Name: Lugia Description: A mythical creature that is known as the Beast of the Sea to protect the world. Only when one plays its song will Lugia appear in a time of need. Not much is known of this Pokemon and its song is known to only a few. Occupation: Protector Series Character is from: Pokemon The Movie 2000 - The Power of One Other: Spoiler
New Happy Year! And hopes to a better year this year.
-Arendelle- The young ruler of Arendelle, Elsa, was watching over the strange man that appeared washed up on the shores of the kingdom. When one of the servants told her that the princess royal of Azadistan had arrived, Elsa nodded and created some ice to help him cool down. Heading down to the docks, Elsa kept calm and greeted the townspeople as she walked. Reaching the docks, Elsa watched as a young woman in a dark purple dress stepped onto the dock, Elsa curtsied, "First Princess Royal of Azadistan, Marina Ismail, welcome to Arendelle." "Queen Elsa, it is a honor to be here." Marina said, curtsing back. -Dorms: Luna's dorm- Sitting in her dorm room, Luna looked at the news which spoke of the chaos and fighting that happened in the city. She sighed and laid on her bed, reading her father's magazine upside down. She wondered how Ron, Harry, and Hermione were doing during the break. Luna finished her reading and yawned, covering her eyes and falling asleep. -Gris' Home- Gris sat in her office, distressed that not finding the cause of their power failure during the fight in Toshima. She sighed, taking off her headphones and beanie hat, facedesking. Standing up, Gris walked to a window and looked outside, wondering if their opponents were really strong enough to make their Share powers fall. -Aoi and Clair- Clair smiled and carried her brother back to their home, trying to ignore the pain she was feeling. -Jean's house- Turning off the TV when Cosette and Firion came in, Firion went to the kitchen to prepare some tea while Cosette arranged the flowers she had picked. Though he knew that they would find the news, he guessed that they would be fine since Firion would be there to protect Cosette. -Dante, Nero, and Vergil's Hotel Room- Nero finished his book and wondered where Vergil was at the moment while Dante slept, snoring and drooling at his dream. Putting his headphones on, Nero picked Dante up at his leg and tossed him into his room, closing the door. Nero sighed in relief as he took his headphones off and went back to his chair. -Lenne's Apartment- Waiting in Lenne's apartment, having been opened and activated before she left for the memorial, was a small robot built by her lover. Rolling on his wheels, the small robot panicked, "Ahh, I hope Lenne's okay, bom bom! She's probably safe with someone, but I'm still so worried, bom bom!"
I have a few screws loose, but I'm a l'Cie same as you ~ Fang. Have a mighty new happy year.
Name: Rise Kujikawa Description: A teen stage idol known as Risette, Rise transferred to Inaba to sort out her feelings when she met Yu and his friends. When she was accepted her Shadow, she replaced Teddie as the tactical support with her Persona, Himiko. After solving the case, Rise returned to being a idol with new conviction. Occupation: Student/Idol Series the Character is from: Persona 4/Golden/Animation Other: Spoiler: Rise Name: Yukiko Amagi Description: The heir/manager-in-training to the Amagi Inn, Yukiko was one of the first people to meet Yu when he transferred to Yasoinaba with Yousuke and Chie. She hid her insecurities of inheriting her family inn which led to become kidnapped and taken into the TV World. When she faced he Shadow, she accepted her feelings and her Shadow became her Persona. Occupation: Student/Manager-in-Training Series the Character is from: Persona 4/Golden/Animation Other: Spoiler: Yukiko Name: Chie Satonaka Description: Yukiko's childhood friend and a avid lover of kung-fu movies. She also loves steak meals and appears whenever someone mentions it. She was one of the first people to meet Yu at Yasoinaba with Yukiko and Yosuke. Chie obtained her Persona, accepting her inferior feelings to Yukiko while trying to save Yukiko when she was kidnapped and tossed into the TV. Occupation: Student Series the Character is from: Persona 4/Golden/Animation Other: Spoiler: Chie
