Then Lightning freed herself from Bunhivelze with the power of friendship (translation : she blew its freaking head off), landed in Flance, eventualy met Schala, and together they invented pastafarism for shits and giggles. I' m totally buying it.
Can I be one of the grumpy old farts ?
"Adam's personality and background focuses on the character's old-fashioned and militant ideals of justice, and his officious and strongly...
The more freedom you' re allowed to keep the better, obviously, but if you' ve proven time and time again that you can' t be trusted with it then it makes all the sense in the world to step in. In my country we don' t have problems with students wearing the flag (nobody does that anyway), but we did ban burqas and veils in public schools. Some people complained that it was just a way to target muslims, so we banned religious symbols period. I' m sure what does or doesn' t constitute a reasonable outfit would make a great philosophic topic, but at the end of the day the school board has to be pragmatic about it. Students come to school to learn and teachers are supposed to be grabbing their attention. Getting rid of anything that gets in the way of that is fine in my book.
I' m pretty sure chess is classified as a sport in my country. A cerebral sport, but a sport nonetheless. Professional chess players retire very early, it' s just as fast burning a career as physical sports. I guess broadcasting the already existing contests would be a start. You clearly don' t. XD Ping pong seems rather effortless at first, but it quickly gets as tiring as tennis. Besides, I find it pretty spectacular. Spoiler
I had to google Black Adam, never heard of him before. I see what Below did there. ^^ What little I know about Ra's is the post Lazarus pit stuff...
Woo ! Me ! I' m game !
Pretty sure. But I am mediterranean.
I' m not a connoisseur myself, but most men in my familly are. It' s unthinkable for us to have a family reunion without a great meal and a few good wines. I just let those who know what they' re doing pick fitting wines for me. He was joking. French, wine, it' s a thing.
You can see them in 3 and 4, they' re random in 1 and 2.
Not sure you realized this, it took me a while to figure it out, but each kind of weapon has its own target selection gambit. What I did was equip only swords to be able to stack physical attacks (on the most front-right target), and use magic and specials when I needed to focus on another ennemy. It' still dumb beyond belief though, no arguing here.
From what I heard The 4 Heroes Of Light might be better overall. It doesn' t recycle its dungeons and remains old school hard up until the end, even if you grind. Has any of you played both ?
I never had to burry a pet. My parents have a cat. I had already left their house when they got her and I don' t see her that often (once or twice a year), but she likes me a lot. When I visit my parents for a few days and go out for a stroll she often follows me. She' s pretty spry but she' s fifteen now, things are starting to go downhill. I don' t know how long she has left but it will undoubtedly hit me pretty hard. A friend of mine left his parents' house the same year I did, he left his dog there. At some point his dog got really ill and barely moved anymore. When my friend came back on vacation his dog mustered some energy, went for a stroll with him, and died in his sleep that night. It' s like he was waiting for a chance to say goodbye before letting go.
Does it work on politicians ? Sounds neat. The basic stuff they mentioned is easy to read by body language alone, but still.
Yeah, that one easily stood out as the worst. I wasn' t taking a shot at Republicans, just at dumb politicians in general. To be honnest the american right wing seems to adore them, but they come in all stripes.
Technically it could have been used to discriminate again anyone and everyone. LGBT, atheists, wickans, women, adulterers ... you name it. It was facepalm worthy on a biblical scale. I can' t for the hell of me even begin to understand how that kind of bill got as much as suggested. I' ve seen interviews of some of the politicians who did, they seem barely able to put 2 and 2 together. Who the hell votes for these guys ? My 10 years old cousin is undoubtedly smarter than them all combined ! Well anyway, it doesn' t come as a surprise that the bill got repelled though. Big businesses are the ones actually running the show and it' s their freaking job to put 2 and 2 together, quite literally.
Here' s a few tidbits that were probably left out of your history books. Yes, the US army liberated France during WW2 and yes, we are thankful for that. US soldiers also raped our women big time. Check De Gaule' s page on wikipedia and you' ll notice he had to thwart quite a few assassination attempts to take back the reigns of the country. It' s common knowledge amongst those who lived all this that the US had plans for France, you didn' t help us entirely out of the goodness of your heart. I spoke with a German student myself, apparently the social and psychological factors that led to the rise of fascism are heavily emphasized in Germany. Hate speech in general is highly reprimanded. We don' t keep it in check as much in France, but we do. Certainly more than in the US where it' s almost completely unbound. But yeah, to make a point, it is really important to remember the bad stuff. You don' t learn from your success, you learn from your mistakes.
Yeah well, you' re putting words in our mouths. Big time. Sport can help to provide social link, promote meritocracy, and is healthy. None of us denied any of that. I' m not a football fan, but I have nothing against it. Let me put it this way : football is a collective sport, it' s won or lost as a team. No one gets there on his own. Well it' s the same with a country. Those footballers earning millions probably made it thanks to public school and local football clubs (those are subsided with state money), and thanks to their fans moral and financial support. Seems only fair to try and help back, no ? Proportionally speaking, even unemployed people were paying more taxes than the top 1%, does that seem fair to you ? I think not. Even though we raised the top 1% taxes they' re still left with millions, I' m not exactly gonna cry for them.
You know, I knew the US was a very puritan country, it' s all over your movies and your TV shows, but I had no idea just how far it went and what the consequences could be for atheists. I found that out when I joined this forum. I' ve been told I' d go to hell, saw assertions that atheists have no morals or that they just pretend not to believe, stuff like that. Major wtf. I tried to remain civil about it, assuming they probably just didn' t know any better. Giving them back a taste of their own medecine would have hardly improved the situation. That being said, even though I don' t approve, I can totally understand why atheists (or any other clearly discriminated minority for that matter) would feel like lashing out. Gave me some perspective.
I' m not sure what to make of that. I mean scientifically speaking the tower of Babel isn' t a theory, it' s an hypothesis. Depends how the teacher worded it exactly. As I understand it pushing that kind of equivocation fallacy in public schools isn' t unheard of in the US.