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  1. Stardust
    let's keep it cool in here guyyyyys
    don't slip into a quarrel
    be chill

    it's funny because ice
    Post by: Stardust, Feb 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Stardust
  3. Stardust
    Rotten Tomatoes is just a critic aggregate. It can be nice as a collection of different critics' opinions, but imho you need to be careful with it because it marks reviews as 'fresh' or 'rotten' and then averages them, regardless of whether a critic who gave a 'rotten' review also had some good things to say about the film or vice-versa. Personally I think you get a better idea of what the critics thought by going to a movie's page and looking at the review average (in this case 8.4/10).

    Anyway, this is promising, but the movie's not out yet so I'm wary lol. Films are often selectively pre-screened for only the critics that the studio thinks will like it. At this rate I think the percentage has a chance to stay pretty good, but I doubt it'll remain at 100 haha.
    Post by: Stardust, Feb 5, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Stardust
    It's been on and off the last couple of days.
    Snow doesn't typically stay on the ground here very long; this has been a rare case where it's continued to stay because it's been cold enough and snowing intermittently.
    Post by: Stardust, Feb 4, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Stardust
    I don't dislike it, I've just had my fill of it honestly lol.
    We have around 5 inches currently; still falling.
    Post by: Stardust, Feb 4, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Stardust
    you can have ours
    Post by: Stardust, Feb 4, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Stardust
    There were no other clips spliced into the video?
    Post by: Stardust, Feb 4, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Stardust
    キングダムハーツ 天野 シロ as an image search might put you on the right track.
    Post by: Stardust, Feb 4, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Stardust
    No but seriously, iced coffee (and variants like frappes) is my fave. I've never even tried coffee straight, so sweetened & with milk is a necessity. And preferably mocha. I am a coffee pansy.

    I will however drink tea straight any day of the week and twice on Sunday, unless it's a particularly bitter variety. I never have it with milk and I sweeten tea infrequently. Ironically, my favorite -- chai -- is supposed to be prepared that way and is the only one I make, nay, require an exception for. Chai without milk and sugar is just wrong. Do not chai wrong. Naw I keed you can have your tea any way you like, but why would you have chai straight ;~;
    Post by: Stardust, Feb 3, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Stardust

    Thread by: Stardust, Feb 2, 2014, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Stardust
    At first I thought you meant Dippin' Dots, like the ice cream, and I was going to be super excited.

    Dots are good too though.
    Post by: Stardust, Feb 2, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Stardust
    I feel obligated to recommend Ico next (provided you've not played it) if you liked it. I've not played Brothers but it looks fantastic.
    Post by: Stardust, Jan 29, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Stardust
    I saw these guys live last year, lol.
 it won't let me have more than 5 media embeds so
    Post by: Stardust, Jan 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Stardust
    bump because i just watched the entire show in less than a day b/c of this thread, tyvm

    Realtalk though, I thought it was okay. It's got a really addicting property to it because just about every episode ends in a hair-pulling cliffhanger. Towards the end though I thought it lost some momentum & I had to fight the urge to skip forward sometimes.

    I think the main problem is that I didn't get very attached to many of the characters :'c. Loads of them die before that's possible, and the ones who don't I was only just starting to warm up to when the show kinda just... ended. No closure or anything. Which makes sense given that it's an adaptation of an unfinished series, but talk about anticlimactic.

    I also found myself laughing when I felt like I shouldn't have been a fair amount lmao. Some of those titans' faces were hilarious (that one with the huge eyes omg). And the way a lot of them run like disoriented toddlers.

    Overall though, wuz gud.

    Also gat dang, people keep talking about how ridiculously violent and gory this show is and I just wasn't seeing it. It usually felt semi-tame to me. :v That may not be a good sign.

    anyway there is my review nobody asked for you're v. welcome
    Post by: Stardust, Jan 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Stardust
    Unfortunately I have no way of helping out in this situation, but I wanted to express some well-wishes at least. :c Good luck.
    Post by: Stardust, Jan 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Stardust
    I don't think my school has a dedicated gaming club :c I tried finding one at the like... club fair(??) at the beginning of the year to no avail. If I recall right, there may have been a competitive gaming organization, but that was it. I'm not really interested in competitive gaming so much so I didn't look into it very closely.

    There are monthly tournaments of various games iirc, and I think it'd be fun to go, but I definitely wouldn't be there to play seriously haha. I wouldn't stand a chance.

    I kinda considered anime club, but it's in the evening and they watch anime for like three hours a session apparently. By the time it rolls around I'm never in the mood to leave, much less wander back in the dark hah. I've never worked up the motivation to go :v

    side note: a retro game club would be awesome I would join that in a heartbeat
    Post by: Stardust, Jan 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Stardust
    excuse u all. everything should be in the kingdom hearts font. make it so.
    Post by: Stardust, Jan 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Stardust
    lmao I was wondering about that, I just copypasta'd it after googling attack on titan
    I apologize for my lack of German knowledge

    the sweatshirt may have been correct if it makes you feel any better
    Post by: Stardust, Jan 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Stardust
    I see a decent amount of Attack on Titan stuff on campus actually
    I saw someone with a SIE SIND DAS ESSEN UND WIR SIND DIE JÄGER sweatshirt once, and today I saw someone with an Attack on Titan backpack. Things of that nature. It's probably only behind Sonic shirts (I swear I see at least 1-2 a day) and Portal merch in terms of frequency.
    Post by: Stardust, Jan 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Stardust
    north korea wins errybody else go home
    Post by: Stardust, Jan 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone