Kept me away from him. At least, until now, anyways. " She sighed as she continued to talk. "There isn't much I can say other than I am sorry you're in this mess. It's all because of me that you were sucked into this. Actually, it's all my fault that Xath never got to enjoy her own life, either. Always having to watch over who I hosted, always having to tend after me, never getting to care or nurture for anyone else. I just... " The angel paused, her actions slowly settling in. "You're another victim in my long chain of them, and I am sorry for that. "
"Enough!" The technicolor haired girl screeched as cracks fissured through the marble floor and broke apart in front of the two bickering demons. They stopped and glared right at her. "That is enough. She needs to get dressed and you aren't exactly making her feel at home. You're just scaring her. I don't suppose you want me to mention to Him that you were the reason she did not make it to her summons on time? Hmmm??" She advanced towards them, looking straight up at them. "Now if you don't mind, I need to get Joslyn into this lovely dress and do her hair. If you're going to fight, then get out of the room." Camilla snorted as she stepped forward. "Normally, I wouldn't listen to a shitty halfling like you, but since this involves Him... We'll be leaving. But so help me, if you tell me what to do again I will break you like a twig." The both of them made their way to the door. "But this isn't over yet, sluuuuuut~" The Goliath-sized monster muttered as he stepped beyond the doorway. "Oh, you better believe this isn't over, no-eyes!" She spat back. Soon after they left the room, the horned girl shut the door behind them before turning her attention back to the pale-skinned girl. "Okay. So yeah, you're probably freaking out and stuff but hey -- oh don't cry! Your face will get all red and puffy and you don't want bags under your eyes." She ran across the room to grab a tissue and carried it back to the albino girl, sitting down beside her. "Here. Wipe your face off. There's nothing to be scared of. No one is going to hurt you here. If they did, then they would be punished severely for it. As long as you remain here, you never have to worry about anything bad happening to you. Honestly I don't see why more of the Fallen don't come down here. Then none of them would die. Oh well." She shrugged her shoulders and got up to grab the dress. "Come on. You gotta put this on. You'll feel better once we get you into the dress." Ahranna smiled brightly at the girl. Her black masque creased with the lines of her smile and the large glasses on her face rode up the bridge of her nose. With a shaking hand, the moon-haired girl grabbed the tissue and patted the flowing tears from her eyes. Reluctantly, she got up from the bed and looked at the chosen dress. She looked straight into the other girl's eyes, not sure of what to feel anymore. "Why?" The albino teenager asked. "Why me?" "I'unno," Ahranna shrugged, "that's just the way it's always been. I don't really keep up much on angel history, but I'm sure that angel of your's will tell you that as long as you're the one hosting her, you're the one that's chosen." "It's a long story... But basically, he chose me as his bride, " Azazel started. "I wasn't exactly thrilled about that, but the other angels kept watch over me. Kept me away from him. At least, until now, anyways. " She sighed as she continued to talk. "There isn't much I can say other than I am sorry you're in this mess. It's all because of me that you were sucked into this. Actually, it's all my fault that Xath never got to enjoy her own life, either. Always having to watch over who I hosted, always having to tend after me, never getting to care or nurture for anyone else. I just... " The angel paused, her actions slowly settling in. "You're another victim in my long chain of them, and I am sorry for that. "
Joslyn Taylor Jones DAY: 73 - 2/4 | DATE: December 4th, 2013 | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell Slowly, the sensation of being tugged at brought her to consciousness. She opened her heavy lids only to be met by the sight of horns protruding from technicolor hair. "Oh thank god, you're finally awake !" the voice echoed in her mind. "Wha-," Confused, the tired teenager blinked the bleariness away. "What the? Wh-Who are you!?" It was this person that was tugging at her. Quick as she could, the girl pulled her hand back and scooted away from her. "Wh-What's going on!? Wh-Where am I!?" "Home sweet home is where we are." The familiar voice spoke. However, this time was different. The voice wasn't in her head. It was distinctly coming from in the room. She looked around and found the source standing at the door. A female figure stood at the entrance, with a tall creature towering behind her. "To be honest, I never thought I'd actually get to see this place ever." "As much as I hate to admit it, I agree with heeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr~" The thing answered. "Wh-Wh-Who are you all!?" The girl was on the verge of tears as she looked around at these strange people around her. "You mean to tell me you don't recognize their voices ?" Azazel's voice was low. "Wow, after all of that time, you can't recognize us by our voices, honey?" The demon woman asked mockingly. "That's cruel coming from you. Whatever." "Honestly, I'm huuuuuuuuuurrrrrrt~" The girl locked her sights onto the pair standing at the door. "Te... Tessa? Victor?" "Ugh, I'd prefer if you didn't call me that. My name is Camilla." She approached the bed she was sitting on. "But man, you have it nice, with such a large bed and room and all." "It really is a nice rooooooooooom~" The pale monster commented as he looked around. "And since we're doing proper introductions, Amalgam is my naaaaaaammmmme~" "What's going on? How come you have physical bodies? What happened?" "It's simple, really. You're in Hell." Camilla answered bluntly. "You got kidnapped, and now you're here, about to get married." "They grow up so faaaaasssssssst~" The monstrous Amalgam sarcastically wiped 'tears' from his eyes. "Oh, shove a dick in it, Amalgam." "I could say the same to you, whoooooooooooorrrrrrrre~" "Oh, you wanna start something? I will rip you to shreds, dickweed!" "Not with a scrawny body like that, you aren't, you sluuuuuuuut~!" As the two started to bicker like before, the fact that she was in Hell was slowly sinking in. Tears rolled down her pasty cheeks. "I'm..." Her breathing hitched. "I'm in Hell?" "Unfortunately... I wish I could say that I could help you, but it pains me to say that I can't. " The tone in the angel's voice was solemn.
