I would say not yet since he still relies on darkness. Hopefully that would change in the future. Compared to Riku who has better control of the darkness, He has very little control (I think.) and that he relies on the darkness more often than Riku.
..... Naturally, I was excited at first, but then I realized that most movies based on books suck. So I'm not sure if I should be happy or disappointed when it comes out on theaters.
I think I heard of you before.... I just cannot remember when... Anyways, welcome back to the site!
Radio Gaga by Queen. That and this: http://tinyurl.com/2g9mqh
I agree. Especially if it's Queen.
Usually, I say "MAKE IT STOP!!!!" But I don't mind. It's a good song.
You should try it sometime! It's originally on the PS2, but it has been ported to the 3DS. .....Just don't let Plums read what you just posted....
At first, I wasn't. But realizing that there might be a very small chance of something happening to the athletes like when the Munich Massacre happened, I am getting really worried. I'm not saying that it's going to happen. I just want everyone to be safe and to do their best for the Olympics.
Man, what a beautiful game. One of the few games that made me cry. (And believe me, I rarely cry when I play video games.) And I just want to play a second playthrough! A few questions though for the ones who finished the game... ...What perks do you recommend? I was thinking Artes as one of them, but I have about 2000-2500 Grade. Should I spend all my grade or just save it for future playthroughs?
People have no respect to Religion nowadays.... I am honestly very offended by this, but I know that I cannot do a thing about it. I follow God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. And like tummer, I am not exclusive to a branch of the church. If I have a friend who is not Christian but we both respect each other's religion, then fine. But defiling the objects that we consider holy, crosses the last straw. And yeah, the texts is more important than the book itself, but this is just wrong...
It's alright. I think I made this kind of mistake not too long ago. Although I think Xemnas would win. Not only does he have his ethereal blades that are used either as swords or projectiles, but he has telekinesis (When he throws buildings at Sora in the boss fight.) a teleportation-like ability, the ability to drain one's strength, and yeah the "Can you spare a heart?" thing would leave Vader defenceless unless he gets far away from it, or when he has his stormtroopers with him.
Well, like what Twilight said, there is a possibility that Eraqus will come back because of the BBS secret ending. By the way Xehanort and Terra talk about Eraqus, it sounds like he is still alive in some way.
I've heard about you. It's such a shame to see you go, you sound like a cool guy. Hope you come back! And take care!
I went back home befor school started. And sorry for the late reply.
t w e e t
Never understood what he said before calxiyn explained it. I thought he said "I love it, fellers!!!" When I tried to find out what he was saying.
Don't worry about it too much. In-N-Out is exclusive in the West Coast of America, while Shakes Shack is exclusive to the East Coast
At first, I thought Planet X was real and that it is getting closer to earth.... (and the Moon.)
McDonalds... Great.... food...... Seriously though, I prefer Shake Shack or In-N-Out.
I forgot to mention that I went back to my homeland after staying for a few nights in South Korea. My mother organized a trip with the whole family......I miss the super fast internet..... XD