-Ramen Stand- Teddie let his Sensei let Naoto by the nickname he usually called her and thought seeing the others again. He smiled, imaging to see Rise, Yukiko, and Chie again and smiled as he thought about them. When he heard about the Velvet Room, Teddie tried to think about the room he met Yu after they thought that Nanako had died and he learned he was just a Shadow. Looking at Yu, he said, "Sensei, can I go with you to see Nana-chan?" He waited to hear Yu's answer. -Alice's place- Alice didn't notice Yuri staring at her til Blanca calmly walked into her room with a leash in his mouth. Turning around, Alice smiled at him until she noticed Yuri at her room door and screamed, covering her chest. She slapped him very hard, leaving a red print on his cheek then pushed Blanca out and slammed the door shut. Dropping the leash, Blanca sat by Yuri, licking his paw and clearing his ear. -Remus' House- When Sirius, Remus, and James watched the news of the events in Toshima, James thought about the fight and how it went. He sighed, thinking how they could do future battles better and realized he needed to hide his Morpher when he was around his friends. Remus and Sirius watched, unaware of their friend's involvement in the battle while Harry and the Wilys continued to sleep. -Detective Agency- Hermione looked at the last three necklaces, wondering who she should give them to. Noticing the time, she stretched and said, looking at Philip and Shotaro, "I'll see you two tomorrow." "Yes, see you tomorrow, Mione-chan." Philip said, waving at her out the door. When she was gone, Philip looked at the Memory necklace around his neck. "Mione-chan has amazing skill and memory to detail." -Ankh, Eiji, & Hina- "Hina-chan, would you like to go with me to visit Kimberly-chan?" Eiji said, looking at Hina after standing and finishing their ice cream. Hina smiled, as she had a bit of a budding friendship with Kimberly. Eiji smiled and looked at Ankh, saying, "What about you, Ankh? Do you want to come to see Kimberly-chan?"
-Ramen Stand- Teddie was eating his sixth bowl and still listened to everyone. He licked his lips after finishing the bowl, despite having no stomach, Teddie began to feel full and groaned in pain. He waited til everyone was done so he could go and use the restroom. But Teddie smiled as he imagined going on a date again with Rise, Chie, and Yukiko if they ever came to Tokyo. -Tokyo Cathedral- Ashe and Larsa looked at Albert who complemented them on working together to help with the cause. They looked at each other, but shrugged it off. Larsa bowed at Frollo, saying, "Well, then, archdeacon. We shall leave you to continue helping everyone to see the grace of the Lord." "And we will try to come on Sunday for mass. See you then." Ashe said, as she, Vaan, Larsa, and Karin left to their cars. When they entered with the limo, Karin noticed that Larsa let out a sigh of relief. Ashe did the same when she entered her car while Vaan held her in his arm. Smiling, Ashe laid against him as they rode home. -Alice's apartment- Stroking Blanca's head while he ate his food, Alice stretched and headed for her room to change. Unbuttoning her shirt and untying her ribbon, Alice let her hair fall down, revealing that it only reached her shoulders, and let her top and skirt drop to the ground, leaving her in her underwear. She opened her closest to see what clothes she had, unaware she left her door slightly open. -DenLiner- The car in the DenLiner was quiet while the three Riders sipped their coffee, Ryotaro thought how badly they were losing during the battle in Toshima. Looking out the window, he said, "Maybe...... the Riders should become a team like the Rangers and the Gokaigers......" "What?! You know that jerk, Tsukasa, would never agree to that!" Momotaros said, still remembering how the battle went. Ryotaro looked at him and said, "I know, but we need to learn to fight together as a team, especially now the Rangers are a complete team." Sakura and her friends just kept quiet, Sakura mostly as she remembered all the fights she had go through by herself when she was Kamen Rider Ichigo.