Slowly, the sensation of being tugged at brought her to consciousness. She opened her heavy lids only to be met by the sight of horns protruding from technicolor hair. "Oh thank god, you're finally awake !" the voice echoed in her mind. "Wha-," Confused, the tired teenager blinked the bleariness away. "What the? Wh-Who are you!?" It was this person that was tugging at her. Quick as she could, the girl pulled her hand back and scooted away from her. "Wh-What's going on!? Wh-Where am I!?" "Home sweet home is where we are." The familiar voice spoke. However, this time was different. The voice wasn't in her head. It was distinctly coming from in the room. She looked around and found the source standing at the door. A female figure stood at the entrance, with a tall creature towering behind her. "To be honest, I never thought I'd actually get to see this place ever." "As much as I hate to admit it, I agree with heeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr~" The thing answered. "Wh-Wh-Who are you all!?" The girl was on the verge of tears as she looked around at these strange people around her. "You mean to tell me you don't recognize their voices ?" Azazel's voice was low. "Wow, after all of that time, you can't recognize us by our voices, honey?" The demon woman asked mockingly. "That's cruel coming from you. Whatever." "Honestly, I'm huuuuuuuuuurrrrrrt~" The girl locked her sights onto the pair standing at the door. "Te... Tessa? Victor?" "Ugh, I'd prefer if you didn't call me that. My name is Camilla." She approached the bed she was sitting on. "But man, you have it nice, with such a large bed and room and all." "It really is a nice rooooooooooom~" The pale monster commented as he looked around. "And since we're doing proper introductions, Amalgam is my naaaaaaammmmme~" "What's going on? How come you have physical bodies? What happened?" "It's simple, really. You're in Hell." Camilla answered bluntly. "You got kidnapped, and now you're here, about to get married." "They grow up so faaaaasssssssst~" The monstrous Amalgam sarcastically wiped 'tears' from his eyes. "Oh, shove a dick in it, Amalgam." "I could say the same to you, whoooooooooooorrrrrrrre~" "Oh, you wanna start something? I will rip you to shreds, dickweed!" "Not with a scrawny body like that, you aren't, you sluuuuuuuut~!" As the two started to bicker like before, the fact that she was in Hell was slowly sinking in. Tears rolled down her pasty cheeks. "I'm..." Her breathing hitched. "I'm in Hell?" "Unfortunately... I wish I could say that I could help you, but it pains me to say that I can't. " The tone in the angel's voice was solemn.
Joslyn Taylor Jones DAY: 72 - 4/4 | DATE: December 3rd, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: ??? Joslyn remained passed out for the rest of the day.
Joslyn remained passed out for the rest of the day.
Joslyn Taylor Jones DAY: 72 - 3/4 | DATE: December 3rd, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Abbey/Church in Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShe wasn't sure of the time when she woke up, but she did know that she wanted to get some fresh air when she got up out of bed. After putting on some decent clothing, she went outside into the sunlight. She sat down on a nearby bench and let what little breeze came by cool her down. Sweat dripped down her face as she leaned back as the sun beat down on her pale skin. She held an anemic wrist up to block the light from her eyes. "It's so hot today." "Well, there isn't much we can do about that, honey~ " It was true. There wasn't much to be done about the heat other than deal with it. "You think this is hot ?" The familiar voice groaned. "Oh be quiet. She doesn't deal with weather like this on a daily basis, so she isn't used to it. " Azazel spat back. "Right, of course. " "Whatever, anyways, " the angel started as she spoke to Joslyn again. "Where are we supposed to go now ?" The girl pulled the cracked compass out of her pocket and tried to check where it was pointing. It took a little while to see through the damaged glass, though she finally got it after a while. "Mmm... It's pointing north west." She answered as she shoved it back into her pocket. "North west, huh ? I wonder which angel we'll find next. You think they'll be young like the past few we've found ?" "I honestly hope not." The girl said as she looked down at the ground. "But I guess we're just going to have to find out, huh?" She let her head hang backwards and looked towards the sky. There were so many young people with them, herself included, that she really didn't like having to recruit any more of them. It hurt just to think about all of the horrible events that they were involved in and the lives they had already lost. "I just want this to end already..."
