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  1. Saxima
    Oh. That's . . . Wow, I didn't think you would notice that. I'm a bit astounded. You really are an astute person, aren't you? ( I knew I liked you for some reason! )

    I'm just really glad you decided to pop back in. You're always so nice to have around and I haven't clicked with anyone so fast in a long time, it left me a little disoriented.

    Okay, so you've been gone for a flippin' long time; how are you? Like, what's going on in your life, did you meet someone, did you kill someone, have you taken over the world yet, have you done cool stuff without me? augh i've missed you
    Post by: Saxima, Dec 24, 2013 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Saxima
    omg you are still the sweetest ever. I missed you hella lot.

    I'm doing really well even though I can't say much for bringing others joy looool, but things have been really nice for me. What about you? holy cracker jacks, it's really been a long time.

    my precious baby noooooo he's innocent dont hurt him ( he's a hot piece-a ass tho mmmmhmm )
    Post by: Saxima, Dec 24, 2013 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. Saxima




    Post by: Saxima, Dec 23, 2013 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. Saxima

    I'm Amaury

    KHV just has a natural inclination to know that you're Amaury. We just know.
    Post by: Saxima, Dec 23, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Saxima
    I snorted. Hopefully I understood the joke.
    Post by: Saxima, Dec 23, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Saxima
    Profile Post Comment

    forget marid lets antelope

    forget marid lets antelope
    Profile Post Comment by Saxima, Dec 23, 2013
  7. Saxima
    Profile Post Comment

    dang babe you had me at scrb ♥

    dang babe you had me at scrb ♥
    Profile Post Comment by Saxima, Dec 23, 2013
  8. Saxima
    Profile Post Comment

    pls drew takes one to know one

    pls drew takes one to know one
    Profile Post Comment by Saxima, Dec 23, 2013
  9. Saxima
    He knew that Hana was still somewhat uncooperative, and he knew that listening to Michael had been the death of him before, but if there was one thing Jun Tae was sure of, it was his limits. He wasn't trying to control Leviathan - no one could control the beast - but if there was anyone who could defeat the Morning Star, it was his wretched brother.

    His eyes were cast down to the symbols that Xathanael drew, committing them thoroughly to memory for a future reference. He looked out the window of the church and saw that the sun was already casting down, and that it was late. If Hana hadn't been leading him in ridiculous circles all day, they might have gotten something more done, but there was only so much they could do on a night's sleep - and considering he hadn't slept much for the last three days ( between this, training Joslyn, providing assistance to Hay Sun with her new hand, speaking to Leon, and learning how to be human again from BIKS ), he thought some rest could be provided.

    When Hana was done, he put a hand on her shoulder. "We'll sleep here for the night so we can start again tomorrow. I don't have enough energy right now." he explained quietly, clearly annoyed with himself over the matter. "Thank you for cooperating."

    Jun Tae quickly made rounds in the church, sealing themselves in and strangers out so no outsiders would interfere. Heaving a tired sigh, he made a makeshift bed from the pews and settled down, giving a pointed look to Hana to get to bed soon as well. "Please don't try anything suspicious." he asked, laying his head down and then closing his eyes."

    ( ooc: sorry. )
    Post by: Saxima, Dec 23, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Saxima

    Title: The Juvenile Mirage, M O R G I A N A !!
    Defining Trait: Petulant, Languid
    Valen Appearance:
    Weaknesses/Fears: Losing grip on her own reality Forgetting her original form Taking a nap and never waking up Getting stuck in another form Dolls Indecisive
    Personality: Sleepy and a bit bratty, Morgiana is somewhat spoiled and likes getting what she wants, but doesn't like working for her goals. She's very free-spirited but judgemental and likes to sleep a lot. Childish antics and mischief are fun for Morji, but she can't stand it when the tricks turn on her. She also seems to not have any respect for personal space. Most of the time, Morji doesn't know what she wants, but when she does figure it out, a rare determination comes to light.
    Magic / Powers:

    Composing• • • • Ability to transform and reshape the structure of one's body.​
    Arranging• • • • Ability to create and manipulate others perceptions. Stronger version of manipulating illusions; can't be used to the full extent very often.​
    Waning & Waxing Ability to control the age of self, other organisms, or non-living objects.​

    Favorite Color: #ED9474
    Goal: Morji doesn't know what she wants. She's still trying to figure it out, but she thinks that if she becomes God, she can get whatever she wants, whenever she wants, however she wants. It'll probably mean lots of naps that she can always wake up from, but she's fine with that.
    Availability: 5/7
    Other: Prefers the name Morji ( more-zhi ).