-Narumi Detective Agency- Hermione sighed and looked the Luna necklace that Philip put around her neck. Philip began to do a random look-up to pass the time while Hermione went back to her seat and continue to read the novel. She was curious about where they went, but hesitant to ask. She also kept a look at the door in case of a customer, but didn't keep her hopes up. Philip stayed in his look-up mode. -Ramen Stand- Teddie ate through three more bowls while listening to Naoto, Yu, and Pharos. If the rest of the team was coming, then he couldn't wait to Yukiko, Chie, Yosuke, Kanji, and Rise again. He smiled, as he remembered when they fought in the TV world and fought Shadows. Teddie really missed them, especially Yukiko, Chie, and Rise. -DenLiner- Ryotaro was resting on the DenLiner after that tough battle in Toshima, he felt bad for Kimberly since he knew she valued working together a lot and wished there was something he could have done to cheer her up. He noticed Naomi carry a tray of three coffee cups and was surprised to see Sakura, Hinako, and Seki sitting in the car. All the Imagin looked tired as it seemed they tried to control the female Riders and failed. "Uh......" Ryotaro tried to speak, Sakura turned to him and smiled, "Hello, Ryotaro. It seems that Hinako, Seki, and I found Rider passes. We boarded the DenLiner for old times sake." "Thank you, Naomi." Seki said as she and her two companions received their coffee cups. Hinako smiled as it's been so long since she had Naomi's brewed coffee. Sakura simply drank her coffee as did Seki. -Tokyo Cathedral- "If there is anything that the Dalmasca and Solidor families can do, please let us know, Frollo." Ashe said, holding Vaan's arm. Larsa said, nodding in agreement, "Yes, as sponsors, we hold a special place in our hearts to the church and would like to help in anyway, archdeacon." "And if we ever need any spiritual help, we'll come and tell you." Vaan said, blushing at Ashe's action which Ashe noticed and smiled at him. -Remus' Home- James came in with some bags of snacks and smiled to see his son and adopted children sleeping. Sirius came up behind and said, "Where did you go, Prongs? And where's Eiji and Ankh?" "Oh, my goodness! Padfoot, you startled me. I went out with Eiji and Ankh to get some snacks but they suddenly went somewhere and since it had been so long when I had been in Tokyo last, I got lost." James explained, laughing nervously. "Also, Prongs, mind if I and the Wilys stay here with Moony? I know you're busy with your job and Harry is staying at the dorms." "It's fine, James. It will be nice to spend some time with a old friend again." Remus said, smiling as he came in with some tea. James sighed, deciding not to tell his friends that he was now a Power Ranger. -Moon Palace- Watching the events from their telescope, both Rita and Zedd couldn't believe that the Power Rangers had new members to help them. While Rita went ranting about the two new members, Zedd pondered what about Tsukasa since he preferred working alone rather as a team and what to do about Kimberly's distress over it.
Reserving: Yukiko Amagi (Persona 4/Golden/Animation) Chie Satonaka (Persona 4/Golden/Animation) Rise Kujikawa (Persona 4/Golden/Animation)
-Empty Area- After Sailor Jupiter fell to her knees, gasping for air. Fourze looked at himself in surprise, due enduring the force of Jupiter's attack by holding out the rob to absorb it, his suit had turned gold with small images of lighting bolts. Kengo was surprised and asked, "How?" "What? Oh! I guess I realized when I befriended Makoto-chan, I needed to try and befriend the element she represents in her Sailor form." Gentaro said, trying to explain as he detransformed. Kengo remembered that the attack Jupiter kept using was both a lighting and thunder attack and gave a small smile. Gentaro smiled and said, "Well, we have someone else to see. So, see you later, Makoto-chan!" Makoto waved as she walked away to her apartment, as soon as she was out of sight, Kengo and Gentaro used their teleporters to head to Kimberly's apartment after going to a flower shop. -Kimberly's Apartment- Kimberly began to relax when she heard a knock on her door and saw Gentaro with a bouquet of various flowers while Kengo had a single flower. "Oh, thank you, you guys, for coming over like this." she said, letting them in. Gentaro said, "We wanted to make sure you were doing okay.""I'm fine, but thank you, Gentaro." Kimberly said. Kengo gave her the flower, saying, "Here. I know it won't change what Tsukasa said, but I thought you would like it." Kimberly smiled, holding it before having a brief look of regret which Kengo noticed. -Narumi Detective Agency- "I hope you two like them. I worked really hard to make them look that." Hermione said, looking a little embarrassed. Philip looked through the rest he had in his hand, and smiled, putting the Luna one around her neck, much to her surprise. Hiding a smile, Hermione took a breath and told them what they had figured, "There haven't been any costumers today. I guess the new sign hasn't been attracting a lot of people. Philip and I worked so hard on it, too." -Ramen Stand- Teddie sat down and ordered his bowl, licking his lips as he smelled the sweet aroma. He listened to the conversation between Minato, Naoto, and Yu while sitting and waiting. When he got his bowl, Teddie immediately began to eat. smiling as he slurped the noodles through the chopsticks. Enjoying the delicious flavor, he immediately ordered another bowl. -Abandoned Shop- Kazari looked out the window and kept quiet, his reflection being his true Greeed form. He wondered how his new Yummy was doing. -Ankh and Eiji- "Is everything okay with Ankh?" Hina asked, as she munched on her ice cream. Eiji sighed and said, "Apparently, there is a Yummy out there but we don't know who the host is or where it is. I'm just hoping that is no one we know." Hina kept quiet as she munched on her ice cream, Eiji was worried that whoever it was that had the Yummy, unaware that it was someone that he knew. -Tokyo Cathedral- "Frollo, good to see you again. I am sorry that Vaan and I were not able to attend the memorial and hear that interesting speech you made." Ashe said, standing to talk with the archdeacon. Vaan stood and said, "Yeah, we heard it caused such a uproar, you were pretty much asking everyone to join the church." "It did seem like you had that ability to know what the people were thinking and helped them let it out, archdeacon." Larsa said, smiling as he stood with them. Karin just listened, surprised that they were pretending to be glad to see him when she had been told they each had their own hate for him.