She wasn't sure of the time when she woke up, but she did know that she wanted to get some fresh air when she got up out of bed. After putting on some decent clothing, she went outside into the sunlight. She sat down on a nearby bench and let what little breeze came by cool her down. Sweat dripped down her face as she leaned back as the sun beat down on her pale skin. She held an anemic wrist up to block the light from her eyes. "It's so hot today." "Well, there isn't much we can do about that, honey~ " It was true. There wasn't much to be done about the heat other than deal with it. "You think this is hot ?" The familiar voice groaned. "Oh be quiet. She doesn't deal with weather like this on a daily basis, so she isn't used to it. " Azazel spat back. "Right, of course. " "Whatever, anyways, " the angel started as she spoke to Joslyn again. "Where are we supposed to go now ?" The girl pulled the cracked compass out of her pocket and tried to check where it was pointing. It took a little while to see through the damaged glass, though she finally got it after a while. "Mmm... It's pointing north west." She answered as she shoved it back into her pocket. "North west, huh ? I wonder which angel we'll find next. You think they'll be young like the past few we've found ?" "I honestly hope not." The girl said as she looked down at the ground. "But I guess we're just going to have to find out, huh?" She let her head hang backwards and looked towards the sky. There were so many young people with them, herself included, that she really didn't like having to recruit any more of them. It hurt just to think about all of the horrible events that they were involved in and the lives they had already lost. "I just want this to end already..."
Samuel Riviera DAY: 71 - 4/4 | DATE: December 2nd, 2013 [Monday] | LOCATION: Abbey/Church in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil It took a considerable amount of time for them to finish strengthening the barrier. By the time they had finished, night had already fallen. They had just bought themselves some time, but it definitely wouldn't last forever. How much time was left, he couldn't really say, but they had to end this quickly. Hopefully there wouldn't be a need to face off with the monster lurking underground, but they couldn't say for sure if it would happen. Right now, all they could do was continue searching for more angels and train. He saw that a few people, like Alejandra, Joslyn, and Vincent were all going to their beds now. It would be a good idea to catch some shut eye. Although, he wavered on whether or not to try and sleep in the room with the baby or sleep with the others. He kept going back and forth between the two ideas, but he just couldn't make up his mind. After mulling it over and seeing the others sleeping already, he decided to go to the room where the baby was. Shutting the door behind him, he was once again face to face with his own son. He really couldn't get used to the fact that he had a son now. Once again, he took the nearby chair and plopped himself down into it, resting his arms over the chair's back. "Man, what am I gonna do? I have no idea what to do next," he complained. "You're lucky, you don't have to worry about any of this." Watching the red-haired baby on the bed, he rested his head on his arms, fatigue slowly setting in. "I wonder if you'll even remember me..." He managed through a yawn. His eyes shut as he drifted off to sleep on the chair.
It took a considerable amount of time for them to finish strengthening the barrier. By the time they had finished, night had already fallen. They had just bought themselves some time, but it definitely wouldn't last forever. How much time was left, he couldn't really say, but they had to end this quickly. Hopefully there wouldn't be a need to face off with the monster lurking underground, but they couldn't say for sure if it would happen. Right now, all they could do was continue searching for more angels and train. He saw that a few people, like Alejandra, Joslyn, and Vincent were all going to their beds now. It would be a good idea to catch some shut eye. Although, he wavered on whether or not to try and sleep in the room with the baby or sleep with the others. He kept going back and forth between the two ideas, but he just couldn't make up his mind. After mulling it over and seeing the others sleeping already, he decided to go to the room where the baby was. Shutting the door behind him, he was once again face to face with his own son. He really couldn't get used to the fact that he had a son now. Once again, he took the nearby chair and plopped himself down into it, resting his arms over the chair's back. "Man, what am I gonna do? I have no idea what to do next," he complained. "You're lucky, you don't have to worry about any of this." Watching the red-haired baby on the bed, he rested his head on his arms, fatigue slowly setting in. "I wonder if you'll even remember me..." He managed through a yawn. His eyes shut as he drifted off to sleep on the chair.