    Post by: Saxima, Dec 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Saxima


    Needs more jpeg compression.
    Post by: Saxima, Dec 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Saxima
    I support the mobile skin idea, as well as vying for a . . . fixed width. Everything else seems to be smooth for me. Fixed width tho . . . Yeaaah. That sounds nice. But yeah. Cool. Okay. Leaving.
    Post by: Saxima, Dec 21, 2013 in forum: Community News & Projects
  13. Saxima

    Post by: Saxima, Dec 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Saxima
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C

    LEO always knew he was the patient sort. Through deals, fights, bouts of gambling and old men who wouldn't budge, he always stood his ground firmly, calmly. He was good at remaining calm when time was short. That was precisely why he hadn't erupted on Hana yet. He knew the girl meant well. He knew she was scared. A part of him was, too.

    But now wasn't the time for that.

    Raziel, we really shouldn't be doing this.

    You may have mentioned that.

    Leviathan has been locked away for a reason and the Dark Angels could be watching us. We could be leading them right to the beast.

    I'm aware.

    She wouldn't stop. He didn't blame her, but that didn't mean he wasn't annoyed. Heaving one deep breath, he came to a stop and then turned on her, peering down at her worried eyes. If you have such an issue of being caught, perhaps you should return to the hotel. he explained to her. There was no need for you to come along anyway. I know that you know where the location is, but you're not willing to tell me and so you're useless to me if you're going to be like this.

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
    Post by: Saxima, Dec 20, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. Saxima
    Rock Ur Body; VIXX

    Post by: Saxima, Dec 12, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  16. Saxima


    Elton gave himself a little thumbs up when he found that his little trap had worked, and that he wasn't going to die off in this weird dreamscape that had quickly become a strange nightmare.

    With the bat in arms, he scrambled out and admired his work for just a small moment before quickly leaping over the mess of monster-girl and running from the boys' dorm. He didn't feel any sympathy for the others who were still in there as he dashed around the stairs railing, his breathing growing rapid.

    He wondered how many would make it out of there. What happened if they died in this dream? A part of him didn't want to find out.

    His first direction was the maze of a library, where he quickly found a suitable hiding place behind a few bookshelves, and clutched the bat to himself. Hopefully, he was safe now.

    Post by: Saxima, Dec 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Saxima


    The one thing that had been on Elton's mind for a while now was that black rose. It wasn't exactly anything he knew in a true meaning, nor was it a solid meaning, but he knew enough about the color black to say that it was definitely no good at all. His halmeoni had once explained to him that black flowers were always a bad sign, regardless of how beautiful they were.

    He didn't like listening to her one bit, but when it came to flowers, he knew she was never wrong.

    That knowledge applied to this situation. The chaos had started with a music box, which he thought sounded very pretty, but was clearly very bad when the sound of a maniac girl was screaming, and kids were scattering.

    Most everyone was in the boys' dorm, which Elton thought was unlucky for him today because he was never in the boys' dorms. He always fell asleep in the library or music room. How he got to his designated bed that night was an annoying mystery.

    While the others were . . . doing whatever they were doing, he knew that the monster-girl was getting closer. He remembered the baseball bats in the room, and so he grabbed one. He looked around some more until he found toy soliders and stared at the floor before the door. It swung in, so he began to quickly set them up in front of the door with their point gun tips pointing upwards while they lay on their backs.

    The next he did was grab some of the coats and rummage through the pockets for anything useful and then found some string.

    With a triumphant grin, he set up a line of two coats in front of the door that would fall through when the door opened, covering monster-girl's face. ( Hopefully. )

    If this doesn't work, I'll be very upset. ◗ he murmured to himself.