Heat! Metal! Cyclone! Have a hard-boiled Christmas!
-Empty Area- When Jupiter's attack headed for him, Fourze decided to charge straight toward the attack and endured the attack by having the rob sticking to absorb the attack. Kengo watched as the suit began to gold while Jupiter tried to break Fourze as she kept attacking and he continued to endure the attack, holding the rod out to absorb the attack. -Narumi Detective Agency- While Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, Philip noticed something and grabbed it, which Hermione noticed. Philip smiled, teasing her with the object. He asked, "Why are you getting so nervous?" "I wanted it to be a surprise for you and Shotaro." Hermione said as Philip revealed it to be smaller versions of the GaiaMemories connected to chains likes necklaces. Hermione blushed red, and said, "I wanted them to symbolize our work now that we're working together." Philip smiled and took the Cyclone one, putting it on around his neck. Hermione smiled and took the Joker one to give to Shotaro. -Leaving the Hopsital- Teddie smiled, following everyone while finding a place to eat. He recalled every time he had helped everyone on the Investigation Room faced their shadows, including his own. He realized and remembered that Yu didn't face his other self to get his persona. He shrugged and continued to look for a place for food. -Kimberly's Apartment- Kimberly grew worried when she saw what looked like white bandages on her arms and tried to hide them for when Kengo and Gentaro came over. She sighed and trying to calm herself by making herself some tea and setting some treats for them. -Abandoned Shop- "We needn't worry. My newest creation will be a great help in this mission." Kazari said, smiling as he recalled the host of his newest Yummy and couldn't wait to see Ankh face it as well as any other of the heroes. -Ankh & Eiji- Eiji was wondering who was the new host to a Yummy before remembering he promised Ankh some ice-cream and took him to a ice-cream seller. When they reached it, Eiji noticed someone there and smiled, shouting, "Hina-chan!" "Eiji-kun!" Hina smiled, turning to him and handing him to two sticks of ice-cream. Eiji smiled and gave one to Ankh while he began to eat his. -Tokyo Cathedral- "Okay. Lady Ashe, let us pray for our families while we wait." Larsa said to Ashe, who nodded and went to a pew to pray, Ashe for her father and Larsa for his father and his brother, Vanye. While they were waiting, Karin asked Vaan, "How did you become engaged to a lady like Ashe?" "I guess you can say we have some things in common. We both lost a loved one to the S-Types." Vaan said, explaining that Ashe was once engaged to a wealthy man named Rasler and died by a attack through the chest by a S-Type while her father and his brother were killed during an ambush attack. He and Ashe met during the funeral and started to be friends while he became her bodyguard, after about six months, he worked up the courage to propose and she accepted. Vaan went to join Ashe for praying for his brother. Karin wondered about what she was told and sighed, sitting behind them and praying for her family.
Name: Elsa Description: The young queen of the Norwegian kingdom, Aerendelle. Elsa has the power to create ice and snow, a ability that she once feared of using and now controls through her love for her sister. She is trying to get connections with other kingdoms for trade. Occupation: Queen Series the Character is from: Frozen Other: Spoiler: Elsa Name: Anna Description: Elsa's younger sister and the princess of Aerendelle. She was once cursed, although accidently by her sister, giving her a frozen heart which thawed by sacrificing herself to save her sister from Prince Hans, which was an act of true love for her sister. Now she enjoys the time she hadn't been able to spend with her sister since they were younger. Occupation: Princess Series the Character is from: Frozen Other: Spoiler: Anna Name: Jecht Description: Tidus' father and a star blitzball player. He had missing when Tidus was seven and has been missing since then. Jecht is confident about his abilities and doesn't want to admit his feelings for his son. Occupation: ???????? Series the Character is from: Final Fantasy X/Dissidia Other: Spoiler: Jecht
-Empty Area- "Hey, you guys! I was wondering when you would show you up!" Makoto said, waving at them as Kengo and Gentaro appeared at the designated area for experimating with the Elce Switch. Kengo said, "Kisaragi and I had something personal to do, and it was quite a ordeal." "Anyway, lets do this, Mako-chan!" Gentaro said, smiling. Nodding, Makoto changed into Sailor Jupiter and Gentaro changed into Kamen Rider Fourze. Fourze inserted the Elec State, which still appeared only on his arm. Jupiter took a breath and began to charge her attack. -Detective Agency- Hearing the door open, Hermione smiled and ran to Philip who entered, hugging him. Philip smiled back and hugged her, wrapping his arms around her. "Philip, you're alright. I was so worried about you and Shotaro. Speaking of, where is he?" She asked, looking up at him. Philip thought to himself and said, "He's right behind me, so he'll be here soon." -Hospital- Hearing his own stomach growl, Teddie smiled embarrassingly, saying, "I'm getting hungry myself. Well, lets see if there is any place that serves good food. Lets go, Mina-chan!" He ran out of the room, looking for a place. -Kimberly's Apartment- Stepping out of the shower, Kimberly sighed and examined, she didn't seem or feel any different. She wondered if she had become a victim to those 'Yummies' that Eiji and Ankh fought on their own. She hoped she could figure what had happened to her and told herself not to explain it to Tommy and Thomas. She dried her hair and waited in her apartment for Kengo and Gentaro. -Hikari Photo Studio- Natsumi sat in the lobby of her family photo studio, wondering where Tsukasa had gone and if he at least managed to behave himself in front of his teachers. She sighed, pondering where he received his Driver and Rider cards. Laying her head on the desk, Natsumi listened to her grandfather who was taking a photo of a costumer. -Dante, Vergil, & Nero's Hotel Room- Having the card key to the room, Nero came to the hotel after delivering his letter to Kyrie, and found Dante on the couch, asleep and drooling. Though sighing at his usual self, Nero wondered what he came in without a card key, before sitting down and reading a book. -Abandoned Shop- Sitting in a old abandoned shop, Kazari sat on a counter and wondered how his new Yummy will do once it matures and comes out. -Tokyo Cathedral- The limos for the Dalmasca and Solidor families arrived at the cathedral with Ashe, Vaan, Karin, and Larsa exiting the vehicles. Seeing each other, Larsa smiled and said, "Lady Ashe, I take it that you and Vaan are here for the same purpose as my companion and I." "Yeah, who is your companion, anyway, Larsa?" Vaan asked, looking at Karin. Karin bowed, saying, "Hello, I am Karin Koenig, Larsa's companion and bodyguard." "Here to tell Frollo what you truly think of him?" Larsa asked as he looked at Ashe, who shook her head while Vaan bowed back at Karin and answered, "No, unfortunately, I am here to speak with him about that speech, as a sponsor to the church. I take it is the same for you." Larsa nodded as the four of them walked up to the doors and entered the church.
Name: Hina Izumi Description: A close friend and ally of Eiji and Ankh and has superhuman strength for a unknown reason. She is a fashion student at Tokyo University, and works part-time at Cous Coussier. Hina often uses her strength to discipline Ankh and the results often end up as them agruing Occupation: College Student/Part-time Worker Series Character is from: Kamen Rider OOO Other: Spoiler: Hina Name: Kuja Description: The drama teacher at Nintendo High who is very mysterious as he is unusual. All that is known about him is that he is very wealthy and has a great love of play and classical theater. Occupation: Drama Teacher Series Character is from: Final Fantasy IX Other: Spoiler: Kuja
-Short Separation- Hearing what Tsukasa really thought of teamwork, Kimberly sighed and left the area, demorphing. Though Tommy wanted to follow her so he could comfort her, he and Thomas teleported back to their home to train as not to repeat this mistake. Billy also teleported to work on the new communicators, slowly, the others teleported away. Watching her walk away, Ahim said to herself softly, "Kimberly-san......" "Give her some time to herself, Ahim." Luka said as they teleported away with their companions to their home. Gentaro looked at Kimberly and shouted, "When Kengo and I are done with what we're doing, we'll stop by your apartment to cheer you up, Kimberly-chan!" Kengo wasn't sure about that, but he and Gentaro teleported to a empty area where they could practice Makoto. Eiji looked at her and sighed, teleporting with James back to Remus' home as Nala and Dante teleported back to their home. -CPUs- Clairs stuck out her tonuge at Violette, who just smiled hiding her anger at the Blue Candidate. Meanwhile, Gris thought about that brief moment they had lost their power due to the Shares disappearing suddenly. Suddenly flying back to her home, Gris detransformed and began to look through every book in her office. -Toshima Street- Kimberly walked the streets of Toshima, feeling her mind was a wreck as it seemed Tsukasa single-handed destroyed a concept dear to her though she didn't know him that well. Walking toward her was Kazari in his human form, when he looked at her, Kazari recognized her as the Pink Ranger and smiled, seeing his chance. Using his speed, he grabbed her and pushed her against the wall of the building they entered. Kimberly was too scared to talk as she looked at him, Kazari smiled and said, "My, my, don't we have a interesting desire. Perfect for my gift to that bird-brain." Inserting a cell medal when the desire slot appeared, Kazari smiled as Kimberly ran off, teleporting back to her apartment in fear. -Detective Agency- Stretching as she reached the halfway point of the novel, Hermione marked her spot in the novel and looked out the window, hoping that Shotaro and Philip would come back and how Shotaro would like the new sign. She looked at the Stag Phone one more time and sighed, leaning back. -Abandoned Mansion- Namine looked at the sketch she had in her sketchbook, which was a image of a person breaking free of some invisible chains and another person watching it, looking lonely. She looked at the sketch after it, but it was still rough that she didn't come any idea of what it was going to be about. Namine sighed and closed her sketchbook for the moment, looking out her window. -Dante, Vergil, and Nero's Hotel Room- "Hello~ Anyone home?" Dante asked, looking around the hotel room after he teleported from Toshima. Shrugging with a smile, Dante hung up his coat and tucked away his communicator and Morpher, before laying on the couch and fell asleep, which he smiled that his dream was having Kimberly, Nala, Ahim, and Luka with him while their boyfriends, lovers, or whoever looked on sadly.
Spoiler -Toshima- Seeing the battle had ended by the power of Mario and Luigi, the Rangers, Riders, and Gokaigers managed to stand up, catching their breath from the fight. "So what now?" James asked, "Head back to the Command Center?" Nala shrugged, dusting herself off. Dante managed to get his demonic side from coming out and sighed, putting a arm around Nala's shoulders, he said, "Well, Nala, how about you and I go out to celebrate being teammates and Power Rangers?" "No, thank you. I need to finish unpacking at my apartment." Nala said, not looking at Dante. Luka helped Ahim stand up and smoothed out her hair, Basco wondered how strong the brothers really were and smiled, thinking how to fight them. "Kisaragi, you know we were supposed to train with Kino-san today to help strengthen the Elec Switch today!" Kengo shouted at Gentaro, mad at that he used the Elec Switch before they were supposed to train with Jupiter. Gentaro nervously laughed, "Sorry about that, Kengo-kun!" Kengo groaned at Gentaro who used his first name rather than his surname. Billy managed to stand and say, "Now the battle's over, if you want, everyone, just give me and Tsukasa your communicators and we'll add a audio function to them." Clair flew to her brother, smiling through falling tears, she said, "Onii-chan, you're okay!!!!! You did it!!!!!" "Heh, getting hugged by your Candidate in front of your fellow Hearts. Must be embarrassed, Blue Heart." Violette said, smiling at Aoi and Clair, Gris simply said, "Good to know you're not hurt, Blue Heart." -Hospital- "Of course, I want to be your friend, Mina-chan!" Teddie said, smiling at Minako. Thinking about his other friends, Teddie said, "But I do want to see Yosuke-kun, Kanji-kun, Yuki-chan, Chie-chan, and Rise-chan again. I miss them so much. And Nana-chan." Teddie looked down as he remembered the other members of the Investigation Team and Nanako. -Detective Agency- With a sigh, Hermione sat in one of the sofa chairs and thought to herself, 'Today is so slow too, I wonder where is there to be any business. Philip and I worked so hard on the sign. And I wonder if Shotaro and Philip are alright. Guess I'll read one of Shotaro's detective novels.' Getting up, she worked to the book cabinet, picking one of the books and heading back to her seat, beginning to read the novel. -Nero- Training somewhere in private, Nero swung the Red Queen before switching it for the Blue Rose and shooting at various targets he had set, each bullet hitting its target and destroying. Twirling Blue Rose before putting it in its holster, Nero fell on his back, taking a breather. Looking at the sky, Nero wondered where did Dante go off and what was taking him so long. If he knew Dante, he had to guess that he was fighting a random demon or trying to flirt with some pretty woman. Meanwhile, Vergil was off, doing who knows what. Nero thought about his friend, Kyrie, and felt about leaving her. Sitting up, Nero took a piece of paper and a pencil, beginning to write a letter to his childhood friend.
Spoiler -Toshima- Struggling to stand, the Rangers, the Riders, and the Gokaigers gasped for air, James gasped, noting to himself this wasn't how he expected his first fight as a Ranger to go, but he didn't regret having been chosen as one. Nala was thinking the same, as well as she was great to have accepted her new role. Dante gasped as he felt the demonic instincts rising in him and slowly beginning to appear, changing into his demon form. Luka tried to protect Ahim and aim her Gokai Gun at the S-Types while Don and Basco tried to stand and fight. Kengo watched and wished there was something he could do to help them. -Hospital- Teddie looked at Pharos in surprise before he vanished, he had never another Shadow like himself and was utterly speechless, without witty remark, comment, or anything to say. He softly smiled, knowing there was another being like him somewhere in the world and really happy to have met Minako and Minato to know that fact. He took his breath to calm himself down. -Detective Agency- Setting up the revised sign for the agency, Hermione looked around before heading back into the agency and turned on the radio to listen if there was any news or something about what Philip and Shotaro were doing. She took a breath, telling herself that they were fine and she was just checking to make sure as their chief.
The trade is accepted.
Spoiler -Toshima- "Dante, Rangers, are you guys alright?! What happened?!" Kengo shouted, looking at them. Tommy answered, "We're fine, Kengo. Though I have a bad feeling about what happened." "You think so, Tommy?" Dante said, slashing through a weaker S-Type. James and Nala just wondered what happened to them with the others, while Billy attacked with the Power Lance while Kimberly shot a arrow with the Power Bow.Den-O Sword Form was slashing with the Red Ranger while OOO used the Tora Claws to attack. Gokai Yellow and Gokai Pink swapped their Sabre and Guns, Gokai Yellow slashed with Den-O and the Red Ranger while Gokai Pink shot with the Pink Ranger. Using the Grappling Hook of the Sabre, Gokai Black slashed at the S-Types. Clair gasped as she felt her power disappeared, Violette flew as fast as she could to CFW Magic and hit her with all her strength. Gris managed to fly and slashed at her with her trident. -Hospital- Big watery tears appeared in Teddie's eyes, smiling big. It almost seems that Teddie was speechless at what was happening and was so happy that someone exactly liked him for who he was despite what he was a long ago. -Detective Agency- Hermione looked up out of one of the windows of the agency, greatly worried about Shotaro and Philip and hoped that they were alright. She looked at the number to the Stag Phone Shotaro had. Still debating about calling them, Hermione took a breath to calm herself down from the worry and continued on what she was doing earlier. -Remus' Home- "Sirius, do you know where dad went?" Harry said, sitting with his sleeping adopted siblings. Sirius looked at him and shrugged, wondering where his childhood friend were and looked around the house for his friend.