Samuel Riviera DAY: 71 - 4/4 | DATE: November 2nd, 2013 [Monday] | LOCATION: Abbey/Church in Rio de Janeiro As everyone gathered into the main sanctuary of the church, there were obvious signs that there was someone, or something, coming. They were there for what was locked away deep underneath this church. A monster that, if released, would guarantee their victory. There was no way they could let that happen. After Hana instructed them to pray while thinking of something that they value most, the image came all to quickly. He closed his eyes as memories of Hana flooded his mind. He took a sharp breath before uttering the prayer. "Pater, da mihi, qui conantur, ut spiritus et tutela contra me. Ut tegere sim defensus est." Joslyn Taylor Jones DAY: 71 - 4/4 | DATE: November 2nd, 2013 [Monday] | LOCATION: Abbey/Church in Rio de Janeiro When Hana instructed everyone to try to pair off and pray, she found her way to Vincent. "Come on, l-let's do as she a-asked." "Right." Standing next to each other, they clasped their hands together and tried to think of what it was that they wanted to protect so dearly. It took the girl a while to find something before settling on the one thing she really had in this world: Her friends. The people that have come along on this journey that she has come to know and love. They had already lost a great deal of them, so now, with this prayer, she had hoped that wouldn't happen anymore. "Pater, da mihi, qui conantur, ut spiritus et tutela contra me. Ut tegere sim defensus est." "Pater, da mihi, qui conantur, ut spiritus et tutela contra me. Ut tegere sim defensus est." Alejandra Rojas DAY: 71 - 4/4 | DATE: November 2nd, 2013 [Monday] | LOCATION: Abbey/Church in Rio de Janeiro She hadn't really gotten that much time to get to know these people. It had been four days, give or take, since she joined up with these people. During those four days, she didn't really talk much except for when they recruited one of the people from Chile. On top of that, she had little to no experience regarding any of this. Though, thinking of what you hold dear and praying didn't seem too hard, she wasn't sure how much help she would be. She looked around as other people paired off, wondering what to do. "I CAN HELP YOU IF YOU WANT" A familiar voice broke through the uncertainty. The young woman turned to meet the golden-eyed gaze of the source. "Oh, Leon," she started. "Uh, yeah, I'd like that a lot, thanks." "SURE," he sighed. After that, they each clasped their own hands together and closed their eyes. Immediately, she thought of the family and friends she had back at home. Protecting them was the whole reason of her being there. They were the most important thing to her, so it wasn't too difficult to get it in her mind. After thinking of them, she uttered the prayer alongside Leon. "Pater, da mihi, qui conantur, ut spiritus et tutela contra me. Ut tegere sim defensus est." "PATER, DA MIHI, QUI CONANTUR, UT SPIRITUS ET TUTELA CONTRA ME. UT TEGERE SIM DEFENSUS EST."
As everyone gathered into the main sanctuary of the church, there were obvious signs that there was someone, or something, coming. They were there for what was locked away deep underneath this church. A monster that, if released, would guarantee their victory. There was no way they could let that happen. After Hana instructed them to pray while thinking of something that they value most, the image came all to quickly. He closed his eyes as memories of Hana flooded his mind. He took a sharp breath before uttering the prayer. "Pater, da mihi, qui conantur, ut spiritus et tutela contra me. Ut tegere sim defensus est."
When Hana instructed everyone to try to pair off and pray, she found her way to Vincent. "Come on, l-let's do as she a-asked." "Right." Standing next to each other, they clasped their hands together and tried to think of what it was that they wanted to protect so dearly. It took the girl a while to find something before settling on the one thing she really had in this world: Her friends. The people that have come along on this journey that she has come to know and love. They had already lost a great deal of them, so now, with this prayer, she had hoped that wouldn't happen anymore. "Pater, da mihi, qui conantur, ut spiritus et tutela contra me. Ut tegere sim defensus est." "Pater, da mihi, qui conantur, ut spiritus et tutela contra me. Ut tegere sim defensus est."
She hadn't really gotten that much time to get to know these people. It had been four days, give or take, since she joined up with these people. During those four days, she didn't really talk much except for when they recruited one of the people from Chile. On top of that, she had little to no experience regarding any of this. Though, thinking of what you hold dear and praying didn't seem too hard, she wasn't sure how much help she would be. She looked around as other people paired off, wondering what to do. "I CAN HELP YOU IF YOU WANT" A familiar voice broke through the uncertainty. The young woman turned to meet the golden-eyed gaze of the source. "Oh, Leon," she started. "Uh, yeah, I'd like that a lot, thanks." "SURE," he sighed. After that, they each clasped their own hands together and closed their eyes. Immediately, she thought of the family and friends she had back at home. Protecting them was the whole reason of her being there. They were the most important thing to her, so it wasn't too difficult to get it in her mind. After thinking of them, she uttered the prayer alongside Leon. "Pater, da mihi, qui conantur, ut spiritus et tutela contra me. Ut tegere sim defensus est." "PATER, DA MIHI, QUI CONANTUR, UT SPIRITUS ET TUTELA CONTRA ME. UT TEGERE SIM DEFENSUS EST."