    The coats would cover her face, she would stumble, and then hurt her feet on the toy soldiers guns, and then he would successfully escape the room with his baseball bat. He quickly fixed the sheets of the bed closest to the door to hide under and then stilled his slightly heavy breathing, clutching the bat close.

    Post by: Saxima, Dec 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Saxima
    In which ever sleeping arrangements were brought upon the two White siblings, they both went to bed, feeling emotionally exhausted.

    saxima is having a bad night
    Post by: Saxima, Dec 11, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. Saxima
    Poll's up. ┌(・。・)┘♪
    Post by: Saxima, Dec 9, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  20. Saxima
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C

    LEO had spent the vast majority of his morning talking to his idol friends from BIKS. He didn't know what the deal was for the last few days since he had been talking to them more than he had in the last half-year. If they thought anything was strange about it, they didn't say anything. Maybe he was . . . just a little lonely.

    His eyes watched the chat go by.

    ~4DKEN: yah yah yah you shouldnt be so negative it's bad for your complexion!!

    ChaCha-N: aaaah he's been quiet for a long time now! We should call the police!

    beany❢: okay umma-n.

    beany❢: what are you even doing on anyway? dont you have a schedule today???

    ChaCha-N: ㅉㅉ I could ask you the same hongbinny! You're in so much trouble when I get home ~

    ✌hyukkie✌ HAS LOGGED ON.​

    beany❢: too bad for you umma

    beany❢: hyukkie and i have a schedule tonight

    ✌hyukkie✌: what

    ✌hyukkie✌: WE DO???

    ✌hyukkie✌: THIS IS NEWS TO ME

    ♔Rᴀᴠɪ: calling it. kong's lying out of his ass

    ☾ L E O: No he isn't.

    ~4DKEN: leo-appa to save the day!!

    ChaCha-N: yah!

    ChaCha-N: why do you always take the kids side?

    ☾ L E O: Why do you always want to scold them? You're a bad role model.

    ~4DKEN: ravi-hyung, umma and appa are fighting!

    ♔Rᴀᴠɪ: ₩300 on taekwoon-hyung

    beany❢: i'll take the bets here~


    ✌hyukkie✌: does this mean taekwoon-hyung is stuck in an abusive relationship with a crazy ahjummah?

    ChaCha-N HAS KICKED ✌hyukkie✌.​
    LJT HAS ADDED ✌hyukkie✌.​

    ✌hyukkie✌: abusive umma!!!

    ChaCha-N: JUNNIE, YOU TOO? IS EVERYONE AGAINST ME? no dinner for any of you tonight!!

    ♔Rᴀᴠɪ: Taekwoon is making dinner tonight. lol

    beany❢: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    LJT : I have to go now. Someone broke the door.

    ~4DKEN: yah! you didnt even tell us what was wrong!!!

    ~4DKEN: youre not allowed to leave until you tell us!

    ☾ L E O: I already told you, Juntae.

    LJT : I know. Don't think I'll forget that easily.

    ✌hyukkie✌: juntae-hyung, dont go! I just got here!!!

    ✌hyukkie✌: wait there is something wrong??

    ChaCha-N: Your leader demands you talk about your problems!

    LJT : ...You're not my leader.


    LJT : And I really have to go.

    beany❢: shikkie-hyung you dummy

    The chat continued to go on even after Leo slipped the phone into his pocket. A smile lingered around his lips as he imagined six grown men, most all of them in the same dorm-apartment, chatting on laptops and mobile devices. Dorks.

    After closing up shop with the hotel and paying the bill, Leo walked outside to see their rental car with a dent in the door, and a guilty Lauren sitting on the other side of it. He sighed.

    Oh right, this is a rental . . .

    And you're lucky that I don't make you pay for it. he replied shortly, finally having made his way over to her. He quickly helped her mend it, and then hopped into the driver seat. He gauged the rest of the group and then with a short nod of approval, he logged directions to Southern New Zealand and began to drive, knowing it was going to be . . . a long trip.

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
    Post by: Saxima, Dec 9, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame