Johnathan and Joseph already got in though. Plus every Jojo character got to be in their own fighting game earlier this year anyway. Well except for Diego of course.
As opposed to Kingdom Hearts 2's combat which consisted of pressing the triangle button and letting Sora do some 2 minute flashy move?
It would be a lot cooler if you didn't spend half of it USING A ****ING STICK However when it comes to KH and KH2 I will always prefer KH because atleast Kingdom Hearts didn't have PRESS TRIANGLE TO WIN and REFLEGA
I'll admit while Terra is a complete ****** all the time, I largely enjoyed BBS. The characters were different enough to not feel repetitive, I absolutely LOVED the combat system and I think at least in the Final Mix version there was no blatantly overpowered skill or ability to use like in most KH games, everything was pretty balanced and there was no one set of abilities that you could use throughout the whole game and win everything forever, you had to switch things up. It's probably my favorite Kingdom Hearts game personally.
Nope, this is the only website and the only thread with those links. Birth by Sleep is a kickass game mother****er
BBS and KH are going at it
But Birth By Sleep is Spoiler good
Well it WAS just one vote
But how else would I confirm that everything is indeed all right?
F ya
I'll let Round 1 go on for a bit more before initiating Round 2 The poll say it all kids. Choose your winner and let's see just what kh-vids can muster. I am only using the Final Mix versions since they are the most updated. If you haven't played them then just go with the regular version. I will stop counting votes when feel like it ROUND 2 KIDDIES IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN
Uhhh what? Are you saying that the end of a chapter can't have a cliffhanger? That makes no sense. What are you saying?
I know he's not a reluctant hero but I assumed that's what OP meant when he said "whiny" so I was just clarifying .
Reluctant heroes fighting monsters has been a trope in anime since the 60's, hell it's literally the basis for every mech show ever. I'm not even gonna comment on the evil government up to something behind the scenes thing, it's like you've never watch a Saturday Morning Cartoon. In fact you've just ALMOST described the Krang arc of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And what do you mean by psychological problems? Everyone seems like pretty standard anime/manga characters to me. Excited guy, nervous guy, jerk guy, mysterious girl, quirky girl, the works. And I don't even see how Eren is "whiny".
I'm sorry but WHAT!? How in the WORLD does Attack on Titan seem ANYTHING like Evangelion?